Pittsburgh chases more diversity!

I can't for the life of me understand why ANYONE!, let alone a White person would still continue to be a fan of the Pirates. There absolutely has to be better things to do. Like mowing the lawn, watching paint dry, or stepping on a rusty nail and spending 3 hours in the emergency room surrounded by welfare cases and illegal alien mothers who smell like soured milk and re fried beans. It is pretty obvious the Pirates organization doesn't even want to be competitive. They want to be cheap and at the same time push a social Marxist agenda. Their official MLB message board is about the saddest and most pathetic display of denial and self flagellation that I have ever seen of its kind in the world of sports including the dying days of the Montreal Expos board. Even on ultra caste heavy teams like the Yankees, Dodgers, Cubs, Angels, Mariners etc. I seriously doubt that fans would easily delude themselves as it seems the Pirate faithful have into believing that they have actually upgraded their team with the loss of an All-Star caliber player like Nate McClouth, who is not even yet in his prime. That somehow Jack Wilson and Freddie Sanchez are not important pieces to a winning puzzle, as though all around quality veteran shortstops and career .300 hitters grow on trees. Or, that every so-called room brightening smile or latin sensation is going to amount to anything other than fleecing of the city of Pittsburgh and its fans. In fact, I know it to be true. I have been around enough MLB message boards to see than even caste friendly of fans still operate in a mind set that borders on reality from time to time. Perhaps I don't understand the city of Pittsburgh, perhaps most of the fans with any sense of dignity have long sense left and the Pirates message board is now relegated to the insane and masochistic, or perhaps there are very few fans left in Pittsburgh who even remember what is is like to even field a competitive team, let alone a winning team. Whatever it is, something is seriously wrong with Pirate faithful. Just abandon them already and be done with it. They don't want to win. Even their future black and latino saviors will be shipped out of town at the first sign that they will turn into anything more than a player garnering more than bargain basement wages. The Pirates have done it time and time again. If they really wanted to win, they would have kept Aramis Ramirez instead of shipping him to the Cubs several years ago. He would have been a perfect franchise player for a caste team who seem to be always chasing diversity. They didn't keep him because they didn't and don't care about winning. The Pittsburgh Pirates are baseballs version of a third world sweatshop.

The Bears suck by the way, I hate them with a passion. They are over, done, dead to me. If I were a Pittsburgh Pirates fan, the Pirates would no longer even exist in my world. They would not even be worth a footnote. Edited by: Bear Backer
Nice post Bear Backer (although after your comment that the Bears are "dead to me" you might need to change your sig.

The Pirates management seems to be border line retarded but I think it is more of a case of not having any money and wanting to postpone the criticism by bringing in non-white players and thus "look like they are doing something".

At any rate I see a BIG positive from all this, they are feeding a lot of good white talent to other teams cheap. Especially the Red Sox, probably the best team in the game right now. So cheers for that.

As far as LaRoche is concerned you know what this means don't you? Well, what use is a young left handed power hitting firstbasemen/DH to the Red Sox? Maybe as a suitable replacement for a fat washed up left handed hitting liability nicknamed Papi!
Yeah, Papi has been horrible this year for the Red Sox, but racist Joe Morgan says nothing about him. Joe needs to focus on Bay, because he is in a slump, why the need to focus on Ortiz, when he's been horrible the whole year?

Also, everytime the Pirates bring in a nonwhite player, it appease the DWFs for awhile before they get back on the Pirates case. DWFs just love to see those "room brightening smiles" come to town.
I too think it is an issue on not having money to spend, or rather not wanting to spend money in order to be competitive. In my mind, that is a big problem with the small market teams in baseball's broken financial situation. Many of those clubs just seem to be set up to be cash cows, and while they don't generate the massive revenue that teams like the Yankees do, in a lesser sense they can make their owners a really nice profit. I always get the sense that these teams would rather play it safe and draw a modest profit going through the motions instead of taking a gamble with higher payrolls and potentially higher profit from a positive winning tradition.

The Pirates remind me of the Cubs of my Childhood in many ways. I'm not convinced winning was important to either of them. The Cubs would obviously spend a little more money than the Pirates in comparison. but the cash cow operation was ran in the same spirit. The Cubs filled their rosters bye and large with marginal players and when they did have a considerable talent that they had developed as in the case of Greg Maddux, were more than likely to low ball them with few exceptions. Then the Cubs would turn around and overpay for an aging veteran who was past their prime, supposedly showing that they were trying to do something. In reality, it was nothing more than a shell game which allowed them to save money in the long run while fooling many of the Wrigley faithful into keeping the worlds largest beer garden full of happy faces. Every once in a while they would get lucky and actually appear to have a chance, only to fall short. Then Cubs fans would wonder why there was almost no carry over from year to year in terms of consistency. Ownership could then keep the fans on the treadmill of hoping that "This was the year."

The Pirates seem like they have taken a similar approach only they have varied it a little bit. It is almost like the Pirates Franchise is saying to its fans "We know we are at Rock Bottom, we can't get any worse, therefore there is nowhere to go but up and we constantly have to keep shuffling these young players around, but one of these days we are going to get the right mix, and then we will be in high gear." Of course neutral is the the only gear that Pirates fans can really ever expect with how they operate, but I guess it is all about HOPE and CHANGE.
Adam Laroche just hit his first Home Run as a member of the Red Sox. Another brilliant move by Pittsburgh.
I am.like many other Pirate fans I assume, unable to kick the habit. I became a Pirate fan in 1959. I grew up pulling for them and now as mad as I get at them for their many sins I cannot quit them. I try. I do watch the Red Sox play but if the Pirates are on they get first choice. I pay for MLB and also pay for the games on the computer. So I pretty much can watch all of the Pirate games. I remember when Kansas City and then Jax in football went to all black teams. I tried watching them just to pull against them, then tried finding new team and soon just quit watching ALL football. I really only have baseball left in sports, long ago giving up basketball and racing too has become politically correct and just plain boring. I do not want to lose baseball which has always been my main love. And so I still watch all the games even though the passion has really dropped. I also watch a bunch of the Red Sox games and at times the Braves (for McLouth) but it is not the same just watching former Pirates play. Plus it is not as much fun just watching any game and pulling for white players. You need a team and you need one that you have roots with, or have a long history with.

So I continue to pull for the moribund Pirates and die a little each trade as more and more of my favorites go. Same old story over and again.
You know one thing not mentioned much is the fact that new Pirates president Coonelly worked for the MLB commishoners office. He was in charge of setting and "enforcing" the slotting system for baseball draftees.

I think he is very aware in what he is doing. He is showing baseball that Pittsburgh is in tune with the times, making baseball a much more diverse team. As Selig worries constantly about not having enough minorities in the game, Coonelly continues to change the face of the once all white Pirates. It, at this time, is still fairly white but as soon as the first big wave in the minors comes up the team will be diversity personified. Coonelly is telling Selig "Look at me Look at me" They cannot win ballgames but they can join in the rush to color in the faces of ballplayers and show our wonderful new president (sic) they too can bring about change. UGH.
Skipperron, I know what being a team fan is like. I'll tell you from experience that there is life after team fandom. Yeah, it may not be as exciting (in one sense) to watch a game and root for white players, but thats the burden of knowledge about the Caste System. Personally, I'm glad I have the knowledge and am not a team fan anymore.
Colonel_Reb said:
Skipperron, I know what being a team fan is like. I'll tell you from experience that there is life after team fandom. Yeah, it may not be as exciting (in one sense) to watch a game and root for white players, but thats the burden of knowledge about the Caste System. Personally, I'm glad I have the knowledge and am not a team fan anymore. 

That sums up how I feel now rather succinctly. As is evidenced by my username, I arrived at Caste Football a die-hard Eagles fan. I used to carefully scrutinize ever last detail emerging from training camp, but focusing mostly on white players.

But this year, I've watched the Eagles cut copious white players and put them in a position to have only 2-3 starters of the Caucasian persuasion. I've become more of a baseball fan, but it breaks my heart to no longer feel the same passion that I felt a year ago for my hometown team. I'm sure that I'll eventually get over it, but it is a strange feeling to say the least.

The knowledge of the Caste System truly is a burden, Colonel.
I know what you guys mean as well. I used to be a die hard Steelers fan until about 2 years ago, when I wondered why they didn't have white skill players. That is when I became aware of the caste system. Now, I could care less about the Steelers. At least I can still be a Nebraska diehard for right now. I pull mostly for their white players though.
Unless we get a coal-black team in the next few years, anyway.

I was at first schocked when I learned about the caste system. I had believed the DWFs and annoucners when they said there were no whites "good enough" to play in the NFL. Now, I've shaken all of that off. But yes, the caste system is a burden when having full knowledge of it.Edited by: Jack Lambert
It is almost impossible for me to derive any enjoyment for simply pulling for players. I am able to watch all of the baseball games so I can pick and choose but still watch Pirates game first and then go back and watch teams where ex Pirates are now at. Well, the list of teams just got larger. Pirates traded Freddy Sanchez to Giants, Jack Wilson to Mariners and Grabow and Gorzelanny are being shipped to Cubs as I type. And basically black players are replacing all of them.

Adam LaRoche is replaced by white whipping boy Pearce and soon Garrett Jones may end up at first. But never fear, Pedro Alvarez will probably end there.

At second, Freddy Sanchez is being replaced with black player Delwyn Young.

At short Jack Wilson will be replaced with the immortal Ronny Cedeno and then Argenia Diaz next year. Plus we will probably get a black hispanic shortstop from Cubs

Andy LaRoche is still at third but for how long. Alvarez will be there for a little while before his fat butt is moved to first.

McLouth, Bay, Nady and yes even Morgan have been replaced in the outfield by McCutchen, Milledge and soon Hernandez and Tabata.

Doumit still is catching but will soon be gone and Diaz, Jaramillo and Sanchez will replace him.

Pirates are starting to look more like Washington or San Francisco.

Sad Sad day for me and the few Pirate fans left.
Diversity marches on. the Pirates just traded two white players, John Grabow and Tom Gorzelanny, to the Cubs for 2 blacks and one white one; receiving Kevin Hart (the white one) and Josh Harrison and Jose Ascanio. Not many white players left for the Pirates as Huntington continues the July White Massacre in Pittsburgh. He has totally decimated this lineup. Of course, he claims he is thrilled to get Ronny Cedeno and all the others and that we just have to stock our minor league system.
Minor league deal but telling none the less. They trade white pitcher Mike Koplove, one of our best relievers at AAA for another black hispanic shortstop, weak hitting D. Benitez.

I would say slowly they are turning totally black, but hey ...............there is nothing slow about it.
Skipperron said:
Minor league deal but telling none the less. They trade white pitcher Mike Koplove, one of our best relievers at AAA for another black hispanic shortstop, weak hitting D. Benitez.

I would say slowly they are turning totally black, but hey ...............there is nothing slow about it.

This is nothing new with the Pirates. They had a lot of blacks and latinos in their world championship season of 1971, even starting an all black/latino nine one night that season.

I checked the Pirates message board recently and it seems some people are starting to marginally wake up there to how crooked the Pirates are. Perhaps it is total decimation of the team after the all star break or the 8 game losing streak
. However, it doesn't really appear they have put two and two on together how Pittsburgh is following a purging of white players plan in it's annual drive to cut salary and make profit for the Nuttings.
The Pirates are challenging the Washington Nationals for the worst franchise in pro sports. Their recent fire sale has been disgusting, and they've traded a bevy of excellent White players for the flotsam and jetsam of ******* baseball. Any team that would deliberately place Lastings Milledge on the roster should be written off by fans.

I have ceased watching the National Football League because of its open Black Supremicist policies. Fans of American team sports should desert their favorite teams when they become openly anti-White, like the Pittsburgh Pirates.
The Nationals, at least are headed in the right direction. They hired a competent and savvy GM in Mike Rizzo and signed a (hopefully) future stud in Stephen Strasburg. They're even starting four whites on an everyday basis. Who would have thought?
Anyone see this on vdare.com? It's a blog entry with a letter sent in by a guy from Pennsylvania, I thought it moght be one the the PA caste members.


Not Wanted: Young American Baseball Players
[Patrick Cleburne] @ 10:06 pm

Joe Guzzardi has made a specialty of chronicling the impact of immigration on the sport of Baseball, and I am reluctant to trespass on his territory. But today, The Wall Street Journal produced a classic. Foreign Talent Loads the Bases in Minor Leagues By Joel Millman August 15 2009 is a typically disingenuous WSJ spin complete with totally dishonest headline. Millman is a long-time pro immigration fanatic. The story fits into what appears to be a new and distasteful genre in the WSJ news pages: enthusiastic celebrations by elite-educated reporters of the damage done to ordinary Americans by mass immigration - as I noted recently about Millman's colleague Miriam Jordan: WSJ Crows: "Refugees"Â get scarce jobs ahead of Americans.

The facts are depressingly simple. Greedy Baseball team owners connived with Congress to eliminate visa restrictions on importing players. As Millman puts it

The surge of young foreign players into the U.S. minor leagues began in 2007, a few months after then-president and former major-league team owner George W. Bush signed the Creating Opportunities for Minor League Professionals, Entertainers and Teams Act, known as the Compete Act. It freed the farm systems of major-league teams from having to compete with all U.S. employers seeking H2B work visas for foreign employees, the supply of which usually was exhausted each year by February. Now, teams can import as many prospects as they want"¦

The changes pose a challenge to American teens hoping to make the big leagues. Instead of signing hundreds of U.S. amateurs out of high school â€" the traditional business model for stocking minor-league rosters â€" teams are drafting fewer U.S. kids and signing more so-called nondraft free agents, the vast majority of them teenagers from Latin America.

Millman is quite candid about the reason:

Economics plays a huge role. U.S.-born players drafted out of high school rarely sign a contract to turn pro without a cash bonus, most in excess of $100,000. This summer, the Cubs have forked out more than $6 million in signing bonuses to 26 U.S. prospects, an average of nearly a quarter million apiece.

While some foreign players"¦got hefty signing bonuses, the majority do not. Latin players in particular can be had for a lot less â€" just $10,000 in the case of Venezuelan pitcher Eduardo Figueroa"¦Third baseman George Matheus, another Hawk from Venezuela, received $15,000 for signing"¦

Lifting visa limits creates an opportunity for players like Eric Gonzalez, a 22-year-old Spaniard in the San Diego Padres' farm system"¦"ÂI signed for $1,000, before taxes," laughs Mr. Gonzalez, one of two Spaniards in the minors this year. "Basically, I signed in exchange for a plane ticket and a work visa."Â

As Millman happily notes

For decades, minor-league rosters seemed the essence of America's heartland. But thanks to growing numbers of foreign players"¦the minors are fast turning into a veritable United Nations"¦.Across the minor and major leagues, the total number of foreign-born players is growing fast, to almost 3,500 of the 8,532 players under contract this summer, from 2,964 three years ago.

No one seriously maintains all these imports are better than Americans. Many come from countries where Baseball is a minor sport. It is purely that they are cheaper

letter in response to the bog item

A Pennsylvania Reader Predicts That Baseball's Dominican Signing Bubble May Parallel The Mortgage Meltdown; etc.
From: Craig Henry:

Re: Patrick Cleburne's Blog: Not Wanted: Young American Baseball Players

Is baseball in the middle of a Dominican Bubble?

The Pittsburgh Pirates are late to the party, but they are now recruiting players in the Dominican Republic, which represents about 25 percent of all amateur signings.

In fact, the Pirates' new Dominican facility is a lynch pin of the turnaround strategy for that woeful franchise. [Pirates See Dominican Facility as Part of ‘First Class' Outfit, by Dejan Kovacevic, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, January 22, 2008]

All the major league clubs are scouring the Dominican Republic for their next superstar. That's behavior we have seen before in sub-prime mortgages as well as Internet and Asian stocks.

When any industry is gripped by "monkey see, monkey do" mania, history says that a bubble is underway. When poorly-run organizations jump in a big way, the bubble is near the breaking point.

If I'm right, then two questions are particularly interesting. First, what is the Moneyball response? That is, what areas are overlooked as major league baseball clubs try to outbid each other for the next Albert Pujols?

Second, to what extent is the Dominican Republic's reputation as a talent mother-lode tied to its drug laws and the easy availability of steroids and other pperformance-enhancing drugs?

I don't intend to besmirch all Dominican players. The island is a baseball-mad hot spot filled with talented athletes.

On the other hand, it does seem that many of its superstars have been caught by drug-testing and the Mitchell Report.
Thanks for this essay Jax,the sad part as always is that the Pittsburgh DWF base actually loves all this diversity,because the media has instructed them to feel that way,they are drawing crowds in the mid 20,000's after management insulted them by putting a minor league team on the field at major league ticket prices.
Just offer a bobble head doll,fireworks,or a concert by "K.C. and the Sunshine Band",yes they actually did the latter,and they will flock to the stadium in a herd like frenzy to swill down $7 cups of beer,and "look at all of the pretty buildings" across the river from the ballpark!,is it any wonder that we have just about arrived at the destination planned for our society,the mirror pretty much tells the sad story.
As you well know,our decline and fall is noted and truthfully reported daily at www.anu.org.
I'm a little late to the party, but many thanks to Jaxvid above for the article. It makes for some interesting reading.

The Pirates missed out on signing the next Latin American phenom, Miguel Angel Sano, who inked a $3 million dollar bonus with the Twins.

If they had any sense, they would turn around and put the saved bucks into a program to develop more American players.

But, no, wait a minute, they would interpret this call to expand the Josh Gibson Field complex they've been underwriting for the bros in the Pittsburgh Hill district.

We just can't win as Bucco fans-on and off the field.
The Pirates have acquired Japanese second baseman Akinori Iwamura for next year, and are also said to be interested in a Japanese relief pitcher.

This on top of the pick-up of more black and Hispanic players to finish off 2009.

On a potentially positive note, the team is reportedly interested in Rick Ankiel.
Pittsburgh DWF's love all of this diversity,the want to see a "world team"here,to feel any other way would make them seem "intolerant",and we would not want that!,Rick Ankiel would be a great choice but would perhaps unseat the current messiah now playing centerfield,and,as the caste bucco announcers say,"we hope Lastings "thrillege"!,will be in left for a long time!,I'm sure you know who will be in right field before much longer.
Since I'm not a Pirates fan, and haven't ever been, my indifference being cemented by the "We are Family" nonsense in the late 70's, I'm perfectly happy with them bringing in this wonderful diversity. Can't have them bringing in actual talented players that might win games, that wouldn't be politically correct!
What boggles the mind about the Pirates is that they have a perfect rold model franchise to copy from--the Minnesota Twins.

The Twins go after white US players, scout them well, and play them, so they are competitive year after year after year, with one of the lowest payrolls in the game! When the players are bought away from them by the high paying whore franchises they just retool and do it again. The Pirates suck because they are trying to copy the big money franchises that wait for someone to develop an hispanic/black player then buy him. Pittsburgh management is retarded. Plain and simple.
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