Phillipine President Rodrigo Duterte

Duterte has repeatedly insisted he has not ordered or incited police to murder drug addicts or suspects, while at other times he has said he would be happy to slaughter them or have tens of thousands killed.

On Friday he said he would be prepared to kill criminals himself, as he raised doubts about the PDEA being able to contain illegal drugs.

"Those who rape children, who rape women, those sons of... if you don't want the police, I am here now. I will shoot them. That's true! If nobody would dare it, I will pull the trigger," he said.

Classic, refreshing, sh*t...compared to the cucked leaders of the West (outside of Trump).
In an hour-long "outrageous" "unchained" speech in Vietnam at the Asian conference, Duterte said about 0bama, "...this Obama. You are so black and arrogant."

The article says he also disparaged "white people", but it was in the context of the EU liberal cucks condemning his hard-line approach on gangs and drug dealers, so I can actually agree with him on that.
Gee, no bias at all in this opening sentence:

Donald Trump sits down Monday with Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, who boasts about personally killing people and is waging a drug war that rights groups say involves mass murder.

It could just as easily read this way: "President Trump sits down Monday with Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, the popular, tough as nails former mayor of Davao who has led a successful and long overdue war against drug dealers and other criminal elements that have long plagued this impoverished Asian nation."
This is a pretty good vid from earlier this morning. Start at the 30:00 mark and go from there. Trump arrives at a Philippines event for the ASEAN conference. By the end of the video, he's sitting right next to Duterte and Duterte's wife and toasts him with a glass of wine.

Another thing I noticed is how much classier things are in Asia now compared to the (((West))). Note how nice people are dressed, their manners, and the Western classical music being played at the event throughout until the video at the very end. It's as if they've become us when we were America 1.0

Unless Trump, along with the Nationalist movement in Europe, can really turn things around here (doubtful with all of the Deep State snakes, including members of his own party and the complicit MSM), a united Asia will dominate the 21st Century and become the fulcrum of modern many respects, it already is...while the (((West))) turns into Africa-light.
Anti-NWO Duterte Calls for Abandoning International Criminal Court

Although the Philippine Senate has ratified the Rome Statute that established the ICC, Duterte said in a speech that the treaty was never enforced in the country because it was not published in the government journal, the official gazette, as required by law.

Due to what he said was that flaw, Duterte said the international court can never have jurisdiction over him, “not in a million years.”

“You know, if it’s not published, there is no law,” Duterte said Sunday in a speech before the annual graduation of cadets at the Philippine Military Academy in northern Baguio city.

There was no reason to withdraw from “something which is not existing,” Duterte said, adding that he announced the withdrawal from the ICC treaty to draw the world’s attention to the issue he had with the international court.

“I will convince everybody now who are under the treaty at ICC: ‘Get out, get out, it’s rude,'” the brash-talking president said.
The (controlled) MSM wets its underpanties due to the Punisher now “targeting children”. That’s code for teenage drug pushers & bandits. There is indeed such a thing as reprobate youth...the government middle & high schools are full of such vermin. These aren’t babies or toddlers that he’s “targeting”, but rather criminal punks. I say more power to him!
Make no mistake people, most Filipinos like Duterte. I know a lot of people from that area of the world and they don't allow the leftist cancer in their country. You will here a few that live here complain about him but they have been infected with the hatred of the left. In fact just last night I read an article about how Duterte cleaned up Manila bay. I was in the Philippines in 2016 and 2018 and the bay was always a nasty place that vagrants and homeless had occupied. There was garbage and human feces everywhere. Well it's been cleaned up thanks to a president who actually wants to create a better society. He's actually fighting a war on drugs too, unlike us. Don't mess with drugs and you have absolutely nothing to worry about. That's the bottom line.
American Freedom News