Phillipine President Rodrigo Duterte

Duterte may institute "Marshall Law" throughout the Philippines to destroy ISIS and other Muslim extremists within the country...

I love this guy. A true badass that talks a big game...then actually backs it up with action. I'm not sure he was kidding when he talked about literally "eating" his terrorist enemies...

Duterte may institute "Marshall Law" throughout the Philippines to destroy ISIS and other Muslim extremists within the country...

I love this guy. A true badass that talks a big game...then actually backs it up with action. I'm not sure he was kidding when he talked about literally "eating" his terrorist enemies...


As Western thought has long since accepted that no man has property in another man. Since when would we want to cheer for Martial law (arbitrary rule by military)?
As Western thought has long since accepted that no man has property in another man. Since when would we want to cheer for Martial law (arbitrary rule by military)?

I'm no fan of martial law, but am appreciative of Duterte's "style" (in general) loudly, carry a big stick & use it! ;-)
As Western thought has long since accepted that no man has property in another man. Since when would we want to cheer for Martial law (arbitrary rule by military)?

It's only for 60 days, it's only in one particularly Muslim-infested region of the country, and it's only because two extremely dangerous Muslim groups ("Maute Group" and "Abu Sayyaf") literally just attacked the Philippine military, resulting in the death of numerous Philippine soldiers/police/civilians. They are essentially at war with these groups and want to eliminate them before they cause any more havoc for normal citizens. Prediction - there will be no survivors among the Muslim factions.

Compare Duterte's ultra-effective reaction to that of the meek and feeble leaders of France, Germany, Sweden, Belgium, etc. when they are terrorized by Muzzies daily. They won't even mention the "M" word, let alone condemn them as a group. Instead, they hold their phony candlelight vigils and the Marxist politicians get their head policemen to lecture the white host population on tolerance and respect and love for Muslims...

Then they wait for it to happen again and the cycle repeats.
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As Western thought has long since accepted that no man has property in another man. Since when would we want to cheer for Martial law (arbitrary rule by military)?

It's a lot like libertarianism in the U.S. -- sounds great in theory, but the situation on the ground is much, much different. The U.S. cannot be saved by Americans suddenly being granted their "freedom" again as the vast majority no longer have any idea what it is and many of the legal and illegal immigrants over the past half century aren't interested in it. It will take very strong measures to clean up the mess created over generations by treasonous administrations.
As Western thought has long since accepted that no man has property in another man. Since when would we want to cheer for Martial law (arbitrary rule by military)?

It's all relative to the times in which we live. The Philippines need a shitlord to eradicate the Muslim cancer. The world as a whole needs shitlords to combat the Muslim scourge - I said it before that it is not the ideal way of governing but in times of crisis it is what is needed. I think most filipinos who are law abiding don't need to worry much about Duterte as he is worried about protecting them from drugs and terrorists.

Personally I think that more Dutertes need to pop up and stabilize the world. The Poles and Hungarians at least have leaders in power that are pushing back. France, England and Germany are ****** and the US most likely is to because the left is so well entrenched to prevent any sort of common sense policies in place to eradicate terroritsts, cartels, gangs and criminals in general.
I was watching some recent interviews with Duterte last night and I thought that he was great - UNTIL I heard him parroting the ziomedia's party line about "white police officers in the USA shooting blacks just because they are black".
I was watching some recent interviews with Duterte last night and I thought that he was great - UNTIL I heard him parroting the ziomedia's party line about "white police officers in the USA shooting blacks just because they are black".

I saw that video a while ago. He probably doesn't really know what is happening over here though.
You men above all missed this point: while Duterte seems to be serious about fighting the Islamization of the Philippines, country wide martial law is not necessary and is unlawful to the truest concept of law. Look, if Asaad's company can fight those vile guttersnakes without trying to serve Syrians by marital law then Duterte can do the same (outside of the direct war zones Syrians produce and trade as normally as they can under the circumstances). And, at the present, Asaad's fight is tenfold that of what Duterte has before him. The fight needs to be taken directly to those men and women who profess Islam and not spread controls over all men and women who happen to share the same land as the wrongdoers.
The main battle Duterte is fighting is not against Islamic insurgents; it's against drug dealers and all the other corruption which is woven into the fabric of an incredibly corrupt country. The Islamic rebels are small in number and are relegated to a few jungles in the southern part of the Phils. They are no threat to the vast majority of the country.

The Philippines is a very poor and over-populated land, perhaps the poorest non-black country in the world, a place where guards with assault weapons are ubiquitous at not only banks but shopping malls and fast food joints, practically every business small and large. Duterte made his name as the mayor of Davao, the only semi-well-run city in the Philippines, one where criminals were treated with the same iron hand he is trying to institute throughout the country. He is a true populist revolutionary, crude and roughly hewn, but well intentioned. He may or may not succeed as he is facing the same entrenched forces that Trump is in the U.S. (or would be if he wasn't a snake oil salesman), similar to what the late Hugo Chavez was up against in Venezuela and what left-populist governments are trying to do in Bolivia and Ecuador, and of course as a result like Duterte are also on Washington's **** list.
The main battle Duterte is fighting is not against Islamic insurgents; it's against drug dealers and all the other corruption which is woven into the fabric of an incredibly corrupt country. The Islamic rebels are small in number and are relegated to a few jungles in the southern part of the Phils. They are no threat to the vast majority of the country.

The Philippines is a very poor and over-populated land, perhaps the poorest non-black country in the world, a place where guards with assault weapons are ubiquitous at not only banks but shopping malls and fast food joints, practically every business small and large. Duterte made his name as the mayor of Davao, the only semi-well-run city in the Philippines, one where criminals were treated with the same iron hand he is trying to institute throughout the country. He is a true populist revolutionary, crude and roughly hewn, but well intentioned. He may or may not succeed as he is facing the same entrenched forces that Trump is in the U.S. (or would be if he wasn't a snake oil salesman), similar to what the late Hugo Chavez was up against in Venezuela and what left-populist governments are trying to do in Bolivia and Ecuador, and of course as a result like Duterte are also on Washington's **** list.

Entire Islands have been taken over by the Islamists. Former administrations have caved and given up zones to these ISIS mind invaders and they are forcing "conversions" and directly fighting militarily with the Philippine army. That is civil war stuff. Duterte has explained this to the world; his presentations are on Youtube.

But more relevant, and effective, take the fight to the perpetrators -don't punish the whole class because of the acts of some of the class...
Entire Islands have been taken over by the Islamists. Former administrations have caved and given up zones to these ISIS mind invaders and they are forcing "conversions" and directly fighting militarily with the Philippine army. That is civil war stuff. Duterte has explained this to the world; his presentations are on Youtube.

But more relevant, and effective, take the fight to the perpetrators -don't punish the whole class because of the acts of some of the class...

No they haven't. And if they have they're small islands in a country that itself consists of nothing but islands -- 7,107 of them to be exact. Two or three Gilligan's Island-sized pieces of land overrun by a few dozen Islamic rebels are no threat to the country as a whole. The Philippines is a Catholic country and that is in no danger at all of changing. Duterte is taking on the drug dealers first and foremost, and other forms of criminality and corruption secondarily.

And calling them "ISIS" is playing into the fake news propaganda of the corporate media. The Islamic rebels in the Philippines have been around far longer than the mysterious emergence of ISIS a few years ago. The Islamic rebels there are no more of a threat to take power than the militias and "Klans" are here.
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I saw that video a while ago. He probably doesn't really know what is happening over here though.

No he doesn't. The Philippines is almost entirely devoid of negroes. He sees right through all the rest of the ziomedia and US political bs though. He wouldn't like to hear someone say Philippine police are shooting down people just because they are poor or dark skinned or some **** like that.
No they haven't. And if they have they're small islands in a country that itself consists of nothing but islands -- 7,107 of them to be exact. Two or three Gilligan's Island-sized pieces of land overrun by a few dozen Islamic rebels are no threat to the country as a whole. The Philippines is a Catholic country and that is in no danger at all of changing. Duterte is taking on the drug dealers first and foremost, and other forms of criminality and corruption secondarily.

And calling them "ISIS" is playing into the fake news propaganda of the corporate media. The Islamic rebels in the Philippines have been around far longer than the mysterious emergence of ISIS a few years ago. The Islamic rebels there are no more of a threat to take power than the militias and "Klans" are here.

My argument is about the unlawfulness and inconsistency of the imposition of law by military might, force of arms.

My argument is not about Islam. But, to show you that the Islamization of the Philippines is real, and that the Philippine army is fighting them:

Priest kidnapped by ISIS in Philippines, issues video pleading for his life and hundreds of others

ISIS in Southeast Asia: Philippines battles growing threat

The ISIS-Linked Takeover of a Philippines City
Duterte (jokingly) told the media that he would allow his troops to rape up to three women while fighting ISIS militants. Of course, that joke did not go over well in the politically-correct West as the irrelevant Chelsea Clinton chastised him on it. He blasted back at her, saying, in pure sh*tlord fashion, "What was your reaction when your father was f*cking Monica Lewinsky?"

As far as the whole "ISIS" insurgency there goes, I find it interesting that it happened right in the middle of his meeting with Putin in Russia so that he had to cut the trip short and return home to deal with it. The Phil used to get their guns and ammo from the United States, but that's been upended by the Deep State here, so he's now dealing with Russia and Putin to provide him those (and other) assets.
My argument is about the unlawfulness and inconsistency of the imposition of law by military might, force of arms.

My argument is not about Islam. But, to show you that the Islamization of the Philippines is real, and that the Philippine army is fighting them:

Priest kidnapped by ISIS in Philippines, issues video pleading for his life and hundreds of others

ISIS in Southeast Asia: Philippines battles growing threat

The ISIS-Linked Takeover of a Philippines City

My replies made clear that I'm aware there are Islamic rebels in the Philippines, but also that they are isolated, particularly to the island of Mindanao and that their rebellion has been in existence for a number of years, long pre-dating the rise of Duterte. Duterte's main focus has been on urban drug dealers and other forms of corruption and criminality. There is no "Islamization of the Philippines" taking place other than in some jungles on Mindanao.
My replies made clear that I'm aware there are Islamic rebels in the Philippines, but also that they are isolated, particularly to the island of Mindanao and that their rebellion has been in existence for a number of years, long pre-dating the rise of Duterte. Duterte's main focus has been on urban drug dealers and other forms of corruption and criminality. There is no "Islamization of the Philippines" taking place other than in some jungles on Mindanao.

I haven't been there, have you? I can't verify what is going on there, can you? But, I can cite dozens of reports from all political perspectives that report there is an Islamization attempt in the Philippines.

But, again, my point was not about Islam, but that martial law is not only not necessary, and not only will it not work, but it is an attack on the natural liberty of all men, when the it is the wrongdoers that need to be gone after and dealt with. Duterte has said he will do whatever is necessary to "save his country from perdition". We both and greatly agree on that! Cheers Don.
A very long article but enlightening for those who want to better understand the phenomenon of "ISIS" and how it fits into the globalists' agenda of endless chaos and destruction.

Why Is ISIS Attacking The Philippines?

As ISIS moves across the world, conveniently popping up wherever America wants to touch down, the fact that the terrorist organization is an American creation is becoming more and more obvious to many people. Regardless, the news that ISIS recently managed not only to conduct terror attacks in the Philippines but was able to seize and occupy an entire city caught many people by surprise. Indeed, for those who are unaware of the nature and history of the terrorist organization and what role American imperialism plays in regards to its activity, the recent events in the Philippines no doubt have many Americans absolutely befuddled.

full article:
A very long article but enlightening for those who want to better understand the phenomenon of "ISIS" and how it fits into the globalists' agenda of endless chaos and destruction.

Why Is ISIS Attacking The Philippines?

As ISIS moves across the world, conveniently popping up wherever America wants to touch down, the fact that the terrorist organization is an American creation is becoming more and more obvious to many people. Regardless, the news that ISIS recently managed not only to conduct terror attacks in the Philippines but was able to seize and occupy an entire city caught many people by surprise. Indeed, for those who are unaware of the nature and history of the terrorist organization and what role American imperialism plays in regards to its activity, the recent events in the Philippines no doubt have many Americans absolutely befuddled.

full article:
"Ironic", isn't it, that as soon as Duterte decided to snub (and insult) 0bama and then the U.S. and curry more favor with China and Russia, "ISIS" is now attacking them. Why hasn't Israel been attacked by "ISIS" or even been threatened by them (to the best of my knowledge). Very telling. Also telling is Duterte's response to "ISIS" attacks in his country and Theresa May's response on the attacks in her country. I wish I could find it, but it seems like more and more stories are going down the memory hole. May wants to make sure there are no "safe spaces" on the Internet whereas Duterte made a lengthy statement saying that he's going to show them no mercy and annihilate every last one of them.
"Ironic", isn't it, that as soon as Duterte decided to snub (and insult) 0bama and then the U.S. and curry more favor with China and Russia, "ISIS" is now attacking them. Why hasn't Israel been attacked by "ISIS" or even been threatened by them ...

In fact Israel treats wounded ISIS (Israeli Intelligence Service) fighters in their hospitals and then releases them. ISIS recently attacked Israelis by accident and then apologized profusely.

Palestinian parody about ISIS. It was made a few years ago, in 2013 or 14 I think. This film has become hard to find. Youtube removed it and so did most other places. It's still here, up on the top -
New film whines about the Punisher's campaign against drug pushers in the Philippines. His style fits well for such a nation...& I love his unapologetic approach to the bed wetting creampuffs. ;)

I read that article a little earlier today. The movie is trying to make Duterte into some sort of monster - villifying him for trying to take a stand against drug dealers - twisting it to make the drug dealers and users seem like victims of some highly repressive regime. In the comment section there seem to be plenty of actual Filipinos who are happy with what he is doing. It is a prime example of some limp-wristed out of touch western "liberal" espousing their twisted world (in which criminals are victims) view on a drug/crime/terror epidemic in a country they know nothing about.
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