PGA Championship

For me, golf was watchable when players like Davis Love III, Fred Couples, Payne Stewart, Curtis Strange, Tom Kite and others were prominent players. Then Stewart was tragically killed in that plane accident, which I truly believe was the shark-jumping moment for the PGA. Then the Second Coming arrived and golf was never the same again.
Deadlift said:
jaxvid said:
I knew it wouldn't be a white guy that could run down His Royal Highness, so I was mildly hopeful when I saw that an asian was in contention. It's gotta be an asian, hispanic, or indian, to take Woods on, there's no white guys with the cajones left in the top ranks to do it.

I was hoping Padraig was going to be the next great white hope but for the 2nd week in a row he has collapsed. He's done as a force to challange Woods. That leaves no white golfers left. Mickelson's too inconsistent, guys like Furyk are not top challangers, Els is done as a major force. Really no one left. It'll be hard for a young white guy to take on Woods at this stage. I'm glad to see him lose but it's a real bummer that a US white guy didn't do it.

Did VJ Singh not collapse in this Tournament?

VJ seems to be collapsing all the time now. Lucas Glover won a major this year. Did you predict that?

Do you predict that White men will win ZERO majors next year? If that happens, I'll be very salty but I believe Whites will perform. If you expect one White man to win most of the Tournaments, I would say that you are misguided. I think multiple Whites will be winning, just like it is right now.

As for Mickelson, I believe that even the Caste media has overrated him (over the years) for whatever reason. There are good golfers' that the Caste media doesn't talk about, and they will perform admirably. Watch and see.

Sure I expect white golfers to win a few majors, since they make up 95% of the field it's not to hard to expect that. What I'm talking about is pushing Woods when he's on his game, not when he misses the cut or is buried many shots back.

And as for VJ he is probably the only golfer in the last ten years to consistently be better then Woods for a period. He's past his prime now and fell off today but he's still a better bet to beat Woods then someone like Els.
How is Luke Donald and Byrce Molder doing? They were good in college and I remember many golf experts saying they had potential. I don't follow Golf but they do need more young white stars. These guys are both pretty young as well as they graduated back in around 2001 or 2002.Edited by: white lightning
The last few holes were great theater. Y.E. Yang was the better of the two Asian golfers yesterday. I thought Yang choked a little on the 17th hole but Woods couldn't take advantage because he himself, except for the first round, was playing average golf. Woods also seemed to be getting worse as the tournament went on.

And Yang's second shot on the 18th was one of the best clutch shots in a Major ever, as Don alluded to earlier.
Aww, no majors for baby Tiger this season

Nice work by Yang...I'm sure the media is seething with anger, as they are now required to compliment an asian athlete.

You know, those wimpy, nerdy, short, small, uncool guys with a small pen1ses? The mudane, media-generated insults traditionally reserved for whites are used on asians....and are at times more stereotypical and vicious in nature.

To anyone with a mind of their own, it's really interesting to watch the PTB attempt to cut down and degrade the two greatest and most successfull races to ever walk the earth (asian and white). All while building up the most worthless of races. Once again, a very clear case of the media overlords force-feeding the masses the EXACT OPPOSITE of the truth / reality.Edited by: Thrashen
all things considered, great news, I was very fearful on Sunday morning that Tiger would walk away with another major. In fact, I couldn't bear to watch, and like Jax, I was fearful of the white golfers putting up a no-challenge to tiger on the final round. Yesit's too bad a white guy didn't win--but the fact is at least somebody finally stared down Tiger and took the trophy out of his grasp. Hopefully, the white guys--Stewart Cink, Justin Leonard, Lee Westwood, and Phil will take this to heart, and say, if this Asian kid can take on a confident Tiger and win the tournament--so can I.
We can all breathe easier until next April. and there'sstill a decent chance that Jack's record will stand when Tiger's career is over.
Edited by: Solomon Kane

I apologize for coming off like a pr*ck in my last post. I will try to be calmer next time.
I agree completely with Jaxvid. I knew no white golfer would ever do what Yang did. Harrington's ridiculous quintuple bogey spells the end of his career as a force in the majors, in my view. Last year, he looked like the most likely true challenger to the throne, but he has now blown up two weeks in a row. I said, after Mickelson's incomprehensible choke at the U.S. Open a few years back, that he would never win another major. I stand by that. Els and Singh are now long past their prime. Reteif Goosen looked like he might be a worthy competitor, but he has only 2 majors, and has come up short a few times lately, despite being in contention.

The best golfers in the game, other than Woods, now seem to get stuck on 3 majors, at most. Mickelson, Harrington, Els and Singh have all won 3. Otherwise, no other active golfer (unless you count oldsters like Tom Watson) on the PGA tour has more, except for Woods.

Woods tried his best to give away this tournament, just as he has in most of the majors he's won. As usual, all his white competitors rolled over and played dead. Not a single one took advantage of his stagnant play by putting any pressure on him. It is very unlikely you'll ever see a white golfer shoot a 66 in the final round of a major that Tiger is leading (unless he's so far out of contention it won't make a difference). Those white golfers were doing what they always do when facing Tiger Woods in a major- missed putts, missed fairways, bad lies at the least opportune moments. Meanwhile, Woods continued to get the "magical" bounces and incomprehnsibly good lies he always does. On one hole, he missed the fairway by a wide margin, and the ball landed in the woods. This magical creature's ball then took a bounce the Warren Commission couldn't have invented; without hitting a tree, it somehow caromed back onto the fairway. I've never seen anything like it. I don't know such a thing could ever be possible. It's all routine for Woods, however.

I would have bet everything I own that Woods was going to run away with the PGA. Despite his listless play, Woods would still have won easily if it wasn't for the little Korean guy who was paired with him. Y.E. Yang will probably never win another major, but by stopping Woods from getting closer to Nicklaus's record, he made a lot of us very happy. More importantly, he might very well have punctured Woods' aura of invincibility for good. Woods has shown a penchant for beating himself many times in the past, it's just that no golfer has been able to take advantage of that. Yang has changed all that, and perhaps saved Nicklaus's majors record in the process.
I also saw the "magical shot" you are referring was truely an amazing bounce. That always seems to happen to Mr. Perfect, doesnt it?

Watching Tiger's angry frown and furled brow after he came to the realization that he had failed to win the 3rd and final major of the year was a great feeling. The corperate-sponsored money-pig was probably wincing at the fact that Yang (a fellow non-white) might steal a glimmer his precious TV/magazine endorsement time.

I've been longing for that moment since Mr. Gatoraide-Nike-Shick-Titlist-Buick made his "miraculous" comeback from knee surgery.
I agree with you guys. I also saw Tiger's "magical shot" as well. If a white golfer hits that shot, it's in the deep rough, they fire the ball into a sand trap from there, overshoot the green on the bunker shot, and bogey the hole. Also, if Tiger's ball does go off course into the thick rough, he'll have a perfect shot to the green, and he'll have the best lies. His ball always is sitting up, no matter where he is. When I watch the PGA on TV, when Tiger hit a bad shot, you could still see his ball most of the team on the camera, when a white golfer hits the same shot, it seems to be buried all the time.

It seems only white golfers and VJ are in on the "fix." When I was watching Yang, he didn't look "intimidated" out there at all. Whereas, if a white golfer was paired with him, he would have been sweating, missing 5 foot birdie putts, constantly driving the ball into the rough, into sand traps, etc. Harrington inexplicably changed his swing after last year. Plus, he blows up in an unbelievable manner on the 8th. That has to be the poorest effort I've ever seen. Every other golfer hit the ball on the green, or past it, but Harrington was the only one I saw who came up short and hit the hazard. Even after he his 3rd shot, the one that went into the bunker, he overshot the WHOLE green and pitched the ball into the water. I think Glover might still have something left in him, even though he melted down slowly in the final round, 4 bogeying four of seven holes in one stretch. A lot of Glover's shots were pathetic, I could've hit better shots, he was missing putts easily by a foot. Stenson and Kjeldson also choked and dropped back. Kjeldson, who was making unbelievable putts on Saturday, couldn't make a five foot putt today.

It also didn't help from Saturday unwards, the jock sniffers made a point of watching Tiger drive in, Tiger practice driving, Tiger practice putting,
Tiger walking from one practice area to another. If you were watching it on TV, it would appear Tiger was the only golfer there.
Then, they would show one golfer, and going back to memorable "Tiger moments" from past tournaments, the announcers drooling over him. Though they did start to show Rich Beem's shots to beat Tiger in '02 as the final round progressed.

I do believe, though, that Mickelson and Harringotn have at least one more major in their careers. I also think that Lucas Glover will have one or two more majors as well. As for a rising white star, Rory McIlroy of Northern Ireland has been talked about a lot. Even Tiger said he'll have majors one day. Even though I wish there was ONE young American golfer on the rise.Edited by: Jack Lambert
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