PGA Championship


Jul 30, 2005
After day one (well not quite) John Daly has the clubhouse lead as I write this with a -3. Somebody named Graeme Storm is at 14 with a -5 though so things will probably change.

His royal highness is in a 17-way tie for 36th. That's alot of people to leap frog in three days.

Wouldn't it be something if John could pull out a win. That would be three majors for him if I'm not mistaken.

The caste media hates John for some reason; probably because of his "everyman" appeal.
John Daly got a warm welcome in Detroit.

Interviews, front page in the newspapers, evening news, etc.

He stayed with Kid Rock while here.Edited by: michiganblkman
The press loves Daly. He's overweight, had a big drinking problem, still has
a gambling problem, and is an otherwise "colorful figure". If he would make
a bad role model and he is white, the press will be all over him.
Well his highness did it today. He in fact did leap-frog the field to take the lead.

We'll see what happens tomorrow. Will anyone rise to the challenge?
Someone asked in the other thread how the PGA could possibly 'rig' a tournament for a player.
Well, I was listening to radio coverage of the PGA Championship today (yes, there is such a thing) and they were talking about exactly that subject.
After noting that the course was playing better for the later tee time players on average, they discussed the matter with a pro (who apparently wasn't involved in the tournament this year). He said that the greenskeeper(s) can choose watering times to favor a particular half-day (either early or late). Also, roughs can be cut and pins can be placed to favor a particular player's game.
He didn't reference Tiger. He was just giving examples of how a course can be set up and managed to make it easier for certain players than for others.
There's been grumblings at times that Woods gets more favorable tee times than other players vis a vis the weather-- e.g. if it's supposed to be windy or rainy in the afternoon he goes out ona Thursday or Friday in the morning and vice versa.What amazes me is how many times he'll hit a terrible drive but then still have an unimpeded shot to the green, or else he'll get a drop that gives him an unimpeded shot from a good lie to the green. The all-time classic was when officials had a giant boulder that blocked Woods' shot moved from the middle of the fairway on a course in Arizona, ruling it was an obstruction!

I turned on The Tiger Network (The Golf Channel) briefly a little while ago. Of course the Caste System's God was on, giving his post-round news conference. The first question I heard was something like, "Tiger, what are your favorite sports moments that you've watched on TV as a fan, comparable to today when you had the crowd mesmerized and crying for more?" I quickly changed the channel. There's no point watching any pre- or post-tournament coverage from here on out because one hundred percent will be about Woods, up from the usual 99.3 percent.
Riddlewire said:
Someone asked in the other thread how the PGA could possibly 'rig' a tournament for a player.Well, I was listening to radio coverage of the PGA Championship today (yes, there is such a thing) and they were talking about exactly that subject.After noting that the course was playing better for the later tee time players on average, they discussed the matter with a pro (who apparently wasn't involved in the tournament this year).  He said that the greenskeeper(s) can choose watering times to favor a particular half-day (either early or late).  Also, roughs can be cut and pins can be placed to favor a particular player's game.He didn't reference Tiger.  He was just giving examples of how a course can be set up and managed to make it easier for certain players than for others.

If they want to rig a course against Tiger, all they would have to do it pick a course with water on both sides of the fairways on most of the holes. Since Tiger is wild off of the driver, that will drive his scores up.
michiganblkman said:
Riddlewire said:
Someone asked in the other thread how the PGA could possibly 'rig' a tournament for a player.Well, I was listening to radio coverage of the PGA Championship today (yes, there is such a thing) and they were talking about exactly that subject.After noting that the course was playing better for the later tee time players on average, they discussed the matter with a pro (who apparently wasn't involved in the tournament this year). He said that the greenskeeper(s) can choose watering times to favor a particular half-day (either early or late). Also, roughs can be cut and pins can be placed to favor a particular player's game.He didn't reference Tiger. He was just giving examples of how a course can be set up and managed to make it easier for certain players than for others.

If they want to rig a course against Tiger, all they would have to do it pick a course with water on both sides of the fairways on most of the holes. Since Tiger is wild off of the driver, that will drive his scores up.

Hah! That'll never happen. That also wasn't the discussion.
And, after Tiger's 'performance' today, I'm far more inclined to believe that this is something that actually does happen. Back room PGA officials gently persuade the course managers to tweak the conditions of a course, just to "make things fair", and suddenly Tiger reverses his scoring performance by double digits. It helps the PGA sell their Golden Boy, which gives them far more favorable coverage from the dictator of sports media, ESPN.
I think its less that things are "fixed" than the fact that Woods faces little real
competition. When Nicklaus played, he went head to head with the likes of
Arnold Palmer (7 majors), Tom Watson (8 majors), Gary Player (9 majors),
Lee Trevino (6 majors) , and Seve Ballesteros (5 majors). You'd be hard
pressed to find that kind of competition today for Woods. Mickelson has
only won 3 majors, as has Singh and Els. Singh is 44, Els 38, and Mickelson
is 37. There are really no younger golfers who are a challenge to Woods like
the challengers Nicklaus had. Nicklaus admits that he wasn't working very
hard by the late 60's to early 70's on his game--that he was successful very
early and eased up. By that time he was running his golf design business
and had a big family (that he actually spent time with).
Don Wassall said:
There's been grumblings at times that Woods gets more favorable tee times than other players vis a vis the weather-- e.g. if it's supposed to be windy or rainy in the afternoon he goes out on a Thursday or Friday in the morning and vice versa. What amazes me is how many times he'll hit a terrible drive but then still have an unimpeded shot to the green, or else he'll get a drop that gives him an unimpeded shot from a good lie to the green. The all-time classic was when officials had a giant boulder that blocked Woods' shot moved from the middle of the fairway on a course in Arizona, ruling it was an obstruction!

I turned on The Tiger Network (The Golf Channel) briefly a little while ago. Of course the Caste System's God was on, giving his post-round news conference. The first question I heard was something like, "Tiger, what are your favorite sports moments that you've watched on TV as a fan, comparable to today when you had the crowd mesmerized and crying for more?" I quickly changed the channel. There's no point watching any pre- or post-tournament coverage from here on out because one hundred percent will be about Woods, up from the usual 99.3 percent.
Too funny I would bet that they would focus on Tiger brushing his teeth and going to the can if the could, call it the Truman show.......
CNNSI has trotted out the "Eye of The Tiger" phrase.

Looks like he's on his way to #13. Barring a train wreck or an unexpected performance by another golfer we're gonna be in for toxic levels Eldrick idolatry for the next eon.
The guys at our fantasy football draft today insisted on watching the PGA in the background. Talk about a hackneyed script; Woods makes every big putt, gets every bounce, somehow (as Don pointed out) gets good lies and clear shots to the green no matter how far astray his drive goes, while all the competitors freeze up and miss putts, fading back into the pack so that his highness can simply make pars and increase his lead. Scott Verplank was particularly pathetic. How many times are we going to watch this rerun? Is there no golfer anywhere who can be paired with Woods without blowing up? The announcers were almost as bad as the golf itself. One of those British commentators was so over the top with the Tiger worship that at one point he declared, "when he's through, they will only need one page for the record book, because he will own all the records." I will be very, very happy if I'm wrong, but I think that there is about as much chance of anyone else winning the PGA as there is of President Bush declaring publicly that he thinks that Lee Harvey Oswald didn't assassinate President Kennedy.
Assuming current patterns hold Woods will one day pass Nicklaus in Major wins.

The following might seem funny to some but it's my theory and I'm sticking to it.

On a swing for swing basis Woods is better than Nicklaus but on a tournament for tournament basis Jack is better. Put another way, Jack was a more consistent competitor.
His 19 second place finishes and 46 top three finshes in Majors are testimony to that. Combine this with the fact that he was facing significantly better competition and the case is pretty much closed.
I'm no golfer and don't plan to be, but as far as rigging goes it does seem that Tiger never has a bad lie. During the first couple of years of tigermania, I was watching some golf tournament and Tiger hit a drive into the some deep woods with thickets. Kids (including a black kid) ran towards the ball and disappeared in the thickets. Moments later the ball magically took a huge bounce towards the fairway appearing out of nowhere. It was obvious to me what had happened, but the announcers talked as if the ball must have bounced of a rock - I couldn't believe what I was seeing or hearing.

On another note, golf is such an equipment dominanted sport. Is it possible that Tiger is allowed to have better equipment from sponsers (Nike) as some sort of endorsement deal? Just look at how the Miken bat has changed softball and how every year there are new rules on the legality of the bats. Is the same thing happening in golf?

Finally, some golfer eluded to steroid use in golf and said it is becoming quite prominent. Has anyone seen Tiger's Physique lately? All sports are being taken over by the best cheaters. Where are the commisoners?Edited by: Kaptain Poop
Kaptain Poop said:
Finally, some golfer eluded to steroid use in golf and said it is becoming quite prominent. Has anyone seen Tiger's Physique lately? All sports are being taken over by the best cheaters. Where are the commisoners?

Gary Player made the statement about golf having some juicers. The mostobvious physique change among golfers is by Woods. His body has changed almost as dramatically as that of Barry Bonds but without the giant head. The announcers always talk aboutWoods' "unbelievable work ethic" and love of working out, just as they always do about Vijay Singh, and maybe that's why Woods has become so muscular, and maybe not. . . But it's hard to imagine the powers that be in golf ever catching or punishing their prized boy.Edited by: Don Wassall
I always thought that comment by Player was a direct dig at Woods. Not that being built like that means you juice. I used to look like a bouncer and never took more than proteins supplements. As for Vijay if you have one double chin does that mean that your workout routine is intense....
I only tuned in a few times to the ridiculous spectacle that was the fourth round. Ames certainly lived up to the standards others have set when being paired with the great one in the final round; could you collapse any more thoroughly than he did? Why even show up if you have that little fortitude? Ernie Els did what he is specializing in; coming close, but not quite winning. The last time I tuned in, Woods actually bogeyed a hole, cutting the lead to one, but shockingly enough, Els managed to get in trouble at the exact same time, and bogeyed as well, staying two strokes behind Woods. How many times have we seen this happen? If it isn't fixed, then we are seeing the final product of over two generations of brainwashing. Maybe white men, even the most athletic of them, simply have been conditioned into a total inability to defeat black competition. I don't see any other explanation, outside of the events being rigged, that explain how so many top players-who are supposedly the best in the world at what they do-can consistently be intimidated by this one player, who just happens to be the media's favorite.
Riddlewire said:
I was listening to radio coverage of the PGA Championship today (yes, there is such a thing)

Play-by-play (or stroke-by-stroke) coverage? Where, on XM?

bigunreal said:
I don't see any other explanation, outside of the events being rigged, that explain how so many top players-who are supposedly the best in the world at what they do-can consistently be intimidated by this one player, who just happens to be the media's favorite.

I have an idea about this. But I hesitate to give it, because whenever I have talked about it before, people seem to instantly reject it. It has nothing to do with race, people seem to immediately reject what I think is a reasonable idea as completely impossible. But, it's my take on the situation, from years in sports science. I was D1 athlete and have friends who train people at the OTC in Colorado, so I like to think my perspective is worth something.

I'll give it if you guys promise to think about it for at least a few hours before instantly posting to bash me, tell me I'm an idiot, tell me I don't know anything about golf, tell me I don't know anything about sports.Edited by: nevada
nevada said:
bigunreal said:
I don't see any other explanation, outside of the events being rigged, that explain how so many top players-who are supposedly the best in the world at what they do-can consistently be intimidated by this one player, who just happens to be the media's favorite.

I have an idea about this. But I hesitate to give it, because whenever I have talked about it before, people seem to instantly reject it. It has nothing to do with race, people seem to immediately reject what I think is a reasonable idea as completely impossible. But, it's my take on the situation, from years in sports science. I was D1 athlete and have friends who train people at the OTC in Colorado, so I like to think my perspective is worth something.

I'll give it if you guys promise to think about it for at least a few hours before instantly posting to bash me, tell me I'm an idiot, tell me I don't know anything about golf, tell me I don't know anything about sports.

You've certainly piqued my interest. I think I know what the solution is to Woods' endless "intimidation" of white golfers -- get the Russians and East Europeans to take up the sport.

Just imagine what the mediaworshipping will be like when/ifWoods has 17 majors and he's trying to tie Nicklaus's 18, or when he has 18 and is going for the record. I joke about The Golf Channel being The Tiger Network, but there may actually be a Tiger Network by then, maybe several.
nevada said:
I'll give it if you guys promise to think about it for at least a few hours before instantly posting to bash me, tell me I'm an idiot, tell me I don't know anything about golf, tell me I don't know anything about sports.

It's been almost 8 hours since your tease, nevada. We're still waiting.

foreverfree said:
nevada said:
I'll give it if you guys promise to think about it for at least a few hours before instantly posting to bash me, tell me I'm an idiot, tell me I don't know anything about golf, tell me I don't know anything about sports.

It's been almost 8 hours since your tease, nevada. We're still waiting.


Maybe he is waiting for everyone to literally post their promise not to make fun of him first.

Even thought I am a BIG TIME Tiger fan, I think its cool that there are some folks out there that like to see him not win. BTW, has a strong contingent of "Tiger Haters".

Whenever I see the crowd cheering Tiger, I try to quickly pan the chaos to see if there are any fans NOT cheering Tiger and sitting stoicaly. There are always a few if you look close enough.

I know what its like to cheer against the favorite. I like to see the Yankees lose, in the 70's and 80's I wanted the Celtics to lose, I hate the Dallas Cowboys, and I even like to see the Red Wings lose even though I am from the Detroit area.
bigunreal said:
I only tuned in a few times to the ridiculous spectacle that was the fourth round. Ames certainly lived up to the standards others have set when being paired with the great one in the final round; could you collapse any more thoroughly than he did? Why even show up if you have that little fortitude? Ernie Els did what he is specializing in; coming close, but not quite winning. The last time I tuned in, Woods actually bogeyed a hole, cutting the lead to one, but shockingly enough, Els managed to get in trouble at the exact same time, and bogeyed as well, staying two strokes behind Woods. How many times have we seen this happen? If it isn't fixed, then we are seeing the final product of over two generations of brainwashing. Maybe white men, even the most athletic of them, simply have been conditioned into a total inability to defeat black competition. I don't see any other explanation, outside of the events being rigged, that explain how so many top players-who are supposedly the best in the world at what they do-can consistently be intimidated by this one player, who just happens to be the media's favorite.
The reason is easy.

Where Tiger far outstrips his direct competitors is not technique and skill but the will to win.

When opponents have roughly the same skill level the one who wants it more is going to win .Tiger has great skill level and the will to grind out a victory a very dangerous combination

There is nobody out there that can match Woods will to win.

You can dislike him for his arrogance but the man has an incredible will to win and will not give up.

That is why i doubt that you will ever see Tiger humbled or implode.

When your will flags you begin to makes mistakes and you will start to doubt yourself .Tiger's mental strength means that his will to win will not flag.

Until a player comes forward who can match Tiger's mental strength on a consistant level Woods will remain the dominant player.
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