Paying for sex and prostitution, what's your take?

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Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
I consider this to be my favourite site on the Internet and there's so many posters I respect here. Just wanted to see everyone's view on this subject. A couple questions:

- Have you ever paid for sex?

- What do you think of men who pay for sex?

- What about men who insist they just pay women to leave instead of directly paying for sex?

- Do you think men who use whores do so because they "can't get a real girl"?

- Do you consider prostitutes to be having a legitimate occupation?

- Is there much difference between a marriage and using whores? Some men have said "Married women have salary and options, hooker charge a one time fee. But they all charge."

- Is there really something as a "zero cash" intercourse or do you believe men always pay for it?
Personally, in the last year of my life. I've changed substantially. I've become a new man.

I don't mean to brag, but I'm good looking, muscular, make good money. I'm 26 years old. I would be a "catch" for the right female. But about 6 months ago I started paying for sex and Im no longer interested in having a "girlfriend" or some sort of comitted relationship.

I have had many ex girlfriends over the years and my breakups have been rough. I've dated several Persian and Arab girls and a few of my ex's have ended up marrying other white men. I'm still angry about how things ended. And maybe I'm a bit jealous.

All of the anger that I've had from my breakups is part of the reason I now use prostitutes.

Many of the prostitutes I see tell me I'm the youngest male client who sees them and they can't believe how good looking I am for someone who uses escorts. In fact some of them have tried to date me and subsequently offered me free sex.

It's not that I can't get girls. I'm just tired of the breakups and all the bullsh1t. I also understand that fundamentally, all women are whores to an extent, and everyone has a price .

In fact when you get down to it, many married women also whores themselves out and take all their husbands money.
My Pic


I just prefer the simplicity of paying for sex. No more breakups, no more girls with sh1tty attitudes, no more text message arguments bothering me when Im going to and from work.

Ive had many girlfriends without paying, so its not that I cant get it. I just dont want it.

Its also sad to look at guys who are married, in a relationship and have to beg for sex and get it only once or twice a year meanwhile they pay the entire mortgage, car payments, so on.
BS2, you crack me up. You're going to get the Christians riled up. I have recent experience, so I'll comment. I've always been the financially dominate party in my relationships, paying for all the entertainment and living expenses. Despite that, I recently broke off a long term relationship due to my girlfriend cheating. In a reactive maneuver, while still hurt over the breakup, I hooked up with a few prostitutes. I wasted my time bitching about my ex, and really found myself not too interested in them sexually. It was a waste of a few hundred dollars. However, it seems like a very fair transaction. Much more fair than financially supporting someone for years, being faithful, only to get cheated on. With prostitutes you still run the risk of getting robbed or ripped off. So, only have the necessary cash on hand, and keep your wallet and keys in the safe. But being ripped off one night is better than getting screwed for 8 years.
Paying for any/all flesh is immoral, deviant & unbecoming of the great, White race.

White men should have impulse of the many things that separate us from ******** (who'll 'hump' about anything with a hole & a heartbeat).

Another consideration is that das juden (mis)use 'sex' to sell, market & push about everything, So, we informed Whites shouldn't "take the bait" & hyper-focus on sex.

Finally, true needs include oxygen, water, clothing & shelter, but NOT sex (despite what "Hellyweird" & "Madiscum" Avenue would have the sheeple believe).

***BS2, are you a "switch hitter"? Your above post sounds a little suspect.
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Paying for any/all flesh is immoral, deviant & unbecoming of the great, White race.

White men should have impulse of the many things that separate us from ******** (who'll 'hump' about anything with a hole & a heartbeat).

Another consideration is that das juden (mis)use 'sex' to sell, market & push about everything, So, we informed Whites shouldn't "take the bait" & hyper-focus on sex.

Finally, true needs include oxygen, water, clothing & shelter, but NOT sex (despite what "Hellyweird" & "Madiscum" Avenue would have the sheeple believe).

***BS2, are you a "switch hitter"? Your above post sounds a little suspect.

I am straight. I only have sex with females.

However, I have no problem with gay guys and I've had several gay friends. I do take issue with the leftist gay agenda which I strongly oppose, but individual gay peopke are fine. I just have a problem when society or the media tries to shove it down my throat and force the whole "gender equality" argument on me.

Actually Part of the reason I use prostitutes is to remind women the true value of their body and my time . It's also alpha as **** to have sex with a female, leave an envelope on the table and leave without saying thanks or goodbye.

You claim that paying for flesh is immoral but I feel like women do the same thing to men in a marriage which is essentially an exploitation.

Nothing is more pathetic than an aging man in a sex less marriage while still supporting his wife. Why pay if you're not getting to play?
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Paying for any/all flesh is immoral, deviant & unbecoming of the great, White race.

White men should have impulse of the many things that separate us from ******** (who'll 'hump' about anything with a hole & a heartbeat).

Another consideration is that das juden (mis)use 'sex' to sell, market & push about everything, So, we informed Whites shouldn't "take the bait" & hyper-focus on sex.

Finally, true needs include oxygen, water, clothing & shelter, but NOT sex (despite what "Hellyweird" & "Madiscum" Avenue would have the sheeple believe).

***BS2, are you a "switch hitter"? Your above post sounds a little suspect.

Negroes don't buy prostitutes. In fact, many prostitutes specifically advertise that they don't serve black men, who are notoriously cheap, rude, and overall bad customers.

Your position is that sex is only proper within a government licensed "marriage". A marriage is a contract wherein each party offers particular benefits or services to the other party. Prostitution is a microcosm of marriage.
Let me be clear, I'm not here advocating prostitution. As I stated in my earlier post, it was quite unfulfilling for me. I'm just libertarian on the subject.
Negroes don't buy prostitutes.

A couple of hours in criminal court, a strip club, or a party thrown by an NFL player will change your mind on that. Some higher end escorts might exclude them, but blacks buy prostitutes whenever they can.
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Many of the prostitutes that have serviced me told me most of their clients are older white men.

Mind you, I live in Calgary, Canada which is a good 85% white.

In fact several prostitutes Ive seen have asked me out on dates or asked me to come and have sex with them for free. Its because all of their clients are like 45+ older guys. So for them to be with a 20 something like me is shocking.

I've had Italian prostitutes ask to go on dates after I paid to have rough sex with them.

I've also had similar experiences with Persian and White prostitutes.
A couple of hours in criminal court, a strip club, or a party thrown by an NFL player will change your mind on that. Some higher end escorts might exclude them, but jigs buy prostitutes whenever they can.

Dman right negros have no shame at all in buying the pu$$y. I recall in the 90s a popular rap song called Ill Pay Fo it.

The blacks use to love that song. It was basically bragging about how they would pay for sex with no shame as if that made them pimps or something.

Ill pay fo it Ill pay fo it If I wont it If I wont it Ill pay fo it.......Damn they use to sing that crap in football, and basketball practice all the time.
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My Pic


I just prefer the simplicity of paying for sex. No more breakups, no more girls with sh1tty attitudes, no more text message arguments bothering me when Im going to and from work.

Ive had many girlfriends without paying, so its not that I cant get it. I just dont want it.

Its also sad to look at guys who are married, in a relationship and have to beg for sex and get it only once or twice a year meanwhile they pay the entire mortgage, car payments, so on.
BS2, we at CF need the full epic catalogue of your pics. Don't stop at just one. LOL
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Dman right negros have no shame at all in buying the pu$$y. I recall in the 90s a popular rap song called Ill Pay Fo it.

The blacks use to love that song. It was basically bragging about how they would pay for sex with no shame as if that made them pimps or something.

Ill pay fo it Ill pay fo it If I wont it If I wont it Ill pay fo it.......Damn they use to sing that crap in football, and basketball practice all the time.
If the only thing you know about blacks is what you get from rap music and million dollar athletes, then you don't know enough. Of course, a black man might pay a street hooker $20 or a crack rock for a blow job. I was responding to Dixie Destroyer's assertion that partaking of the services of the world's oldest profession was somehow negroish. There is a wide range of types of prostitution, used by all races. Many prostitutes exclude blacks, while I've never seen an ad that excluded White men. I'm sure if a jewelry store, restaurant, etc. ("legal" establishment) could get away with it, they would advertise accordingly.
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Anyway, I usually keep a low profile on this site. I'm not trying to become the "prostitution guy". I'll leave that to BS2.

I'll leave it at this. Don't be negroish. Follow the golden rule, even if you're dealing with a prostitute.
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Prostitution should be legal but regulated like in parts of Germany and the Netherlands. Easy access to sex would reduce crime and in the case of Muslim men reduce their likelihood of exploding (so to speak) from pent up frustration. Paying for prostitutes in a country like Canada or the US sounds like a risky thing to do from getting arrested to exposing yourself (so to speak) to lowlife sorts - blackmail, robbery, diseases, etc.
I've already edited out two racial slurs in this thread, any more and the thread will be locked.
Anyway, I usually keep a low profile on this site. I'm not trying to become the "prostitution guy". I'll leave that to BS2.

I'll leave it at this. Don't be negroish. Follow the golden rule, even if you're dealing with a prostitute.

I'm a libertarian on the issue of prostitution. Two adults are free to exchange cash for whatever mutual personal exchange they wish. But really, sleeping with a woman that sleeps with other guys all of the time? And let's not whitewash it. They aren't "sleeping" they are taking other men's penises in their mouths, vagina's and probably butt holes. Lot's of guys. Any guy who pays. Guys who visit other woman who do the same thing. Sure everyone wears a condom, except the guys who pay extra, except the guys she really likes, maybe the girls she "experiments" with. And a condom just protects a little bit of the body, there is still lots of other contact that is unprotected. Seems like a high risk proposition.
If the only thing you know about blacks is what you get from rap music and million dollar athletes, then you don't know enough. Of course, a black man might pay a street hooker $20 or a crack rock for a blow job. I was responding to Dixie Destroyer's assertion that partaking of the services of the world's oldest profession was somehow negroish. There is a wide range of types of prostitution, used by all races. Many prostitutes exclude blacks, while I've never seen an ad that excluded White men. I'm sure if a jewelry store, restaurant, etc. ("legal" establishment) could get away with it, they would advertise accordingly.

I was just responding to the "negros dont buy prostitutes" comment. Which I know from a vast amount of life experience is utterly untrue. I doubt there are many White people living on earth today that understand the negro like I do. I was around those crude critters all throughout high school, and college (because I played sports) and I KNOW they "pay fo it" more than they get it for free.

Really though isnt EVERY man paying for it? I mean in some way you gotta buy it. Whether its buying her drinks one night, or working a miserable job for years to provide for her. Maybe its spending money on your appearance (clothes haircuts cars). In some way, in this day and age you simply have to buy it, or go without. Very few women are concerned with anything other than money. At least whores admit that fact.
Personally, in the last year of my life. I've changed substantially. I've become a new man.

I don't mean to brag, but I'm good looking, muscular, make good money. I'm 26 years old. I would be a "catch" for the right female. But about 6 months ago I started paying for sex and Im no longer interested in having a "girlfriend" or some sort of comitted relationship.

I have had many ex girlfriends over the years and my breakups have been rough. I've dated several Persian and Arab girls and a few of my ex's have ended up marrying other white men. I'm still angry about how things ended. And maybe I'm a bit jealous.

All of the anger that I've had from my breakups is part of the reason I now use prostitutes.

Many of the prostitutes I see tell me I'm the youngest male client who sees them and they can't believe how good looking I am for someone who uses escorts. In fact some of them have tried to date me and subsequently offered me free sex.

It's not that I can't get girls. I'm just tired of the breakups and all the bullsh1t. I also understand that fundamentally, all women are whores to an extent, and everyone has a price .

In fact when you get down to it, many married women also whores themselves out and take all their husbands money.
BS2, where is the "I am university educated" line? I guess you have changed substantially. LOL J/K.
Yeah i had a hooker phase when i finished college. I had enough money and was lonely. Anyway it was a waste of time and money. I should have worked on finding someone who was relatively earnest.
My opinion is all women are whores. You buy them Drinks, dinner etc and then it happens. The trick is to screw their brains out, that makes them confuse ecstacy with love. Stupid and primitive, but thats how it goes. Most women are stupid. I used to think that being intelligent and quoting shakespeare and having a good job and a fit body mattered. All they care about is primitive pleasures... fine by me :-D
My opinion is all women are whores.

+100 ain't that the truth. Even women who marry are looking for a guy to support them first and foremost. It all comes down to an exchange.

Where a lot of guys get duped is they think their wife will continue having sex with them. Wrong. Most marriages end up sex less and then when you die she takes all of your money without offering anything substantial in return.

My Grandfather's brother has a lot of money saved up (500,000 or so) and it'sall going to his ssecond wife. I think they only had sex 5 times in the 20 years they've been married.
+100 ain't that the truth. Even women who marry are looking for a guy to support them first and foremost. It all comes down to an exchange.

Where a lot of guys get duped is they think their wife will continue having sex with them. Wrong. Most marriages end up sex less and then when you die she takes all of your money without offering anything substantial in return.

My Grandfather's brother has a lot of money saved up (500,000 or so) and it'sall going to his ssecond wife. I think they only had sex 5 times in the 20 years they've been married.

i wouldn't say that they are ALL whores, but enough of them are or could become one in certain conditions for a man to avoid marrying
I despise prostitutes and other “women†of such a socially-malignant genome (strippers, porn stars, show girls, escorts, call girls, etc.) with every fiber of my soul and I’d literally rather die than financially enable their abhorrent, monstrous, dishonorable, failure-laden, sociopathic existance. It’s my understanding that these respiring-contagions have “pimps†who control their every move…another vile cretin (usually a non-white male involved in the drug trade and on government assistance) that is being supported by the “Johns†who utilized his product.

Thus, you’re not only hurting yourself (dangerous situations, STD’s, regret, shame, etc.), but also empowering the embarrassingly-reprobate lifestyle of lowly harlot and simultaneously helping to fiscally facilitate her “pimp,†habitually an execrable criminal of substantial magnitude. I’ve never known anyone in my entire life that has solicited a prostitute and I personally wouldn’t even know where to locate one of those perma-soiled flesh puppets even if I wanted to.

People who’ve read my posts in other CF threads know that I’m a militant, hardcore Men’s Rights Activist. I've always felt that the diluted, hollow “sexuality†offered by prostitution and strip clubs give women a baffling amount of “power†over men, something they exploit to the utmost. That said, I fully understand the “at least a prostitute is cheaper than a wife†and the “marriage is a form of prostitution†rationale, as an extremely high percentage of modern women are appalling in unfathomable ways. Their selfishness, their greed, their materialistic personalities, their lack of gratitude, their allegiance to their “careers,†their indolence for female chores, their dearth of maternal/feminine instincts, and their attempts to emasculate and sexually extort their husbands. I fully understand why men “opt out†of dating and marriage…but why support females (prostitutes, strippers, etc.) who are even worse?

My wife and I were married in our early 20’s and we’re very happily married in our late 20’s. She’s a fantastic woman who is beautiful, supportive, a great mother, hard-working, very feminine, pro-white, anti-Marxist, anti-feminist, and my best friend. How many bills has she paid in our 6 years of marriage? Zero. I don’t want her to because, despite the fact that she holds a degree in accounting, she says that her “career†is our family together.

Think of vast difference between a woman like her and a common street prostitute. The dissimilarity is every bit as stark when comparing a white man like me to an inner city Negro, a ****** prancing around a gay club, a suburban yuppie, or a Jew from NYC.

For all you guys who employ prostitutes…couldn’t you just watch porn for free online? I’ll admit that I used to do this in my younger days and there was truly unlimited “material†back then. All these years later, there are probably billions of free videos to be had. However, I’m sure that even viewing free internet porn likely supports the Jews that run the business through advertising money, which is usually dictated by site views.
You know, I was going to go on a rant here but I gave it some thought and I have to say I agree with some of what the other posters said earlier. I am 33, have never been on a date, am a virgin and a primary caretaker of my 20- year old autistic brother. I can't help but think too many young girls act like whores, plus too many young guys are way into video games and pornography.

I do feel I was born in the wrong era, I used to feel weird because I think pornography is gross, casual sex is bad and that stuff in general makes no sense in our culture. I see this with my older brother in the service, he is 35, plays Call of Duty for hours and looks at freaky Japanese fetish pornography yet won't date because he thinks women are whores.

I hope this contributes to the conversation and is not derailing the thread, I thought it would be good to see the woman's perspective
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