Paying for sex and prostitution, what's your take?

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I'm not joking.

As I said I can even prove it by posting photos of me and the model from my last shoot. We're both wearing clothes.

When I started this thread I guess I wasn't fully honest about myself. It's not so much that I'm paying for sex, more that I am paying these women to model for me and allow me to distribute the content.

I get a contract signed and video consent and release form for each scene.

The ladies are pretty hot. If the guys on this site want I can post a couple non nude shots from my last scene?

This "hobby" is very fun and I enjoy making porn. I've been doing it for about 1 year.

I have the look and personality for it too. My videos feature me giving an intro then usually followed by a handjob, oral, sex etc. It's based on my life as a bachelor.

I'm thinking of calling my site "bachelorpickup"

if the videos feature white girls it could be considered a crime against the white race
I'm not joking.

As I said I can even prove it by posting photos of me and the model from my last shoot. We're both wearing clothes.

When I started this thread I guess I wasn't fully honest about myself. It's not so much that I'm paying for sex, more that I am paying these women to model for me and allow me to distribute the content.

I get a contract signed and video consent and release form for each scene.

The ladies are pretty hot. If the guys on this site want I can post a couple non nude shots from my last scene?

This "hobby" is very fun and I enjoy making porn. I've been doing it for about 1 year.

I have the look and personality for it too. My videos feature me giving an intro then usually followed by a handjob, oral, sex etc. It's based on my life as a bachelor.

I'm thinking of calling my site "bachelorpickup"


here you go buddy:
if the videos feature white girls it could be considered a crime against the white race

Let me repeat myself: I am fully honest with all females who shoot for me and I pay them fairly. I tell them Im doing porn and it will end up online. If theyre comfortable with that I proceed.

What I do is also completely legal in Canada

Yes, some of the girls I shoot with are white. My last girl was Italian White. She enjoyed it and had a great time. I didn't force her to do anything.

I've also shot myself banging Middle Eastern (Iranian) girls.

I'm working right now on a French Blonde chick. After her I want to shoot a rough sex scene with a North African Arab.

I'm open to working with all races but not black. I don't find black women attractive.
Let me repeat myself: I am fully honest with all females who shoot for me and I pay them fairly. I tell them Im doing porn and it will end up online. If theyre comfortable with that I proceed.

What I do is also completely legal in Canada

Yes, some of the girls I shoot with are white. My last girl was Italian White. She enjoyed it and had a great time. I didn't force her to do anything.

I've also shot myself banging Middle Eastern (Iranian) girls.

I'm working right now on a French Blonde chick. After her I want to shoot a rough sex scene with a North African Arab.

I'm open to working with all races but not black. I don't find black women attractive.

i'm not saying it's illegal
but by doing it with white girls you disgrace the white race
as for black women, maybe it's because there are very few where you live
"if the videos feature white girls it could be considered a crime against the white race"

Of course they're White girls, and the Mohammedan invaders in Europe are preying on them too. The Jews bring them - the dregs of the Islamic world - in to invade the white nations, along with the n's, and now they're moving into the Jews' porno racket.

"BoxingSpecialist2:So, does anyone wanna see photos (non nude) from my last shoot?"

No, what I'd like to see is you banned, unless this place is going from a sports forum to a pimp forum. Alsop, I agree with the other guy. You look like a little pretty boy poof.

Sorry that you feel that way. Maybe it was a mistake for me to make this thread. I've always enjoyed your posts and even stuck up for you in the past.

Listen. I'm full white. Just like you. My background may be Muslim. But I don't practice the religion.

Most of the porn I shoot is me with Middle Eastern girls. Some is with white girls.

It has nothing to do with race or bringing anyone down.

Jesus, I just thought I could be honest here. I enjoy sex there's nothing wrong with that.

Politically I think we can all agree I fit in here. What I do for enjoyment is just that a hobby.

I thought the guys on this site would be cool with it given how we're all supposed to be anti - feminist and anti - equality.

My videos are about being a young single guy.
Sorry that you feel that way. Maybe it was a mistake for me to make this thread. I've always enjoyed your posts and even stuck up for you in the past.

Listen. I'm full white. Just like you. My background may be Muslim. But I don't practice the religion.

Most of the porn I shoot is me with Middle Eastern girls. Some is with white girls.

It has nothing to do with race or bringing anyone down.

Jesus, I just thought I could be honest here. I enjoy sex there's nothing wrong with that.

Politically I think we can all agree I fit in here. What I do for enjoyment is just that a hobby.

I thought the guys on this site would be cool with it given how we're all supposed to be anti - feminist and anti - equality.

My videos are about being a young single guy.

I've always stuck up for you in the past too, and yes it was a mistake to make this thread.
It's a lot more about you than I wanted to know. I don't usually say someone should be banned because it's usually me who's the guy getting banned. Maybe if u just delete the whole thing....
B.S. Specialist:

I think you misjudged. We stay away from prostitutes as our fathers stayed away from them and as we don't want our brothers or our sons to procure them so we set good examples; we don't hate prostitutes we have sympathy for their poor judgments; good white men love women; we love our mothers; we love our sisters; we love our wives; we love our daughters; we don't think all women are prostitutes; if you really are doing what you write you are doing i suggest you give yourself a shake and learn what it is to be a man; don't get angry, just get better. Good wishes friend.
I'd usually employ a bit of tact in a discussion such as this but certain posters are exhibiting about as much refinement as a fat pervert ripping off moist staccato farts whilst furiously masturbating on a packed railway platform in peak hour so I'll simply be blunt.

BoxingSpecialist2 has miraculously managed to wrest the title of "Most Embarrassing Dipstick To Ever Post At Caste Football" from erstwhile Hellenic supremacist and mutton-head-in-chief Zeus, who also liked to post photos of himself. Such a "dynamic duo" of Turkic-looking knobs would make a perfect gift for the discerning collector of immature idiots...

BoxingSpecialist2 - You're 26 years old yet exhibit the posturing mentality of a teenager who incessantly big-notes himself in an attempt to mask his own manifold insecurities. For ****'s sake, you keep reiterating over and over and over again that you're so very good-looking, muscular, well-educated, confident, loaded with cash and can cop sex whenever you want. By the way, you forgot to add the all-important stock boast of being hung like a mule and having nuts the size of shot puts.

Well, perhaps instead of forking out money for "rough sex" and even rougher head-jobs I recommend you ditch the off the rack suit or - if quality bespoke tailoring is beyond your "vast" means - at least take care to purchase jackets which fit properly. I know that ties aren't too popular these days but trousers without a belt? What on earth are you thinking..? Thank goodness the photo didn't include your footwear...

After a while you amend your story and "reveal" that you are in fact making amateur "porn films" (insert Old Scratch's "Newman's Laugh" video...) which feature you shagging (not just "rough sex" but - ooohhhh - "very rough sex") with various slags, including some of your obviously classy "ex-girlfriends". Just when one thinks that you cannot possibly make an even bigger fool of yourself you keep asking if anyone wants to see photos from your latest "shoot"...

Your conveyor-belt braggadocio reminds me of this self-proclaimed "genius", who also refers to his "muscularity:


Congratulations on calumniating your own mother - that's exceedingly gentlemanly and confirms your absolute lack of even a mere electron of propriety. You bravely aver that all women are whores from the safety of some dingy room and thereby insult every one of our members (with the notable exception of your fellow misogynistic, harlot fancying, no-hoping pox farmers), all of whom have mothers, wives, girlfriends, daughters, et cetera. I'll wager you wouldn't be so brashly opinionated if you and the other contributors to this thread were in the same room...

The concept of actually paying for sex disgusts me on all manner of planes and - in my opinion - is one of the lowest points a man (or, for that matter, a woman...) can sink to. That said, everyone is free to make their own choices so if men wish to patronise prostitutes then I have no objection - apart from that of morality, of course...

Let's face it - prostitution shall always exist so it might as well be legal, taxable, and as closely regulated as possible. The sheer number of brothels, "massage parlours", streetwalkers, and "independent operators" indicates that these "services" are utilised by a very substantial proportion of men, most of whom are self-styled "respectable" citizens who hypocritically swear that they'd never engage in such acts.

Consider this: Caste Football members (including - significantly - our proud resident whoremongers) are forever wringing their hands and lamenting the disappearance of the traditional family unit and its concomitant gender roles while decrying the modern career woman who would rather go out and earn money than sit at home cooking meals, darning socks, and looking after the dozen or so children. Correct?

Now some of you are saying that the "traditional" male-female relationship is inherently flawed and marriage is nothing more than a form of long-term "informal" prostitution. So, what the **** do you actually want? A woman who doesn't work and stays at home (apparently "leeching off" the breadwinning male martyr - which makes her a "whore"...) or a career woman who works full-time and isn't keen on the aforementioned "homemaker's" role (but will perhaps pay for her own drinks and potentially engage in plenty of casual sex on a regular basis - which, of course, also makes her a "whore"...)? Oh, hang on, I know! You just want to shag as many different women as you can with no effort involved and no strings attached. That's why you utilise whores. Exemplary stuff indeed...

By the way, how much money are all of you strutting lotharios handing over for these, ah, "carnal services"? Don't tell me that you're opting for quantity over quality by engaging knee-tremblers in piss-and-vomit reeking back alleys or patronising low-budget bordellos in which one can still faintly smell the last bloke's pathetic load despite the "lady's" liberal use of discount perfume plus a glassful of Listerine. Here in Australia, I've been informed that anything less than about $400 a pop (s******...) won't buy one anything that's "fit for human consumption"...
Sorry for the nasty comment I made about your appearance, BS2. It's too easy to be nasty online. I still think you should delete this thread, though.
Well, perhaps instead of forking out money for "rough sex" and even rougher head-jobs I recommend you ditch the off the rack suit or - if quality bespoke tailoring is beyond your "vast" means - at least take care to purchase jackets which fit properly. I know that ties aren't too popular these days but trousers without a belt? What on earth are you thinking..? Thank goodness the photo didn't include your footwear...

It's just a photo which I thought was more tasteful without a belt. Obviously if I'm going out I would use a belt. As a youth, I worked for fashion retailers such as Armani, Guess?, and others (though I now work in a totally different industry), so thanks but I think I'll pass on the fashion advice from "anonymous internet fancy words intellectual" like yourself :p Why don't you do us all a favour and post some of your own glamour shots, Mr. Hotshot!

After a while you amend your story and "reveal" that you are in fact making amateur "porn films" (insert Old Scratch's "Newman's Laugh" video...) which feature you shagging (not just "rough sex" but - ooohhhh - "very rough sex") with various slags, including some of your obviously classy "ex-girlfriends". Just when one thinks that you cannot possibly make an even bigger fool of yourself you keep asking if anyone wants to see photos from your latest "shoot"...

The content I shoot is not exactly amateur. My content is very well done. To compare there is a porn production company or two in Quebec (I believe its called Pegas or something, its mostly French Canadian content) and Id say my work is getting close to as good as theirs is. Not bad considering Im a single guy and have only been doing this a year or so. Producing porn is a process and its something you get better at with practice. As it stands, all my videos are shot in HD, with exceptional lighting and settings.

So far I have lost money by shooting porn, but I do think I can start to make money when my site is up and running. If I could simply recoup my costs Id be happy with that. My content is very genuine and I think I would watch it if I wasnt shooting it. Like I said, each scene is me giving an introduction, narrating, and talking about picking up sluts then it starts going into action from there.

Let's face it - prostitution shall always exist so it might as well be legal, taxable, and as closely regulated as possible. The sheer number of brothels, "massage parlours", streetwalkers, and "independent operators" indicates that these "services" are utilised by a very substantial proportion of men, most of whom are self-styled "respectable" citizens who hypocritically swear that they'd never engage in such acts.

Bang-on correct.

I think a lot of guys (perhaps even yourself) would like to do what I am doing - which is having sex with sluts, recording it, and doing it over and over - but they can't because of commitment issues (parents, wife, girlfriend, worried about what friends will think about them etc.) or they don't have the balls to do it.

I don't care what people think about me. I'm not going to apologize for being a male and wanting rough sex. Part of being right-wing is recognizing the fact that men and women are not equal. The reality of life is that it is successful and becoming for a man to have many sexual partners, but the reverse, a woman with many sexual partners is entirely unsuccessful. Being on a site like this you should agree with that sentiment.

So, what the **** do you actually want?

For now, I just like to work hard at my career and shoot porn about once a month. In the future maybe I would want to get married and have a family but only under certain conditions and with an understanding female.
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Sorry for the nasty comment I made about your appearance, BS2. It's too easy to be nasty online. I still think you should delete this thread, though.

Its OK.

As I said I knew making this thread that some people would disagree with my viewpoint. Thats OK. At the end of the day its just a recreational hobby of mine, doesn't define who I am beyond that. I was just wondering if any other guys on this site had similar hobbies but apparently not.
Unfortunately, I opened this thread and have come to the healthy conclusion that BS2 is a pervert, and a quasi-exhibitionist.
BoxingSpecialist2 said:
I think a lot of guys (perhaps even yourself) would like to do what I am doing - which is having sex with sluts, recording it, and doing it over and over - but they can't because of commitment issues (parents, wife, girlfriend, worried about what friends will think about them etc.) or they don't have the balls to do it.

Do you know what actually necessitates “balls,†you sociopathic, sexual deviant, harlot-exploiting, ultra-decadent, hedonistic debauchee? Being a good man who cares for people other than himself. Being a model for his beliefs at all times. Living in a manner that would make his European ancestors proud to call him kin.

While I spend time with my kids and beloved wife, you’re engaging in hollow “sex†acts with the lowest, cheapest, filthiest, most immoral, socially-insensate, shameful, self-loathing, fatherless “females†who don’t care about you as a person (and visa-versa). While I grind through my daily chores (farm work, garage, etc), you’re setting up audio/video equipment, shaving your crotch, and organizing lubricants. While I’m outside enjoying the nature of my country home, you’re lost in some concrete colon in Canada filming porn to make money and provide a masturbation stimulus in a world replete with such iniquities. While I build relationships with neighbors, co-workers, family, and friends, you’re preying on, exploiting, and enabling the reprehensible behavior of the daughters in your community.

You’re right; my pontificating on this subject is simply because I’m “jealous†of your wonderful life! It’s clearly far more fulfilling than my own.

It’s ironic that you constantly defame Jews (who, as we all know, run the porn industry as they do banking, entertainment, economics, and media), but you choose to join them as an unapologetic pornographer. Likewise, you demean the famous lack of impulse control traditionally exhibited by Negroes…yet what desire do you deny yourself?

I’ve liked some your posts (especially boxing and some politics) over the years, but you must admit that the wild admissions you make in this thread are quite damning of your character.
Thrashen, it's great that you're married and have a daughter, that's awesome and you should be happy with that, which Im sure you are. I understand that you may take offense to some of the comments I make about females, but please understand I don't hate females and I certainly don't wish any harm on them. My point is simply that men and women are not equal, and as a man, I'm more interested in rough sex than dating. Ive dated many girls in the past but it didnt work out long term. So, not everybody ends up with a wife and some sort of long term relationship. It doesnt make anyone better or worse. We're all people, we all have flaws, and we're all different.

I'm glad that you enjoy my boxing and political posts. Yes, I am extremely anti-Zionist and anti-Leftist. The porn I shoot is totally about me being young and horny. Has nothing to do with Jews, or Muslims, or whatever. It's just me as a single, young, white male enjoying myself and having rough sex with Middle Eastern and white females.

I don't feel that this thread damages my character at this site. As I said, I am of the opinion that men and women are not equal. I am also of the opinion that there is a separation between someone's political beliefs and their sex life or recreational life. At the end of the day I shoot porn cause its fun and I like it.
Speaking of shooting porn, here's some teaser pics from my last shoot; (They've been resized and reduced in quality, the actual pics on my porn site would be much much better, these are simply teaser screen shots. Video is in HD and came out excellent)

My Pic




Her Pic, she's Italian


Us together in the porn shoot




She jerked me off, blew me, we had sex from every position and in every hole then I finished. Was pretty awesome and the video came out superb ;) I shot from a POV angle. Id say its my best shoot yet and it honestly turned out as good as you would find in major porn companies. I paid her. She signed contracts giving me right to distribute among other things. She offered me free sex after the shoot, texting me a few days later asking me to come over and sleep with her for free, and almost asked me out on a date, which Ill probably say yes to (I think she's hot).

I won't post any more pics because most have full frontal nudity.

Ive also shot myself having sex with Iranian girls.

Next on my list I want to shoot sex scenes with a blonde, then after that a North African Arab, after that probably a Brown girl after that probably an Asian.

Im actually working on shooting a blonde French chick next (very fit, from Montreal), if the community is interested i can post pics and let everyone know how it goes?

After that Im shooting with an Arab chick.

Im buying a convertible (Mazda Miata) this summer and thats what I want to do with my life: Shoot porn, bang sluts, and drive my god damn convertible.
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We've had an interesting exchange of opinions in this thread, time to move onto other subjects.
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