Paying for sex and prostitution, what's your take?

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Where I live in Calgary, blacks probably makeup less than 1%of this city's population.

Many of the prostitutes here claim to be independent, and some truly are. They don't have a pimp and you see them at their place of residence.. Some "work with a guy" bbut inCCalgary the pimps are probably White or Asian or South Asian.

There are also agencies or studios that girls can work out of. Probably Asian, Brown, or Italian owned.

Personally, I am good looking and make good $$$. I don't play video games.

I just feel that all I want out of women is sex . I don't want to take relationships further than that. Sometimes I can get laid without paying, but there is a time cost associated with that and sometimes I strike out.

I have regular girls, Persian, North African Arab, White that I see and I'm happy with that setup it's how I want to live my life.

As I said, what I find pathetic are the men who do everything for their wife and get no sex in return. Too many men fall into that trap.
I think prostitution and men buying sex is immoral. Humans were meant to be better than that.

Nowadays, people are more focused on short-term sexual urges than on long-term monogamous relationships. People are missing out on the most important thing in life: a long-lasting mutually loving relationship.

But our minds have been corrupted by the entertainment media, and sadly, white people rarely stay together any more. We seem have taken on the promiscuous ways of Negroes and chimpanzees.

This thread is ridiculous! Not worth commenting on, because of all the contradictions, generalities and assumptions!

For example: BS2 agreed, I believe said that ALL women are whores, yet he admits to sleeping around with many women. Whose the whore?

Another example: All women are whores. BS2, is looking in only the places where whores hang out, so naturally he will only encounter whores.

Example number 3: Married men never have sex or as much sex. I'm almost 50, married with 5 children. I make love to my wife as much as I can stand for an almost 50 year old man can have! I admit we don't make love as much as we did in our 20's and 30's. I promise you BS2, if you get married and 5 children and make it to 50, you won't have as much sex either!

Many more assumptions I could mention, however, I don't have anymore time. I'm going to go spend some time with my beautiful wife and best friend! If you know what I mean!
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One other would be (very) ill advised to say ALL women are wh0res in my that would then include my wife & sainted Momma (God rest her soul). One would soon after be "hitchin' a ride" aboard LifeFlight or the in back of the meat wagon...soon to be pushin' up daisies. See, I try to strictly govern my violent nature most of the time, BUT when it comes to family honor...all bets are off. Just sayin'.
While I agree this thread is stupid, I will say that is support legalized prostitution and Marijuana. I personally don't partake in either of those activities, but I don't like the government trying to enforce these victimless crimes.
My goal in life is to set a good example for my child, and try to raise my children to want to be sucessful people. Drugs, sex, pornography, and an unhealthy lifestyle just detour you from making significant progress in your life.
I consider myself old fashioned. I had old beliefs that women should be treated like ladies. Maybe some are. Most older women have some resemblance of class. My experience has taught me that the majority of modern women are : stupid, shallow, materialistic, promiscuous and devoid of loyalty ( will betray men and each other without a second thought). Ive had male friends risk their lives for me and done the same for them but no way in hell has a woman ever come close to displaying such loyalty. Maybe thats just their nature.
I'msorry Iif some people find the thread stupid or offensive. This is the only site I post at and wanted to get other viewpoints.

Personally I don't do any drugs, never have. I'm also not a big drinker, I rarely drink alcohol and when I do its just 1 beer on a Saturday night.

So I guess my vice is sex. I work hard Mon-Fri and I am successful for my age. It's my business how I like to enjoy myself and I'm not changing.
I'msorry Iif some people find the thread stupid or offensive. This is the only site I post at and wanted to get other viewpoints.

Personally I don't do any drugs, never have. I'm also not a big drinker, I rarely drink alcohol and when I do its just 1 beer on a Saturday night.

So I guess my vice is sex. I work hard Mon-Fri and I am successful for my age. It's my business how I like to enjoy myself and I'm not changing.

BS2, nothing wrong with putting the thread out there. I just find a lot of contradictions in your posts.

As you just stated: It's your business how you like to enjoy yourself. It doesn't seem like you've been enjoying yourself from what you say in some of your posts, like on post #2 of this thread.

I think you're looking in the wrong places for women. You wanted our views, so I'm giving you mine. I don't think you'll ever find happiness and enjoyment going from woman to woman, but as you said, it's your business.

Not all women are whores. There are plenty of good women out there. You are hanging out and going to places where the whores are, so that's probably all you'll ever find, unless you start looking in other places.

Again, it's your business. I made a lot of mistakes when I was around your age. Just trying to give you some advice man to man from one who was once your age.
BS2 - In previous threads you've said that as a Muslim you prefer Middle Eastern girls and that you work in the Alberta oil industry. Last time I checked Saudi Arabia and a number of other ME countries have considerable oil industries - indeed they have little else. Why not take your skills and/or experience to a part of the world where you would be more comfortable?
BS2 - In previous threads you've said that as a Muslim you prefer Middle Eastern girls and that you work in the Alberta oil industry. Last time I checked Saudi Arabia and a number of other ME countries have considerable oil industries - industry have little else. Why not take your skills and/or experience to a part of the world where you would be more comfortable?

For marriage and dating yes I prefer Middle Eastern females. Ive posted photos of myself with 3 of my ex girlfriends on this site have you seen them? My ex's are Iranian, Afghan. I am White (European). I had a lot of sex with them all but ultimately none of my relationships worked out.

For sex I also prefer Middle Eastern because I find them the best looking. Before I started paying for sex, I also had a few one night stands with White girls (Russian, Hungarian).

Now that I pay for sex most of the escorts I have sex with are either Middle Eastern, South Asian, or White. I like to mix it up.

Well, I'm 26 and I would like to gain more experience in my field. In the future yes I'd love to go to Dubai or Saudi Arabia and work.

Not sure what you mean by "more comfortable". You know that a lot of Christian white Canadians also pay for sex right?
One other would be (very)ill advised to say ALL women are wh0res in my that would then include my wife & sainted Momma (God rest her soul). One would soon after be "hitchin' a ride" aboard LifeFlight or the in back of the meat wagon...soon to be pushin' up daisies. See, I try to strictly govern my violent nature most of the time, BUT when it comes to family honor...all bets are off. Just sayin'.

I stand by my comments.

But allow me to clarify: Women are whores in the sense that they are all seeking some sort of exchange involving sex or their companionship.

I don't hate women and I'm not saying that makes them bad people. But ultimately their decisions with regard to companionship and sex are based on this "exchange" and what they will be receiving (be it money, a house, a husband who supports them, a lift up the social ladder).

If you think otherwise than you're not accepting reality.

I've seen it happen many times.

My father has his second wife. He works his a $$ off and has managed to save up a lot of money. She has never worked and just sits at home. He pays everything. They never have sex. And when he passes she will collect his entire life savings. I don't believe she loves him.

My Grandfather's Brother. Same story. Unemployed second wife who will take him to the cleaners.

Even my own mother who is also remarried to her second husband. She doesn't pay anything. She lives in his house and is essentially supported by him.

Do you think these women marry to find a setup or a man to support them? Of course.

If you really believe these wives love their husbands you're dreaming. It's a cash grab.

Atleast prostitutes are honest about being whores. In fact I think prostitute is the most legitimate occupation a female can have.
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I don't see a problem with this thread when it stays on point. Prostitution is just another social issue and I don't see why we should ignore it.

Personally, I don't like it on the streets. It is unsightly and you do see the worst of life. But consenting adults should be left alone to do as they please within the law outside of the public eye.

But I don't think this thread has spoken to one of the most attractive parts of prostitution.

A famous good looking male actor back in the 1940's & 50's was being interviewed by a female reporter. He had recently admitted to paying for a prostitute. The reporter was quite puzzled and asked him why, when he could have sex with just about any female he wanted, would he need to have to pay for sex.

The actor told her, "Ma'am, I don't pay them to have sex, I pay them to leave."

There is an attraction to avoiding the potential hassles of the day after. Unwanted calls, stalking, even violence can ruin your life.

I also find it a very grey area between prostitution and buying dinner for a girl for a couple of nights just to get some. Then never calling again. That seems like a more dishonest approach than prostitution.
Hello, all. First post by newbie. Full disclosure: I can be a little controversial. FEVSSM stands for "eff escapist vicarious spectator sport mania" :wave:

I believe the thread answers its own question. #1, BS2, your lifestyle is a great way to spread venereal disease. (I call things by their old shocking, morally-weighted names.) One or two posters have brought up the subject but it fell between the cracks. Yeah, there are cures for most kinds of it, but there are other considerations. Doctors are now saying having ever had a VD appears to predispose us to crotch (or is it prostate) cancer.

You refer to "many of the prostitutes I see", BS2; what's the total at this point? Do you have any idea whether you’re a carrier? These things are running rampant in the white world explicitly and entirely due to the sex revolution that's still with us four horrific decades after Woodstock - thanks to liberals. You’re here, I assume your worldview’s measurably right of center, but you're sounding - to me - eerily like a page out of the "Playboy Philosophy."

Some forms of VD will give somebody else symptoms but not oneself. You and your favorite whore could conceivably be destroying some young guy’s ability – or his future wife’s – to conceive nice apple-cheeked white babies, with no other symptoms showing themselves. Chlamydia is “the silent epidemic.†It can be unwittingly passed from mother to child! (Oh, no, did I just mention pregnancy in the middle of this?)

#2, most of the discussion is about getting or having sex. Only Carolina Speed, God bless him, speaks of making love - obviously it’s so for Thrashen too.

In my clueless college days long ago I knew a very zestful, liberal sexologist and MD. I asked him whether he felt most people had happy sex lives, and was unhappy to hear his answer in the negative, especially since he was so enthusiastic about the "new morality." I think if atom bombs had just destroyed civilization and we were lying around dying it might finally occur to us that we guys are physically driven to be a tad exploitative in sex, especially when young and unbearably horny - and, having the conquest-oriented psychological makeup we do, we’re not uniformly inclined to give what women want under normal conditions - love - for what we're most itching for. I’m talking about the few remaining real, non-jaded women now, not vermin who watch Sex in the City.

A very, very happily married woman much older than me and from absolutely wonderful conservative Southern Christian people once told me how her aunt used to summarize men - "when they're soft, they're hard. When they're hard, they're soft." Meaning a guy’s more loving when he’s feeling the urge. How many of us are plain selfish clods between the sheets? I’m just askin’.

Strictly analytically, now, it behooves us to remember that we white men used to be the masters of the universe. Everything that’s gone wrong with that setup, it’s because we’ve allowed or caused it.

You asked! :grin:

Sorry, didn't mean to double space. Clicking to edit, the text disappears?

Thank you for your comments and welcome to this site. Yes I am very right wing in my thinking and I am extremely anti - liberal, anti - leftist, anti - feminist and anti - marxist. Ive been posting on this site since 2011 and Ive donated money here because I am appreciative of this site, its objective, and I applaud the owner Don Wassall. In the future I will donate even more $ because it's a great site.

To answer your question I've had sex with maybe 10 girls without paying and 10 prostitutes so I'm at 20 or so. I stopped counting.

I always wear a condom with prostitutes.

With my Iranian and Afghan ex girlfriends I never used a condom. And we had a lot of sex.

I get a yearly physical and I'm always clean. I've never had any disease and I have perfect health.

I like very rough sex. Maybe I have a higher sex drive than most? But I'm not going to apologize for being a man and wanting rough sex.

"Making love" to a woman, no offense is bullsh1t. You're either having rough sex or youre not.

At the end of the day, I don't drink don't do drugs. So yes when I want to unwind I like very rough sex.

I notice you, Carolina Speed, and Thrashen (who I respect very much) are silent about my true life examples of wives taking all their husbands money.

Funny enough, was working today with a 40 year old Eurasian dude. He told me he's divorced and now has to rebuild his life at 40 cause he'sbroke and his ex took everything.

Why should I get married? So I can end up like him or my Dad?

No thanks. I think I'd rather have rough sex with sluts and call it a day. A lot more fun and less headache. I may even save money in the long run.
I probably will get married some day. But that's a long time from now. And I'll get a much younger and foreign (traditional) wife. Like I'll be 38 and my wife will be 21 Persian Muslim.

Just like what my hero Wlad Klitschko did! He got married at like 38 to a 21 year old chick.

That's the way to do it!

Thank you for your comments and welcome to this site. Yes I am very right wing in my thinking and I am extremely anti - liberal, anti - leftist, anti - feminist and anti - marxist. Ive been posting on this site since 2011 and Ive donated money here because I am appreciative of this site, its objective, and I applaud the owner Don Wassall. In the future I will donate even more $ because it's a great site.

To answer your question I've had sex with maybe 10 girls without paying and 10 prostitutes so I'm at 20 or so. I stopped counting.

I always wear a condom with prostitutes.

With my Iranian and Afghan ex girlfriends I never used a condom. And we had a lot of sex.

I get a yearly physical and I'm always clean. I've never had any disease and I have perfect health.

I like very rough sex. Maybe I have a higher sex drive than most? But I'm not going to apologize for being a man and wanting rough sex.

"Making love" to a woman, no offense is bullsh1t. You're either having rough sex or youre not.

At the end of the day, I don't drink don't do drugs. So yes when I want to unwind I like very rough sex.

I notice you, Carolina Speed, and Thrashen (who I respect very much) are silent about my true life examples of wives taking all their husbands money.

Funny enough, was working today with a 40 year old Eurasian dude. He told me he's divorced and now has to rebuild his life at 40 cause he'sbroke and his ex took everything.

Why should I get married? So I can end up like him or my Dad?

No thanks. I think I'd rather have rough sex with sluts and call it a day. A lot more fun and less headache. I may even save money in the long run.

BS2, I don't know what else to say to you about the women you know that have ran off with your relatives money.

I've been married for 20 years and my wife has not ran off with my money! In fact I don't know of any of my relatives or friends who have lost all their money after divorce. Most of the divorces or splits that I know about were done amicably.

So it's a very different world that you and I live in. It seems you live a life of your wants and do not care about others. It seems that way.

You are silent on the contradictions in your post that I pointed out. First you say you're unhappy and then you say you are happy with women. If you hang out with whores, that's all you'll ever know are whores!

Second, you call all women whores, yet you admit to sleeping around.

Again, you're wrong about older married couples and their love-making or rough sex or lack of their of as you call it.

You are a young man and you're basing your thinking a few people you know that have had bad marriages/relationships. Everyone's marriage doesn't end in divorce and or their spouse taking their money! Every couple doesn't stop making love after age 40 or 50.

Again, it's your life. Live it the way you want, but your assumptions are wrong.
BoxingSpecialist2 said:
It's not that I can't get girls. I'm just tired of the breakups and all the bullsh1t. I also understand that fundamentally, all women are whores to an extent, and everyone has a price.

The dictionary definition of the term “whoreâ€â€¦

1. A prostitute.
2. Often Offensive A person considered sexually promiscuous.
3. A person considered as having compromised principles for personal gain.

Your description of your own personal goals with the female gender…

BoxingSpecialist2 said:
I just feel that all I want out of women is sex. I don't want to take relationships further than that. Sometimes I can get laid without paying, but there is a time cost associated with that and sometimes I strike out.

You detest “whores,†but by definition, you are one. Under previous user names over the years, you’ve reminisced of having intercourse with strange women at nightclubs a mere 15 minutes after first making their acquaintance. If these tales are true, then you’re exactly right; the girls that you choose to associate with are “whores.†But who enables them to act in such a promiscuous, shameful, and sociopathic manner? Who succumbs to their depraved manipulation? Who gives them the attention they covet? Guys like you. If these are the class of women you fraternize with, it’s no great mystery why you’ve been involved in numerous toxic relationships, bad break-ups, and getting burned financially.

BoxingSpecialist2 said:
Actually Part of the reason I use prostitutes is to remind women the true value of their body and my time . It's also alpha as **** to have sex with a female, leave an envelope on the table and leave without saying thanks or goodbye.

Lol. Since when do “Alpha Males†pay for sex? Their S.O.P. is to deceive naive women into thinking they care about them, lie to them, exploit them for sex, and then leave them high and dry when fresh prey catches their eye. These parasitic oxygen-thieves should be referred to as “Omega Males,†because they are the lowest members of the male gender and and one of the primary reasons that the suicide cult of “feminism†was ever conceived. Naturally, many women are highly attracted to these soulless villains for reasons still unknown by God or science.

BoxingSpecialist2 said:
I'm sorry Iif some people find the thread stupid or offensive. This is the only site I post at and wanted to get other viewpoints.

Personally I don't do any drugs, never have. I'm also not a big drinker, I rarely drink alcohol and when I do its just 1 beer on a Saturday night.

So I guess my vice is sex. I work hard Mon-Fri and I am successful for my age. It's my business how I like to enjoy myself and I'm not changing.

You claim to “value†our opinions, but not enough to ever change the fact that you solicit prostitutes (I still can’t believe this is a thread) and are no longer interested in normal dating. Many of your threads are in a similar vein. You make a thread telling us that Arab/Muslim women are the pinnacle of womanhood; we express disagreement, nothing changes. Now that you’ve been burned by a few of these desert harpies, and suddenly they’re “all whores.â€

BoxingSpecialist2 said:
If you really believe these wives love their husbands you're dreaming. It's a cash grab.

Again, it seems these men you’re describing chose the wrong type of woman. I come from a big family, as my mom and dad both have many siblings. All of my aunts and uncles are now in their mid/late 40’s and not one couple is divorced. All of the wives are loving towards their husbands and children. In my own marriage, I pay all the bills, but my wife and I are indisputably equals. We talk all the time of our disgust for couples we know where the husband financially supports the family and also does all the cooking/cleaning/laundry/child care and the wife does very little. We fully embrace our gender-specific roles in our household. I’ve never cooked, cleaned, or done laundry in any capacity because my wife would be embarrassed of herself if I did…the same way I’d be ashamed if she was out fixing cars, wood-working, remodeling our house, building something, operating farm equipment, using power tools, mowing the lawn, cutting firewood, landscaping, tilling fields, welding, planting crops, working with livestock, or any of the other chores that are my responsibility. Even though the show debuted about 15 years before she was born, my wife always talks about her “model†for a good wife/mother being Olivia Walton from TV series “The Waltonsâ€â€¦


To me, this is the type of true “gender equality†that women have casually forfeited over the past 40 years and this loss of man-woman teamwork has poisoned the female mind, body, and soul and left it bereft of femininity because they are now compelled to be both female and a poor imitation of a male.

BoxingSpecialist2 said:
At least prostitutes are honest about being whores. In fact I think prostitute is the most legitimate occupation a female can have.

Nice. You want women to respect you, yet you clearly have none for them. You pay for the right to misuse their bodies (and support their miscreant lifestyle) for your own sexual gratification, you believe they are “all whores,†that they never truly love their husbands, and that their most honest living should be in the degeneracy-laden “discipline†of prostitution.

I have young daughters and the life I hope for them involves going to college, getting married to a great man (that manages to pass the world’s most rigorous screening process), having a family, and being a good woman. As I alluded to, some modern women can achieve “equality†with their husbands by working hard in the home, bearing children, and maintaining a healthy physical relationship and friendship with her husband.
I stand by my comments.

But allow me to clarify: Women are whores in the sense that they are all seeking some sort of exchange involving sex or their companionship.

I don't hate women and I'm not saying that makes them bad people. But ultimately their decisions with regard to companionship and sex are based on this "exchange" and what they will be receiving (be it money, a house, a husband who supports them, a lift up the social ladder).

If you think otherwise than you're not accepting reality.

I've seen it happen many times.

My father has his second wife. He works his a $$ off and has managed to save up a lot of money. She has never worked and just sits at home. He pays everything. They never have sex. And when he passes she will collect his entire life savings. I don't believe she loves him.

My Grandfather's Brother. Same story. Unemployed second wife who will take him to the cleaners.

Even my own mother who is also remarried to her second husband. She doesn't pay anything. She lives in his house and is essentially supported by him.

Do you think these women marry to find a setup or a man to support them? Of course.

If you really believe these wives love their husbands you're dreaming. It's a cash grab.

Atleast prostitutes are honest about being whores. In fact I think prostitute is the most legitimate occupation a female can have.

You'd not be long for this world if you'd said that in my face. By the looks of your little f@990ty picture, you ain't much of a man. I used to shake down punks like you for lunch money bank in my school boy days. You'd definitely not want to come across me in a dark me.
I personally woudlnt want to connect my body with any gal that didnt actually WANT me. If all she wanted was money I doubt I could even get up for the job.

BS2 can ask how much these gals are charging you for their time?
I personally woudlnt want to connect my body with any gal that didnt actually WANT me. If all she wanted was money I doubt I could even get up for the job.

BS2 can ask how much these gals are charging you for their time?

Depends the girl and depends what I'm asking for. Actually, K, let me be a bit more honest. I didn't want to get into this but I guess I have to:

I'm actually shooting porn.

So I don't really pay girls for sex. I pay them for the right to distribute, sell, and market the content in what way I see fit. I pay 800-1500 per scene and I've invested about 5000$ into equipment. Payment depends on looks and content.

I am launching my own porn site which is basically based on my life as a bachelor "bachelor life" and consists of me having very rough sex with various females. I am comfortable with doing it and showing my face. Fortunately I have a career where I can do this and it won't affect my job.

My last shoot was an Italian chick. I've also shot me with Persian and Asian chick's.

Some of them have tried to date me afterwards and offered me free sex. Most of the girls I shoot are prostitutes (Italian, Asian). A few are ex girlfriends. Some are just normal girls who respond to my ads.

I'm sorry if this offends anyone. I've thought long and hard and this is something I've wanted to do for a long time. I think this is the path I wish to take with my life.

I'd also like to point out that no one in life is perfect. We all have our flaws. I am fully honest with all females who shoot for me and they do it cause they like it.

Aside from shooting porn, I have morals and try to be a kind person.

I could post photos (non nude) from my last shoot if people are interested?
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And thanks for the reply, BS2. Gladyou're committed to the site and its noble chief!
Looking around for statistics toclobber you with, I'm surprised to find that prostitutes aren'tparticularly considered VD vectors insofar as stats on them exist.But I can tell you one thing, I'd never visit one myself in a millionyears. Better uses for my resources and respect for myself.
Sex is nothing but recreation to you.You're more than entitled to your own values, but that is clearly aminority position you're voicing. Yeah, we guys wake up every daywith a hard one and it gets worse from there, but life has to be morethan that or what's the point? I can't think of any advice for you,except maybe to get yourself a mate from the Philippines, Bolivia orsome other place where the man is the raging beast and the womanabsolutely nothing. They're ecstatic to suddenly bethus transplanted into the first world and it seems to stock. I have a buddy and an ex-buddy who are smash successes in this. One of thegals has never even learned English. That couple communicate solely viaGoogle translation on phones – but guess what, they're madly inlove. He's fending off a divorce from an American itch.
“Very rough sexâ€￾ – it's great fora guy, but what have the ladies you've tried to form relationshipshad to say about it? What, their opinion doesn't count? Total honestynow, please. Anonymity is not a license for whitewashing.
it's not only a choiceof what you've got versus vampire wives. I've simply known too manyhappily, permanently married people, even white racialists. Yeah,their relationships aren't free of aggravation, but what is? They'reall staunch Christians, that's probably the difference. ThinkingChristians, practical Christians, not stupid fundies. They do havetheir horrible divorces but in both cases that come to mind the parties ignored loud alarm bells before getting serious together.
Oh great, this time no line spacings and it runs words together. I tried! :thumb:
Depends the girl and depends what I'm asking for. Actually, K, let me be a bit more honest. I didn't want to get into this but I guess I have to:

I'm actually shooting porn.

So I don't really pay girls for sex. I pay them for the right to distribute, sell, and market the content in what way I see fit. I pay 800-1500 per scene and I've invested about 5000$ into equipment. Payment depends on looks and content.

I am launching my own porn site which is basically based on my life as a bachelor "bachelor life" and consists of me having very rough sex with various females. I am comfortable with doing it and showing my face. Fortunately I have a career where I can do this and it won't affect my job.

My last shoot was an Italian chick. I've also shot me with Persian and Asian chick's.

Some of them have tried to date me afterwards and offered me free sex. Most of the girls I shoot are prostitutes (Italian, Asian). A few are ex girlfriends. Some are just normal girls who respond to my ads.

I'm sorry if this offends anyone. I've thought long and hard and this is something I've wanted to do for a long time. I think this is the path I wish to take with my life.

I'd also like to point out that no one in life is perfect. We all have our flaws. I am fully honest with all females who shoot for me and they do it cause they like it.

Aside from shooting porn, I have morals and try to be a kind person.

I could post photos (non nude) from my last shoot if people are interested?

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