NFL Week 5

Didn't get to see Denver-N.E., but Danny converted a third and 17 and a third and 25? That is so clutch. Danny just keeps proving himself.
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Certainly tendencies remain in place but generally it seems to have been a decent weekend for our folks.

Wow, that Woodhead. I personally become more convinced of his abilities every time I see him play.

As Don pointed out earlier in this thread, there does seem to be some racial progress as it concerns "skill positions" in the league. I have to wonder if there is a generational phenomena at work here. My suspicion, for example, is that our fathers were more impressed and in awe of blacks than current athletes are, now that exposure to them has increased on the playing field. A demystification process may have occurred.

There could be a sort of internal shift occurring in the league, where not only white athletes have gained confidence in their abilities relative to their black counterparts (I think this has already occurred) but white coaches are regaining faith in their white athletes. The latter part of this process is the one that might be taking time. Coaches are instinctively risk adverse. They need to be strongly convinced of an unorthodox solution (.i.e. starting a white in a skilled position) is genuinely the better course. They are incentivized to make orthodox decisions lest a more radical seeming decision blow up in their face and the fans and media hang them out to dry (thereby costing them their job). But they are also incentivized to win. Which is also requisite to keeping their job.

Also bull**** has a tendency to smell when it sits around long enough. It might be useful to liken the situation to what must be occurring in the intelligence community. Certainly the majority element is Israeli friendly/acquiescent, but fissures have formed. Increasingly the perception becomes Israeli and American interests ARE different. Who knows just how far along this process is? It could be very advanced. But, as in football, only life experience can contradict the incredible amount of sustained propaganda that one is subjected to. Especially when incentives are arranged to keep one "believing" the bull****.

A break out white running back (.i.e. a Woodhead who gets his carries) could have a devastating affect on the caste system at this moment in terms of affecting perceptions. In such a circumstance, it'll simply defy credibility that only one white person has the ability to be a featured back in this league.

It's unfair but a guy like Woodhead has to be clutch. He's obligated to maximize every opportunity. And frankly, that's what the truly great ones do. They become irrepressible. They earn their place way beyond a shadow of a doubt. And in the process they make themselves that much greater. If you think about it philosophically, these are not all terrible problems to have. The question is do you die or get stronger? It may not be Woody but he could be indicating the way for another kid.
Another typical day for the Caste System. Jordy Nelson needs to get in Aaron Rodgers' face and scream at him, like any comparable black WR would, given the situation. I watched most of that game, and Rodgers rarely if ever even looked Nelson's way. Except, of course, to overthrow him badly on what should have been a long TD.

Never would any black WR coming off the season Nelson had be treated this way. Even with Jennings injured, he is an afterthought in the offense. Rodgers continues to pepper Finley with undeserved targets. This clod has to be the most overrated, and in my view least talented TE in the game. And the Packers insist on feeding the ball to the plodding Benson, who doesn't fit their offense and has had a major impact on their lack of success.

We have to face the fact that, if Woodhead broke off his first two carries of any given game for 80 yard TDs, he'd still be shuttled off for a "real" RB, and still would be given less than 10 touches. He cannot win, no matter how well he plays. And it is really frustrating watching the brilliant McWigger turn the game's most potent offensive weapon- Gronk-into a full time blocker for his mediocre herd of black backs. I'd love to see Gronk just body slam that idiot McWigger.

On the other side of the ball in the Pats-Broncos game, it was disappointing to see Manning zero in on Thomas so much. At least Decker got a short TD, but he should be getting many more targets than he is. But compared to years past, and to most other teams now, the Broncos offense is fun to watch.

If karma is real, Adrian Peterson will get hurt soon, and the Vikings will be forced to give Toby a chance. Looks like the Law Firm is hurt, and maybe career criminal Scott, too, so perhaps the Bengals will be forced to give Leonard some carries. Weenie World let us know that Leonard is "plodding" in their blurb after the game. I think if he and the Law Firm had a foot race, that we would find out exactly who in that backfield is the real plodder.

It's always nice when the Redskins lose, and it's great to see Scam doing such a turnaround- this is exactly how I expected him to play from the start. Wilson gets another lucky, unimpressive win, and the continuous strong public support of his odious wigger coach. How many turnovers will Vick commit this year? How bad does he have to play to be benched? The fat buffoon Golic went ballistic last week when Greenie gently suggested perhaps there was a chance Vick might eventually be benched.

I watched much of the Colts game. Was not too impressed with Luck until the second half. I don't understand the way they use Fleener- he should be one of their primary receivers, but he is held in to block much of the time, and the less talented TE Allen gets way too many targets that should go to Fleener. T.Y. Hilton is simply putrid. But, he has that "upside," so look forward to a long career.

What would it take for you to tone down your negative rants? Every single white receiver in the league having a 200 yard receiving game on Sunday? Plenty of black players had poor games as well. Nelson is not going to have a great game every Sunday. How do you explain Chris Johnson, who was once considered the most explosive running back in the league, rushing for only 24 yards on 15 attempts? He's played like crap last year and continues to do the same this year. Surely they must be trying to hold him down the way they do to Nelson and other white receivers. What about Griffin, Scam, and Newton? Why would the league allow these three to play terribly this Sunday? After all, according to you they are unstoppable.

How does Wes Welker continue to shine despite all the leagues policies to "shut him down." Please, answer these questions.
Gentlemen - We shouldn't takes things the wrong way. There're plenty of good things going on. In a way, I feel sorry for the powers that be. It's like they're the little Dutch boy trying to plug leaks in the dike with their fingers. Every time they plug one leak another opens up and they don't have enough fingers to continue plugging the leaks. Now we're starting to get games like N.E. and Denver yesterday with all sorts of White guys running around the field making plays on both sides. Things are a lot better than they appear. Now that I look back, that first week this season was just another failed attempt to plug the leaks, but before they started.

Tom Iron...
I don't attribute it to a planned conspiracy but I am disappointed in the way things have gone for White running backs so far this year. There are some good things at the receiver position but Jordy Nelson being ignored, while the Packers lose, is tough, so is Amendola's injury.

I really thought we would see a White runningback getting some #1 playing time. To start the year there were 2 good options. That has been reduced to zero with only Woodhead with a occasional carry in the RB by comittee offense of New England. Gerhart is probably 3rd on the depth chart behind Harvin now so even if Peterson gets hurt again he will not move to #1. Hillis still getting nagging injuries that will probably lock him to the bench if that doesn't clear up.

And then Burkhead is putting on a show on Saturday, and yup, hurt again. WTF? How about a break!!!

Obviously, there is a huge difference between the way a Chris Johnson, or any other black player, is treated and the way even the best white players are treated. Chris Johnson has been barely averaging a yard per carry most of this season, and was horrific for much of last season. Do you see anyone else there getting carries?

I probably differ with many of you here. The only interest I have left in the corrupt world of sports is fantasy football (and at least for now, the cinderella story of the Washington Nationals). I think they're all wildly overpaid, and for the most part incredibly arrogant and entitled young punks. That being said, my sense of fairness is appalled at the double standard applied by all the major sports to whites vs. non-whites.

Sure, there have been some nice stories thus far this season. But compared to last year, how are things any better? Last season, Welker was the focal point of the offense. Gronk was an unstoppable force. Jordy Nelson was the premier big play threat in the NFL. Welker has picked it up, but the other two have fallen off the charts, for no comprehensible reason.

Hillis is doing exactly what he did last year, and will probably be relegated to journeyman status if he misses a few more games. Gerhart will only get a chance-and that's not even a certainty- if Peterson gets injured again. Woodhead is what he is- a playmaker that will never be given more than a certain number of touches, no matter how he plays.

I can't get excited over a handful of defensive stars being white, or some white guy beating out an obese black sumo for an offensive line spot. These are victories that don't change the overall dynamic of the Caste System. That will only happen when there are white RBs, and a huge increase in white WRs. The white DBs will then naturally follow.

And regardless of how badly Scam is now playing, and what a joke Wilson is, the system is going to hype up, promote and unfairly praise more and more black QBs like Geno Smith. It doesn't matter what they do- look at Vick's ridiculous career numbers, and the way he's still somehow considered a star.

Sorry to bring you down with my rants. If it makes you feel better, keep concentrating on the positive. I'm on your side- I want more white players to play, too. I'm just assessing what I observe in this criminal league.
So on the NFL Network's top 10 countdown Reggie Wayne was number 1. Why you ask? Because he had 212 yards receiving and caught 1TD pass. So why wasn't Hartline number 1 last week when he had a more impressive game?
Well, Drew Brees broke the record set by Johnny Unitas. For some reason he isn't liked by some, including on a forum that is supposed to support White athletes.

He did this without any elite receiving threats for most of his career. Colston has been the only consistent guy since he arrived in New Orleans, and I would put him at the middle of the pack as far as wide receivers. The accuracy Brees has makes his receivers look better, he considers throwing to the wrong shoulder a bad throw (something mentioned by David Patton who played him). He put up 5,000 yards one year without one single player having 1k, btw he had the chance to break Marino's record that year, the team was going to give it to him by allowing him to throw short but enough to break it, they were out of the playoffs and horrible season, he didn't take the easy throw for the record, it wasn't until last year that he broke it. I guess you can count Graham as elite but he has only been that way starting in 2011 (the record started in 2009) and the question is, how good is he? Brees managed turn Gates into a star, since he left he hasn't come close to 89 catches, but still doing well with another top guy in Rivers. I certainly don't think Graham is on the level of Gronkowski. Jeremy Shockey was always injured and barely anything left in the tank when he arrived but had a few great games while he was with the Saints (which includes the one with the Giants that started the record)

also a majority sumo line (always has been a White RT, thats it except this year he now has a White center). The mobility he has in the pocket, as well as awareness makes the line look better, he almost always finds the right spot to step up in to make a throw.

However, Brees is getting older, his mobility in the pocket it slowly decreasing, if the Saints were smart they would invest in some White linemen. He will also lose some of the zip when trying to fit the ball in tight windows, he needs a real receiver. Devery Henderson has always been a one trick pony deep threat with hands of stone, and has lost a significant amount of speed the past 2 years. Colston looks like a hybrid te/wr, Lance Moore shouldn't even belong on the field, there is no doubt that Mike Hass could have put up big numbers with this team. Brees did lobby for Greg Camarillo to play with the Saints after they worked out together in the offseason, now he is there, but there are better White receivers out there sitting on the bench like Riley Cooper.

bigureal, the only thing that irritates me about your posts is the talks of injury. It seems like you are suggesting our guys need to tough everything out, if this is not your opinion then I apologize. There is no reason for our guys to tough it out, this is a game, not a war. The history shows they will be screwed over some other way, not even Welker has job security after everything he has done, and it is impossible to go through your career without a mistake . The only benefit for players toughing it out is to have a slight increase in White players for us to root for, which only lasts a brief period of time. It may seem devastating to lose a few players that we grow attached to, but somehow a few White players from the lower ranks still manage to fight through all of the bs

Having more White defensive players does help us greatly, if I am not mistaken, defensive positions were blackened well before offense, besides the obvious positions like rb and wr. It started by slowly rotating them in eventually leading to where we are at now, its the opposite of how they left, gradually which will happen with the other positions. White receivers were occasionally put in 3 receiver sets, now we have some used full time. Eventually we can have one accepted as a "true number 1". Woodhead needs to take advantage of every carry (although they are all draws up the gut) and Hillis needs to get healthy and take advantage of every carry as well. Of course Gerhart should take advantage. Maybe the coach will realize how much of a mistake it was to put Harvin in at halfback once his 180 pound can't handle a migraine ass is slammed to the ground resulting in injury. Having these guys just in the rotation will help us in the long run. We got spoiled by Hillis being the feature back in 2010. We got our hopes up before with an occasional White receiver leading his team but it seems like we don't have to worry about it going backwards. There are simply too many White receivers for them to be wiped out completely, most college teams use the spread and many struggle to run 4 and 5 receiver sets without a White receiver in the mix. With more teams switching to 3 and 4 wide receiver sets and teams using the i formation less (usually a the tight end is there only in name) you just have a bunch of White "fullbacks" sitting around, most who just happen to have the exact measurables to be a runningback, they will be utilized eventually, it is happening in the college ranks slowly, like with Zach Line.
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dwid, I don't like Drew Brees for his whole stance on Katrina/New Orleans and the bounty scandal. I mean they were PAYING their thug players to injury other players in the league. This is sickening, it's called aggravated assault, people go to jail for that. As a team captain Brees was WELL aware of that and he didn't stop it, in fact he probably supported, you know...whatever it takes to win for the 'NOLA'. There are people in NFL who try to make a living out of this, take care of their kids and families and you have Saints players target them with a sole purpose to injury them and put them out of the field for good, it truly is unreal, Saints staff and players should serve jail time for that, no questions asked.
And when they won the Superbowl Brees was saying how he moved to New Orleans to help the people after Katrina, how he owed them his life and stuff, are you kidding me? New Orleans is as black as it gets, one of the most dangerous cities in America, no one owes those monkeys anything, they looted the **** out of the city, showed their true character, fired shots at National Guard who tried to help them, turned the city into complete chaos sh!thole and don't even get me started on horrible stories I read about white people/women getting harassed in Superdome while the whole city was crammed in there for weeks. I mean I can only imagine how horrifying it was to be locked in with a bunch of wild apes in Superdome for weeks, the smell, the atmosphere. And here we have Brees coddling and catering to blacks of NOLA every-time he gets a chance, saying how him and his family are grateful to be there and support the 'community'. Yes supporting obese, crime ridden, food stamp collecting black community of New Orleans is TRULY an honor...:dodgy:
He's good athlete and a football player and his records speak for themselves but I couldn't care less about the guy.
I'm intrigued by Cam Newton's recent struggles. In the first half of last season he was putting up huge numbers in passing yards. Much of his success at that time was due to Steve Smith making some really nice receptions on long bombs, and I remember wondering at the time if this was sustainable. It looks like it isn't, and in yesterday's game, apparently Newton wasn't capable of adjusting his game plan to go for shorter distance receivers like Olson. Even if Newton is able to improve his passing decisions its likely that he'll be settling into the middle of the pack in passing yardage, at best.
Choosing the help Katrina victims was actually his wife's idea because she wasn't so sure about coming here even though it was guaranteed and offered more money. Women love to feel like they are helping out with some cause.

However, there are more than just black people living here. He is helping the the New Orleans AREA which includes the outskirts, the people really affected by it. The ******s you saw on tv.... just a tiny fraction when you consider the outside population affected. People seem to think that places like the 9th ward were affected the worst, even though I spent the first years of my life there, it is only a small area in the grand scheme of things and I could care less if it was wiped out. Chalmette is a majority White city below the 9th ward, that Brees has helped, when actors like Brad Pitt have chosen to ignore it, instead paying for the building of self sufficient houses in the ghetto that will be ruined in a decade. That city was completely under water with something happening to the oil factory in the city, so technically under water/sewage/oil. The same thing with cities like Pass Christian, MS which was ACTUALLY hit by the hurricane, not some city that was hit by flood waters building up. Dont you get you started? on stories you heard? please...Dont get me started, I was there. The whole population wasn't stuffed into the superdome and convention center.

As far as his community, it is a rich neighborhood uptown. He has helped expand businesses in the area leading to more Whites taking back what was once theirs, leading to projects such as the Magnolia to be boarded up and considered gone forever. Expanding business means expanding the number of Whites, unless you are talking about the drug trade which used to have grips on every area of the city, now most it is pushed all the way to New Orleans East where they are killing each other off. No longer are 500,000 dollar homes only a mile away from projects. The only thing left is the Iberville projects which is located right outside the French Quarter.

as for the whole bounty thing, that probably happens with every team in some form. Ive seen big hits encouraged at both the high school and college level, the only difference is those players got stuff like stickers for their helmets, regardless if the player they hit was in the hospital or not, legal or illegal hit that wasn't called . New Orleans got caught for paying for play. It doesn't make it right but most defenses being majority black have the same mindsets, this bounty system was used with every team Gregg Williams was with. Are we going to look down on the quarterbacks of those teams as well? I am sure he was aware to a certain extent, as well as every other team where some form of this goes on, but quarterbacks spend most of the time with the offense and don't have much control over what their defense does. Should we look down on every White player that was involved in the Saints organization from 2009 to 2011 such as Scott Fujita, Scott Shanle, Chris Reiss, Jeff Charleston, guys that were actually on the defense, I guess we should look down on every White offensive player to, I am sure they heard some of it as well, Heath Evans, Dave Thomas, Jed Collins, Zach Strief, Jeremy Shockey, Jon Stinchcomb, hell lets just include all the practice squad guys and anyone who tried out, I am sure they knew something to, and lets throw all of their close friends who also play football in there...I guess they are all scumbags too? The evidence for the case is lacking and many have speculated that is the reason why Sean Payton was allowed at the game last night. Should we make quarterbacks accountable for thuggish behavior off the field as well?
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Watching the Denver vs. New England game was a treat. Most of the guys I was watching the game with (Jets fans) were giving Woodhead a hard time all game, saying things like "Why is this guy in the game?", and "They need to stop giving him the ball". When Woodhead converted that 3rd and 17 by displaying excellent speed and vision, the room was painfully quiet. Most of the people watching were ex-football players. I think one reason why white fans like to root against white players is because when they see white players doing well it makes them feel like crap about themselves. One guy said to another, "If he's in the NFL you could have been too".

Jordy needs to get in Rodgers face, as someone mentioned before. Rodger's doesnt seem to be on the same page with McCarthy, he barely even makes eye contact with him.
Choosing the help Katrina victims was actually his wife's idea because she wasn't so sure about coming here even though it was guaranteed and offered more money. Women love to feel like they are helping out with some cause.

However, there are more than just black people living here. He is helping the the New Orleans AREA which includes the outskirts, the people really affected by it. The ******s you saw on tv.... just a tiny fraction when you consider the outside population affected. People seem to think that places like the 9th ward were affected the worst, even though I spent the first years of my life there, it is only a small area in the grand scheme of things and I could care less if it was wiped out. Chalmette is a majority White city below the 9th ward, that Brees has helped, when actors like Brad Pitt have chosen to ignore it, instead paying for the building of self sufficient houses in the ghetto that will be ruined in a decade. That city was completely under water with something happening to the oil factory in the city, so technically under water/sewage/oil. The same thing with cities like Pass Christian, MS which was ACTUALLY hit by the hurricane, not some city that was hit by flood waters building up. Dont you get you started? on stories you heard? please...Dont get me started, I was there. The whole population wasn't stuffed into the superdome and convention center.

As far as his community, it is a rich neighborhood uptown. He has helped expand businesses in the area leading to more Whites taking back what was once theirs, leading to projects such as the Magnolia to be boarded up and considered gone forever. Expanding business means expanding the number of Whites, unless you are talking about the drug trade which used to have grips on every area of the city, now most it is pushed all the way to New Orleans East where they are killing each other off. No longer are 500,000 dollar homes only a mile away from projects. The only thing left is the Iberville projects which is located right outside the French Quarter.

as for the whole bounty thing, that probably happens with every team in some form. Ive seen big hits encouraged at both the high school and college level, the only difference is those players got stuff like stickers for their helmets, regardless if the player they hit was in the hospital or not, legal or illegal hit that wasn't called . New Orleans got caught for paying for play. It doesn't make it right but most defenses being majority black have the same mindsets, this bounty system was used with every team Gregg Williams was with. Are we going to look down on the quarterbacks of those teams as well? I am sure he was aware to a certain extent, as well as every other team where some form of this goes on, but quarterbacks spend most of the time with the offense and don't have much control over what their defense does. The evidence for the case is lacking and many have speculated that is the reason why Sean Payton was allowed at the game last night. Should we make quarterbacks accountable for thuggish behavior off the field as well?
Nobody mentioned this classless behaviour of KC fans towards Matt Casell after he was ko'd yesterday. Jaws and Hoge talked about it and Eric Winston went off against DWF KC fans.......
So on the NFL Network's top 10 countdown Reggie Wayne was number 1. Why you ask? Because he had 212 yards receiving and caught 1TD pass. So why wasn't Hartline number 1 last week when he had a more impressive game?

Not only was Hartline not number one, he wasn't in the top ten list at all. But of course there's no agenda going on.
Bernard Scott went on IR today. Hopefully Leonard will get more carries and playing time moving forward.
I'm intrigued by Cam Newton's recent struggles. In the first half of last season he was putting up huge numbers in passing yards. Much of his success at that time was due to Steve Smith making some really nice receptions on long bombs, and I remember wondering at the time if this was sustainable. It looks like it isn't, and in yesterday's game, apparently Newton wasn't capable of adjusting his game plan to go for shorter distance receivers like Olson. Even if Newton is able to improve his passing decisions its likely that he'll be settling into the middle of the pack in passing yardage, at best.

Steve Smith hasn't been the same player this season. Whether it's age or a knee issue or both, Smith hasn't had his trademark deep speed. He's been a possession receiver with bad hands instead. His repeated long TD receptions in 2011 along with Newton's running ability really opened up the Carolina offense. Now Newton's lost his deep threat and Newton hasn't looked "special" running the ball, and he's been noticeably less accurate compared to last year. Will be interesting to see how this season plays out for him and the Panthers, especially after Kahlil bought the full-page ad promising a Super Bowl victory. I watched some of the game yesterday and it seemed like the Carolina DWFs aren't far away from starting to boo Newton.

Obviously, there is a huge difference between the way a Chris Johnson, or any other black player, is treated and the way even the best white players are treated. Chris Johnson has been barely averaging a yard per carry most of this season, and was horrific for much of last season. Do you see anyone else there getting carries?

I probably differ with many of you here. The only interest I have left in the corrupt world of sports is fantasy football (and at least for now, the cinderella story of the Washington Nationals). I think they're all wildly overpaid, and for the most part incredibly arrogant and entitled young punks. That being said, my sense of fairness is appalled at the double standard applied by all the major sports to whites vs. non-whites.

Sure, there have been some nice stories thus far this season. But compared to last year, how are things any better? Last season, Welker was the focal point of the offense. Gronk was an unstoppable force. Jordy Nelson was the premier big play threat in the NFL. Welker has picked it up, but the other two have fallen off the charts, for no comprehensible reason.

Hillis is doing exactly what he did last year, and will probably be relegated to journeyman status if he misses a few more games. Gerhart will only get a chance-and that's not even a certainty- if Peterson gets injured again. Woodhead is what he is- a playmaker that will never be given more than a certain number of touches, no matter how he plays.

I can't get excited over a handful of defensive stars being white, or some white guy beating out an obese black sumo for an offensive line spot. These are victories that don't change the overall dynamic of the Caste System. That will only happen when there are white RBs, and a huge increase in white WRs. The white DBs will then naturally follow.

And regardless of how badly Scam is now playing, and what a joke Wilson is, the system is going to hype up, promote and unfairly praise more and more black QBs like Geno Smith. It doesn't matter what they do- look at Vick's ridiculous career numbers, and the way he's still somehow considered a star.

Sorry to bring you down with my rants. If it makes you feel better, keep concentrating on the positive. I'm on your side- I want more white players to play, too. I'm just assessing what I observe in this criminal league.

The NFL isn't going to change noticeably until major college football becomes more fair, and that isn't happening. The SEC, the NFL's main farm system, is blacker than ever, and each year it seems like there are more black college quarterbacks than the year before.

There's a few White running backs finally getting a chance in college, and lots of great White receivers, but until the filtering process changes -- star White high school players getting few scholarships and opportunities at the big programs, and many of the ones who do being subsequently ignored by the NFL -- all we can do is note the slight incremental changes that occur in a positive direction.

The crux of the problem is at the college level, but there is great ignorance by the fans and often the White players themselves that allow it to continue. For now, the continued shrinking of the pool of black athletes (due to ever increasing dysfunctionality in the black "community") combined with White players doing noticeably better with their opportunities in recent years is the best trend going against the Caste System, but the system itself remains firmly in place for now.
Nobody mentioned this classless behaviour of KC fans towards Matt Casell after he was ko'd yesterday. Jaws and Hoge talked about it and Eric Winston went off against DWF KC fans.......

I'm from the KC area so I heard a lot about this, the media has completely overblown it. The fans were cheering for a first down. When Cassel didn't get up after the play most of the cheering stopped, only when Cassel walked off the field under his own power did the fans begin to cheer again.

Here's a raw video released by a local news station showing just that.
Another typical day for the Caste System. Jordy Nelson needs to get in Aaron Rodgers' face and scream at him, like any comparable black WR would, given the situation. I watched most of that game, and Rodgers rarely if ever even looked Nelson's way. Except, of course, to overthrow him badly on what should have been a long TD.

Never would any black WR coming off the season Nelson had be treated this way. Even with Jennings injured, he is an afterthought in the offense. Rodgers continues to pepper Finley with undeserved targets. This clod has to be the most overrated, and in my view least talented TE in the game. And the Packers insist on feeding the ball to the plodding Benson, who doesn't fit their offense and has had a major impact on their lack of success.

We have to face the fact that, if Woodhead broke off his first two carries of any given game for 80 yard TDs, he'd still be shuttled off for a "real" RB, and still would be given less than 10 touches. He cannot win, no matter how well he plays. And it is really frustrating watching the brilliant McWigger turn the game's most potent offensive weapon- Gronk-into a full time blocker for his mediocre herd of black backs. I'd love to see Gronk just body slam that idiot McWigger.

On the other side of the ball in the Pats-Broncos game, it was disappointing to see Manning zero in on Thomas so much. At least Decker got a short TD, but he should be getting many more targets than he is. But compared to years past, and to most other teams now, the Broncos offense is fun to watch.

If karma is real, Adrian Peterson will get hurt soon, and the Vikings will be forced to give Toby a chance. Looks like the Law Firm is hurt, and maybe career criminal Scott, too, so perhaps the Bengals will be forced to give Leonard some carries. Weenie World let us know that Leonard is "plodding" in their blurb after the game. I think if he and the Law Firm had a foot race, that we would find out exactly who in that backfield is the real plodder.

It's always nice when the Redskins lose, and it's great to see Scam doing such a turnaround- this is exactly how I expected him to play from the start. Wilson gets another lucky, unimpressive win, and the continuous strong public support of his odious wigger coach. How many turnovers will Vick commit this year? How bad does he have to play to be benched? The fat buffoon Golic went ballistic last week when Greenie gently suggested perhaps there was a chance Vick might eventually be benched.

I watched much of the Colts game. Was not too impressed with Luck until the second half. I don't understand the way they use Fleener- he should be one of their primary receivers, but he is held in to block much of the time, and the less talented TE Allen gets way too many targets that should go to Fleener. T.Y. Hilton is simply putrid. But, he has that "upside," so look forward to a long career.

Bigunreal, it's nothing personal. I actually look forward to your posts because you really are one of the best posters on here and you always make excellent posts. However you stretch your all hope is lost posts way too far.

I certainly agree with you on Johnson. If he were white he'd have been benched last season. Just remember, all it will take for him is one breakout game and the DWF's will be celebrating and proclaiming him the best back in the league again.
Bigunreal, it's nothing personal. I actually look forward to your posts because you really are one of the best posters on here and you always make excellent posts. However you stretch your all hope is lost posts way too far.

I certainly agree with you on Johnson. If he were white he'd have been benched last season. Just remember, all it will take for him is one breakout game and the DWF's will be celebrating and proclaiming him the best back in the league again.

I certainly agree about the benching of a White RB who wasn't producing, but as far as DWFs still celebrating Johnson, that hasn't been the case with DWFs that play fantasy football. Johnson had a very good game Week 4 after three putrid ones, and the near-unanimous consensus was to bench Johnson for Week 5 unless an owner absolutely had no one to replace him with. I don't think anyone was surprised that Johnson sucked again yesterday. Ever since he got his huge guaranteed up-front bonus last year after holding out he's pretty much packed it in.

Johnson's backups are all terrible as well, and Javon Ringer was just lost for the season with a knee injury yesterday. This is what happens when the tens of millions of Whites who play football are automatically excluded from being given an opportunity at most football positions after high school, and often even in high school and lower levels of competition.
I think today will probably be the day they finally bench "the Sanchize." Watt is going to be all over him and I don't think this game will be very pretty. I hope they put Watt on the left side a little to make D'Brickashaw look foolish.
I certainly agree about the benching of a White RB who wasn't producing, but as far as DWFs still celebrating Johnson, that hasn't been the case with DWFs that play fantasy football. Johnson had a very good game Week 4 after three putrid ones, and the near-unanimous consensus was to bench Johnson for Week 5 unless an owner absolutely had no one to replace him with. I don't think anyone was surprised that Johnson sucked again yesterday. Ever since he got his huge guaranteed up-front bonus last year after holding out he's pretty much packed it in.

Johnson's backups are all terrible as well, and Javon Ringer was just lost for the season with a knee injury yesterday. This is what happens when the tens of millions of Whites who play football are automatically excluded from being given an opportunity at most football positions after high school, and often even in high school and lower levels of competition.

Johnson did rush for 1,047 yards last year but only averaged 4.0ypc and that 1,047 yards is very misleading. I remember him struggling and having numerous games when he was rushing for only 20 yards total on the day and averaging 2 ypc or less. He a couple of huge games last year mid season where he rushed for 130, 190, and 153 yards a game and then played poorly to close out the season. So basically since that huge year in 2009 when he rushed for over 2,000 yards he has regressed more and more every year since. I've heard very little to the tune of benching him. He'll still be a starter for at least a few more seasons thanks to his tremendous "upside."
Jake Locker is a far better runner than Chris Johnson. I hope the Titans draft or sign a replacement for Johnson next year as Locker can be a great quarterback but not with a starting running back who struggles to average 1.5 yards per rush most weeks.
wow, Jets make it easy! great play by Daniels on that TD!

nice, tight long deep bomb by Tebow, too bad that it's some stone handed scrub on the other side who couldn't hang on...
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