NFL playoffs wildcard week

I thoroughly agree. Mayock made some first-class Anti-Caste comments when praising J.J. Watt’s interception-touchdown. He used the forbidden “A word†multiple times, talked about his great hands, and even said that “Most NFL receivers couldn’t make that interception.†He said that “Brian Cushing deserved to be in the pro-bowl over Ray Lewis,†he said that Texans center, Chris Myers, “Is one of the most underrated players in the NFL,†and he spoke quite highly of Connor Barwin and Brooks Reed. When TJ Yates was finally allowed to throw the ball downfield (making a particularly-fantastic throw to Johnson on the sidelines), Mayock made some very nice comments about his ability, too.

As you mentioned, Mayock criticized many black players throughout the night. He was belittling Bengal safety, Chris Crocker, for dropping an easy interception, was disgusted by the putrid tackling on Foster’s long run, and was chastising Bengal tight end, Jermaine Greshem, when he failed to run out of bounds to conserve the clock.

Some nice results for Houston’s white defensive players, but I’d like to see Walter, Daniels, Casey, and Dreessen get more involved in the passing attack against Baltimore.


CAPTION: J.J. Jaunts to Playoff Touchdown
He also mentioned I'ze been rebellion screwing up(Pacman Jones) on a deep bomb too. That bomb probably sealed the game for the Texans. Mayock seems to the fairest of the NFL network crew(how could he not be).
Just a few points:

1. FABULOUS PERFORMANCE FROM TEBOW! And he faced lots of adversity. (including drops from his receivers and a fumble by McGahee). Tebow is more accurate than his stats indicate.

2. I hope the Decker injury is less serious than it looked. This James Harrison guy makes bone crushing hits each game and some of them have got him fined for going helmet to helmet. He's a meat head! I think he may have gone low to take out Decker's legs, instead of giving him a bone crushing hit high, due to the fines he's gotten. I'm not ready to say he was trying to blow out Decker's knee, but you never know with a meat-head like him.

3. Projecting ahead, I think Decker might be better off with a different team since he will likely fall to the #2 outside role. With Tebow he needs a clear favourite outside target (which used to be Decker, but is now DT) before checking down for a short throw. He rarely looks for both throws to the outside guys which could create a Brian Hartline cynicism of him.

4. This game only went to O.T b/c of the refs. The blown call on the backward pass and a missed facemask that should have given the Broncos a first down inside the 10 created as much as a 18 point swing that almost won the game for the Steelers.
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Awesome!! Let's hope it's the first of many playoff wins for Tebow in his career and the beginning of a swift and sure decline for the Pittsburgh Rooney Rulers.

Very happy Pittsburgh is out, so I can't disagree there at all! But I really hope it's his LAST playoff win this season -- no way would I ever root for the Grambling Broncos over the Patriots or Texans. Heck, even Baltimore, S.F., New Orleans and the Giants could be considered "white friendly", compared to Elway's crew. Until that changes, I will root for Tim to fare well; but root real hard against his team -- a 52-21 loss next @ the Pats would be good.

Also, Denver's jack@ss/caste-clown coach claimed Decker sustained a "significant injury". But reports are leaking out he suffered the same injury Toby did last week and it's "only" a MCL sprain. Matter fact it looked the same -- a black defender aiming for their knees in both cases. Hopefully these reports are correct, which means he will miss the playoffs, but be back 100% well before next season starts.
I'm thrilled that the Steelers lost. The team is getting older and more banged up it seems over time. Their sumos seem to get injured alot, and sooner or later Big Ben is likely to take a bad hit and be out for awhile. The defense is getting old and not as fearsome as in years past. This year they had only narrow victories over the Browns and Colts, neither of whom were exactly world beaters. Teams like the 49ers might not look much more white friendly, but can anyone imagine the Steelers signing a white safety, a white tight end and two white WR's over the course of the 2011 regular season. Thats what Harbaugh's 49ers did, but Tomlin's Steelers never would have.
Very happy Pittsburgh is out, so I can't disagree there at all! But I really hope it's his LAST playoff win this season -- no way would I ever root for the Grambling Broncos over the Patriots or Texans. Heck, even Baltimore, S.F., New Orleans and the Giants could be considered "white friendly", compared to Elway's crew. Until that changes, I will root for Tim to fare well; but root real hard against his team -- a 52-21 loss next @ the Pats would be good.

Also, Denver's jack@ss/caste-clown coach claimed Decker sustained a "significant injury". But reports are leaking out he suffered the same injury Toby did last week and it's "only" a MCL sprain. Matter fact it looked the same -- a black defender aiming for their knees in both cases. Hopefully these reports are correct, which means he will miss the playoffs, but be back 100% well before next season starts.

Two things. Saddened to say, but the latest reports are that Toby completely tore the MCL in his left knee. It's incremental progress. The Broncos are black dominated overall, but their leading receiver on the season this year (Eric Decker) is white and Tebow has the running skills of an NFL powerback ala LeGarrette Blount (they're loads of fun to watch). Add to that that the great majority of the Bronco's black players seem to be of the humble level headed type and they've rallied around Tebow. I'm probably hoping for the Pats next week, but we could find optimism with either the Texans, Broncos, or Packers winning the Super Bowl as well. I'm elated that Pittsburgh is out!
cant wait to hear what Stephen A Smiff is going to say tomorrow
Yeah, Smiff the black racist second only to Sanders will be stammering and studdering and giving credit to the affelets on the Broncos for Tebow's win.

As others have said, no way do I want the Broncos to beat ouir beloved stars on the Patriots. I want Tebow to have a great game similar today, but for his defense to get torched by the Master QB, Tom Brady. I predict a 45 to 23 route by the PATS next Sunday.

The great thing now is its Tim Tebow all day and night, tommorrow Smiff will have to eat rotten worm invested crow. Sometimes the good guys win!
The Broncos had 27 first down plays and passed on 4. Two resulted in penalties against Pittsburgh, one incompletion, and one 80 yard TD. And this in the most liberal I've seen the play calling. Tebow is now 8-4 as a starter this year and yesterday he added more NFL firsts to his pedigree. He now has the longest OT completion in NFL history, the highest yards per completion in NFL playoff history, and I believe I just heard that he had the highest quarterback rating. Can you believe the "experts" have been calling for him to be benched since before he was drafted? What will it take for the suited idiots to finally say that this guy is a great quarterback?

Now I will address the one stat that the suited TV dummies keep pointing to in order to "prove" that Tebow sucks and that is his 47% completion percentage. I've pointed this out before, but I have yet to hear one suited idiot mention it and that is that the average conversion percentage in the NFL on 3rd and long (5-12 yds) is only 29%. For most of this year its been a rarity to see Tebow pass on anything but 3rd and long. Furthermore, there was one play yesterday that demonstrated another reason Tebow's completion percentage is low and that is his reluctance to throw the 5 yard dink and dunk pass that artifically boosted so many QBs completion percentage - Donovan McNabb anyone? Instead of dumping the ball for 2 yard gains he takes off and runs the ball for 10 yard gains. I'll take the 10 yard gains. For Tebow's style of play being a running QB his most common throw should be deep throws over the top of safeties and linebackers sneaking up on the run - and that's what they are. I'm confident Tebow could complete 2 yard passes all day long, but who wants to make this beast into a Donovan McNabb anyway?
Although I prefer a Patriot's win over the Broncos next week, my beef with Belichick is that he has essentially given all of the running plays to Ridley. Which is a joke. Ridley is an okay back, a regular dime-a-dozen black interchangeable running back, but is a pale shadow of Woodhead. It's nice that Danny is in on most 3rd down plays, since he can actually block, and has a sweet backfield release, but he should be getting most, if not all of the carries given to scrub Ridley.
Wild card weekend was vindication for caste football. Racists, Marvin Lewis and Mike Tomlin, eliminated. Tebow proving the haters wrong again. Texans' White Defense dominating. Falcons' coal black defense and no White skill players on offense: the recipe for a 24-2 beat down.

With Brian Dawkins out with a neck injury, the Broncos had the opportunity to start Kyle McCarthy at safety. They failed. It is inevitable that the Patriots will march up and down the field against the Broncos, and no amount of Tebow magic can save them. I believe that Harrison's hit on Decker was malicious - MRI today to assess the damage. The officiating in the Broncos game was horrible. The ref who called incomplete on the backwards pass should be fired. Considering the backwards pass fumble, the interception called back for the off-sides penalty, and Chump Bailey's dropped interception in the end zone, the Broncos could have won the game be 3 touchdowns. However, the way the won it was much sweeter.

Tony Dungy this morning on the Dan Patrick Show: The Steelers' defensive scheme allowed Tim Tebow to "throw up prayers" against one on one coverage. Tony Dungy is a closet racist who gets away with it because of his calm demeanor and non-confrontational style. Interestingly, he was on record two years ago stating Tim Tebow should be a top ten pick. I believe that was a false flag in order to hide his racism and promote the high drafting of more black quarterbacks such as RGIII. However, as documented here at Caste Football, the majority of the best running quarterbacks in college football are actually White.
Great to see the Steelers gone - made even better by Tebows great performance.
As as far as I am concerned the catch by Decker was a catch. He had hold of it when he hit the ground. Simple.

Just wanted to mention the Houston defence - five white guys! Just one away from a majority white defence, which would be revolutionary development for the NFL.
New England and Green Bay for the superbowl!
God I hate the Steelers. It couldn't have ended better for those turds. Tebow magic continues.

Yes, the team featuring a 53-man roster containing the least number of white athletes (7 total players, 4 actual football players) in NFL history has been thwarted by an opponent who wasn’t even anticipated to contend, let alone to win. A team that was supposed to be in a state of “re-building” in 2011, a team with an utterly-predictable offense, a team with a quarterback who has been dubbed “the worst passing quarterback in NFL history.” The iniquitous Rooneys, Mike Tomlin, D-ck LeBeau, Kevin Colbert, and the ever-inebriated, white human-pustules comprising “Zulu Nation” should be ashamed at their club’s lack of racial diversity, its record-setting anti-white bigotry, its attempted prolongation of the pitiful “black athletic omnipotence” Casteon-fabrication….


CAPTION: Suicidal Steeler Sycophant Watches Broncos Defeat Steelers

Then again, with Eric Decker now injured…are the Broncos really so different from Pittsburg? They now start 4 whites (Tebow, Beadles, Hochstein and Walton), which was the same as Rooney’s Rodents (Roethlisburger, Legursky, Miller and Keisel). Tim Tebow, the purported “Holy Roller,” didn’t seem too upset by Decker’s injury, nor his on-field absence, during his various post-game interviews. No, for he was far too interested in frothing at the mouth with praise for his precious colleague, Demaryius Thomas, better known as “D.T.” (As Tebow strictly refers to him). When asked about the Thomas’ 80-yard touchdown catch in overtime, Tebow, ever the purveyor of white self-effacement, said: “I was just trying to run down the field after him as fast as I could to celebrate, but how could I possibly catch D.T., you know?” I suppose Tim’s love-sickness for Thomas was too strong for him to notice that his black chum is one of the slowest starting receivers in the NFL (he moves like a tight end). In two different post-game interviews (one with Ed Werder outside the locker room, one an official press-conference), Tebow repeated the Big Lie that: “My teammates make me look so much better than I actually am.” And, as always, Tebow managed to twist the answers to every question asked of him into statements concerning “Faith,” “Jesus Christ,” “God,” and “Being Blessed”…


CAPTION: Tebow Topples Tomlin, Vanquishes Darkest Squad in NFL History

Yeah, right, as if the creator of the universe would concern itself with the outcome of some meaningless corporate football game. Tebow is one of my favorite athletes, and he played great yesterday, but his self-abhorring “boy scout” routine is wearing a tad thin.

This offseason will surely be fascinating for Pittsburg. Will the Steelers release reserve guard/center, Doug Legursky, for his poor snap against the Broncos? Will they re-sign injured DT, Chris Hoke? Will they rid themselves of TE, Heath Miller, and DE, Brett Keisel, before their contracts expire in 2014? Will they replace their kicker and punter (Suisham and Kapinos) will blacks? Will they continue to exclusively draft black players and sign black free agents? Personally, I hope that all of this occurs, merely so that the card-carrying members of “Zulu Nation” may finally begin to question their treasured Football Corporation. Prediction…they won’t.

Overall, it wasn’t a bad first week…Houston’s white defensive stars had a nice showing against Cincinnati, but their offense needs to have Kevin Walter, James Casey, Owen Daniels and Joel Dreessen more involved in the passing game. The (slightly) whiter team emerged victorious in the sleeping-pill “game” between the Giants and Falcons. [Yawns, stretches, bats eyelids, falls asleep]. I’d have preferred that Detroit win the Saints-Lions game, but I really didn’t care either way, as both teams are quite similar in terms of racial makeup. The hell-spawn Steelers were eliminated by a (slightly) more white-friendly team in Denver…which possibly occurred as a result of an “avatar hex,” placed upon them by my picture of Dan Rooney scowling whilst wearing that omnipresent “malevolent twinkle” in his reptilian eyes. My next “avatar hex” will be placed upon the Ravens and will feature their most “handsome” superstar.

With any luck, the NFL playoffs will continue as follows…

NFC: San Francisco defeats New Orleans & Green Bay defeats New York. Green Bay defeats San Francisco in the NFC title game.

AFC: Houston defeats Baltimore & New England defeats Denver. New England defeats Houston in the AFC title game. Naturally, a Houston victory would be equally-agreeable.

Superbowl: Brady, Rodgers, Nelson, Welker, Gronkowski, Woodhead, Crabtree, Taylor, Kuhn, Edelman, Ninkovich, Hawk, Fletcher, Zombo and Matthews dominate the game while a world-wide audience is traumatized by the white domination. May the best team win.
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CAPTION: Suicidal Steeler Sycophant Watches Broncos Defeat Steelers

Oh. My. GOD. Terrible towels waved by some terrible people, ugh.

I just really think that these degenerate Steeler fans should be shipped off and served as an anthropophaginian feast for the Ik, that way these idiots could celebrate their beloved black "culture" while aiding Africa in the process, I'd even throw in some Frank's Red Hot.
Haha, your wish is my command. May this "Hex" be as effective as its predecessor.
Looks like we get to gag over the "walking wrinkle-faced bat" avatar all week!:biggrin:
Thrashen love your write ups, only thing you wrote that I would disagree with is that Demayrius Thomas is a legit deep threat. Hard to argue when he averaged what 50 yards a catch yesterday.. Tebow's season will end next week and I'm thinking Brady, Welker, n Gronk are going to tear that charcoal Broncos D up!

P.S. Suggs is hideous :biggrin:
The highlight video of the Broncos – Steelers game at the NFL Network site is a pitiful thing. The afromative-action clowns were singing and carrying on as if they were drunk during the replay of the winning score. For what, I don’t know. I thought I had tuned into America’s Funniest Home Videos for a second. You would think a dramatic overtime playoff game would require some respect. Since, I do not watch the NFL Network, I don’t know if this is common. The whole thing is a mockery, imho. People talk about the tech bubble or the housing bubble, I’m waiting for the forced multiculturalism bubble to burst, soon.
The highlight video of the Broncos – Steelers game at the NFL Network site is a pitiful thing. The afromative-action clowns were singing and carrying on as if they were drunk during the replay of the winning score. For what, I don’t know. I thought I had tuned into America’s Funniest Home Videos for a second. You would think a dramatic overtime playoff game would require some respect. Since, I do not watch the NFL Network, I don’t know if this is common. The whole thing is a mockery, imho. People talk about the tech bubble or the housing bubble, I’m waiting for the forced multiculturalism bubble to burst, soon.

The pandering to the "black style" at the NFL Network (and ESPN) is nearly as prevalent as the way the sports of football and basketball have been degraded to play to black "strengths" at the expense of fundamentals and consistency. Persistent boisterous yelling and regular peals of laughter at every joke no matter how lame is what the "highlights" and analysis shows mainly consist of. The likes of "Mooch" play the role of Ed McMahon, sidekicks to minstrels like Deion Sanders, who must laugh loudly at all the appropriate times.

"Diversity" on ESPN and the NFL Network is identical to the "diversity" on the playing field -- extreme affirmative action in favor of blacks and against everyone else. Where are the hispanics, Asians, Indians and other non-Whites we see so regularly on commercials and TV shows? The "logic" at work is that because blacks supposedly dominate the field of play they must also therefore be superior announcers and analysts, a laughably absurd notion given the way most blacks still struggle with basic English after close to 400 years in America, even many of the ones hired.
Oh. My. GOD. Terrible towels waved by some terrible people, ugh.

I just really think that these degenerate Steeler fans should be shipped off and served as an anthropophaginian feast for the Ik, that way these idiots could celebrate their beloved black "culture" while aiding Africa in the process, I'd even throw in some Frank's Red Hot.

As someone who lived in Pittsburgh for most of my life, I know from first-hand experience the gloom that 99% of the inhabitants of the area are feeling today, and will continue to feel throughout the rest of the long gloomy winter there. The Steelers are the center of existence of most Western Pennsylvanians on a year-round basis.

Most of their stars are into their 30s, other than at receiver I see little payoff from their annual black-only drafts of recent seasons, so hopefully last year was their last gasp as an elite team and this year will mark the beginning of a prolonged down period. But there is a huge waiting list of DWFs for season tickets (maybe the toughest season tickets to come by after Green Bay), so the Rooneys can and likely will keep the team very black for a long time. The Steelers would have to stink for close to a decade before the Rooneys would start to feel a negative economic impact from upset DWFs.
Once again great work by Thrashen. And I'm very happy he's joined me in not frothing at the mouth with "unconditional love" for Tim Tebow and the Grambling Broncos. As much as I "have" cheered for Tebow because I hate the way the Marxist-media wants to destroy him, I can't help but see the obvious: He has bought into the whole white (Christian) guilt complex and only seems to acknowledge his black teammates. You can see how Timmy goes out of his way to be overly friendly with all of the black players on the field -- teammates and opponents.

As much as many here ardently root for Tebow, my bet is he'd having nothing but disdain for us here at CF due to our racial views. Also, he's absolutely DESTROYED Eric Decker, who seemed to be on pace for a 1,000 yards and double digit TD's with Orton at quarterback. Tebow looked for him when he first took over for Kyle, but once plodding D-Mary returned from injury he's become as irrevelant in the Broncos offense as Patrick Jeffers was (circa 1996/97). CF poster should do a google search on Decker and check out his photos. He seems to have a "party boy"/"playboy" personality off the field. I wonder if this bothers Timmy, or is he like 1980's recording icon "Sting", who used to only want to preform with blacks?

Also, as I've noted before, I've noticed how much he absolutely dotes on his black teammates and ignores the white ones on the sidelines. At Florida, after one thug was catching heat for being arrested, Sting Tebow was pictured on the sidelines kissing him and then went on to brag about "loving him" **. Earlier this season, cameras seemed to catch Timmy kissing D-Mary, who does seem somewhat slow-footed on TV, I agree with Thrashen.


P.S: Just some current backround on the Grambling Broncos: With the suddenly "ignored" Decker and FB Spencer Larsen hurt, the team is down to 4 non-special teams (P, PK & LS) whites that ever set foot on the field -- The QB and 3 interior lineman....Both of their starting tackles and ALL of their backup OL's are non-white. All 5 TIGHT ENDS on their team are black, but very athletic! As far as Kyle McCarthy, according to Ourlads depth charts, he's off the roster again. Basically, not counting the backup QB (Quinn), they suited up 5 whites in the 2nd half yesterday -- the 4 starters and some DT from Wyoming that never sees the field...My guess is Elway's relegated him to team janitor.

Go Broncos? no thanks....How about F' the Broncos and F' Elway? That's just my opinon.
The Broncos started 6 whites on offense earlier on the year but have kept coal on defense.

I cheered for them against the rampantly racist Squeelers but they are only a degree or two better than Pittsburgh.

If Denver starts four whites next week they will be tied with the 49ers for the most racist team left in the playoffs.

Thakfully, the white-friendly Pats will put a beating on the black supremacist Broncos.
Colonel, it was Phil Simms saying that in reference to Tebow's rushing TD in the 2nd quarter. I don't believe it was meant in a derogatory manner, as Tebow did look like a fullback (at 6-3, 240) barrelling his way down to the endzone. Can't think of any other QB in the league who can do that at the moment (maybe Scam).

Thanks for the info, foobar. That is good to know. I too cannot root for Denver against New England. Yeah, it is true that Tebow probably disdains our racial views but seriously, how many of "our" White athletes don't? My guess is that very few of them would even privately agree with what we are saying. Having said that, I believe it is still well worth it to root for their collective success (and for other changes in our society that will benefit our people) so that one day it will acceptable for a White man to publicly hold our views and play professional sports at a high level.
Tebow's best friend and roommate at UF was Riley Cooper and they were the only White players starting at UF. So I seriously doubt Tebow is ant-white! Plus his entire family is White and were referred to as a "Nazi convention" when they were shown when Tim got drafted.
Tebow's best friend and roommate at UF was Riley Cooper and they were the only White players starting at UF. So I seriously doubt Tebow is ant-white! Plus his entire family is White and were referred to as a "Nazi convention" when they were shown when Tim got drafted.

I agree. Tebow goes out of his way to be nice to everyone. He maybe overdoes it with blacks, but that's typical of so many White Americans who go out of their way to be friendly toward them, often to the point of looking ridiculous, but that's America today. Appearing to be anything less than totally friendly and accomodating toward blacks in the NFL is a no-win proposition for a White football player.
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