NFL News, Rumors and Musings

The only celebrity I can think of who has stated anything pro White was Ted Nungent and his career was virtually in hibernation at that point. I remember him getting roasted for his viewpoint but he was virtually viewed as kook before the statements with his pro gun and libertarian views. So an NFL player would be the equivalent of the Golden Boy but of course he spouted the complete opposite while(probably) drunk on the airwaves.

Also, Phil Anselmo of Panthera...

1. The alt-right is not in the "political mainstream." Would you call the media reaction to what happened at Charlottesville evidence that the alt-right is now regarded as mainstream?

2. One of my biggest laments is how few nationalists have been pounding the pavement and engaging in real life activism the past few decades. The vast majority of racially aware White Americans will not lift a finger to help their race, whether by being an activist, and/or joining or financially contributing to those organizations that are trying to represent them. This apathy and, yes, cowardice, is one of the main reasons so many are reduced to fantasizing about Carson Palmer or Tom Brady "speaking out" and becoming some kind of man on a white horse riding to the rescue rather than building a grassroots movement that begins to accumulate some actual power. Real life power is the only way anything changes. I've been at this for 32 years, and I've heard every excuse in the book for not getting involved. Having fantasies about White quarterbacks becoming the leaders of the White race is a pretty good tell that a person is a keyboard commando, not an activist.

3. This whole infatuation with White quarterbacks as the reluctant saviors of the White race presupposes that they think just like we do but lack the courage to speak out. I daresay that if you walked up to Tom Brady and began telling him about a "caste system" in the NFL and that Chris Hogan and Rex Burkhead are "caste-busters" he would probably laugh in your face. These guys are jocks, not philosopher kings. We're here to root for them, not expect them to cure the world's problems. None of them are going to "speak out" so let's get back to rooting for them as athletes.

1. I'm sorry I phrased that incorrectly. I don't mean that the ideas of the alt-right are now considered political mainstream, but its existence and a vague idea of what its about is now part of the mainstream. And I think that's a huge deal. Even before Charlottesville almost anybody who follows politics knew about the alt-right. Keeping quiet about the alt-right was really the best way for the media to deal with them, Hillary screwed that up big league. But Trump didn't really give her a choice. That one man is responsible for bringing in millions of new followers. Just knowing about the Alt-Right's existence, even if it's an attack, is enough to spur its growth. I would have never thought I'd see the day that mainstream news publications are writing articles about Anglin, Spencer, and Enoch. How stupid can they be lol? That's how I initially found out about the caste system many years ago, because some liberal was attacking this site and it sparked my curiosity

2. The reason that activism does not work in comparison to the man on the white horse is because of the way we're wired as human beings. We're lemmings, we're tribal animals. We need a strong leader to follow. Sound arguments, consistency, good reasoning, they don't mean anything to the man on street. He cares much more about the messenger and not the message itself. That's why Trump was so successful in spreading the message, and I don't even think he's that good of a natural leader. But someone like Tom Brady, he could change the world if he wanted to. He could go down as a great man in the historical definition of the word.

3. Brett Favre might laugh in my face but not Tom Brady. He would nervously chuckle and say "haha I don't know about that man". I'm pretty sure he knows the score. I don't think most White athletes are dumb jocks, that's just the blacks lol. Look at their Wonderlic scores, many of them are highly intelligent and I'm sure they "notice things". But you're right there's no point in complaining about it on this site. I think it would be a better idea if we actually tried to personally reach out to past and present high level football players and got their opinions on the caste system instead, then take it from there.
Guess which players are behind their latest attempt to turn the NFL into a hate whitey stomping ground (even though it sort of has been for a long while anyway)? See below.

Excellent post by one of the many like-minded souls at Breitbart:

They want "racial equality" in an organization that is over 70% black?
Ok, give it to them, fire 30% of the overpaid underperforming black players and replace them with white players.
Even better fit enough black players to hire players that encompass the entire spectrum of colors, after all, that would be "equality" right?
I quit watching the National Felon's League years ago, if it were to cease to exist tomorrow, I didn't see the downside.
NFL ratings are in decline and some teams are having trouble reaching 50% capacity at their stadiums because people are getting sick of all the TNB. So what's the NFL's response to all of this, why double down of course.

Jay Z reportedly turns down Super Bowl halftime show
Posted by Mike Florio on September 20, 2017, 11:14 AM EDT

Getty Images

The Super Bowl is looming, which means that the announcement of a musical act for halftime of the game is coming. reports that Jay Z has declined an opportunity to do the honors during intermission. Last year, Adele reportedly rejected the gig before Lady Gaga agreed to do it.

The NFL did not directly dispute the report that Jay Z passed on the gig.

“No decisions have been made on the performer(s) and we are not going to speculate on particular artists,” NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy told PFT by email. “Along with Pepsi, we know that we will put on a spectacular show. When it is time to announce her name we will do it. Or his name. Or their names.”

It’s not a denial by any means, and it wouldn’t be a surprise if Jay Z and others pass, if it’s true that the league has been making aggressive financial requests (including a percentage of concert ticket sales) based on the potential value to the artist of performing on the biggest platform in music.

Jay Z is a disgusting black supremacist rapper and American cultural icon


Jay Z’s bling from ‘whites are devils’ group

Black people are the fathers and mothers of civilization, white men are the devil, the Christian god is nothing more than a ghost and only a small percentage of people understand the world.

These are just some of the beliefs behind the bling — the gaudy Five Percent Nation medallions worn by Jay Z and Carmelo Anthony.

Last week, all eyes at the Barclays Center weren’t on Jay Z’s better half, Beyoncé — but on the coaster-size golden pendant swinging from the rapper’s neck as the couple sat courtside. Asked once if the group’s symbol — an eight-pointed star with the number 7 in the middle — held any meaning for him, the rapper shrugged, “A little bit.”

So what exactly do Five Percenters believe?

“The rationale is that the black man is God and created the universe, and is physically stronger and intellectually stronger and more righteous naturally,” says Michael Muhammad Knight, an author of two books on the radical group.

“Whiteness is weak and wicked and inferior — basically just an errant child who needs to be corrected.”

The group was founded in 1964 in Harlem by Clarence Smith, who later changed his name to Allah, a former student of Malcolm X who disagreed with the Nation of Islam over the nature of God.

Smith rejected the notion of a supernatural deity and instead believed that all black men had God in them and that black women were “earths” who took on a complementary yet subordinate role to their gods.

The idea is empowering, Knight says.

“Anytime someone is saying you have to accept your conditions of oppression and slavery and pray to an unseen god — that kind of god is just being used to keep people down and to keep people from looking to themselves as a solution to their problems,” he notes. “If there is a problem, no one will fix it for you, except yourself.”

Five Percenters don’t consider themselves Muslim, but their name comes from the Nation of Islam’s belief that 5 percent of humanity are “poor righteous teachers” who exist to enlighten the masses about the truth of existence.

Members will sometimes refer to themselves as “scientists” to drive home the search for truth. And they face a tall task, because under their belief system, 10 percent of the world’s population controls the other 85 percent by spreading the belief in a “mystery God.”

To show followers the way, members must learn the Supreme Mathematics and Supreme Alphabet — powerful tools to decipher the meaning of the universe. In both, each letter and number represents a concept: for example, 1 is knowledge, 2 is wisdom, while A is Allah and B is be, or born. The number 7 on Jay Z’s pendant stands for God.

Caucasians, meanwhile, don’t enjoy an exalted status in the narrative of the Five Percenters.

“The first lesson I learned from the Five Percent was simple: F–k white people. Seriously. White people are devils,” Knight, 36, who is white and converted to Islam as a teenager, once wrote.

He insisted the movement has been welcoming and that he views the controversial sentiment as a statement about power rather than biology.

“For me, it is about who is marked as privileged in the power relations of this society,” he says.

Some followers take exception to those who transform their flag into a fashion accessory.

“Jay Z is not an active member — no one has vouched for him,” Saladin Allah, a representative of the group’s upstate region, told The Post. “It was always understood that you don’t wear the regalia if you don’t totally subscribe to the life.”

and just a couple of years ago his quadroon whore wife gave a super bowl performance in honor of a black terrorist group.

1. I'm sorry I phrased that incorrectly. I don't mean that the ideas of the alt-right are now considered political mainstream, but its existence and a vague idea of what its about is now part of the mainstream. And I think that's a huge deal. Even before Charlottesville almost anybody who follows politics knew about the alt-right. Keeping quiet about the alt-right was really the best way for the media to deal with them, Hillary screwed that up big league. But Trump didn't really give her a choice. That one man is responsible for bringing in millions of new followers. Just knowing about the Alt-Right's existence, even if it's an attack, is enough to spur its growth. I would have never thought I'd see the day that mainstream news publications are writing articles about Anglin, Spencer, and Enoch. How stupid can they be lol? That's how I initially found out about the caste system many years ago, because some liberal was attacking this site and it sparked my curiosity

2. The reason that activism does not work in comparison to the man on the white horse is because of the way we're wired as human beings. We're lemmings, we're tribal animals. We need a strong leader to follow. Sound arguments, consistency, good reasoning, they don't mean anything to the man on street. He cares much more about the messenger and not the message itself. That's why Trump was so successful in spreading the message, and I don't even think he's that good of a natural leader. But someone like Tom Brady, he could change the world if he wanted to. He could go down as a great man in the historical definition of the word.

3. Brett Favre might laugh in my face but not Tom Brady. He would nervously chuckle and say "haha I don't know about that man". I'm pretty sure he knows the score. I don't think most White athletes are dumb jocks, that's just the blacks lol. Look at their Wonderlic scores, many of them are highly intelligent and I'm sure they "notice things". But you're right there's no point in complaining about it on this site. I think it would be a better idea if we actually tried to personally reach out to past and present high level football players and got their opinions on the caste system instead, then take it from there.

Good post, but I would say in regard to #2, that activism creates strong leaders. The way must be paved for them. The entire U.S. power structure is designed around guarding to prevent the rise of a strong Nationalist leader. One can't arise in a vacuum, as Trump has found out if he was ever sincere in his stated campaign beliefs. There were no Nationalists for Trump to bring into his administration because the Nationalist "movement" has been sound asleep in America for the past 25 years.

That said, the rise of the alt-right is very encouraging. They needed to come out from behind their computer screens and begin real life activism, and they have this year. They hopefully will learn from Charlottesville and be more effective in future endeavors. I have done whatever I can in my small way to help them. Two men who were at Charlottesville spoke at my organization's recent Conference. The young alt-right guys are mostly on their own, because the older generation of Nationalists mostly gave up on activism, so they don't have any kind of blueprint, nor for the most part are they aware of those who came before them as they are so internet oriented and there is precious little about the Nationalist movement pre-21st century from a positive perspective to be found on the internet.

Strong leaders will arise when the groundwork is laid for them. That's why activism is essential; otherwise the "man on the white horse" myth will remain nothing but a fantasy. A genuine movement must begin from the bottom up in order to eventually attack from the top down.
Good post, but I would say in regard to #2, that activism creates strong leaders. The way must be paved for them. The entire U.S. power structure is designed around guarding to prevent the rise of a strong Nationalist leader. One can't arise in a vacuum, as Trump has found out if he was ever sincere in his stated campaign beliefs. There were no Nationalists for Trump to bring into his administration because the Nationalist "movement" has been sound asleep in America for the past 25 years.

That said, the rise of the alt-right is very encouraging. They needed to come out from behind their computer screens and begin real life activism, and they have this year. They hopefully will learn from Charlottesville and be more effective in future endeavors. I have done whatever I can in my small way to help them. Two men who were at Charlottesville spoke at my organization's recent Conference. The young alt-right guys are mostly on their own, because the older generation of Nationalists mostly gave up on activism, so they don't have any kind of blueprint, nor for the most part are they aware of those who came before them as they are so internet oriented and there is precious little about the Nationalist movement pre-21st century from a positive perspective to be found on the internet.

Strong leaders will arise when the groundwork is laid for them. That's why activism is essential; otherwise the "man on the white horse" myth will remain nothing but a fantasy. A genuine movement must begin from the bottom up in order to eventually attack from the top down.
You're right, that's why I think you need both. The activists are the ones tilling the soil and planting the seeds, but then you need the man on the white horse to come along and pour water so the plants can grow.
Personally I've got zero interest in NFL...

"4 Black Players Just Made SICK Ultimatum To NFL Of What They Want To Force White Fans To Do For A Month

Will you still watch the NFL after this?"

"What’s even more sickening is that the NFL commissioner is siding with these cop-hating black supremacists, as Roger Goodell is now convinced that these protesters have a legitimate beef with white America and our nation’s cops.

Rather than doing his damn job as the NFL commissioner, where his duties include overseeing the ventures of the NFL and coordinating games, Goodell is now turning the NFL into a political organization. He’s now joining several anti-cop players to make a trip to the Philadelphia Police Department to investigate the police their for potential “racism,” under the guise of “taking a closer look at the inner-workings of Philadelphia’s criminal justice system.”"
It's going to polarize the country that much more, and that's a good thing. The deplorables need to get fighting mad -- and start getting organized at the grassroots level to elect fellow deplorables locally, statewide and nationally. Getting deplorable majorities in state houses is the best bulwark against the Washington/New York/Hollywood Axis. And I don't mean "conservatives," as the GOP already dominates state legislatures and just as in Congress they're mostly part of the problem, but genuine red-blooded Americans who want to stop a half century of appeasing and start pushing back in a major way.
When I clicked on the link about the 4 players I got some sort of malware. A red screen came up and a loud beeping started.
In Thursday's Rush Limbaugh program, he spent the majority of it on the future of the NFL. He predicted the end of the NFL for two reasons: 1) the CTE issue, especially with the latest news that Aaron Hernandez suffered from "advanced" CTE and 2) the fact that "the Left" has co-opted the sport at every level. I'm not so sure about the "end" of the NFL, but I can see it disintegrating into something equivalent to the WNBA. They have to address the CTE issue, either with advanced helmet technology or adopt rugby-style tackling, or eventually face bankruptcy via future lawsuits.
Loving how President Trump is calling out the black players who disrespect the Anthem and Flag to be FIRED! Wow! Never in a 1000 years could I imagine a President of the US doing this. Great MAGA!
In Thursday's Rush Limbaugh program, he spent the majority of it on the future of the NFL. He predicted the end of the NFL for two reasons: 1) the CTE issue, especially with the latest news that Aaron Hernandez suffered from "advanced" CTE and 2) the fact that "the Left" has co-opted the sport at every level. I'm not so sure about the "end" of the NFL, but I can see it disintegrating into something equivalent to the WNBA. They have to address the CTE issue, either with advanced helmet technology or adopt rugby-style tackling, or eventually face bankruptcy via future lawsuits.
It's wishful thinking, but we can hope for the worst (best!) Lol!
Loving how President Trump is calling out the black players who disrespect the Anthem and Flag to be FIRED! Wow! Never in a 1000 years could I imagine a President of the US doing this. Great MAGA!
Yep and now racist scum like Lebron replied back. Why any white person would give a dime to anything black is beyond me.
Yep and now racist scum like Lebron replied back. Why any white person would give a dime to anything black is beyond me.
Seriously contemplating whether to watch NFL Red Zone tomorrow in support of our guys. It may come to me flicking off all NFL games till the playoffs.
I hope Whites and normal American folks boycott the Negro Felon League in droves.
The so-called "division" that the Leftists claim Trump is causing is ALL created by the Leftists themselves. He is merely stating obvious truth to the spoiled anti-White snowflakes wherever they find themselves in their pathetic existence!

Offend on Mr President!

Wouldn't it be amazing if Trump gave the rights to his USFL team to somebody and they were resurrected while the nfl takes a huge hit from the coming protests.While i have been a football fan for 30+ years i'm sick of what the nfl has been pushing and hope it hurts enough that there are major changes soon or it simply rots away.
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