NFL News, Rumors and Musings

Here is a vomit inducing article about Chris "double cuck" Long. Not only is he giving away 38% of his salary to blacks via this equality / diversity stunt, he is also only making the veterans minimum of 1 million while scrub blacks are probably are making 2 or 3 times more than him for equal production

So after federal and state taxes, his "generous" giveaway, and a garnished salary because he is white he is probably only taking home about 350k this year to subject himself to another year of CTE
I don't know what to make of Chris Long. I'm not sure whether he actually believes the SJW crap or if he's just some Machiavellian mastermind trying to set himself up for a nice career after the NFL like his father . On one hand he's already earned more than 100 million playing football and since he's White we can assume he still has a good chunk of that saved up. So he doesn't really need the money.

But he's also spent his entire adult life surrounded by blacks, and being around blacks all the time doesn't make you sympathize more with their problems, it only makes you realize everything you've been told by the media about blacks is a lie. My guess is that he just wants more money, power, and fame and that's why he's doing this. I sure hope it doesn't work out for him, some people should learn to count their blessings.
Lawrence Timmons has been suspended indefinitely for going AWOL over his little childlike spat with his girlfriend. Expect to see more of Chase Allen at LB
Bears waive Gentry - this is just mind numbing idiocy. I hope he does not resign to the practice squad.

I watched a good portion of the Bears game. Gentry was targeted thrice that I saw, caught two and dropped one. Not bad for his first game.

Possibly this is one of those deals where Gentry is being used to make the coach look "tough." Drop a pass get cut.

Black Bears receivers have been dropping passes right and left since the beginning of last season. Somehow they don't get cut...
Wow I just heard Chris Long on ESPN praising the Charlottesville ANTIFA

What a piece of sh*t! He's one white athlete I have no problem rooting against now. I hope a white offensive lineman (or even a sumo for that matter) pancakes his ass!
Wow I just heard Chris Long on ESPN praising the Charlottesville ANTIFA
I know we are supposed to support White athletes on this site no matter the athlete's politics or personal choices (non-white wife, etc), but Chris Long is in an anti-White league of his own. I won't support him and would care less if he were cut tomorrow for a black.

His level of virtue signaling is nauseating. He fits the typical SJW stereotype of growing up a "privileged", wealthy White who most certainly grew up far from diversity. Now he feels morally superior to preach to us working class Whites who grew up or lived in mixed areas; Who saw firsthand their neighborhoods destroyed by large influxes of negroes, Squatemalans and muslims. This prick is trying to shove his lies down our throats but we know it's a load of BS and now normies are starting to see it too.

We won't forget traitors like Cuck Long and his antifa pals. They will get what's coming to them someday.
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I know we are supposed to support White athletes on this site no matter the athlete's politics or personal choices (non-white wife, etc), but Chris Long is in an anti-White league of his own. I won't support him and would careless if he were cut tomorrow for a black.

His level of virtue signaling is nauseating. He fits the typical SJW stereotype of growing up a "privileged", wealthy White who mostly certainly grew up far from diversity. Now he feels morally superior to preach to us working class Whites who grew up or lived in mixed areas; Who saw firsthand their neighborhoods destroyed by large influxes of negroes, Squatemalans and muslims. This prick is trying to shove his lies down our throats but we know it's a load of BS and now normies are starting to see it too.

We won't forget traitors like Cuck Long and his antifa pals. They will get what's coming to them someday.
He belongs in the Carson Palmer league of utter dipsh*ts!
Chris Long is far worse than Carson Palmer. Palmer merely whined about Brady in a fit of jealousy. Long has a foaming-at-the-mouth hatred for all non-SJW White people. I consider him even lower than Krappernick, who at least has the excuse that he's not white.

At some point, coaches and general managers are going to have to start taking notice of these kind of rabid, hyper-partisan, far-left politics and how they have real consequences on and off the field. They already are with Krappernick by not signing him. He's not worth the baggage he'll bring.

Long's pro-Marxist, White-hating bigotry is going to drive away normie fans. Coaches will also start wondering how far he's going to take it. Will he refuse to sack black quarterbacks because he considers them "oppressed"? His political fanaticism has reached the point where that's a serious question.
Chris Long is far worse than Carson Palmer. Palmer merely whined about Brady in a fit of jealousy. Long has a foaming-at-the-mouth hatred for all non-SJW White people. I consider him even lower than Krappernick, who at least has the excuse that he's not white.

At some point, coaches and general managers are going to have to start taking notice of these kind of rabid, hyper-partisan, far-left politics and how they have real consequences on and off the field. They already are with Krappernick by not signing him. He's not worth the baggage he'll bring.

Long's pro-Marxist, White-hating bigotry is going to drive away normie fans. Coaches will also start wondering how far he's going to take it. Will he refuse to sack black quarterbacks because he considers them "oppressed"? His political fanaticism has reached the point where that's a serious question.
La France Blanche, there is a history of Palmer being too pro-black at the expense of white skill players. But you are right this idiot Long has taken anti-white by a White player to a whole new level. F him!
La France Blanche, there is a history of Palmer being too pro-black at the expense of white skill players. But you are right this idiot Long has taken anti-white by a White player to a whole new level. F him!

I'm aware of Palmer's history with Terrell Owens and the whole "wigger" debate centered around him (to me, Palmer's a lot of things, but not a wigger). But Long is simply in an (under)class by himself.
Sounds like Chris Long is trying to become the White Colin Kaepernick.
Sam Bradford has a bone bruise, but his ACL is fine. He may or may not play next week, but he shouldn't be out too long.
La France Blanche, there is a history of Palmer being too pro-black at the expense of white skill players. But you are right this idiot Long has taken anti-white by a White player to a whole new level. F him!

Total bs, thoroughly refuted in the Carson Palmer thread.
Total bs, thoroughly refuted in the Carson Palmer thread.
Come on Don, there is my memory and Google, remember that degenerate receiver, Chris Henry? Palmer said he was a model citizen. NOT! That degenerate was killed falling out of a pickup truck right after he battered the mother of his kids. Then Saint Palmer said Henry was a great guy. NOT buying it! He should have keep silent.
Chris Henry the model affelet, arrested 5 times. F him.
Come on Don, there is my memory and Google, remember that degenerate receiver, Chris Henry? Palmer said he was a model citizen. NOT! That degenerate was killed falling out of a pickup truck right after he battered the mother of his kids. Then Saint Palmer said Henry was a great guy. NOT buying it! He should have keep silent.

So what, this site is to support White athletes not attack them, and there's been a lot of that lately. When White politicians and other public figures start speaking out, then maybe White athletes should be encouraged to follow suit, if they actually feel that way. Believe it or not, a lot of White athletes are not hard-core right wingers, and they have to deal with a workplace where the slightest infraction against "political correctness" can cost them their career. Until that great day comes, posts attacking White athletes are going to be deleted.
Don, maybe the reason is White professional athletes should stand up, like Cassis Clay, Jim Brown, Abul Jabbar etc in the 1960s, and tell the MSM and NFL to STOP discriminating against white players. I know, I kow if they did they would be banished. If so, so be it. Maybe the DWFs and us will stop watching and the caste system will be shelved!!
The White politicians will never speak out. I give kudos to Trump for doing as much as he has. But there has to come a time when White Athletes especially the great ones, ie. Brady, Watt, Jordy, Rogers, Edleman, Matthews etc, speak the f*ck up!!!!
The White politicians will never speak out. I give kudos to Trump for doing as much as he has. But there has to come a time when White Athletes especially the great ones, ie. Brady, Watt, Jordy, Rogers, Edleman, Matthews etc, speak the f*ck up!!!!

Why would they, when no politicians do? And you're assuming they have the same political beliefs as you, which is highly unlikely. They're jocks, not Philosopher Kings. We root for them because they're battling the Caste System whether they're aware of it or not, and I would bet most aren't. When they succeed it's a blow against the Caste System even if some of the White athletes doing it are communists.

The idea that they would ruin their career, knowing they would be demonized for their heresy, and throw away hundreds of millions of dollars in the case of quarterbacks, in order to please a group of anonymous posters at a marginalized website that receives no support from the system, is beyond ludicrous.

New rule: No one can criticize White athletes for not throwing away their careers and becoming martyrs on behalf of White Nationalism, unless they provide proof that they have set the example themselves by speaking out at their own workplace.

That's the end of this subject.
I don't want to get into the middle of this arguement but I don't think it's fair to lump in pro athletes with politicians and average Joe's making 50k a year. The only real power the system has over us these days is financial. They have the power to take away our livelihoods and hurt us and our families. Politicians and Joe Sixpacks can easily be destroyed by the system. But for the most part professional athletes are immune from it because of the incredible amount of money they've earned before they even reach 30. They're set for life no matter what.
I don't want to get into the middle of this arguement but I don't think it's fair to lump in pro athletes with politicians and average Joe's making 50k a year. The only real power the system has over us these days is financial. They have the power to take away our livelihoods and hurt us and our families. Politicians and Joe Sixpacks can easily be destroyed by the system. But for the most part professional athletes are immune from it because of the incredible amount of money they've earned before they even reach 30. They're set for life no matter what.

They have far more to lose than Joe Sixpack. Let's say Matt Stafford is a secret Caste Football lurker. He recently signed a 5 year $135 million contract. Tomorrow he decides to "speak out," denouncing the Caste System, calling the NFL anti-White, decrying black dysfunction and Jewish domination of the media. He is immediately met by a firestorm of hate. The Lions invoke a morality clause in his contract and he forfeits $135 million and never plays again in the NFL. He joins Marge Schott, Jimmy the Greek, John Rocker, and Al Campanis in the Perpetual Villains Hall of Fame. He is ridiculed by every comedian, and his name is invoked every time the subject is White racism. Not one journalist, opinion maker, analyst or politician supports him. He is heckled in public, and antifa try to physically assault him. There's nowhere he can go in public without heavy security.

Those are just a few of the things that would happen. Now give me your list of the positives that Matt would enjoy by "speaking out."
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