We are certainly seeing some cracks in the caste narrative for sure. In my interaction with Whites I can group them into the following categories:
1. The ones who just tune out of "sportsball" completely - they see greater issues in the world concerning race and the great replacement at a larger societal level. Sports are "bread and circuses". In all honesty this group is the most based and the one I see myself aligning with in most of my world views.
2. The Whites who still believe sports is an unfettered and pure meritocracy. They will not question the narrative, believe that White players can be the best but they are outliers. Essentially they are cucks who buy into the blacks are better athletes nonsense and will call you racist if you even dare ask questions or point out the obvious anti-White discrimination occurring.
3. DWFs - We here are all too familiar with these types. The ones who always talk like they are part of the team and use the term "We" when talking about the team (one of the most pathetic traits of a person I can think of). Very obnoxious and alot of their life revolves around their artificial allegiance to whichever team they arbitrarily become a fan of. They really bring the cucking and negro worship to the next level and get into a frenzy around "upside", athletic measurables and every other pro-black description of an athlete that one can think of.
4. Gamblers - with gambling becoming legalized alot of folks only really care about the bottom line. They view black players as a way too make some quick money and many do not look on blacks glowingly (perhaps I am just speaking from personal experience). Of course many DWFs bet on games too but I do think gambling is kind of changing how people follow games and root for players.
I think that most of us members of castefootball are a unique bunch. We all pretty much align with the first category but this site serves as a watchdog of the caste system. At least that is what I feel it has evolved into for me. We root for White athletes, point out the discriminatory practices in recruiting/scouting, point out blatant anti-White bias through comparisons, language used to describe White athletes, media treatment, dare to criticize black failures in sports etc.