NFL News, Rumors and Musings

Looking like Adam Schefter and Reiss of espn patriots are reporting that Belichick and Patriots are mutually parting ways. Probably the best coach ever but certainly not a great GM, one has to say he produced some great white offenses that gave us alot to cheer for at CF.
No constructive place to dump this: Tyreek Hill reminds us why you should replace the battery.

LOL, once again the “racist, rightwing” worldview provides to be the one most closely aligned with reality. Memes come to life.

I’ve said it before but they need to make a black smoke detector. One that plays classical music instead of chirping. Also in an emergency it can have an angry voice that yells at them, “sheeittt, muhfuga git yo ass up n out dis bitch”.
Looking like Adam Schefter and Reiss of espn patriots are reporting that Belichick and Patriots are mutually parting ways. Probably the best coach ever but certainly not a great GM, one has to say he produced some great white offenses that gave us alot to cheer for at CF.
Looks like The Genius flunked his final exam.

I won’t dispute that he was a great Xs and Os coach that instilled discipline, had very good game plans and made good in-game decisions. Probably one of the best. I will however contest that he had anything to do with the White friendly offenses that we all enjoyed. Those disappeared with Brady. They also didn’t exist earlier in Brady’s career, where I would argue that Tom hadn’t yet earned the respect to influence the roster. And if anyone wants to say that players, mainly star QBs, can’t influence those decisions then look no further than Aaron Rodgers. It was public knowledge that the Jets signed Cobb, Lazard and Lewis at his behest. I’m convinced that Brady did the same, but simply did so quietly and always behinds the scenes.

Bill also was exposed as an anti-White once he was given the GM reigns. His drafts were worse and darker than average. Who’s to say that any positive UDFA signings were his idea? Maybe that’s where Brady would ask for a guy and they’d throw him a bone since there was no risk or financial investment?

Demographics aside, I think I’ll remember as a very good coach who lucked into having the GOAT for 20 years. He’s never had success without TB12. Not before and not after.
Looks like The Genius flunked his final exam.

I won’t dispute that he was a great Xs and Os coach that instilled discipline, had very good game plans and made good in-game decisions. Probably one of the best. I will however contest that he had anything to do with the White friendly offenses that we all enjoyed. Those disappeared with Brady. They also didn’t exist earlier in Brady’s career, where I would argue that Tom hadn’t yet earned the respect to influence the roster. And if anyone wants to say that players, mainly star QBs, can’t influence those decisions then look no further than Aaron Rodgers. It was public knowledge that the Jets signed Cobb, Lazard and Lewis at his behest. I’m convinced that Brady did the same, but simply did so quietly and always behinds the scenes.

Bill also was exposed as an anti-White once he was given the GM reigns. His drafts were worse and darker than average. Who’s to say that any positive UDFA signings were his idea? Maybe that’s where Brady would ask for a guy and they’d throw him a bone since there was no risk or financial investment?

Demographics aside, I think I’ll remember as a very good coach who lucked into having the GOAT for 20 years. He’s never had success without TB12. Not before and not after.
It's a theory but I don't think it's clearcut by any stretch. The Patriots were widely made fun of and scorned for having so many White receivers and running backs. It was never going to be "copycatted" by the rest of the league. Robert Kraft, a liberal Zionist, was always the ultimate authority and it's just as easy to say he was getting embarrassed by the team's demographics on offense and informed Belichick of that. No different than what the Packers did, or the Rams going back to the days of Mike Martz, and other teams after their "whiteness" was noticed. No "relatively White friendly" organizations stay that way indefinitely. Pressure could also have come from other sources in the league like fellow owners and the commissioner's office, and maybe elsewhere outside the league. The worst possible thing for someone like Kraft is to hear is repeated digs about his team being "racist."

Tom Brady the team's actual GM for many years, at least on offense, scouting White receivers and telling Belichick which ones to sign? I don't buy it but I don't totally discard it either. We'll likely never know the true dynamics of what was going on but when you get to the level of head coach/GM and owner you're dealing with very big egos, people who likely aren't going to take kindly to having their jobs being usurped by a quarterback. There's always a heirarchy, and for good reason. If a corporate media reporter ever asked Belichick about the phenomenon he'd likely say he never noticed it. Maybe Brady will write a truthful autobiography some day that touches on it, but I suspect we'll always be speculating rather than knowing. But Woody39 is right about the enjoyment we got from rooting for that team for a number of years, something we've all appreciated and noted. Definitely the best stretch by far I've observed over the past 40+ years.
The Patriots were widely made fun of and scorned for having so many White receivers and running backs. It was never going to be "copycatted" by the rest of the league. Robert Kraft, a liberal Zionist, was always the ultimate authority and it's just as easy to say he was getting embarrassed by the team's demographics on offense and informed Belichick of that. No different than what the Packers did, or the Rams going back to the days of Mike Martz, and other teams after their "whiteness" was noticed. No "relatively White friendly" organizations stay that way indefinitely. Pressure could also have come from other sources in the league like fellow owners and the commissioner's office, and maybe elsewhere outside the league. The worst possible thing for someone like Kraft is to hear is repeated digs about his team being "racist."
I'm sure most of you remember the Timberwolves from about a decade ago who had a majority white roster and occasionally an all-white starting 5. It was so jarring that "civil rights leaders" were calling it out. Now you'll notice they've become one of the darkest teams in the association after moving on from Kevin Love. No owner in professional sports is willing to risk having that kind of reputation and given the state of our culture I can't blame them. That Patriots offense was lightning in a bottle, and we may never see something like it again.
Don, you are right that we’ll likely never know who was responsible for the Patriots White friendly offense and we all have only our theories. A tell all book someday that touches on the subject would be a must read.

One more piece of evidence to support my Brady theory. I recall in off-seasons he would have private practices with “his guys” and it always consisted of Welker, Edelman and Gronk. I’m sure there could have been others (Danny A?) but I know those guys for sure. I bet having alot in common led to friendships, so maybe he just naturally flocked to the other White athletes? I can’t prove that Brady was “GMing” the moves but I’d wager he would put in good words and had someone’s ear during his prime.
Don, you are right that we’ll likely never know who was responsible for the Patriots White friendly offense and we all have only our theories. A tell all book someday that touches on the subject would be a must read.

One more piece of evidence to support my Brady theory. I recall in off-seasons he would have private practices with “his guys” and it always consisted of Welker, Edelman and Gronk. I’m sure there could have been others (Danny A?) but I know those guys for sure. I bet having alot in common led to friendships, so maybe he just naturally flocked to the other White athletes? I can’t prove that Brady was “GMing” the moves but I’d wager he would put in good words and had someone’s ear during his prime.
That's what I think it was. Brady was not necessarily masterminding the acquisition of White offensive talent, but he was making sure they stayed by supporting them. I think it can be a dangerous game to delineate the extent different QBs control their offenses from a personnel standpoint. If a White offensive player gets let go from a team with a White QB, is it because a good word wasn't put in for him? Is that QB reinforcing the system? There's a rabbit hole to fall into with those possibilities. In my estimation, the average QB doesn't have much control over the roster in the sense that they don't dictate who comes or goes. But Brady was not your average QB by the time the Patriots began acquiring White skill position players. He had three Super Bowl rings and was practically a Hall of Famer already. I don't doubt for a second that he had a modicum of influence on those rosters.
That's what I think it was. Brady was not necessarily masterminding the acquisition of White offensive talent, but he was making sure they stayed by supporting them. I think it can be a dangerous game to delineate the extent different QBs control their offenses from a personnel standpoint. If a White offensive player gets let go from a team with a White QB, is it because a good word wasn't put in for him? Is that QB reinforcing the system? There's a rabbit hole to fall into with those possibilities. In my estimation, the average QB doesn't have much control over the roster in the sense that they don't dictate who comes or goes. But Brady was not your average QB by the time the Patriots began acquiring White skill position players. He had three Super Bowl rings and was practically a Hall of Famer already. I don't doubt for a second that he had a modicum of influence on those rosters.
Yea some good points.

I think after the Aaron Rodgers and Jets saga, it would be pretty hard to argue that star quarterbacks don’t have some pull over who fills outs the offensive roster. It’s undisputed by most that the Jets signed Randall Cobb, Allen Lazard, Tim Boyle and Mercedes Lewis at Rodgers’ request. All 4 players were utterly useless this year so there is no merit argument. They are Rodgers’ former teammate buddies. Nathaniel Hackett was also gifted a job he didn’t earn. Now if Rodgers could have this sort of pull bringing in guys who are detrimental, why would it be a stretch that Brady lobbied for guys who ended up being key contributors to Championship teams?

On NY sports talk, a popular conversation is does Rodgers’ have too much control of the Jets. Some believe he’s more powerful than the coach and GM, even saving their jobs by saying he wanted them back for next year. Some people think this is fine, as they believe Rodgers is more valuable than Salah / Douglas. Others argue that this is a detriment and Rodgers needs to be reigned in. The one thing no one argues, is that Rodgers does not have massive influence over decision making in the organization. Are we to believe this is just an outlier situation that became highly publicized?
Looking like Adam Schefter and Reiss of espn patriots are reporting that Belichick and Patriots are mutually parting ways. Probably the best coach ever but certainly not a great GM, one has to say he produced some great white offenses that gave us alot to cheer for at CF.
This firing on Black Monday week is probably the least shocking of the 23' seasons annual blood letting. Aside from his championship winning currency would anybody be shocked if a coach that last had a regular season dominant team 5 seasons ago was fired after he bottomed out to a 4 win season?

I think his winning formula in the second championship run was a cheat code that was adopted by the analytics department and was adhered to by the scouting staff and the players were sent to the coaching staff to mold into the team we saw.

One thing that has been adopted by the Patriots by various teams is the usage of the slot receiver which as far as I know was first adopted by the Patriots.
I'm sure most of you remember the Timberwolves from about a decade ago who had a majority white roster and occasionally an all-white starting 5. It was so jarring that "civil rights leaders" were calling it out. Now you'll notice they've become one of the darkest teams in the association after moving on from Kevin Love. No owner in professional sports is willing to risk having that kind of reputation and given the state of our culture I can't blame them. That Patriots offense was lightning in a bottle, and we may never see something like it again.
About 20 years ago when I first moved to Toronto from NYC, there was a big writeup in the largest local paper that the Blue Jays were too White..This was after the Blue Jays merely promoted or traded for a few maore White players than their historically very Caribbean Black roster. Written by one of the tunnel tribesman..

And in 2016, the coach of the French national soccer team tried to make the team a bit more White and they came and trashed his more Whiteys on that team..
I'm sure most of you remember the Timberwolves from about a decade ago who had a majority white roster and occasionally an all-white starting 5. It was so jarring that "civil rights leaders" were calling it out. Now you'll notice they've become one of the darkest teams in the association after moving on from Kevin Love. No owner in professional sports is willing to risk having that kind of reputation and given the state of our culture I can't blame them. That Patriots offense was lightning in a bottle, and we may never see something like it again.
I think offenses will whiten and probably defenses as well. The only thing this racist owners hate more than too many whites is hemorrhaging money. Once audiences, who actually are waking up albeit slowly, start to pull their dollars things could change. That’s my optimistic view.

My pessimistic one is the entire leagues is reduced to a shadow of its previous popularity as people just quit caring about football altogether. With the way society and our economy at large is trending, disposable income to spend on cable/streaming and gambling will dry up.
It was long my contention that Rodgers got McCarthy fired and it stemmed from McCarthy standing on the sidelines with a dumb look on his face as Hundley the fill in when Aaron got hurt totally ignored Jordy Nelson and hence got Jordy sent down the road to the shiftless Raiders franchise.
Patriots name Jerod Mayo their next head coach. Does this guy have any relevant experience?

Kraft going all in on blacks now.
It was long my contention that Rodgers got McCarthy fired and it stemmed from McCarthy standing on the sidelines with a dumb look on his face as Hundley the fill in when Aaron got hurt totally ignored Jordy Nelson and hence got Jordy sent down the road to the shiftless Raiders franchise.
Say what you will about Rogers but he has stood up for guys many times with what he said about Abbredaris, his close relationship with Jordy, etc.
Say what you will about Rogers but he has stood up for guys many times with what he said about Abbredaris, his close relationship with Jordy, etc.
Rodgers used to be prominently included by the small group of posters here who expected White quarterbacks to be Warrior King superheroes openly advocating against the Caste System. Others were attacked for not leading idyllic personal lives in every way.

Rodgers was attacked as a wigger and leftist. Meantime he's turned out to be a courageous freethinker. Not a "white nationalist" but the only White QB willing to stick his neck out and say things on topics that public figures aren't supposed to talk about, which is one of the reasons why I've always pushed back firmly against those who attack White athletes except in those few cases where it's deserved, for example Johnny Manziel throwing his career away through degeneracy, Chris Long and a few others being mindless leftists, etc.
It's up to us to cast aspersions on the Caste System and get the ball rolling that makes it socially disgusting, not some young kid no doubt raised by someone just as clueless of the CS.
Rodgers used to be prominently included by the small group of posters here who expected White quarterbacks to be Warrior King superheroes openly advocating against the Caste System. Others were attacked for not leading idyllic personal lives in every way.

Rodgers was attacked as a wigger and leftist. Meantime he's turned out to be a courageous freethinker. Not a "white nationalist" but the only White QB willing to stick his neck out and say things on topics that public figures aren't supposed to talk about, which is one of the reasons why I've always pushed back firmly against those who attack White athletes except in those few cases where it's deserved, for example Johnny Manziel throwing his career away through degeneracy, Chris Long and a few others being mindless leftists, etc.
I agree and can appreciate his courage and willingness to not engage in destructive groupthink but actually use the intellect God have to him. From my understanding he was raised Christian and turned away from his faith.

Maybe his experiences lately will turn him back to the light. I can only pray.
"Girl Bosses" are becoming more and more common, spreading their tentacles in recent years from HR departments to corporate and academic America, along with the remarkably fast rise of an Indian overclass. An Ivy League school with a female chancellor has become as common as a PAC 12 team with a starting Black QB.

The three judges on the federal appeals court hearing Trump's case about presidential immunity are another typical example. A Black, an Oriental, and a cat lady:

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It’s interesting to note that Vrabel was fired by the Titans female primary owner Amy Adams Strunk a year after bringing in a black GM. Have to wonder if if the gynocracy in Tennessee wants a black head coach for the DEI push.

Also Amy Adams Strunk was only put this position because her father was a successful businessman. Another fine example of America being taken from the builders and given to the destroyers.
It’s interesting to note that Vrabel was fired by the Titans female primary owner Amy Adams Strunk a year after bringing in a black GM. Have to wonder if if the gynocracy in Tennessee wants a black head coach for the DEI push.

Also Amy Adams Strunk was only put this position because her father was a successful businessman. Another fine example of America being taken from the builders and given to the destroyers.
That is the modus operandi in today’s society. Merit has nothing to do with many corporate decisions. Females and blacks must be elevated beyond their skillset and ability. I have seen a proliferation of them get quickly promoted but without corresponding experience or proficiency.

Unless and until white men (and to a lesser extent Asian men) stand up and refuse to participate in this charade, nothing will change.

White men still make our world work. It is why we must de-couple ourselves from society as much as possible and create our own parallel infrastructure, business and communities.
It’s interesting to note that Vrabel was fired by the Titans female primary owner Amy Adams Strunk a year after bringing in a black GM. Have to wonder if if the gynocracy in Tennessee wants a black head coach for the DEI push.

Also Amy Adams Strunk was only put this position because her father was a successful businessman. Another fine example of America being taken from the builders and given to the destroyers.
Leonardfan right on and that last sentence hit the bullseye. Absolute square in the middle.
I think offenses will whiten and probably defenses as well. The only thing this racist owners hate more than too many whites is hemorrhaging money. Once audiences, who actually are waking up albeit slowly, start to pull their dollars things could change. That’s my optimistic view.

My pessimistic one is the entire leagues is reduced to a shadow of its previous popularity as people just quit caring about football altogether. With the way society and our economy at large is trending, disposable income to spend on cable/streaming and gambling will dry up.

We are certainly seeing some cracks in the caste narrative for sure. In my interaction with Whites I can group them into the following categories:

1. The ones who just tune out of "sportsball" completely - they see greater issues in the world concerning race and the great replacement at a larger societal level. Sports are "bread and circuses". In all honesty this group is the most based and the one I see myself aligning with in most of my world views.

2. The Whites who still believe sports is an unfettered and pure meritocracy. They will not question the narrative, believe that White players can be the best but they are outliers. Essentially they are cucks who buy into the blacks are better athletes nonsense and will call you racist if you even dare ask questions or point out the obvious anti-White discrimination occurring.

3. DWFs - We here are all too familiar with these types. The ones who always talk like they are part of the team and use the term "We" when talking about the team (one of the most pathetic traits of a person I can think of). Very obnoxious and alot of their life revolves around their artificial allegiance to whichever team they arbitrarily become a fan of. They really bring the cucking and negro worship to the next level and get into a frenzy around "upside", athletic measurables and every other pro-black description of an athlete that one can think of.

4. Gamblers - with gambling becoming legalized alot of folks only really care about the bottom line. They view black players as a way too make some quick money and many do not look on blacks glowingly (perhaps I am just speaking from personal experience). Of course many DWFs bet on games too but I do think gambling is kind of changing how people follow games and root for players.

I think that most of us members of castefootball are a unique bunch. We all pretty much align with the first category but this site serves as a watchdog of the caste system. At least that is what I feel it has evolved into for me. We root for White athletes, point out the discriminatory practices in recruiting/scouting, point out blatant anti-White bias through comparisons, language used to describe White athletes, media treatment, dare to criticize black failures in sports etc.
My parents are 78 years old. They’re from Kansas and like to watch the Chiefs. They have old school cable and have no clue how to stream a game on Peacock. I’ve offered to bring a smart TV over and watch the game with them. The NFL is saying eff you to their old, White fans.
We are certainly seeing some cracks in the caste narrative for sure. In my interaction with Whites I can group them into the following categories:

1. The ones who just tune out of "sportsball" completely - they see greater issues in the world concerning race and the great replacement at a larger societal level. Sports are "bread and circuses". In all honesty this group is the most based and the one I see myself aligning with in most of my world views.

2. The Whites who still believe sports is an unfettered and pure meritocracy. They will not question the narrative, believe that White players can be the best but they are outliers. Essentially they are cucks who buy into the blacks are better athletes nonsense and will call you racist if you even dare ask questions or point out the obvious anti-White discrimination occurring.

3. DWFs - We here are all too familiar with these types. The ones who always talk like they are part of the team and use the term "We" when talking about the team (one of the most pathetic traits of a person I can think of). Very obnoxious and alot of their life revolves around their artificial allegiance to whichever team they arbitrarily become a fan of. They really bring the cucking and negro worship to the next level and get into a frenzy around "upside", athletic measurables and every other pro-black description of an athlete that one can think of.

4. Gamblers - with gambling becoming legalized alot of folks only really care about the bottom line. They view black players as a way too make some quick money and many do not look on blacks glowingly (perhaps I am just speaking from personal experience). Of course many DWFs bet on games too but I do think gambling is kind of changing how people follow games and root for players.

I think that most of us members of castefootball are a unique bunch. We all pretty much align with the first category but this site serves as a watchdog of the caste system. At least that is what I feel it has evolved into for me. We root for White athletes, point out the discriminatory practices in recruiting/scouting, point out blatant anti-White bias through comparisons, language used to describe White athletes, media treatment, dare to criticize black failures in sports etc.
Great post! I would say many of my friends fall into #2. A few have come along and are close to breaking with the narrative completely, but I think there’s a part of them that doesn’t want to leave never-neverland. They still try and argue for blacks as great athletes and a meritocracy by citing recruiting rankings, arm length (ughhhh), 40 times (but ignore 3 cone and shuffle), and generally that blacks have “upside”. Now they don’t like black ghetto behavior and acknowledge the destructive force they are to society but still cling to the belief of the “superior black athlete”.
Rooney Rule has gotten us two average Negro LBs that are now Head Coaches!

Important for Black Coaches that are discriminated their whole lives in Weimerica.

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Rooney Rule has gotten us two average Negro LBs that are now Head Coaches!

Important for Black Coaches that are discriminated their whole lives in Weimerica.

Hopefully this alienates more White fans. I do feel that the NFL is just in on the White replacement agenda at this point. They see everything else going on in society - every other aspect is all about open hostility and discrimination against Whites, alot of boomers and older football fans are dying off. The NFL is probably thinking the time is now to brown up the head coaching ranks as much as possible. Just a theory but it certainly aligns with everything else going on in society.
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