NFL News, Rumors and Musings

The common reply from the dwfs is that the best players always play and why would an owner start a lower quality black player over a better white player when the goal is winning championships. It is very hard for them to believe anything.
Yup and if you bring revenue sharing and how the owners get paid regardless of team success they might bring up the tv networks and how they won’t pay billions of dollars to the NFL if it’s not the best product available. Then you have to convince them how the networks are owned by people who don’t care about entertainment and only care about social engineering. Thats a really tall order unless you’re talking to someone who understands race and at least part of the JQ, even if they don’t know who exactly is behind it all and to what end. Whoever manages to “redpill” the masses on the caste system should go down as one of the greatest men to ever live.
Why are more and more corporations not hiring any White men at all for prestigious positions? Is it because executives believe companies will be more profitable this way? Of course not, there's an agenda and various narratives that are more important than the bottom line and all institutions have been taken over by the advocates of "wokeism" and anti-White hatred and replacement.

Sports are different because the agenda is easier to implement and enforce as many blacks are good, sometimes great, athletes. With no dissent from the media other than a single outpost which is blacked out by search engines, few people are going to take a "deep dive" and see what's going on. And unlike the other captured institutions, the Caste System has been in place for two generations and is very well established in the minds of many who can see anti-White discrimination and double standards in other spheres but not sports. But a lot of people over time have been made aware of at least some aspects of the Caste System thanks to us, not huge numbers but every day some lightbulbs go off and usually in pretty smart people.
Many people are questioning the Z-group that is one of the powers that be. Maybe somehow they will start to question other
things. Just to get people thinking and talking about these topics is slight progress. Hope this movement grows and more
people pull their heads out of the sand!
He could say, "All White people should be killed," and nothing would happen to him. He wouldn't lose his job, assuming he has one.
Yeah I remember not long ago an obese black affirmative action professor said “we need to take these mofos out” and nothing happened to her. Now the Chinese mayor of Boston hosted an all black party and no whites were allowed. Nothing will happen to her.
Yup and if you bring revenue sharing and how the owners get paid regardless of team success they might bring up the tv networks and how they won’t pay billions of dollars to the NFL if it’s not the best product available. Then you have to convince them how the networks are owned by people who don’t care about entertainment and only care about social engineering. Thats a really tall order unless you’re talking to someone who understands race and at least part of the JQ, even if they don’t know who exactly is behind it all and to what end. Whoever manages to “redpill” the masses on the caste system should go down as one of the greatest men to ever live.
It’s easier to fool people than convince them they have been fooled.

I see some small gains in people making up though, so there is encouragement there.
I’ve noticed most of the backlash he’s getting is either coming from retarded conservatives saying “why can’t we all get along and just be color blind y’all don’t be raysis” or others just conceding his point and saying but but but we’re better at quarterback and field goal kicker.

Nobody will bring up system discrimination because in order to do so you need to understand biological differences in race and you need to understand there is a shadowy group of (((people))) running things who have a vested interest in harming White people. Most people who understand those things pretty much just check out of sports.

It’s really hard to convince most people whites are being discriminated against because they’ll just say it makes no sense because teams want to win so they’re naturally going to put the best players on the field. But there is tons of evidence showing racial discrimination but the problem is that it’s not easy to find

Well stated. The self denigration is also apparent in comments. Whites always lose the battle right away in these topics, rather than pushing back they fall into the comfortable well established stereotypes instead.
Well stated. The self denigration is also apparent in comments. Whites always lose the battle right away in these topics, rather than pushing back they fall into the comfortable well established stereotypes instead.

Note J.J. Watt's weak (some would say pathetic) tweet on the subject.

At the moment the major sports media is not paying much attention to it. I wouldn't be surprised if a crescendo of support for the comment suddenly appears. But it might just vanish from the news in a few days.
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Note J.J. Watt's weak (some would say pathetic) tweet on the subject.

Yep I saw that. Without going to far down that rabbit hole I think White athletes really do shoot themselves in the foot. This is probably as close as we will get to a national conversation on the caste system but even with this opportunity the typical mindsets take over and dominate the conversation as no one dares think outside the box and do some root cause analysis.

I think at least it will open the minds of some folks to question things.
Well stated. The self denigration is also apparent in comments. Whites always lose the battle right away in these topics, rather than pushing back they fall into the comfortable well established stereotypes instead.
Yeah they’re always arguing from a position of weakness and fear. Most of the ones who believe blacks are athletically superior also believe white people are intellectually superior but they’ll never come out and say the white team will win because the white coaching staff will run circles around the black coaching staff.

They have no sense of racial solidarity either. Let’s say there were ballot initiatives throughout the southern states which propose new laws that would extend racial black quarterbacks and equal representation to collegiate sports. All of these conservative whites would vote it down harder than they vote down legal abortion.

It’s all just very disheartening
Note J.J. Watt's weak (some would say pathetic) tweet on the subject.

At the moment the major sports media is not paying much attention to it. I wouldn't be surprised if a crescendo of support for the comment suddenly appears. But it might just vanish from the news in a few days.
I'm glad that JJ Watt is getting negative comments regarding his lame tweet..shows more people are pushing back.

Two key points that will provide insight into Watt.

1) he is quite desperate to gain a foothold into polite society. From owning a Euro soccer club to film festivals to book tours, it's quite a move up for a boy from small town Wisconsin.

2) his wife is quite woke, is a former soccer player who hangs with Megan Rapinoe and is all in on the Diversity is our Strength narrative.

Doesn't take away from Watt's on the field accomplishments but, we should temper our expectations of him.
I'm glad that JJ Watt is getting negative comments regarding his lame tweet..shows more people are pushing back.

Two key points that will provide insight into Watt.

1) he is quite desperate to gain a foothold into polite society. From owning a Euro soccer club to film festivals to book tours, it's quite a move up for a boy from small town Wisconsin.

2) his wife is quite woke, is a former soccer player who hangs with Megan Rapinoe and is all in on the Diversity is our Strength narrative.

Doesn't take away from Watt's on the field accomplishments but, we should temper our expectations of him.
He’s definitely getting a lot of negative pushback from that tweet. It’s great to see. I’ve also learned to never except any support from former white athletes. They all either go away quietly or become part of the caste system. Can’t wait to see Brady in the booth next year, I’m sure he’ll be the one to buck the trend :rolleyes:
He’s definitely getting a lot of negative pushback from that tweet. It’s great to see. I’ve also learned to never except any support from former white athletes. They all either go away quietly or become part of the caste system. Can’t wait to see Brady in the booth next year, I’m sure he’ll be the one to buck the trend :rolleyes:

Right there with you. Eli and Peyton Manning are equally disappointing in their roles as media faces for the NFL. Players will need to start bringing these issues up and pushing back against the agenda. White advocacy is non-existent in the sports world currently although it is gaining traction in the society as a whole.
Expecting to see white advocates in major media or sports casting seems like a fools errand. Probably why sites like this are so vital. They provide actual evidence of what is going on, knowing that no well known figure will, for a variety of reasons
The White position to Mendenhall’s hypothetical racial game should be “bring it on”. It can be said in a serious manner if his post offended or in a lighthearted way if it didn’t. It’s silly to do the “we’re all one race” nonsense. Whites need to accept these difference and welcome challenges from other racial groups. It’s no different than nations competing in Olympics and World Cups.

I think I’m preaching to the choir here but a White team, even with the Caste System creating the severe disadvantages, would win more often. QB advantage. A dominant offensive line that will work cohesively. The best RB in the sport. Dominate TEs. More than adequate WRs, that would only be needed as the 3rd option. Elite pass rushers on defense. Elite linebackers. Secondary would be the only huge disadvantage, mostly due to the Caste System, but I think they’d be fine with the front 7 terrorizing the sumo line. Then kicker and punter a huge advantage for us. Lastly, the coaching another huge advantage. Overall the White team would be a powerhouse that any combination of the 75% black NFL would struggle against.
Right there with you. Eli and Peyton Manning are equally disappointing in their roles as media faces for the NFL. Players will need to start bringing these issues up and pushing back against the agenda. White advocacy is non-existent in the sports world currently although it is gaining traction in the society as a whole.
I just wish I could understand why they don’t speak out. It can’t be about money since they have enough to last multiple lifetimes. Are they afraid of being called the dreaded R word, do they not even know about all the racial discrimination, or do they know and not care because they don’t think it’s a big deal and it’s not worth the hassle?
I just wish I could understand why they don’t speak out. It can’t be about money since they have enough to last multiple lifetimes. Are they afraid of being called the dreaded R word, do they not even know about all the racial discrimination, or do they know and not care because they don’t think it’s a big deal and it’s not worth the hassle?

I am with you. All of those are fair questions that I wish I had an answer too.
Yep I saw that. Without going to far down that rabbit hole I think White athletes really do shoot themselves in the foot. This is probably as close as we will get to a national conversation on the caste system but even with this opportunity the typical mindsets take over and dominate the conversation as no one dares think outside the box and do some root cause analysis.

I think at least it will open the minds of some folks to question things.
The Pat MacAfee show had some fun with it… pretty much consensus was an even game. Lack of defensive backs brought up. But best quarterback, running back, tight end, defensive end, linemen and so forth all white.
The White position to Mendenhall’s hypothetical racial game should be “bring it on”. It can be said in a serious manner if his post offended or in a lighthearted way if it didn’t. It’s silly to do the “we’re all one race” nonsense. Whites need to accept these difference and welcome challenges from other racial groups. It’s no different than nations competing in Olympics and World Cups.

I think I’m preaching to the choir here but a White team, even with the Caste System creating the severe disadvantages, would win more often. QB advantage. A dominant offensive line that will work cohesively. The best RB in the sport. Dominate TEs. More than adequate WRs, that would only be needed as the 3rd option. Elite pass rushers on defense. Elite linebackers. Secondary would be the only huge disadvantage, mostly due to the Caste System, but I think they’d be fine with the front 7 terrorizing the sumo line. Then kicker and punter a huge advantage for us. Lastly, the coaching another huge advantage. Overall the White team would be a powerhouse that any combination of the 75% black NFL would struggle against.
Watt's comment is disappointing. I don't expect him or other White athletes to be anti-caste crusaders but by that same token they don't have to make jokes at their own expense. The Kelce bros said something similar a while back. There's an uncomfortable conversation to be had about White athletes inadvertently propping up the very system that made their journey to the college and pro game so arduous, or in most cases, ended it entirely. I don't want my comment to be misinterpreted. I'll never advocate for a White athlete to jeopardize his reputation, but is it really necessary for him to constantly put his people and himself down all the time? It seems like every time we see a White athlete with some sway and influence address this subject they always do so in the most pathetic manner possible. They may even outright lie or contradict themselves like when Jason Sehorn said there isn't a race issue at CB yet admitted to hiding his Whiteness by wearing sleeves. If it's not a race issue then you wouldn't have to hide your skin color.

If I had to guess I'd say that successful White athletes see themselves as "above" other White athletes and largely agree with the minimization of White athleticism because it makes their achievements more special.

This is the fundamental difference between the White and Black athlete:

The White athlete believes he succeeded in spite of his race.

The Black athlete believes he succeeded because of his race.

I also believe that marginal White athletes who go on to become coaches heavily internalize the discrimination they faced by taking it out on White athletes either directly or indirectly.
Watt's comment is disappointing. I don't expect him or other White athletes to be anti-caste crusaders but by that same token they don't have to make jokes at their own expense. The Kelce bros said something similar a while back. There's an uncomfortable conversation to be had about White athletes inadvertently propping up the very system that made their journey to the college and pro game so arduous, or in most cases, ended it entirely. I don't want my comment to be misinterpreted. I'll never advocate for a White athlete to jeopardize his reputation, but is it really necessary for him to constantly put his people and himself down all the time? It seems like every time we see a White athlete with some sway and influence address this subject they always do so in the most pathetic manner possible. They may even outright lie or contradict themselves like when Jason Sehorn said there isn't a race issue at CB yet admitted to hiding his Whiteness by wearing sleeves. If it's not a race issue then you wouldn't have to hide your skin color.

If I had to guess I'd say that successful White athletes see themselves as "above" other White athletes and largely agree with the minimization of White athleticism because it makes their achievements more special.

This is the fundamental difference between the White and Black athlete:

The White athlete believes he succeeded in spite of his race.

The Black athlete believes he succeeded because of his race.

I also believe that marginal White athletes who go on to become coaches heavily internalize the discrimination they faced by taking it out on White athletes either directly or indirectly.

Excellent view points. I agree with you on all of your points. It really is crazy that white people are the only people that hate their
own race. White liberals have been so brainwashed that many call openly for white genocide.

The decades of anti white propaganda has worked even better than the powers that shouldn't be could have ever dreamed!
The White position to Mendenhall’s hypothetical racial game should be “bring it on”. It can be said in a serious manner if his post offended or in a lighthearted way if it didn’t. It’s silly to do the “we’re all one race” nonsense. Whites need to accept these difference and welcome challenges from other racial groups. It’s no different than nations competing in Olympics and World Cups.

I think I’m preaching to the choir here but a White team, even with the Caste System creating the severe disadvantages, would win more often. QB advantage. A dominant offensive line that will work cohesively. The best RB in the sport. Dominate TEs. More than adequate WRs, that would only be needed as the 3rd option. Elite pass rushers on defense. Elite linebackers. Secondary would be the only huge disadvantage, mostly due to the Caste System, but I think they’d be fine with the front 7 terrorizing the sumo line. Then kicker and punter a huge advantage for us. Lastly, the coaching another huge advantage. Overall the White team would be a powerhouse that any combination of the 75% black NFL would struggle against.
The Pat MacAfee show had some fun with it… pretty much consensus was an even game. Lack of defensive backs brought up. But best quarterback, running back, tight end, defensive end, linemen and so forth all white.

saw that. If anything, anyone who doesn't follow football should now have a bit of a wake up call when they realize there's nearly no white corners or safeties (funny enough there are two actual corners with another coming up next year as a high draft pick whereas we have had years and years without a single one since Sehorn, Kaesviharn and Dustin Fox for a minute).
saw that. If anything, anyone who doesn't follow football should now have a bit of a wake up call when they realize there's nearly no white corners or safeties (funny enough there are two actual corners with another coming up next year as a high draft pick whereas we have had years and years without a single one since Sehorn, Kaesviharn and Dustin Fox for a minute).
In the last few years a few hybrid safety corners have had a cup of coffee playing the position. I recall Sorensen playing the position down the stretch for the Chiefs and he was announced as one on Sunday or Monday Night game in the pre game introductions. I also recall Zayne Anderson being listed as a corner but I don't recall him ever lining up as one. Troy Apke was similar as he was listed as one but I don't recall him taking snaps as one.

Also for a few seasons Colin Jones played slot corner but to me that's just a nickelback and not a true corner but it's now considered one.

PS the Mendenhall tweet has been covered by the media but the impression I have gotten is he is viewed as either bat s*&t crazy or punchy and what ever comes out of his mouth is verbal diarrhea.
In the last few years a few hybrid safety corners have had a cup of coffee playing the position. I recall Sorensen playing the position down the stretch for the Chiefs and he was announced as one on Sunday or Monday Night game in the pre game introductions. I also recall Zayne Anderson being listed as a corner but I don't recall him ever lining up as one. Troy Apke was similar as he was listed as one but I don't recall him taking snaps as one.

Also for a few seasons Colin Jones played slot corner but to me that's just a nickelback and not a true corner but it's now considered one.

PS the Mendenhall tweet has been covered by the media but the impression I have gotten is he is viewed as either bat s*&t crazy or punchy and what ever comes out of his mouth is verbal diarrhea.

that's true, didn't remember about Apke being listed as CB at least. Had to look up Zayne as I've never heard of him tbh.

and yeah, apparently Mendenhall has been spewing crap and ranting semi-coherently for a year or so judging from the comments on that tweet.
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