NFL News, Rumors and Musings

NFL followed up yesterday's woke debacle with today's being even more infuriating.

Demoralization propaganda, and it works especially if the spewers of it wear the skin suit of what was once a beloved and trusted source. It even works on me sometimes but mostly I find it all amusing and to me it is fun to make fun of people that take such BS seriously, doesn't make me popular but it is a source of amusement that breaks up the monotony of the day. Too bad people take the NFL organization seriously these days.
Demoralization propaganda, and it works especially if the spewers of it wear the skin suit of what was once a beloved and trusted source. It even works on me sometimes but mostly I find it all amusing and to me it is fun to make fun of people that take such BS seriously, doesn't make me popular but it is a source of amusement that breaks up the monotony of the day. Too bad people take the NFL organization seriously these days.
I have gone from your normal negro-fatigue to incalculable hatred for them in record time. The synagogue of satan has really mastered the art of racial strife at this point.
It's why I am not a conservative I have no wish to govern Africans. Anyway back to the NFL the organization is converged and is losing its ability to actually deliver its product, this of course will play out over time but eventually the parasites within it will turn it into a husk, my .02 cents.
Former superstar running back Ricky Williams has taken his white wife's last name to fix their "marriage imbalance."

“I’ve found that that’s been really powerful in creating ease, intimacy and trust in my relationship,” Williams said, explaining that he took an astrology class with his wife, which helped him to learn more about their “dynamic” as a couple.

Williams — a former Heisman Trophy winner and NFL rushing leader — said his wife is an attorney, but his All-Pro résumé and fame would sometimes create an “imbalance” within their friendship circles because “people would forget about her.”

“One of the ideas that popped into my mind was I can take her last name,” Williams said. “I think it’s cool. It’s somewhere where we can both win.”

The former first-round pick was also motivated to change his legal name because he said Williams “is not even really” his last name.

“It’s one of those family secrets,” he said. “My grandma, obviously, back then you don’t say anything. And so Williams was her husband’s name, but wasn’t my dad’s father. So Williams is not even really my last name. And if you go back far enough, its idea of it is a slave name, so I think of what is even the purpose of a last name. And I find more meaning in this last name than Williams.”

My recollection is that Ricky Williams cut his own career short so he could smoke weed as a full-time job. I believe he's been all-in on the "legal weed" industry for years now. Could this have contributed to his effeminate cultural degeneracy?

Demoralization propaganda, and it works especially if the spewers of it wear the skin suit of what was once a beloved and trusted source. It even works on me sometimes but mostly I find it all amusing and to me it is fun to make fun of people that take such BS seriously, doesn't make me popular but it is a source of amusement that breaks up the monotony of the day. Too bad people take the NFL organization seriously these days.

Exactly. None of us (I hope not, anyway) would become demoralized just because doesn't agree with us. should be thought of no differently, as they suffer from the same woke bias as CNN. Too many on the political right react to the meaningless drivel that comes out of leftists' lips rather than act. @SneakyQuick raised a very good point when he pointed out how quickly many of us devoted time and energy to respond to our latest troll "Darius," while serious threads have received far fewer responses.

The path of the helpless loser conservative who is constantly wringing his hands with his impotent outrage shouldn't be the one we take. We need to be the ones to act, to state our points on our terms and not theirs, and to get them to waste their time with pointless outrage.

Posting or saying something as simple as "Let's go Brandon" is enough to get many liberals triggered. Let's make them fall into the trap while we watch with detached amusement.
None of them really believe that anti-White rhetoric, it mainly stems from deep despair at not being white and advanced. And mainly that stems from trillions of dollars of leftist propaganda which took our advancements and good breeding (at one time) and turned them into negatives to be used against the coloreds. About the only ones I take anti-White rhetoric semi-seriously is from Indians (dots) and their white obsessions predate just about everything. I could tell you about a Indian civil engineer's obsession with one of our gorgeous blonde interns, just sad.

We could literally just ask our antagonists what is up with their anti-White obsessions and then disqualify them completely from making any claims on us at any level, but being the Right it's either impotent outrage or essays which cure insomnia.

Back to football, good on blacks for taking up pot, that stuff they got now a days is friggin potent, give it time maybe the caste cucks will have to eliminate a large portion of the black clowns that are on the path to more Seth Rogan than Mike Singletary.
JJ watt announces first child with his part Hawaiian wife, good for him but we won’t be seeing a future JJ watt kin playing football on team caste football lol
Does it matter if she has a Polynesian last name? She looks white to me, even though I do not think she is attractive in any way shape or form.
There was a linebacker in the NFL named Scott Fujita. I believe he was 100% white. His mother remarried a Japanese and he took his stepfather's name.

So you never know.
Sounds like she's 3/4White and 1/4Hawaaian. Passes the eye test.
Sounds like she's 3/4White and 1/4Hawaaian. Passes the eye test.

George Clooney made a movie called "Descendants" about a missionary to Hawaii that went there to do good ending up doing well by marrying a Hawaiian royal and inheriting some valuable land and passing it down to their descendants that became whiter and whiter of course. The family movie night and it was not my choice but I endured. White guilt is pathetic, no one really does not want to be white.
Does it matter if she has a Polynesian last name? She looks white to me, even though I do not think she is attractive in any way shape or form.
Dude either you have incredible standards or I just have no clue what to say about that comment.
Dude either you have incredible standards or I just have no clue what to say about that comment.
I've only laughed a few times today but this is the most memorable! LOL!
She definitely gets the pass from me. If it wasn’t for her Hawaiian name I would have had no clue she was anything but white.

Obviously doesn’t bother me but I’m definitely a one drop rule guy. Mainly because if a “white” athlete has the smallest trace of non white genes, people will claim they’re not white.

for example, black people largely claim track star Matt Boling is mixed and it’s “impossible” for him to not have a little black in him, even though it’s documented that’s not true.

That sh*t especially irks me because I’m unmistakably completely white, and thanks to my grandparents, a 930 year (not a typo) genealogy report dating as far back as to a centralized Holy Roman Empire to prove it, but because I have wavy hair and a “suspect” last name to many, I’m told I have to be part Jewish, and and even claims I’m mixed because of my lips.
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You have no clue what to say and I have very good standards. I said it cuz we support Devon Allen even though he is part negro. Lol
There’s tiers to my level of support.

Top tier support is reserved for pure whites. Self explanatory.

secondly is any athlete who is not pure white but endures caste ********. Specifically any non pure white who passes as white and is treated as white. Guys like Devon Allen who I like a lot and root for, don’t care that he’s part black. He deals with the same **** pure whites do mostly.

3rd level is non blacks. I feel bad for Asians, Mexicans, etc who are flat out treated worse than whites often. There’s probably validity to Asians not being allowed to play football because of them just genetically being unathletic, (thousands of years of eating rice and soy will do that to you lmao) but I know if I was Asian I’d be LIVID in their situation.

Those are my only race related category’s. I Somewhat don’t root against blacks and non whites unless they are bad people, or I may possibly root against them if they really suck and are stealing a spot from a white. That’s more coaches fault though. Not sure if I’ve ever been excited for any non while as much as I’m excited for a pure white but there’s definitely a lot of black players I really root for.
Has she or Watt engaged in anti-white rhetoric or activities of an explicit nature? If not then move on, and if we are expecting normal women to produce the usual right wing tough talk or put on a pant suit and deliver the usual Crime and IQ stats essays forget about it. We can ask them to reject the anti-white racial bigotry and perhaps ask them to tone police the anti-white racial bigots but I think that is the limit of what we should expect from a "normal" in these awful times.
There’s tiers to my level of support.

Top tier support is reserved for pure whites. Self explanatory.

secondly is any athlete who is not pure white but endures caste ********. Specifically any non pure white who passes as white and is treated as white. Guys like Devon Allen who I like a lot and root for, don’t care that he’s part black. He deals with the same **** pure whites do mostly.

3rd level is non blacks. I feel bad for Asians, Mexicans, etc who are flat out treated worse than whites often. There’s probably validity to Asians not being allowed to play football because of them just genetically being unathletic, (thousands of years of eating rice and soy will do that to you lmao) but I know if I was Asian I’d be LIVID in their situation.

Those are my only race related category’s. I Somewhat don’t root against blacks and non whites unless they are bad people, or I may possibly root against them if they really suck and are stealing a spot from a white. That’s more coaches fault though. Not sure if I’ve ever been excited for any non while as much as I’m excited for a pure white but there’s definitely a lot of black players I really root for.

This is basically my stance as well.
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