NFL 2014 Week 13

I don't think Wilson's a bad guy either. Even all of his close friends are White guys. He's nothing like Kaepernick, Newton, Griffin, Smiff, etc. But he's definitely not that great of a quarterback, he's a game manager at best. And I have to disagree with Westside about giving Wilson credit for that super bowl win. There are probably at least 20 quarterbacks in the league if not more who would also have won the super bowl with that seattle team.

Wilson is easily the best black QB in the game, and maybe in the top 15 overall. Maybe. Above average. That right there tells us everything we need to know about the NFL's social engineering experiment. The best one they can come up with (after immense effort) is slightly above average.
I feel the same way. Russell seems like a decent person, potentially someone I could cheer for in a fair non-caste league, but that's just not the case.
Definitely, Wilson is a good guy. Not a great QB but good enough. He has good traditional American values and acts like anyone would want their son to act like or look up to. Wilson does not partake in the common black death culture.
With GB and the Pats game on the horizon (and with the exception of Philly in the NFC), I'm hoping this will be a preview of the SB. Surprisingly, and way overdue, here is an article from (from a female no less) that praises the talents of Jordy, who we all knew was/is the best deep threat in the game.

If you notice, he is in total contrast to the personality and selfish "me-first" personna put forth by most Black "stars" in the world of sports. You read him say, "We", "team", "our", and praise Rodgers for how he orchestrates the offense. A total team-minded, unselfish player who is humble and dedicated to helping the Pack win. Period. What a breath of fresh air in an otherwise repulsive group of thuggish crybabies who emit a "just throw me the damn ball" attitude and an aura that DWFs seem to think is somehow praiseworthy.

What White people think is "cool" nowadays is beyond disgusting. I can even see these same DWF's not even thinking highly of Jordy's talents simply and even subconsciously for that very reason: he is not someone putting forth the braggadocio of Black athletes.

That's a huge problem in the mindset of fans today. They equate talent oftentimes with how much a player is hyped by himself or the media puppets.
What White people think is "cool" nowadays is beyond disgusting. I can even see these same DWF's not even thinking highly of Jordy's talents simply and even subconsciously for that very reason: he is not someone putting forth the braggadocio of Black athletes.

That's a huge problem in the mindset of fans today. They equate talent oftentimes with how much a player is hyped by himself or the media puppets.

There are lots of white fans who have never heard of Luke Kuechly. Eric Weddle? They've never heard of him. Harrison Smith? Blank stares. They have heard of J.J. Watt and Clay Matthews. That's it. Jordy is starting to make a name for himself.
Chris Borland had another incredible game with 16 solo tackles. While Aunt Crissie and Uncle Al occasionally gave him some props, his eye-popping numbers were never mentioned as he accumulated them during the game -- but every time Marshawn Lynch made Borland miss, both made sure to single Borland out by name as the camera lingered on him in what is the Caste System's media equivalent of a walk of shame. Lynch truly is a beast and makes lots of people miss, but only Borland was worthy of being singled out by name and focused on last night when it happened.
I think a lot of intelligent Whites are aware of the racism (the anti-White variety) in sports and society in general, but they just choose to remain silent because any overt complaining will be quickly shouted down as the insane ramblings of a Neo-Nazi.

That's not to say that silence=complicity in this case, because in many situations (including my own), I don't go running around calling RGIII a "retarded-looking, first-draft Chinese-knockoff version of The Predator" like I do here, but at the same time if he ever comes up in conversation, I'll state freely that he sucks and bring up a superior example of a White quarterback (ie, Andrew Luck) to provide a counterpoint to RGIII's suckitude.

A lot of racially-aware Whites just choose not to badmouth the Black athletes because they have the "if you haven't got anything nice to say, then..." attitude, and they secretly root for the White athletes.

I have a couple of coworkers who, in front of other teachers (I'm a French teacher in a private school), bemoaned the Ferguson story and the "racist" White cops, but then, confided in me later that they kind of just went along with some of the other teachers who were raising a hoopla over it all, and actually felt that the media did a character assassination on the cop. For myself, I just stayed quiet about the story mostly, and said things like, "Let's see how things pan out when we get all the information" or some vague, noncommittal crap like that.

(Refreshingly, I noticed that, in general, the students of all races including Blacks had a sober, realistic attitude toward the Ferguson shooting, and even tended to side with the cop. Our student population is 80% White, about 15% Asiatique, 5% Black/Hispanic/etc. and totally unlike the garbage at public schools).

You do what you need to do to survive in today's liberal world. I do, however, make little pinpricks of commentary here and there, and I think it's working. Some of my outer circle of friends and associates (my smaller, inner circle and I freely discuss our opinions without a politically correct filter) are now aware—or are at least more comfortable with the fact that it's okay to talk about it—that there is indeed a double standard not only for Whites in sports, but for Whites and Blacks in general.

Anyway, back to the NFL—I think it's a telling example of the value of even so-so White players, in the way that the somewhat boring (but infinitely watchable because of their relative Whiteness) Eagles clobbered the Cowboys yesterday. And of course, the continued, utter supremacy of the White Patriots and Packers.

As good as those relatively White teams are, hovering around 40-50% White, I'll bet they (and other teams) would be even BETTER if they upped the ante to 60% White.

I think 60%-70% White is a good, fair mix of White to Black in the NFL. The current ratio (+/- 33% White to 66% Black/Other) is unfair and inappropriate. I would be satisfied with 45%-50% White and stop complaining, if Whites were given more of a fair shake on defense and offensive skill positions that are not quarterback.

Unfortunately, Blacks (and their stupid, White media enablers) will think that even a HALF-White NFL is racist, because they have a preposterous view that sports should be just a "given" for Blacks, and that the only changes that should ever occur would be an INCREASE in Blacks.

Any increase in Whites would be considered racist and a social regression.
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With GB and the Pats game on the horizon (and with the exception of Philly in the NFC), I'm hoping this will be a preview of the SB. Surprisingly, and way overdue, here is an article from (from a female no less) that praises the talents of Jordy, who we all knew was/is the best deep threat in the game.

If you notice, he is in total contrast to the personality and selfish "me-first" personna put forth by most Black "stars" in the world of sports. You read him say, "We", "team", "our", and praise Rodgers for how he orchestrates the offense. A total team-minded, unselfish player who is humble and dedicated to helping the Pack win. Period. What a breath of fresh air in an otherwise repulsive group of thuggish crybabies who emit a "just throw me the damn ball" attitude and an aura that DWFs seem to think is somehow praiseworthy.

What White people think is "cool" nowadays is beyond disgusting. I can even see these same DWF's not even thinking highly of Jordy's talents simply and even subconsciously for that very reason: he is not someone putting forth the braggadocio of Black athletes.

That's a huge problem in the mindset of fans today. They equate talent oftentimes with how much a player is hyped by himself or the media puppets.
Ive said it before, the black culture is promoted because it keeps everyone in perpetual childhood. Think about it, its like they are stuck in "just hit puberty" state where they are obsessed with "muhdick" ass and titties (i mean i like them too but come on), some of it seems prepubescent--shiny objects aka "bling bling", candy colored cars, candy colored everything, to the fashion where high top sneakers are cool. Living that kind of lifestyle where you don't care if you live or die is so much easier than doing the right thing, legit working and supporting a family. Instead of the parents helping these people out its the state.

last of all what this site is about, sports is heavily promoted, stars are put to hero status, for what? being good at a game? It should be a game to help prepare kids for adulthood, but nowadays these affletes aren't reaching adulthood, the same with many dwfs who try to emulate this culture. Because Im willing to bet the biggest dwfs aren't married/have families and probably live at home with their parents.
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@ Dwid: you are so right.

The point is brought home by the sight of grown "men" who are not even young adults anymore (like "Lil John who must be, what, sixty-or-at-least-looks-it?) dressing and acting like utter jackasses.

There is no excuse for a grown man to be sagging his pants like some dumbf*ck fourteen year old and showing off his dirty underwear.

When Black people do it, it's ridiculous of course, but you kind of expect it.

When you see some WHITE douchebag acting like a Whigger, wearing gold chains like some Mr. T wannabe, you just want to smack his stupid b*tch face, and you KNOW he isn't going to do anything about it.
Kapernick shows up at the press conference with some symbol carved into his haircut and a pair of headphones around his neck. He looked like some stupid kid wandering around the mall. After putting on a clinic on how not to play the QB position. Man get rid of the headphones and put a hat on to cover that symbol. Try to look professional He just comes across as immature and clueless.

Yeah, could you imagine being the team owner and this freak was the (monstrously-ugly) “face of the franchise”…


In the past 10-15 years, I’d say this is the worst year for the “Great Black Quarterback Experiment” I can remember…

EJ Manual (mid-1[SUP]st[/SUP] round in 2013) was given up for dead after 14 starts in favor of the formerly-retired Kyle Orton. He’ll likely be cut this off-season.

Geno Smith (early 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] round in 2013) has been pulled repeatedly in favor of 34-year old has-been, Michael Vick. Nolan Nawrocki, the writer who was accused of “racism” for penning perhaps the most scathing review of a black player ever written when he questioned every single aspect of Smith's play/character (prior to the 2013 draft), must feel some vindication in the wake of Smith’s disgraceful showings.

Cam Newton, now in his 4[SUP]th[/SUP] season, has regressed by every conceivable measure. Or maybe he’s been figured out? Last year was their only playoff appearance, in which they were easily defeated by the 49ers. His running ability is now non-existent, he has bad instincts in the pocket, he’s an erratic passer, he takes countless sacks, he has poor body language/leadership on the field, and he’s bad with the media. I’m not saying it’s over for Newton, but if his poor play continues into next season, he might be the next quotablack on the chopping block.

Like Newton, Colin Kaepernick’s play has been abysmal at times this season, but given his past success and new contract, I wouldn’t expect him to be benched unless his play drops off dramatically and for a long period of time.

Robert Griffin’s stupendous fall from grace has been the most surprising and the most entertaining of all. When RGIII came into the league, he seemed like a nice, humble player with good leadership skill who was great as a rookie. Since then, RGIII’s attitude has done a 180, he’s been injured countless times, repeatedly put his foot in his mouth during interviews, Mike Shannahan was fired because their incessant clashing, new coach, Jay Gruden, has publicly criticized him in ways I’ve never seen before, and now it’s inconceivable to think that RGIII will be in Washington after this season. Who would want this guy? He’s fragile, he can’t run, he can’t throw, he can’t read defenses, his leadership skills are atrocious, he’s a locker room cancer (he wasn’t even voted a team captain), he bickers with the coaching staff, etc. After his benching was announced this week, ESPN's Jon Anderson kept calling Griffin “RG 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] Stringer,” laughing at him and uttering some among other insults. There have been numerous articles written about RGIII this season, and I see very little sympathy from anyone in the media, which is very surprising given their investment in his success.

The only other starting black QB’s are Wilson and Bridgewater. Bridgewater is a rookie playing in a bad offense, so it’s too early to tell. Wilson is a Superbowl winner and while he isn’t the biggest, strongest, fastest, or the best passer, he can be very effective in his role.

Next season, if Manuel, Smith, and Griffin are gone and replaced with a white QB, there will only be four black starting QB's (Wilson, Bridgewater, Newton, and Kaepernick) left in the NFL.
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There's some good news/bad news to take from last night's SF-SEA game. The good news is that the 49ers are probably done as far as the playoffs are concerned, Toucan is clearly regressing and psycho Jim's days are numbered. The bad news is that the Blackhawks appear to be peaking and resembling their 2013 selves, and that's why next week's game against PHI is huge. A win by the Eagles all but guarantees them a playoff spot, and puts SEA in a difficult position. I just don't trust Mark Sanchez and I think he could have a tough time against that defense.

The ideal playoff scenario in the NFC would be the following order:

GB and PHI with first round byes
AZ and ATL at 3 and 4
DAL and DET as the wildcard teams.

I'm not a DET fan by any stretch, but would much rather prefer them to Wigger-Pete's Afrikans.
Yeah, could you imagine being the team owner and this freak was the (monstrously-ugly) “face of the franchiseâ€â€¦


In the past 10-15 years, I’d say this is the worst year for the “Great Black Quarterback Experiment†I can remember…

EJ Manual (mid-1[SUP]st[/SUP] round in 2013) was given up for dead after 14 starts in favor of the formerly-retired Kyle Orton. He’ll likely be cut this off-season.

Geno Smith (early 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] round in 2013) has been pulled repeatedly in favor of 34-year old has-been, Michael Vick. Nolan Nawrocki, the writer who was accused of “racism†for penning perhaps the most scathing review of a black player ever written when he questioned every single aspect of Smith's play/character (prior to the 2013 draft), must feel some vindication in the wake of Smith’s disgraceful showings.

Cam Newton, now in his 4[SUP]th[/SUP] season, has regressed by every conceivable measure. Or maybe he’s been figured out? Last year was their only playoff appearance, in which they were easily defeated by the 49ers. His running ability is now non-existent, he has bad instincts in the pocket, he’s an erratic passer, he takes countless sacks, he has poor body language/leadership on the field, and he’s bad with the media. I’m not saying it’s over for Newton, but if his poor play continues into next season, he might be the next quotablack on the chopping block.

Like Newton, Colin Kaepernick’s play has been abysmal at times this season, but given his past success and new contract, I wouldn’t expect him to be benched unless his play drops off dramatically and for a long period of time.

Robert Griffin’s stupendous fall from grace has been the most surprising and the most entertaining of all. When RGIII came into the league, he seemed like a nice, humble player with good leadership skill who was great as a rookie. Since then, RGIII’s attitude has done a 180, he’s been injured countless times, repeatedly put his foot in his mouth during interviews, Mike Shannahan was fired because their incessant clashing, new coach, Jay Gruden, has publicly criticized him in ways I’ve never seen before, and now it’s inconceivable to think that RGIII will be in Washington after this season. Who would want this guy? He’s fragile, he can’t run, he can’t throw, he can’t read defenses, his leadership skills are atrocious, he’s a locker room cancer (he wasn’t even voted a team captain), he bickers with the coaching staff, etc. After his benching was announced this week, ESPN's Jon Anderson kept calling Griffin “RG 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] Stringer,†laughing at him and uttering some among other insults. There have been numerous articles written about RGIII this season, and I see very little sympathy from anyone in the media, which is very surprising given their investment in his success.

The only other starting black QB’s are Wilson and Bridgewater. Bridgewater is a rookie playing in a bad offense, so it’s too early to tell. Wilson is a Superbowl winner and while he isn’t the biggest, strongest, fastest, or the best passer, he can be very effective in his role.

Next season, if Manuel, Smith, and Griffin are gone and replaced with a white QB, there will only be four black starting QB's (Wilson, Bridgewater, Newton, and Kaepernick) left in the NFL.

Nice write up Thrashen. I do believe that Smiff and Manuel are done as starters in the league. Griffin will get another shot and ultimately fail. However I do not believe that the NFL decision makers are smart enough to make the connection between race and the qb position. I am sure some idiotic teams will draft Jameez and E.T. Hundley early thinking that they will somehow achieve what every other black QB has tried to but cannot - which is be the centerpiece and orchestrator of an NFL offense.

Mariota I am on the fence about - he seems like a respectful kid, picks his o-linemen up off the ground, huddles with injured teammates. I think he is a better version of Kaepernick but as we saw last night - that style of play is not conducive to any long term success in the NFL.

The media is going in every year on black QBs and hoping that through sheer number a few will finally stick as successful starting QBs over an extended period of time. They fail to recognize and/or acknowledge that the spread option/zone read offense that initially worked in the NFL has been figured out and the effective QBs are once again those that play from within the pocket.
Chris Borland had another incredible game with 16 solo tackles. While Aunt Crissie and Uncle Al occasionally gave him some props, his eye-popping numbers were never mentioned as he accumulated them during the game -- but every time Marshawn Lynch made Borland miss, both made sure to single Borland out by name as the camera lingered on him in what is the Caste System's media equivalent of a walk of shame. Lynch truly is a beast and makes lots of people miss, but only Borland was worthy of being singled out by name and focused on last night when it happened.

Borland played well last night, most of the time when he was one on one with Lynch he tackled him. It's amazing how many tackles Borland makes in this day and age of piss poor fundamentals. One should be asking if Borland/Keuchly are "revolutionizing" the LB position with their perfect form tackles, play diagnosis, instincts and great fundamentals.
He was a very good linebacker for a number of years, but anyone who's watched Lance Briggs play this season knows he's been slow as molasses, hardly made any tackles, and appeared disinterested as he's been publicly ripping the Bears organization and is sure to part ways after the season. Yet somehow he's still a "top five" linebacker against the run according to Weenieworld and is "should draw free agent interest," presumably by the same teams who had no interest in Brian Urlacher, who was a far better player than Briggs is now when he retired because no team wanted him. Yeah, old man Briggs is the centerpiece of Chicago's pathetic run defense. Pure fabrication to fit an agenda.

Bears placed WLB Lance Briggs (groin) on injured reserve, ending his season. Briggs was hoping to make a late-season return, but will be shut down with only five games remaining. He's struggled to stay healthy the last two years and isn't expected to be re-signed. 34-year-old Briggs graded out as a top-five outside linebacker against the run :rofl: and should draw free-agent interest. Rookie Christian Jones will take over for Briggs on the weak side.
Jordy on cover of Sports Illustrated

Noted above an piece. Also check out the great article on Jordy in SI. Points out his quick speed is very good but not off the charts but goes on to explain his deep long sprinting speed is fabulous ie a great sprinter in high school. I believe he is the most exciting player in the NFL.
Seems like a great hard working guy --heck Kansas = farmer = hard work.
Hopefully this will inspire more whites to play wide receiver--my favorite position.
I rewatched the Dallas game, and damn, if you weren't really paying attention, you would think Beasley fumbled like 8 times!! Buck and Aikman must have mentioned it another 10-12 times throughout the game. He ended up having a decent game though.

While I admit he's a good player, Dez Bryant needs to shut his mouth. I'm so sick of seeing this clown on the sidelines yelling at everyone.

As much as I can't stand the bum quarterback, the 49ers really aren't terrible to watch on defense. Justin Smith is still a top 3 d-lineman, and Borland is a beast in the making! There was a point where Smith, Borland, Dan Skuta, and Craig Dahl were all on the field. Skuta and Dahl are both starting caliber players wasting away in SF...
Two interesting notes I have heard today:

The Saints are supposedly going to draft a QB high next year as Brees replacement and the 49ers may try to trade Harbaugh.

Will the Saints draft a quoatback? If Harbaugh is traded then will the 49ers effectively be writing off Krapernick?

Watching the Giants Jaguars game - instead of running Gerhart to pick up a first down they run duhnard up the middle for no gain and then a toss to duhnard on third down. Neither play worked and they went 3 and out.
Tayshun Gipson is out for the year. Does anyone know if Jim Leonhard got the start in Cleveland?
WR Adam Thielen with a punt block and recovery for a TD for the Vikings.
30 yd TD Luck to Fleener.
Kyle Rudolph also with a TD.
Ryan Kerrigan with a sack.
The Jags defense is very bad and coal black. I have yet to see Gerhart on the field.
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