NFL 2013-14 Playoff thread

Arch Casteon maggot, John Lynch, admits to having a “man crushâ€￾ on Earl Thomas on national television. Dan(ielle) Dierdorf is set to retire from broadcasting after tonight’s Patriots-Colts game…so perhaps Lynch can assume Danny Girl's place as one of Caste Football's most detested announcers?

EDIT - Lynch's ******* lover, Thomas (who Lynch had literally just referred to as: “the defensive player of the yearâ€￾), just dropped an ridiculously easy interception resulting in a 52-yard gain.
I unfortunately caught that caste moment in history as I tuned in while at the gym. Friggen lynch. He sound like a hysteric teenage boy screaming over some afflete with spit coming out of his trap stating "I love great football players". what a friggen sell out and caste fluff boy.
While on CF right now I can hear the dark brown horse face bellow nonsense with marbles or something else in his "mouff". Retard
I unfortunately caught that caste moment in history as I tuned in while at the gym. Friggen lynch. He sound like a hysteric teenage boy screaming over some afflete with spit coming out of his trap stating "I love great football players". what a friggen sell out and caste fluff boy.

Earl Thomas batted a ball away and Lynch became quite animated, screaming his name with jubilee. He then said something like: “Our sideline reporter, Erin Andrews, makes fun of me because she says that I have a ‘man crush’ on Earl Thomas. Well, I do! He’s the defensive player of the year in my opinion.â€

Change the channel to CBS and Bill Cowturd just said: “I don’t even know who New England’s outside receivers are? Edelman and Amendola are both inside, slot receivers.â€

I suppose this Casteon know-nothing failed to notice that Edelman has primarily played as a flanker during his breakout 2013 campaign.
I unfortunately caught that caste moment in history as I tuned in while at the gym. Friggen lynch. He sound like a hysteric teenage boy screaming over some afflete with spit coming out of his trap stating "I love great football players". what a friggen sell out and caste fluff boy.

The "man love" thing was pathetic, but at least Lynch wasn't all googly-eyed over Wilson. The play-by-play guy showed more "man love" toward the usual suspects during the game than Lynch did. Lynch often gives White players credit when it's due, too. I'd put him a notch or two below Moose Johnston as far as how often he engages in Caste-speak, and well below the worst offenders.
Going to a great neighborhood bar in Simi Valley. Looking forward to 3 things. 1. Great game by NE. 2.A great beer buzz. 3. Inroads to a great looking blonde girl who is a bartender there as her second job. Not much to ask for.
Going to a great neighborhood bar in Simi Valley. Looking forward to 3 things. 1. Great game by NE. 2.A great beer buzz. 3. Inroads to a great looking blonde girl who is a bartender there as her second job. Not much to ask for.

Westside the Mac-daddy! Enjoy your evening and lets hope these two QBs put on a good show with a NE victory as the end result.
Good luck Westside. Nothing better than a good looking blonde although there are a few brunettes that give them a damn close run for their money.

Great start for the Patriots. Their defense does something for a change. Tom Brady isn't used to that!
Great start for the Patriots. Their defense does something for a change. Tom Brady isn't used to that!

The Patriots defense has been holding up pretty well all season. The most points they've given up all season has been 31.
Going to a great neighborhood bar in Simi Valley. Looking forward to 3 things. 1. Great game by NE. 2.A great beer buzz. 3. Inroads to a great looking blonde girl who is a bartender there as her second job. Not much to ask for.

Number 2 is a certainty, number 1 is a near certainty, number 3 is questionable. :wink:
Number 2 is a certainty, number 1 is a near certainty, number 3 is questionable. :wink:
Absolutely. Just pulled in. NE looking like all cylinders are clicking. No question to this point, that bye week has done wonders.
Julian Edelman putting on another clinic! Even lined up at Tailback earlier...

Too bad Blount is getting the glory with his short TDs, when it's Edelman doing most of the work.
Edelman is very similar to Woodhead in his moves, cuts, acceleration, and just flat out speed. What a gifted athlete!
Edelman, Amendola, Whalen, Fleener and Doyle have caught 9 of the 15 completions in the game so far.
Just going by listed starters, the Pats started 10 and the Colts only 4. However, it looks like the Colts actually play 3 white O-lineman, Luck and Fleener on most plays with Whelan and a few other whites as subs and tons of white on special teams. Angerer would make this team much more palatable. Also, Gronk and the injured white O-lineman who would have been starting would make the Pats have majority white starters.
These announcers are morons. Ryan Allen just made the best play he could have in that situation. He takes the tackle and the Colts are setup for for a field goal at worse and a TD at best.
How dumb is Dan Dierdorf? He keeps repeating how the Patriots would be better off with the punter downing the ball on the 3 yard line rather than a safety. A safety is the best case scenario for the Pats in that situation. 2 points vs. a sure 3 and a very possible 7.

And earlier he begrudgingly called Edelman a "good" football player - normally most game announcers use the term "great" or something similar. He just couldn't muster such strong praise for just a white guy.
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How dumb is Dan Dierdorf? He keeps repeating how the Patriots would be better off with the punter downing the ball on the 3 yard line rather than a safety. A safety is the best case scenario for the Pats in that situation. 2 points vs. a sure 3 and a very possible 7.

incredibly. possibly the dumbest White football commentator on the air.

Kaptain said:
And of course Dierdorf earlier had to point out that the Colts white fullback is not a threat to do anything after the catch. What an odd comment - but completely expected for that horses arse of a mouth.

Havili isn't White. not even close:
Dierdorf demonstrates even more of his intellect. Wonder how the Patriots punter hurt his arm just by dropping the ball to punt it. Hey dumb****, you just saw his get clobbered after a bad snap. Herpderp.
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