News from South Africa

Oct 24, 2005
When as the white south africans going to organize themself and declare their independance? The sooner the better.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "The warnings were there from Rhodesia, but people chose to ignore them."

Ever wonder what life is like for the White people who remained in South Africa? White people familiar with the typical African looked on in horror as brainwashed liberals and moderates voted White South Africa out of existence in 1992. Since then, crime has gradually gotten out of control, but you won’t hear about that on any Jewish-owned liberal news network.

As usual, the liberals proclaimed “victoryâ€￾ once they got a Black majority in control and then not another word about actual conditions inside South Africa was ever mentioned to the White people of America or Europe.

The White people of South Africa gave up a segregated lifestyle called “Apartheidâ€￾ which was set up to protect White women and children from Black crime. The result has been a disaster.

To sum up, you’d have to be out of your freakin’ mind to travel to South Africa now. You might as well take your White family to a vacation in downtown Detroit. The one thing that South Africa (or Detroit for that matter) should teach White people is that segregation or Apartheid was necessary for White safety. It protected White people from Black racist attacks on Whites, which can take place at any time with no provocation.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "White teen girls kidnapped and set on fire in South Africa."

A white teen in South Africa is in a medically induced coma after being burned on 75% of her body.

Typical of the left-wing British media, they are censoring the fact that the attackers are black. In South Africa, horrific racially motivated attacks on white people are a daily occurrence.

Four black suspects have been arrested, a rarity in South Africa, and charged with two counts of attempted murder. The South African media is calling it a “Satanic Ritual.â€￾


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
The slow genocide going on in South Africa is appalling, and the world couldn't care less. Sad!


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Mandela health problems renew fears of mass genocide in South Africa."

A common racial abuse that blacks hurl at white people in South Africa is “wait until Mandela dies.â€￾ This stems from a common belief among black South Africans, and some American blacks, that the all out mass genocide of whites will begin when Nelson Mandela dies. Militant black South Africans believe that they have yet to experience the “Uhuruâ€￾ that came to other African nations in the 1960s. This “Uhuruâ€￾ was usually marked by mass murder and a catastrophic collapse of society.


Oct 12, 2008
Here's a must see video from Rev. Manning, as he talks openly about the situation in South Africa:


CAPTION: "Black people have got a problem"



Jul 12, 2007
‘Whites must give up wealth’

WHITE people in South Africa should volunteer to give what they have to be able to assist the nation.
This was said by ANC Youth League (ANCYL) deputy president Ronald Lamola yesterday at the league’s economic policy dialogue at Unisa, Pretoria.

Lamola said: “The only thing we are asking is to share the natural resources.
Why must we not get angry if white people continue to benefit?â€

“We need to break the apartheid economy we received in 1994. White people are still living a Hollywood lifestyle.

‘‘The majority of black South Africans were relying on social grants. They needed to start playing a meaningful role in agriculture, mining and society,†Lamola said.

Lamola slammed the willing buyer, willing seller approach to land restitution.

“The only solution is expropriation without compensation,†he said.
National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) chairman Andile Lungisa said: “We are not enjoying Christmas as black people in this country.

In case you didn't catch that last part, he's talking about forcibly seizing all white lands.
White South Africans had better flee that country immediately, through whatever means they can. They can't come here, of course. Our African president would never accept whites as refugees. He would turn them over to the ANC as war criminals.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
the death of Johannesburg ... a hat tip to the folks at AmRen for posting this video.

since majority rule (read that as violent, Black rule) came to South Africa, Johannesburg has been transformed. what was until the 1990s a modern, First-World city is now inhabited and run by Africans. these haunting images show how the city has changed.



Oct 26, 2008
Ernie Els praised Mandela during his speech at the British Open saying how great the country is now.


Jul 29, 2008
I'm afraid this horrendous crime is a just preview of what's awaiting Whites in South Africa in the not too distant future. Remember, most black on White crime in South Africa goes unreported in Western media, so the fact that this one made it out is actually quite a surprise.

Robbers accused of torturing, killing South African family plead guilty

Look at their pictures, they are barely able to able to contain their laughter:


A few of the sickening details:

According to reports, Geraldine was raped by two of the men and then fatally shot with her husband’s gun. Viana, who had been tied up in a living room, was then executed with a shot in the head.

Their son was also drowned in a bath of boiling water.

In addition, the family dog was killed — its stomach sliced open.

When Tuesday’s hearing concluded, the men were led back to their cells and could be heard laughing with one another, according to South Africa’s Indepent Online.



Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
Zimbabwe had a reputation as "Africa's breadbasket" until 2000 when President Robert Mugabe launched his violent seizures of white-owned farms, forcing 1 500 white farmers of their land and displacing a million farm workers and their families.
The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have said that year marked the beginning of the collapse of one of Africa's most successful economies.
The latest figures were released after a lengthy study by UN agencies, the Zimbabwe government and non-governmental organisations involved in agriculture.
Already, the report said, rural residents of the country were feeling the effects of the food shortages, a pattern marked by empty domestic granaries and farmers selling their cattle to raise money to buy food.
At the height of the last rainy season, farmers unions slammed a supply arrangement set-up by government officials. Political figures in Mugabe's Zanu-PF party snapped up cheap fertiliser and seed and sold large quantities of it at inflated prices while peasant farmers waited helplessly.
During the current winter wheat season, promises of cheap supplies from the government also came to nothing, resulting in the lowest wheat crop forecast yet of 5 000 tonnes


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
I used to read South African police reports and alternative media blogs, which undoubtedly chronicle the most terrifying crimes in human history. I’ve seen images of pure barbarism proving what this “biological weapon” is capable of doing to human beings. White babies roasted in an oven, impaled on a machete, or tossed from roof tops. White children that are raped, molested, urinated and defecated upon, their families raped, tortured, and killed before the eyes. White women endlessly raped, then impaled to death with knives and chair legs. The psychotic use of boiling water. Unspeakable machete massacres. Hardcore gang beatings that leave victims mentally handicapped. White men arrested for minor traffic violations, then placed into a jail cell to be gang-raped and intentionally infected with AIDS.

Out of respect for the victims, I would never re-post such images. For reference, though, here is how black South Africans settle problems amongst their own kind…


CAPTION: Tire “Necklacing” Victim

The details of the crime that Foobar posted below are highly consistent with typical black criminal pathology…
Tony Viana, 53, arrived to his Walkerville home and was blindsided by the men, who had broken in to rob the family. Viana was hit with a golf club and a machete-like weapon known as a panga before they made him open up the family’s safe, his attackers said in court Tuesday.

Rape that which has a cavity. Torture that which is vulnerable. Kill that which is innocent. That curriculum always seems to satiate the dark demons of a false manhood, of a wretched life, of a failed race. Your flesh-eating virus has gnashed its hell-hound teeth and claimed three more victims. Eighteen years of infernal glory. The slaughter of the Viana family last October is just another in the infinite queue of blissful diurnal occurrences for most whites fortunate enough to dwell within the murder, adult rape, child rape, baby rape, car-jacking, burglary, molestation, and home break-in capital of this godforsaken planet.

Thank you, Ronnie Kasrils. Thank you, Harry Schwartz. Thank you, Joe Slovo. Thank you, Ruth First. Thank you, Nelson Mandela. Oh, and thank you to all the white ass-kissers who worship these Anti-Apartheid terrorists like the very gods of Cultural Marxism…


CAPTION: Murderer Celebrates Terrorist’s Birthday


CAPTION: Satan’s Children


CAPTION: Bono’s (Anti-)Hero Worship


CAPTION: Prostitute Prune & Pimp


CAPTION: Plain-Jane "Princess" Parties at Mandela Birthday Bash
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
I used to read South African police reports and alternative media blogs, which undoubtedly chronicle the most terrifying crimes in human history. I’ve seen images of pure barbarism proving what this “biological weaponâ€￾ is capable of doing to human beings. White babies roasted in an oven, impaled on a machete, or tossed from roof tops. White children that are raped, molested, urinated and defecated upon, their families raped, tortured, and killed before the eyes. White women endlessly raped, then impaled to death with knives and chair legs. The psychotic use of boiling water. Unspeakable machete massacres. Hardcore gang beatings that leave victims mentally handicapped. White men arrested for minor traffic violations, then placed into a jail cell to be gang-raped and intentionally infected with AIDS.


Too true, though you'd never hear a word of it in the controlled US mass media or from the mouths of US politicians that used to constantly bemoan the supposed horrors of white run South Africa - white run SA whose main problem was blacks flooding in - in! - over the borders.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
"White men arrested for minor traffic violations, then placed into a jail cell to be gang-raped and intentionally infected with AIDS. "

You're referring to the case of the white animal transporter who was falsely arrested for not having a current animal transport license - which he did - put in a cell full of black savages, who, chanting and singing, carried him around on their heads, and homosexually raped him all night long, ignored by the black guards. Just one case out of many many thousands.
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Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
36 killed by Police at South African Mine

Police are not releasing official figures but it is estimated by the Trade Union 36 people were killed by Police at a violent clash at a mine near Rustenburg South Africa.
I wonder if the whole world will condemn this as they did simillar death tolls at previous violent protests during the apartheit era?
I think the international condemnation will be very much less because it is a black police force.
68 people died in the sharpville massacre, and the similarity between the two is quite marked. At sharpville 7,000 protestors surrounded a small police station manned by about 20 officers. Re-inforcemnts were quickly brought in but only then about 100. The police initially tried to repel the protestors with tear gas, and even win close hand to hand fightling with batons, until eventually opening fire. At the mine yesterday there were 3,000 protestors and a few hundred police. The police claim they had tried water cannon and tear gas, but when the crowd tried to rush them they feared for their lives and had to open fire.
Wikipedia describes the events before the police opened fire at Sharpville thus "Protestors began screaming as they succeeded in reaching the fence and tearing the gates from their hinges. One police commander was thrown to the ground; others were possibly pelted with makeshift projectiles"

I actually don't (yet) blame the police at the mine. All the facts are not known yet, but what I do know is that ealier in the week two Police officers were hacked to death with machette type weapons. So they were probably not too well disposed to this protest to say the least. If you start hacking police officers to death it isn't going to help. You can get away with it in the UK perhaps, but not in Africa.

This all stems from a pay strike by the way. Rock face miners want a 300% (not a typo) pay increase!


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007


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Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
It goes on in such a depressing way...


18-year-old Minke Aucamp was shot and killed outside her home in Eastvale this afternoon during a hijacking.
25 October 2012 | Amanda van den Barg


Police are fairly confident as to the identity of the suspect - a man who apparently already has a warrant out for his arrest after he was let out on bail on previous hijacking charges.
The young girl was shot in her face, allegedly at point blank range, with the bullet exiting the back of her head.
The scene outside the house in Lainsberg Road was extremely busy with paramedics from Life, Netcare 911, Trico, ER24 and government emergency services all working to save the girl's life.
The victim, in a critical condition, was transported by ambulance to a park a block away where a chopper was waiting to airlift her to the Union Hospital in Alberton.
The hijacker escaped in her silver Hyundai.
The police on scene stated that they have been in pursuit of the suspect for some time and will continue regualr patrols to find the man known to be terrorising Springs' residents.
Aucamp, a matric pupil at Dr Johan Jurgens High School, apparently died in the chopper, shortly before it landed.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "ANC: All charity should go to racially pure Negroes"

The ANC has banned white people from being hired for government jobs or for current white employees to be eligible for promotions. Leaked documents in Cape Town show that the ANC is secretly ordering government agencies to give the same treatment for racially mixed “Coloureds.â€￾

A bill pushed by the ANC would divert charity away from whites, Asians, Sanids, and racially mixed people in favor of racially pure Negroes. The ANC requires companies to earn “Black Empowerment Points.â€￾ One way to earn their points is by making charitable donations. Now the ANC says that companies should any be given points is the charity solely benefits racially pure South African Negroes.

Donations to charities that have any whites, Asian, Sanid, or racially mixed beneficiaries will not be eligible.

Bruce Pierce II

Most of the sheeple do not even know that without white South Arikaners, South Africa would be another Haiti.
As it is well known even among the MSM, Nelson Mandela was a huge serial adulterer. He made Mike King look normal.


Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
Bruce, the current president (Jacob Zuma) has had 6 wives and 20 children.
Plus was charged with rape, and had the charges dropped when he explained it was consensual (i.e. he consented). So it depends how you define Adultery!
I guess if you marry all your mistresses and girlfriend then it isn't adultery any more.
By the way I'm not against polygamy per se. If that is the tradition in a society I'm not going to get all critical and try to tell other people in other countries how to behave. I just wouldn't want it in MY society.
Plus if you claim to be a christian - well how does that work?


Feb 23, 2013
New York
The 'WHITE squatter camps' of South Africa: Shanty towns built after the fall of Apartheid are now home to hundreds of families


These people really need to get the hell out of Dodge. Apply as anything in Canada, U.S., Australia, N.Z., U.K. E.U.; not all but some will make it out. If none of those states will accept them, go to RUSSIA -they likely won't say no to white immigrants and its a big place, they'll find a home there: all they have to do is learn Russian -how hard to do is that???