The Boer fighting spirit is well documented and to learn more you can read-up on the First and Second Boer Wars for starters. These were some badass people. But how much of that still remains amongst the 3 or so million currently in SA is a good question. I'm afraid the answer is not much, and I hate to state the obvious but the whites in SA are f***** for all intents and purposes.
Many (those who had the means and/or could see the writing on the wall) have left since 1994, the end of white rule. Still more can try and leave for the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, but telling the rest (such as the Boers) to go back to Holland is like telling whites in America to go back to Europe. It's not going to happen. These people have been there for hundreds of years, it's their home.
The one thing the Boers were never very good at was strategy and long term thinking. When the NP assumed power in 1948 and began to put into place apartheid, you have wonder what they were thinking. They simply didn't have the numbers in terms of demographics to sustain any kind of minority rule for long, not to mention alienating the world community. I believe the white population peaked at around 20% of the total in the early 1900s, and has been steadily declining to today's 8.5%. I get that in theory, apartheid was similar to the Jim
Crow laws to protect white people against black crime, violence, and dysfunction. But it was never going to work.
Their best shot in the '50s was to carve out an ethno-state, perhaps including most or all of Western Cape, with Cape Town as its capital. Give the rest of the land to the blacks and let them turn it into Zimbabwe or some other hellhole. But it's too late now, that option is nonexistent because most of the world community actually thinks the SA whites deserve any evil that's coming their way.
do you think
I can't really think of any solutions, other than hoping that the US, Canada, and others introduce new visa categories and rescue as many whites as possible, and let the African vermin fend for themselves. Without whites, SA instantly becomes another African disaster. The rescued whites can start their lives anew.
Any thoughts of a civil war in which a small number of whites can defeat the blacks ala The Battle of Rorke's Drift (see the great movie Zulu) is pure fantasy.