News from South Africa

The Suidlanders are far larger in number than the Oranians and are spread around South Africa and operate as a kind of civil defense organization for Whites. If things get bad enough they might be able to help the White South Africans survive and eventually reclaim their land.

Right, that would be ideal. The Suidlanders should organize for about one million Afrikaners to settle around Orania in hundreds of kibbutz-type, militarily-defensible agricultural settlements. Thats what the Jews did in Palestine when they were surrounded by the more numerous, hostile Arabs. That model worked for the Jews and it can work for the Afrikaners. And the South African blacks are so f$%ing stupid and incompetent, in any large scale military confrontation, if the Boers are fighting to defend one contiguous land area, they would easily defeat the blacks, especially if they got some aid from pro-white, nationalist nations such as Russia. Nationalism is becoming stronger around the globe, its not such a far-fetched idea.
For those of you so inclined say some prayers for the White South Africans.
Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter)
3/12/18, 11:22 PM
Hey @realDonaldTrump - how about an executive order to take refugees EVERYONE would support? Christian, English-speaking S.A. farmers on verge of extermination.
Right, that would be ideal. The Suidlanders should organize for about one million Afrikaners to settle around Orania in hundreds of kibbutz-type, militarily-defensible agricultural settlements. Thats what the Jews did in Palestine when they were surrounded by the more numerous, hostile Arabs. That model worked for the Jews and it can work for the Afrikaners. And the South African blacks are so f$%ing stupid and incompetent, in any large scale military confrontation, if the Boers are fighting to defend one contiguous land area, they would easily defeat the blacks, especially if they got some aid from pro-white, nationalist nations such as Russia. Nationalism is becoming stronger around the globe, its not such a far-fetched idea.

"model worked for the Jews and it can work for the Afrikaners"
No it can't. Jews had world wide jewish organizations, billionaire backers like the banking Rothschild family, and Jewish allies in influential positions in the USA government. Afrikaners don't have that.

"And the south african blacks are so f--king stupid and incompetent"
South African blacks have the political power. They are ruling the country and crushing whites. South African blacks are politically very smart.

"in any large scale military confrontation, they would easily defeat the blacks"
In a military confrontation with the black government, the Afrikaners would be crushed very easily. Most younger Afrikaners have no military training. And there is no desire among most Afrikaners for a military confrontation with the government. Many Afrikaners in the South African military and police would support the black government. There is a reason why Orania is so tiny- 98% of Afrikaners have had no interest in moving there.

"from pro-white, nationalist nations such as Russia"
Russia is not going to alienate all the black african countries to help a tiny group of white Afrikaner farmers in a violent conflict.
"model worked for the Jews and it can work for the Afrikaners"
No it can't. Jews had world wide jewish organizations, billionaire backers like the banking Rothschild family, and Jewish allies in influential positions in the USA government. Afrikaners don't have that.

"And the south african blacks are so f--king stupid and incompetent"
South African blacks have the political power. They are ruling the country and crushing whites. South African blacks are politically very smart.

"in any large scale military confrontation, they would easily defeat the blacks"
In a military confrontation with the black government, the Afrikaners would be crushed very easily. Most younger Afrikaners have no military training. And there is no desire among most Afrikaners for a military confrontation with the government. Many Afrikaners in the South African military and police would support the black government. There is a reason why Orania is so tiny- 98% of Afrikaners have had no interest in moving there.

"from pro-white, nationalist nations such as Russia"
Russia is not going to alienate all the black african countries to help a tiny group of white Afrikaner farmers in a violent conflict.

You are really a positive force, full of enthusiasm, and you have a real can-do attitude. What would you prefer, that the whites in South Africa continue their present situation of sitting around, waiting to be displaced and murdered? Maybe they should just give up now and take poison and die? Do you have any constructive ideas or suggestions?
I really wish Trump would allow the white farmers to come to the US. Who knows what kind of positive economic impact importing thousands (if not millions) of farmers into this country.
I really wish Trump would allow the white farmers to come to the US. Who knows what kind of positive economic impact importing thousands (if not millions) of farmers into this country.

Unfortunately, anti-white racism is so strong in this country that there would be massive opposition to allowing the white people of South Africa into it.

Not only do the anti-whites not care if white people are being murdered and having their land stolen from them, they would actively support it. They believe white people are genetically evil and deserve to be tortured, murdered and robbed just for being white.

The anti-whites don't think they're bigots, they think the victims of their bigotry are. They're exactly what they accuse their victims of being.
The Boer fighting spirit is well documented and to learn more you can read-up on the First and Second Boer Wars for starters. These were some badass people. But how much of that still remains amongst the 3 or so million currently in SA is a good question. I'm afraid the answer is not much, and I hate to state the obvious but the whites in SA are f***** for all intents and purposes.

Many (those who had the means and/or could see the writing on the wall) have left since 1994, the end of white rule. Still more can try and leave for the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, but telling the rest (such as the Boers) to go back to Holland is like telling whites in America to go back to Europe. It's not going to happen. These people have been there for hundreds of years, it's their home.

The one thing the Boers were never very good at was strategy and long term thinking. When the NP assumed power in 1948 and began to put into place apartheid, you have wonder what they were thinking. They simply didn't have the numbers in terms of demographics to sustain any kind of minority rule for long, not to mention alienating the world community. I believe the white population peaked at around 20% of the total in the early 1900s, and has been steadily declining to today's 8.5%. I get that in theory, apartheid was similar to the Jim
Crow laws to protect white people against black crime, violence, and dysfunction. But it was never going to work.

Their best shot in the '50s was to carve out an ethno-state, perhaps including most or all of Western Cape, with Cape Town as its capital. Give the rest of the land to the blacks and let them turn it into Zimbabwe or some other hellhole. But it's too late now, that option is nonexistent because most of the world community actually thinks the SA whites deserve any evil that's coming their way.

I can't really think of any solutions, other than hoping that the US, Canada, and others introduce new visa categories and rescue as many whites as possible, and let the African vermin fend for themselves. Without whites, SA instantly becomes another African disaster. The rescued whites can start their lives anew.

Any thoughts of a civil war in which a small number of whites can defeat the blacks ala The Battle of Rorke's Drift (see the great movie Zulu) is pure fantasy.
The Boer fighting spirit is well documented and to learn more you can read-up on the First and Second Boer Wars for starters. These were some badass people. But how much of that still remains amongst the 3 or so million currently in SA is a good question. I'm afraid the answer is not much, and I hate to state the obvious but the whites in SA are f***** for all intents and purposes.

Many (those who had the means and/or could see the writing on the wall) have left since 1994, the end of white rule. Still more can try and leave for the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, but telling the rest (such as the Boers) to go back to Holland is like telling whites in America to go back to Europe. It's not going to happen. These people have been there for hundreds of years, it's their home.

The one thing the Boers were never very good at was strategy and long term thinking. When the NP assumed power in 1948 and began to put into place apartheid, you have wonder what they were thinking. They simply didn't have the numbers in terms of demographics to sustain any kind of minority rule for long, not to mention alienating the world community. I believe the white population peaked at around 20% of the total in the early 1900s, and has been steadily declining to today's 8.5%. I get that in theory, apartheid was similar to the Jim
Crow laws to protect white people against black crime, violence, and dysfunction. But it was never going to work.

Their best shot in the '50s was to carve out an ethno-state, perhaps including most or all of Western Cape, with Cape Town as its capital. Give the rest of the land to the blacks and let them turn it into Zimbabwe or some other hellhole. But it's too late now, that option is nonexistent because most of the world community actually thinks the SA whites deserve any evil that's coming their way.

I can't really think of any solutions, other than hoping that the US, Canada, and others introduce new visa categories and rescue as many whites as possible, and let the African vermin fend for themselves. Without whites, SA instantly becomes another African disaster. The rescued whites can start their lives anew.

Any thoughts of a civil war in which a small number of whites can defeat the blacks ala The Battle of Rorke's Drift (see the great movie Zulu) is pure fantasy.

"The one thing the Boers were never very good at was strategy and long term thinking."---
Understatement of the year. Arthur Kemp, author of "March of the Titans: A History of the White Race" told his fellow white South Africans that the Aparthied system would not work. They didn't want to hear it. When white Afrikaaners ran the country, many whites had black nannies, black maids, black gardeners, etc. There was a saying that "an Afrikaaner would rather die in his bed than make it". It was like they didn't want to do their own manual labour.(In the town of Orania, the idea of Afrikaaners doing their own labour is one of the most important points.) The Afrikaaners and English south africans were addicted to cheap black labour. That addiction to black labour led to their destruction.

"Their best shot in the 50s was to carve out an ethno-state"
Correct. Their biggest mistake was not understanding the high birth rates of black south africans. When white Afrikaaners became a minority in their own country, it was just a matter a time. If someone tried to tell Afrikaaners that back then, the Afrikaaner would just laugh at you. The Afrikaaners totally underestimated the blacks.

"Any thoughts of a civil war in which a small number of whites can defeat the blacks.... is pure fantasy."
I've been saying this for years. It's not based on any current reality. Those people are stuck in the 1800's.
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Those stories are horrible and depressing how barbaric and horrific things have been for Whites in S.A. If anyone doesn't completely despise the (((controlled))) media for what they don't report and the narrative of what they do report, there is something wrong with them. It is right and fitting to hate evil. The (((Leftist-controlled))) media is the most destructive entity of evil on Earth.
Those stories are horrible and depressing how barbaric and horrific things have been for Whites in S.A. If anyone doesn't completely despise the (((controlled))) media for what they don't report and the narrative of what they do report, there is something wrong with them. It is right and fitting to hate evil. The (((Leftist-controlled))) media is the most destructive entity of evil on Earth.

The Canadian Jewish Congress was the main opposition to Canada taking in White South Africans as refugees.

Yet they don't mind Canada taking in many ISIS members from Iraq and Syria.
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Those stories are horrible and depressing how barbaric and horrific things have been for Whites in S.A. If anyone doesn't completely despise the (((controlled))) media for what they don't report and the narrative of what they do report, there is something wrong with them. It is right and fitting to hate evil. The (((Leftist-controlled))) media is the most destructive entity of evil on Earth.

Yes you are right. They are the most evil, destructive force in the world. They should be absolutely destroyed (I mean that figuratively of course.)
The Boer fighting spirit is well documented and to learn more you can read-up on the First and Second Boer Wars for starters. These were some badass people. But how much of that still remains amongst the 3 or so million currently in SA is a good question. I'm afraid the answer is not much, and I hate to state the obvious but the whites in SA are f***** for all intents and purposes.

Many (those who had the means and/or could see the writing on the wall) have left since 1994, the end of white rule. Still more can try and leave for the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, but telling the rest (such as the Boers) to go back to Holland is like telling whites in America to go back to Europe. It's not going to happen. These people have been there for hundreds of years, it's their home.

The one thing the Boers were never very good at was strategy and long term thinking. When the NP assumed power in 1948 and began to put into place apartheid, you have wonder what they were thinking. They simply didn't have the numbers in terms of demographics to sustain any kind of minority rule for long, not to mention alienating the world community. I believe the white population peaked at around 20% of the total in the early 1900s, and has been steadily declining to today's 8.5%. I get that in theory, apartheid was similar to the Jim
Crow laws to protect white people against black crime, violence, and dysfunction. But it was never going to work.

Their best shot in the '50s was to carve out an ethno-state, perhaps including most or all of Western Cape, with Cape Town as its capital. Give the rest of the land to the blacks and let them turn it into Zimbabwe or some other hellhole. But it's too late now, that option is nonexistent because most of the world community actually thinks the SA whites deserve any evil that's coming their way.
do you think
I can't really think of any solutions, other than hoping that the US, Canada, and others introduce new visa categories and rescue as many whites as possible, and let the African vermin fend for themselves. Without whites, SA instantly becomes another African disaster. The rescued whites can start their lives anew.

Any thoughts of a civil war in which a small number of whites can defeat the blacks ala The Battle of Rorke's Drift (see the great movie Zulu) is pure fantasy.

The Afrikaners are one of the true warrior races on the earth. Most of the remaining 35,000 farmers have military experience from the days of white rule. At the end of Apartheid there were thousands, maybe tens of thousands, of battle-tested Afrikaners who went to fight as mercenaries around the world with groups such as Executive Outcomes. Many of them surely are still in SA and will fight if the low-level racial civil war were to escalate. They would have no choice. In addition to the Suidlanders, many other Afrikaners have experience from the military, police force, and private security firms in SA and know how to fight. Colonel Franz Jooste has given basic military training to about 2,000 Afrikaner 13-18 year olds in the last 15 years. Many of those boys have most likely passed on that knowledge to family and friends.

On the other side, we all know the technical and mechanical incompetence of blacks. Look at the state of any sub-Saharan country. Of all the tanks, armored personnel carriers, trucks, artillery, aircraft, and helicopters that were passed from the white-run, very capable South African military to the black-run government and military in 1994, how much do you think is still in working order and operational? How much of the ability to operate and maintain that equipment do you think has disappeared as whites have been phased out of the SA military? Given the known lack of capability of sub-Saharan armies and air forces, why do you think the ANC military would be an unstoppable juggernaut in a war with the Afrikaners? Because of sheer numbers?

The Canadian Jewish Congress was the main opposition to Canada taking in White South Africans as refugees.

Yet they don't mind Canada taking in many ISIS members from Iraq and Syria.

Because (in line with their Protocols) the Z10nista’s aim is to undermine & destroy White nations, people & traditions.
Yes, things are deteriorating rapidly in SA:

A frightening clip from the other day. The media still calling them "protestors", even at this late stage in the game.
South Africa is prove positive of the utter inferiority of the savage black race. One devoid of decency, compassion, discipline, intellect, work ethic, chastity & modesty. Most of that raw sewage cesspool continent is the exact same. No one with any degree of cognitive functionality & intellectual integrity can look at that race & not clearly know the (obvious) mass inferiority of such.
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