News from South Africa

One of the reasons why the black population has exploded in the last 60 years is because of the successful Germanic Afrikaner and English farmers. Reducing the number of those Afrikaner/English farmers is a good thing.
True. And in fact, all of sub-Saharan Africa was very thinly populated before white people arrived with their farming technology and medicines.

White people are fools to give anything to violent, primitive Negroes. We should let God and nature determine their fate.
True. And in fact, all of sub-Saharan Africa was very thinly populated before white people arrived with their farming technology and medicines.

White people are fools to give anything to violent, primitive Negroes. We should let God and nature determine their fate.

How are blacks "primitive" when they are winning in South Africa? Black have the political power and the reproductive power now in South Africa. Northern European whites are losing now, partly due to their naivety and easily manipulated morality. Convince Germanics that "x" is moral, and Germanics will agree to "x", sometimes fanatically, even if "x" is harmful to their people.
How are blacks "primitive" when they are winning in South Africa?
It was the result of anti-White (((media people))) campaigning for decades against the whites in South Africa.

Negroes have a stronger sexual urge and are promiscuous rather than monogamous, so with the help of European medicines and agricultural technology, they have more children and their population increases. Caucasian people are far more likely to use birth control and family planning.

Rats also have a high reproductive rate and multiply rapidly, but they are primitive, simple-minded creatures.


But you are correct that the moral and altruistic nature of most Europeans has been used against them by (((those))) who control the media.
South Africa's Parliament Passes Motion to Take Land "Without Compensation"
The South African whites should form their own country around Orania. Declare independence. Maybe this outrageous act of aggression will be the catalyst. And its so stupid and self-destructive by the South African blacks who will lose alot of jobs and income, and millions of them will be starving in a few years.

This is essentially a declaration of war by the hateful black government against all whites in South Africa. I think this is another act of desperation by the satanic NWO elite, acting like the cornered rodents they are. They are feeling ever more pressure around the globe and are ordering their minions to attack Whites and Christians and all other decent humans in the most damaging ways they can.
Unfortunately, South African Whites forfeited all forms of state and military power when they voted to turn their country over to the blacks and communists in 1994. If they were sufficiently beaten down to commit collective suicide then, they're not about to rise and fight to the death like the Boers did in the early 20th century, now. The White enclave in Orania has no chance of becoming an independent country at the present time. They would be quickly slaughtered in a military confrontation, which would be cheered by the "world press" as a group of "nazis" getting their just reward.
The Suidlanders are far larger in number than the Oranians and are spread around South Africa and operate as a kind of civil defense organization for Whites. If things get bad enough they might be able to help the White South Africans survive and eventually reclaim their land.
They would be quickly slaughtered in a military confrontation, which would be cheered by the "world press" as a group of "nazis" getting their just reward.

I tried to enlighten some white liberals about what was happening in South Africa by telling them about the horrific torture and murder of Alice and Helen Lotter in 2010. Not a single one of these liberals showed any compassion whatsoever for the victims. Several said they deserved it because they were "racist."

These liberals are cruel and heartless but they think of themselves as caring and good. If someone is in the wrong political class, such as white South Africans, there's nothing too bad for them in the minds and hearts of white liberals, even torture and murder.
I tried to enlighten some white liberals about what was happening in South Africa by telling them about the horrific torture and murder of Alice and Helen Lotter in 2010. Not a single one of these liberals showed any compassion whatsoever for the victims. Several said they deserved it because they were "racist."

These liberals are cruel and heartless but they think of themselves as caring and good. If someone is in the wrong political class, such as white South Africans, there's nothing too bad for them in the minds and hearts of white liberals, even torture and murder.

Extra Point, I have discovered the same thing in ALL White Leftists in my experience with them. These often highly educated yet duped myopic fools are the most cruel and heartless and mean-spirited people I know of. What utter hypocrisy.

I am still amazed at the calloused attitudes of these people who on the outside are functional at work and have "normal" lives yet are literally insane regarding anyone they perceive as not one of them politically, socially and anybody they perceive as benefitting from "White privilege".

I see these people and wonder if they are more than deceived. I wonder if they are under literal demonic control. I know some here may not share that opinion as being plausable but just look at the unrestrained violent brats in Antifa and tell me that isn't Exhibit A.
Extra Point, I have discovered the same thing in ALL White Leftists in my experience with them. These often highly educated yet duped myopic fools are the most cruel and heartless and mean-spirited people I know of. What utter hypocrisy.

I am still amazed at the calloused attitudes of these people who on the outside are functional at work and have "normal" lives yet are literally insane regarding anyone they perceive as not one of them politically, socially and anybody they perceive as benefitting from "White privilege".

I see these people and wonder if they are more than deceived. I wonder if they are under literal demonic control. I know some here may not share that opinion as being plausable but just look at the unrestrained violent brats in Antifa and tell me that isn't Exhibit A.

The idea that people can be controlled by demons or may be demons themselves is found in Christianity and Hinduism. In the New Testament there are stories of demons being cast out. The Hare Krishnas teach that some people are demons in human form.

I think it's reasonable to speculate that demons might exist. It would certainly explain the behavior of many people, and many leftists.
I really hope the president signs this. It is disgusting how these people are being beaten, raped and murdered while having everything they have worked for stolen overnight. Humans can be so cruel. It's hard to believe that people that have suffered almost always want to do the same thing back. It's like war and the cycle never ends. Most of these towns and cities will starve as the majority of people taking over these farms know nothing about growing food.
Whether or not Trump takes this up will show me how real he is.

I'm hoping for this and thinking the same thing. He cannot be any more hated, vilified or slandered much more than he is already. What would the snakes object to, that it was "racist" or "Hitlerian" to help these White people? I can see those types of accusations coming if he does...
Interesting scenario: Trump takes measures to help the South African whites and the left flips out. Maybe maybe then Antifa throws a fit and brings unwanted attention to the situation. Then they have to justify their attitude and actions against a true humanitarian cause. Their explanation doesn't wash and a lot of sleepy whites are awakened to just how anti-white the system has become.

The more I think about the more I see that Trump needs to act. These people, evil whites or no, really need his help and it will be very telling to me if he doesn't do something.
There isn't going to be a civil war. A war takes two sides. There are about 4 or 5 million Afrikaner whites. Take out the elderly, children, and women and it reduces the number of fighters to 1 to 1 1/2 million. There are over 40 million blacks. The Afrikaners would be easily slaughtered. Many of the Afrikaners whites have no military training. And most of the world would support the South African blacks. A lot of the Afrikaner white military and policeman would side with the black government. Some people really underestimate black south africans- its a really bad mistake.

Talking about civil war is a ridiculous fantasy by people stuck in the past who think about The Battle of Blood River in 1838.
There isn't going to be a civil war. A war takes two sides. There are about 4 or 5 million Afrikaner whites. Take out the elderly, children, and women and it reduces the number of fighters to 1 to 1 1/2 million. There are over 40 million blacks. The Afrikaners would be easily slaughtered. Many of the Afrikaners whites have no military training. And most of the world would support the South African blacks. A lot of the Afrikaner white military and policeman would side with the black government. Some people really underestimate black south africans- its a really bad mistake.

Talking about civil war is a ridiculous fantasy by people stuck in the past who think about The Battle of Blood River in 1838.

Many White Americans have the same fantasy about this country. After taking it up the rear for a half century with no effective resistance, Whitey, American version, is miraculously going to rise up in revolution one of these days. All that's needed is a magical "spark."
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