
This book is a relatively fair telling of the story of the Order. It's an important part of our history.

One of the many reasons why modern woke actors (actually, I should say actresses because it's mostly women who do this) are so pathetic is that in most cases, they're not even doing their one job (acting - i.e. playing the part of someone different). Instead, they're just playing an idealized version of themselves. The character on screen has the exact same likes, dislikes, and racial, religious, and political views as the actress who's playing her. The only difference is that the movie character is stronger, smarter, prettier, and better liked than the real life person. It's a lame, juvenile self-insert fantasy - a Mary Sue - that used to only exist in fanfiction written by teenage girls that no one ever read, but now is being practiced by adults who should have grown out of it, and shoved down our throats by powerful (((Hollywood))) executives. Character/actress combinations such as Rey from Disney Star Wars, played by Daisy Ridley, the female Captain Marvel played by Brie Larson, and the failed Batgirl TV show where they turned the character into a lesbian and had her played by a lesbian actress, are perfect examples of this. None of those actresses were actually acting, they were just playing out an immature fantasy where they got to lash out on the big screen at all the men and intellectual ideas that had hurt their fragile egos in real life.

From what I've seen of this "The Order" trailer, the black actress playing the FBI heroine is the epitome of this problem. So fitting that she's played by a Smollett. Like brother, like sister. Both perpetrators of giant hoaxes.
One of the many reasons why modern woke actors (actually, I should say actresses because it's mostly women who do this) are so pathetic is that in most cases, they're not even doing their one job (acting - i.e. playing the part of someone different). Instead, they're just playing an idealized version of themselves. The character on screen has the exact same likes, dislikes, and racial, religious, and political views as the actress who's playing her. The only difference is that the movie character is stronger, smarter, prettier, and better liked than the real life person. It's a lame, juvenile self-insert fantasy - a Mary Sue - that used to only exist in fanfiction written by teenage girls that no one ever read, but now is being practiced by adults who should have grown out of it, and shoved down our throats by powerful (((Hollywood))) executives. Character/actress combinations such as Rey from Disney Star Wars, played by Daisy Ridley, the female Captain Marvel played by Brie Larson, and the failed Batgirl TV show where they turned the character into a lesbian and had her played by a lesbian actress, are perfect examples of this. None of those actresses were actually acting, they were just playing out an immature fantasy where they got to lash out on the big screen at all the men and intellectual ideas that had hurt their fragile egos in real life.

From what I've seen of this "The Order" trailer, the black actress playing the FBI heroine is the epitome of this problem. So fitting that she's played by a Smollett. Like brother, like sister. Both perpetrators of giant hoaxes.
Interesting perspective sir. I think good female actors are few and far between, but even then they are far behind male counterparts. Is there any female character actors like Christopher Walken or charming likeable ones like Mel Gibson? Nope
Interesting perspective sir. I think good female actors are few and far between, but even then they are far behind male counterparts. Is there any female character actors like Christopher Walken or charming likeable ones like Mel Gibson? Nope
Males have always been superior at acting, for whatever reason or for whatever that’s worth. The only female box office stars have been so due to their physical beauty.
I saw a promo during the games today for gladiator two. terrible idea in theory and from the trailer the execution looks even worse.
I saw a promo during the games today for gladiator two. terrible idea in theory and from the trailer the execution looks even worse.
Another box office stinker. Trying to make $$ off the original, decades later. Hopefully another sign hollyweird is dying out.
Interesting perspective sir. I think good female actors are few and far between, but even then they are far behind male counterparts. Is there any female character actors like Christopher Walken or charming likeable ones like Mel Gibson? Nope
Black male actors have a similar problem - the characters they play so often have the same chip-on-their-shoulder, racial grievance-mongering views that the actor holds in real life.
Males have always been superior at acting, for whatever reason or for whatever that’s worth. The only female box office stars have been so due to their physical beauty.
Angie Harmon is a rare example of a truly talented (and of course sexually attractive) actress. She played a feminist detective on Rizzoli & Isles, but is a right-winger in real life who enjoys being a mom. Now that's actual acting. She doesn't get cast by (((Hollywood))) anymore because of her views. She was also married to white cornerback Jason Sehorn.
Women cluster about the average on things and acting would be one of them.
Then there was that black actress (I don't care to look up her name) who's a vegan in real life and of course they had to make every character she plays a vegan too. So lame.
Back when Burr was hilarious before he went half-woke.
Playing it safe is especially damaging to someone who made his name by joking about subjects no "mainstream" comedians would, even before the cancellation madness came into full poisonous bloom. Wouldn't surprise me if he's now peaked in popularity unless he goes back to the way he was before going half-woke.
I just watched 'Unhinged' (2020) starring Russell Crowe and some woman I hadn't remembered seeing before.

The premise is rather simple and straightforward:
"After a traffic dispute, a single mother must defend herself against a sadistic driver who is hellbent on turning her commute into a ride laced with terror."

Russell Crowe will always be an A-lister for me, so I'm willing to indulge in his unimpressive side projects.

Well, the woman lead has a series of successive negative events happen to her while driving through traffic in what I think is assumed to be LA. Her frustration causes her to mouth off to another driver, who is either Russell Crowe in a fat suit or Russell Crowe having fun for 7 months. That character was shown to have bludgeoned his ex-wife and her new lover in his former house before burning it down and going on the run (I guess he's "on the run" as the primary suspect).

The film uses a recurring theme of bureautratic incompetence and sludge to emphasize her danger (ie "911, oh you say being chased by a known wanted murderer, please hold," etc.). There are plenty of sequences that suspend belief, and even suspend my disbelief! I mean, the whole premise of the setting is that this stressed woman is stretched thin because of traffic, but the cops can't get to any of her relatives before her deranged murderer does. Do they hit her traffic jams, while he's expertly navigating the back roads of these quaint and quiet LA suburbs?

This isn't a 'Falling Down'-style sympathetic anti-hero story. Russell Crowe's character is titularly "Unhinged" and murders a couple of innocents during his angry rampage.

Crowe is Australian and if I recall correctly has a history of fighting and beating people while drunk. I don't imagine he's particularly great to work with as a subordinate. He also has silly money plus eternal fame, and I wonder what would make him take a relative turd of a script like this.

Well, this is a movie to show the women in your life. It's a reset on reality, where a fat, old, dumpy (remember, he's either wearing a tire or Macca'd it up for months!) guy can go absolutely psychopath on you for just laying on your horn. The bit of dialogue early-on has Russell's character saying, ayy love, I'm sorry I spaced out there for a bit, it's been a rough spell for me, do you care to apologize back for the aggressive horn-ing and we go about our ways then? Because this character woman refused and insisted that she was justified to an obviously bigger, stronger, potentially dangerous male resulted in the worst-case scenario for her.

I give the movie a 5.1 out of ten, with the nod above average due to its utility to subconsciously set back the female gender just a tad. Have you ever been mouthed off to by a female driver after a road dispute? I have, and I always laughed in the moment about what would happen if she got what she was asking for.
Crowe is getting older and going to seed. Some aging A listers can turn in some fine performances. Like they can see the sand running out and want to show they still have it.

Interesting fact: He has some Maori blood.
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