
Not sure this should go under Happy Hour, but Eddie Van Halen has died at 65 of Cancer.
I tried to create a thread for him, but I can't find it on the site anymore. Don't know if I'm blind or what?
Eddie Van Halen was co founder, along with his brother Alex of the Rock Group Van Halen. Some say he wasn't the nicest guy, but no doubt a guitar genius.
RIP Eddie Van Halen!

On another note here's an excellent video breaking down Bernays.

I didn't know the Van Halen brothers were half-Indonesian. Can't recall it ever being mentioned in anything I read about them. But after Eddie's passing it turns out he endured a "horrifying racist environment." Strange how Rolling Stone and other far-left anti-White publications always studiously ignored it. Sounds like fake news from fake news NBC:

Eddie Van Halen endured a 'horrifying racist environment' before becoming a rock legend


A bit of a wordy and pretentious article but it could explain more of the reason for the fall in white athletes in the college football ranks. Granted this article is all over the place jumping from Lacrosse to Fencing to Crew and Squash and discusses the plight of both male and female athletes from wealthy backgrounds. White flight from sports like football and basketball are another way the caste system wins out. I bet the thousands of white lacrosse players in the country would make great TEs, WRs, LBs and DBs. I'd be more impressed if this writer actually went after the caste system rather than these sports that remain on the periphery. I wouldn't expect that from a rag like The Atlantic though.

A bit of a wordy and pretentious article but it could explain more of the reason for the fall in white athletes in the college football ranks. Granted this article is all over the place jumping from Lacrosse to Fencing to Crew and Squash and discusses the plight of both male and female athletes from wealthy backgrounds. White flight from sports like football and basketball are another way the caste system wins out. I bet the thousands of white lacrosse players in the country would make great TEs, WRs, LBs and DBs. I'd be more impressed if this writer actually went after the caste system rather than these sports that remain on the periphery. I wouldn't expect that from a rag like The Atlantic though.
A bit long for me but I get the jist of it. My idea though is young people just have no interest in what is known as "sports" today. Their interests lie elsewhere. When I go to my old man's club (VFW), they're all watching football on Saturday & Sunday and baseball during the season. But if you go to the regular bar, few young people are interested in these sports. Most young guys seem to be only interested in esports. As far as the young women go, they're only interested in the young guys, as it should be. It seems though that many young guys are not making themselves into marriageable material and it is leading to a major malfunction between the young men and women. Especially I think in that you see so many fat young women. I think the young men not being interested in them leads to the young women eating so much and making themselves into people who would never be able to get married. Everything is a disaster. Luckily for me, I won't be around to see how this plays out.
The mainstream sports are on a sharp decline. The social justice narratives may hasten the decline, but I do believe it was headed that way regardless. I think that people having so many more options today is the main reason. In the 90’s we had to watch what was on tv and that was basically it. What we consumed was basically decided for us. Fast forward to today and you can actively seek out the content you want and consume it 24 hours a day If you like. What once was a niche sport or program is now available to you endlessly. Some other factors that are killing football are the multitude of injuries such as concussions and joint injuries.
I just got a new computer. In order to use the computer I had to register with Microsoft. This is unlike my old computer. I don't want Microsoft tracking me.

Does anyone know of a computer I can get where I can just go on the internet anonymously? Would Chromebook do that?
I just got a new computer. In order to use the computer I had to register with Microsoft. This is unlike my old computer. I don't want Microsoft tracking me.

Does anyone know of a computer I can get where I can just go on the internet anonymously? Would Chromebook do that?

Good to see you back my friend!

You could just buy a blank hard drive (I'd recommend a Solid State Drive (SSD)) and put a Linux OS on. Ubuntu is free and has a similar graphic interface (GUI) to Windows. The Linux operating systems are all open source. Once I feel up to it I am going to get off of Windows PCs myself. Just check out some youtube videos - they can walk you through the process. My guess is you just download the Linux installer for the version you want, create a bootable thumb drive and then install the OS.

It's good to be back.

I'll have to study up on this. My computer knowledge is limited.
ESPN+ has boxing on today at 2 pm. It's for the WBC International Super Welterweight title. Macauly McGowan 14-0-1 vs Tursynbay Kulakhmet 1-0. That is his real record and fighting for part of a championship. Must be another Lomo?
Here's a video/movie about giant humans that may have existed in the past. Like many such documentaries it has some questionable evidence.. But it's interesting.

Whoopi Goldberg Interviews Tom Metzger of White Aryan ...
Secure Sitewww.youtube.com/watch?v=ZG-XgxBbOGI
Click to view


Mar 02, 2020 · Whoopi Goldberg and Tom Metzger of W.A.R. - resist.com - September 8, 1992 discussing Tom's evolution of thinking, Race, Environment, Pro Choice, Working Class and Collaboration with other Races....

  • Views: 10K
This is an interesting interview. It's before Whoppi Goldberg went completely crazy.
Bought a new 9 mm handgun. Took it to the local outdoor public range. Dozens of White groups of families and friends with firearms and ammo. Cool people.
I’ve been to the range a lot lately. Always like to go, but lately more. I’ve also seen a lot of white families there, getting familiar with their firearms. Great to see!

I have said it before, I think white people are beginning to wake up. Hell, conservatives in general of all colors are waking up to the evil of the Marxist left in the media, Hollywood and etc.
Seems biden has chosen a black guy to be sec. of defense. Looked the guy up (Lloyd Austin). A retired general, paper pusher with no personal combat awards.
Seems biden has chosen a black guy to be sec. of defense. Looked the guy up (Lloyd Austin). A retired general, paper pusher with no personal combat awards.
Not surprising. Seems like every nomination is some sort of AA diversity hire or a Jewish swamp monster. If the fraudulent election is upheld, we’re looking at a “business as usual” neo-liberal globalist presidency, just with diverse front men and women.
There was a "car bomb" explosion in Downtown Nashville this morning. The police say they think it was intentional. I will go on record and say it wasn't done by blacks if it was indeed a car bomb. That would mean it took some doing/thinking. Such as renting a car/truck/rv etc. Plus driving to the place to set off the bomb, getting themselves clear of the area, etc., etc., etc. They just don't have what it takes to do such a thing.
If this had happened when they had the NFL draft it would have killed hundreds of people. Those two streets were full of people.
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