
They're advertising something called Manscape on the internet and trying to get men to shave off all their body hair. This is bizarre. Are they going to actually be able to persuade guys to do this?
They're advertising something called Manscape on the internet and trying to get men to shave off all their body hair. This is bizarre. Are they going to actually be able to persuade guys to do this?
I don't know. But what I can see of many young men, it could be. So many young men are very much like girls/women as far as I can see. That includes their clothing, postures, manner of walking/motions, speech, physiques/strength (fat or far to thin - pale or completely white skin with no color), etc.
I don't know. But what I can see of many young men, it could be. So many young men are very much like girls/women as far as I can see. That includes their clothing, postures, manner of walking/motions, speech, physiques/strength (fat or far to thin - pale or completely white skin with no color), etc.
The modern male has become obsessed with beauty and aesthetics. Basically a hairless torso with really low body fat. It’s very very feminine. The ironic part is I really don’t think women want to be with a guy who works on his appearance more than they do. The classic rugged male has been phased out by the media and replaced with metrosexual and homosexual men. It’s disgusting.
The flying cars of The Jetsons may finally be near, but these types of innovations always take longer than media puff pieces predict. The self-driving car is still a fairly long way off from being perfected despite all the hype in recent years that they were just around the corner.


This talk of flying cars reminded me of the Scottish band We Were Promised Jetpacks. I was going to post one of their videos but unfortunately their music is lousy. Great band name though.
Here's a good video by Liberal Hivemind about Democrat hypocrisy.

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Is this someone on this board?

I copied this from a poster on another site.

"Norm "Wildman" Willey. This ex all pro defensive end, owns the REAL sack record for 1 game with 17. Yes you read that correctly, 17 sacks in 1 game!

In an NFL game played in 1952, the Philadelphia Eagle sacked New York Giants quarterback, Charlie Connerly, 17 times. Don't believe me? Go right ahead, Google it. Its a damm shame the NFL didn't start counting the sack record until 1982. Derrick Thomas falsely owns the record at a paltry 7 in a game."

I wonder if video of this game exist.

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Interesting video but not well done because the woman seen talking obviously has been conditioned to hate her own kind from a very young age. Having said that, somehow some logic crept into her brain and she figured out that she was the object of being discriminated against and she doesn't like it. But the entire video reeks of Marxist conditioning the way she talks. The only thing is she was able to figure things out through the fog of her thought process.
Smith College Whistleblower Jodi Shaw Resigns Over ...

1 day ago · Bari Weiss, at her substack, an update today about how Shaw has resigned, Whistleblower at Smith College Resigns Over Racism. Weiss starts by examining how pervasive the problem is, and how Shaw is an exception in being willing to speak up.
Hey everyone - as we all know Drudgereport has leaned further and further left as a news aggregate. Citizenfreepress has essentially filled the void that Drudge left behind in terms of a news aggregate. Citizenfreepress just started a sports news aggregate website called https://gutsmack.com

I'd ask everyone to check it out and make thoughtful, insightful comments on stories involving the caste system as well as providing a link back to castefootball.us
"Militias, Neo Nazis, and Q Anon." LOL I guess they weren't kidding when they said mentally deranged demon tranny's were hacking.
Is this someone on this board?

That’s awesome!

If Pennsylvania could find a way to alter their border to give Philadelphia to New Jersey, it would be one of the best places in The Union. A solid red state full of “mostly fine people”.
As an example of how our culture is deteriorating, people can't even use proper English anymore. Writers on rock music have started using the wrong tense to describe the names of rock bands. For example they will say "Led Zeppelin were a rock band" instead of the correct "Led Zeppelin was a rock band." It's bizarre.
As an example of how our culture is deteriorating, people can't even use proper English anymore. Writers on rock music have started using the wrong tense to describe the names of rock bands. For example they will say "Led Zeppelin were a rock band" instead of the correct "Led Zeppelin was a rock band." It's bizarre.
Sir, because of the onset of this technology, our language is evolving before our eyes. Look at the old English, evolved from the German (Anglo Saxon) and you can feel the modern English breaking through in it - That took generations to evolve. But with this technological "advancement," everything's speeded up so much that we are actually living the experience of the linguistic evolvement in our own short period of years.
Sellers gave News4 the following letter of resignation. News4 called Batson several times with no response.

March 11, 2021
Mr. William Treanor
Dean and Executive Vice President
Georgetown University Law Center

I am deeply sorry for my hurtful and misdirected remarks. While the video of this incident is an excerpt from a longer discussion about class participation patterns, not overall grades, it doesn't diminish the insensitivity I have demonstrated. J. would never do anything to intentionally hurt my students or Georgetown Law and wish I could take back my words. Regardless of my intent, I have done irreparable harm and I am truly sorry for this. For that reason, I am immediately and voluntarily resigning my position as an adjunct professor.

I want all my students to excel in negotiation and mediation, which is why I have taught these courses at Georgetown for almost 20 years. When this does not occur, it reflects shortcomings on my part, not just on the part of any single student. It is my responsibility to do all I can to correct this. My comments were the inarticulate reflection of long soul searching. I must do better to understand and address these issues. I am committed to doing this for myself and also looking for ways I can combat racism in the Georgetown community.

It has been a great honor to be associated with an institution of Georgetown's quality and character. I appreciate that Georgetown has dealt with this unfortunate incident with the utmost professional integrity. I would appreciate it if you will share this letter with the Georgetown Law community. I think we share an interest in bringing closure to this terrible incident as soon as possible.

Sandra Sellers

I love this crap. I'm sure the woman meant no harm but if she's been affiliated with that doghouse for that long I'm sure she's a screaming liberal herself. It's interesting how these liberals turn on each other and tear the flesh from their colleagues like a school of pihrana - This bring a smile to Pol Pot's face.
American Freedom News