
I wish to impart my wisdom to the world. In my life I have learned two things. One - how to never lose the end of the tape. Simply put a paper clip under the sticky part of the end of the tape. Two - how to cure hiccups. Take a deep breath, hold it and take 9 sips of water while holding it. Has worked every time for me. :partyhat:
The next time you purchase a pair of jeans, consider a company other than Levi's:

Blue jeans manufacturer Levi’s Strauss & Co., a symbol of rugged individualism for many Americans, announced this week it’s taking a stance against the Second Amendment.

The company revealed Tuesday it’ll be teaming up with notorious anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg to form a new gun control alliance for business leaders, as well as donate to groups working to “end gun violence in America.”

In a statement released on the company’s website, Levi’s revealed they will give $1 million in grants to various gun control groups, in addition to encouraging employees to volunteer at anti-gun non-profits.

“We are inspired by the young people who are speaking up on America’s gun violence epidemic,” the company wrote.

The attitude was echoed in a Fortune editorial penned by the company’s CEO Chip Bergh, who in 2016 banned guns from Levi’s stores after a customer shot himself while trying on a pair of jeans.

While acknowledging the company is “known the world over as a pioneer of the American West and one of the great symbols of American freedom,” Bergh goes on to say Levi’s cannot sit idly by “on issues that threaten the very fabric of the communities where we live and work.”

“While taking a stand can be unpopular with some, doing nothing is no longer an option,” Bergh said, adding, “That’s why Levi Strauss & Co. is stepping up our support for gun violence prevention.”

“You may wonder why a company that doesn’t manufacture or sell guns is wading into this issue, but for us, it’s simple. Americans shouldn’t have to live in fear of gun violence.”

Furthermore, the company made known it will match funds for employees who donate to organizations which support similar gun control measures, including Live Free, Gabby Giffords’ Courage to Fight Gun Violence group, and Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety.

While Bergh says he’s not calling to “repeal the Second Amendment,” a member of one of Michael Bloomberg’s previous anti-gun organizations exposed the group’s ultimate goal was an all-out gun ban.

In 2014, former Poughkeepsie Mayor John C. Tkazyik wrote in an op-ed he was leaving Bloomberg’s now-defunct Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) group after discovering its gun confiscation agenda.

“Under the guise of helping mayors facing a crime and drug epidemic, MAIG intended to promote confiscation of guns from law-abiding citizens,” Tkazyik revealed.

Writing at BearingArms.com, Tom Knighton, an admitted lifelong Levi’s jeans wearer, maintained he’d no longer support the company.

“And just like that, I’ll never own another stitch of Levi Strauss clothing again in my life,” Knighton stated.

“For one, plenty of other brands–less expensive brands, I might add–make pretty good jeans that fit me fine. Further, those brands aren’t working to take away one of my most basic rights as a human being,” Knighton wrote.

“So yeah, the brand is dead to me.”
That's okay, Levi's don't fit me very well so I haven't bought any since the 1980's anyway. There are plenty of other jeans out there, Wrangler, Lee, Carhartt, etc. etc.
By matching their employee's contributions to anti-gun organizations they can keep track of their employee's politics. Those who donate might receive more favorable treatment in the workplace.
anyone here know much about photography? I have a couple of photos from Iwo Jima that say Associated Press on the back then says proof. What does this mean? Are these authentic photos?
Here's a video of humorous college football...

Dang. My TV burned out while I was watching the Iowa - Wisconsin game. The screen started flickering and I heard a burning/hissing sound and smelled burning electronics. I turned it off and let it cool off. Then I turned it on again and I had sound but no picture.

I'm going to unplug it because I'm concerned it will catch on fire. I'll try it again tomorrow.

Anyone here know anything about TVs?
Dang. My TV burned out while I was watching the Iowa - Wisconsin game. The screen started flickering and I heard a burning/hissing sound and smelled burning electronics. I turned it off and let it cool off. Then I turned it on again and I had sound but no picture.

I'm going to unplug it because I'm concerned it will catch on fire. I'll try it again tomorrow.

Anyone here know anything about TVs?
Yeah. They're cheap. Probably best to buy a new inexpensive one.
I thought this was fascinating. People who remember every day of their lives. Actress Marilu Henner is one of them.

I thought this was fascinating. People who remember every day of their lives. Actress Marilu Henner is one of them.

Extraordinary! Thank you for sharing.

This is neither here nor there but they said only 10 people in the world are known have this ability. All three featured in the show were White women. If only 3 of 10, it’s still a large over representation. I wonder if race plays a factor?
Extraordinary! Thank you for sharing.

This is neither here nor there but they said only 10 people in the world are known have this ability. All three featured in the show were White women. If only 3 of 10, it’s still a large over representation. I wonder if race plays a factor?

That's a good question. What percentage of the ten is white? It could be all of them. White people produce many geniuses.

Interestingly I ran across another example of this. In Mark Twain's Life on the Mississippi he tells of a riverboat captain named Brown who could do the same thing as these people.

By the way, Samuel Clemens, AKA Mark Twain, had been a riverboat captain before he hit it big as a writer with his book The Innocents Abroad.
For those of you who like magic, magicians Penn and Teller have a show Fool Us, where magicians try to perform magic tricks Penn and Teller can't explain. A pretty good show. You can watch it on TV or on Youtube.
Jitterbugging. This dancing puts the lie to the racist stereotype that "white people can't dance." You may want to mute this video because it's hardcore punk rock which not everyone likes.

Someone I know had a dream the other day about the US military in the Mideast. She dreamed that something bad would happen Friday night. She dreamed it would be a false flag attack.

This person thinks of herself as psychic. I'm not a big believer in such things but she's said some things in the past that make me wonder. We'll see if she had a precognitive dream or if it was just meaningless dream imagery.
Someone I know had a dream the other day about the US military in the Mideast. She dreamed that something bad would happen Friday night. She dreamed it would be a false flag attack.

This person thinks of herself as psychic. I'm not a big believer in such things but she's said some things in the past that make me wonder. We'll see if she had a precognitive dream or if it was just meaningless dream imagery.
With Trump withdrawing troops from Syria and Afghanistan, it’s a very distinct possibility. Will they try another fake gas attack after the last two were largely discredited?
With Trump withdrawing troops from Syria and Afghanistan, it’s a very distinct possibility. Will they try another fake gas attack after the last two were largely discredited?

The globalist PTB might well attempt another false flag/set-up. I know the pernicious, chickenhawk, neocon slime are livid over the Presiden’s wise decision.
With Trump withdrawing troops from Syria and Afghanistan, it’s a very distinct possibility. Will they try another fake gas attack after the last two were largely discredited?

She didn't have any details it was just a general thing. She follows politics so it could just be something she was thinking about that seeped into a dream. We'll see. I sure hope nothing happens.
A trip through NY City 1911. Note the high level of technology even then.

Well I got in a car accident yesterday. Another driver went through a stop sign and we barely missed a collision. Then, after we were stopped in the intersection, having dodged a bullet, she pulled forward in her vehicle and hit my left front fender. I couldn't believe it.
Here's a smart way to remove snow...

Here's an interview of writer/philosopher Ayn Rand conducted by Phil Donahue. She wrote Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead.

Donahue is a liberal but he asks intelligent questions. Compare this interview to some of the garbage they have on today.

Here's an interview of writer/philosopher Ayn Rand conducted by Phil Donahue. She wrote Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead.

Donahue is a liberal but he asks intelligent questions. Compare this interview to some of the garbage they have on today.

Thanks much for posting this. I don't agree with Rand on God or Israel (she is a Jew, after all)but I do agree with her on feminism, universities, and she really had that first feminist pegged from the getgo. Such dialogue doesn't exist anymore. If anyone tried to have such a person on their show today, the audience would go stark raving mad.
In a group like ours I thought some of you would find these cool. (Some of us are retired semi-pro musicians and nerds at heart)...
Cool soundtracks too. Enjoy:

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American Freedom News