Michael Vick picketed in Shreveport, LA

A thread concerning Michael Vick turns into an abortion discussion. Hmmm.

Didn't mean to hijack the thread, however, I believe there's a correlation in how people react to the treatment of animals, but those same people care nothing for innocent human life. It's insane to care more about dogs than humans!

I really don't concern myself with what Michael Vick does with dogs he raised for fighting, although we're probably better off that those dogs were destroyed.

There, back on topic?
Threads go off on tangents and that often makes them more interesting. Like CS I'm not interested in Michael Vick, a black football player I think, convicted of fighting dogs I think. Not interested in a. american football, or b. blacks. I am, however, very much against cruelty to animals. But what is the controlled USSA zogmedia doing, wringing their gay little hands over dog fighting while clapping them as IsraHell, armed and financed and enabled by them, bombs the hell out of defenseless people in the most densely populated place on Earth, Gaza City, like shooting fish in a barrel?
Any laws without common sense and compassion are monstrous. Isn't this the same kind of Christian mindset that's going to the Mexican border to rescue "God's precious children" that are being dumped on what was once the USA from the teeming hell holes of the third world?

No. It's two totally different topics for discussion, but there are some similarities. A viable living child inside the mother's womb has no protection against the a satanic brainwashed doctor pulling the baby out by it's feet, taking scissors and stabbing it in the back of the head and removing it's brains, what's called partial birth abortion!

It's kind of ironic. Many people here don't care about preserving their own race, but run to preserve another.

WW, when you make a statement such as, to demand a woman have the child even though she's been raped is monstrous and then I say less than 1% of all abortions are because of rape, you divert to another topic. What about that? You never responded. Should we murder 1.5 million babies a year for the convenience of a woman's education or employment, because she didn't think before she had sex? Not to mention you and me have to pay for her inconvenience! It's senseless!

If the U.S. and Christians had acted responsibly over 50 years ago; not started wars, participated in wars, welfare, be in such a deficit, put a border between us and Mexico, etc., etc.. we would have the resources to deal with what's happening with these children or quite possibly we wouldn't have this problem at all if we would have not forgotten our Christian values.

Here's a thought: If we had the resources, which I don't think we do. Why not send help to Mexico and show them how to live, how to be responsible for themselves? Help them help themselves? Not just let them be dumped here. However, if they wouldn't want our help, seal our borders, which should have been done a long time ago!

Might not be the answer, just a thought.
I fully support blacks and mudsharks having abortions. If it weren't for abortion the US would probably be half black by now
Too bad there are not MORE doctors performing abortions in countries where the population is exploding like Ethiopia and Kenya.

It seems negroes are not capable of using birth control to keep their population down.


Carolina speed, I respect you and I don't mean to bash your faith but I think you're basing your beliefs on abortion on a false premise; which is that we are all equal, children of God, members of the same race ,etc. But that's not true. Blacks are a different species than us. If they want to help us keep crime and our costs down by aborting their children then let them. In an all White society, however, I do think that abortion should be illegal, even in the case of rape as long as the rapist is white, which he should be in an all white society.

If abortion is wrong, then it's wrong. In all cases. Simple as that. As far as abortion being advantageous to rid society of surplus people the problem is that a society that makes it possible for irresponsible and reckless breeding of useless people is also one that creates an atmosphere where abortion is accepted. Welfare, affirmative action, invasion of white societies, easy abortion, those are all part of the same program. In a healthy white society there is no need for abortion.
Carolina Speed said:
....before I formed you in the womb, I knew you." Jeremiah: 1:5

The ubiquitous, omnipresent, omnipotent Christian God “knows” every single human being before he/she is ever born, thus this God also “knows” the choices that we'll make throughout our lives and the eventual home (heaven-bound, hell-bound) of every spirit. So what’s the point of having “free will” and “free choice” if our fates are pre-determined many eons before our birth occurs? To make matters worse, the Christian God then has the nerve to “judge” the pre-scripted existance (that he fabricated himself) after our death and determines which “afterlife” we’ll experience for the remainder of eternity. Since this God already knows the outcome of his “judgment” prior to our existance, then what are we but powerless ants that walk upon his palms and act out his script? If you’re unfortunate enough to be born with a “hell-bound” fate, does that mean that God wanted that everlasting pain for you? If a child was always meant to be aborted, then God conceived it himself (as he does all of our fates) and knew that it would occur many ages before.

My feeling is that abortion should be highly promoted, at all times, amongst non-whites. In fact, I’d greatly enjoy paying taxes if said funds were utilized directly towards such a positive cause. Abortion doctors should be working around the clock to perform abortions of unwanted children in Africa, Asian, South/Central America, India, the Middle East, the Caribbean Islands, the Polynesian Islands, and in the inner cities of all Western nations (U.S., Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, etc). Of course, a “voluntary sterilization” program would be much cleaner. Amongst white women, abortion should be illegal unless the father possesses any non-white ancestry, or in the tremendously-unlikely cases such as rape or incest. We could win the war without firing a shot.

Don’t worry about this “fantasy scenario” coming true, as the direct inverse is now occurring. Children of all races are being aborted, with 100% of the ones that are given up for adoption being taken in by whites around the globe.

I won’t argue that abortion (particularly partial-birth) is a revoltingly-odious practice, but having less of our enemy’s children roaming the earth makes it worthwhile.
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No unfortunately it's not that simple. Yes in an all white society abortion should be outlawed in all cases except in the extremely rare scenario where the life of the mother is at stake. In that case the family should be able to decide.

But in a multicultural society such as the present day USA abortion is not only necessary but it's welcome. Would you really be ok with blacks making up 50% of the US population ? How do you think this country would look if that were the case. You think if an honorable white woman got a raped by a savage negro that she should be forced to keep her mulatto abomination ? That same mulatto would probably grow up hating Whites too.

What I meant is that abortion is wrong in all cases when someone believes that God is responsible for creating life. If you don't believe that, of course you can pick and choose what abortions you like and don't like. You have no religious or other moral philosophy to guide you. But I don't see why you wouldn't also favor killing newborn babies that are born to undesirables, or under unfortunate circumstances (rape/incest) what's the difference? Time?
Christian zealots also say that birth control is murder. Well, the world population is now over seven billion and climbing fast, most of them being non-white, and most of the lowest element of those non-whites want to come here, and our rulers are making it happen. Something will take care of the problem one way or another - disease, famine, war - and it won't be pretty, but bipeds can't go on reproducing like this forever.
Christian zealots also say that birth control is murder. Well, the world population is now over seven billion and climbing fast, most of them being non-white, and most of the lowest element of those non-whites want to come here, and our rulers are making it happen. Something will take care of the problem one way or another - disease, famine, war - and it won't be pretty, but bipeds can't go on reproducing like this forever.
Yes, eventually something will happen and the world population will crash. It would be better to control population now, rather than in 50 years when it's up to 20 billion.

There is no environmental movement in third-world countries like Bangladesh and Nigeria. Pesticides are wiping out all the bees in the world, but bees are needed to pollinate crops. When the bees are gone, food production will decrease. As more and more land is used for agriculture, eventually there will be a severe loss of biodiversity that will require millions of years to come back, if it ever does.

We are evolving in a backward direction now. The simple-minded Negro woman in Kenya has 7 to 10 children, while the highly intelligent white female doctor doesn't even marry.

It's not going to end well for the human species.
The ubiquitous, omnipresent, omnipotent Christian God “knows†every single human being before he/she is ever born, thus this God also “knows†the choices that we'll make throughout our lives and the eventual home (heaven-bound, hell-bound) of every spirit. So what’s the point of having “free will†and “free choice†if our fates are pre-determined many eons before our birth occurs? To make matters worse, the Christian God then has the nerve to “judge†the pre-scripted existance (that he fabricated himself) after our death and determines which “afterlife†we’ll experience for the remainder of eternity. Since this God already knows the outcome of his “judgment†prior to our existance, then what are we but powerless ants that walk upon his palms and act out his script? If you’re unfortunate enough to be born with a “hell-bound†fate, does that mean that God wanted that everlasting pain for you? If a child was always meant to be aborted, then God conceived it himself (as he does all of our fates) and knew that it would occur many ages before.

My feeling is that abortion should be highly promoted, at all times, amongst non-whites. In fact, I’d greatly enjoy paying taxes if said funds were utilized directly towards such a positive cause. Abortion doctors should be working around the clock to perform abortions of unwanted children in Africa, Asian, South/Central America, India, the Middle East, the Caribbean Islands, the Polynesian Islands, and in the inner cities of all Western nations (U.S., Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, etc). Of course, a “voluntary sterilization†program would be much cleaner. Amongst white women, abortion should be illegal unless the father possesses any non-white ancestry, or in the tremendously-unlikely cases such as rape or incest. We could win the war without firing a shot.

Don’t worry about this “fantasy scenario†coming true, as the direct inverse is now occurring. Children of all races are being aborted, with 100% of the ones that are given up for adoption being taken in by whites around the globe.

I won’t argue that abortion (particularly partial-birth) is a revoltingly-odious practice, but having less of our enemy’s children roaming the earth makes it worthwhile.

You are wrong on this one. The future isn't totally settled and fixed. It's partially open. If you want the truth on this, which I presume you don't, you can get the truth. Or you can stay willfully ignorant and hate the true God. The choice is yours and it isn't settled from eons ago...
Carolina speed, I respect you and I don't mean to bash your faith but I think you're basing your beliefs on abortion on a false premise; which is that we are all equal, children of God, members of the same race ,etc. But that's not true. Blacks are a different species than us. If they want to help us keep crime and our costs down by aborting their children then let them. In an all White society, however, I do think that abortion should be illegal, even in the case of rape as long as the rapist is white, which he should be in an all white society.
Lew (and Thrashen, WW, Carch), I agree with this view and was going to post something similar. I won't go so far as to say blacks are a different species but they certainly are a failed race incapable of living up to White society's ideals.

Abortion is morally wrong. White's should discourage all friends, family, coworkers, ect from murdering a White child. Any who do should be shamed and outcasted.

Negros and other various browns, in my opinion, cannot be held to White standards of morality. We have tried that for decades in Western countries and they prove time and time again they won't follow our laws, customs or even now speak our languages. Negros especially murder, rape, steal, lie, assault, scam the welfare system and live off unemployment. They basically violate every single "law" or moral code of White Society. If they can't follow these simple rules, why should we expect them to care for their own unborn? Why should we care? Once it's born, it'll more or less be Whitey's problem anyway. Since we already let blacks get away with murder (literally and figuratively), let's not draw the line here.
The ubiquitous, omnipresent, omnipotent Christian God “knows” every single human being before he/she is ever born, thus this God also “knows” the choices that we'll make throughout our lives and the eventual home (heaven-bound, hell-bound) of every spirit. So what’s the point of having “free will” and “free choice” if our fates are pre-determined many eons before our birth occurs? To make matters worse, the Christian God then has the nerve to “judge” the pre-scripted existance (that he fabricated himself) after our death and determines which “afterlife” we’ll experience for the remainder of eternity. Since this God already knows the outcome of his “judgment” prior to our existance, then what are we but powerless ants that walk upon his palms and act out his script? If you’re unfortunate enough to be born with a “hell-bound” fate, does that mean that God wanted that everlasting pain for you? If a child was always meant to be aborted, then God conceived it himself (as he does all of our fates) and knew that it would occur many ages before.

My feeling is that abortion should be highly promoted, at all times, amongst non-whites. In fact, I’d greatly enjoy paying taxes if said funds were utilized directly towards such a positive cause. Abortion doctors should be working around the clock to perform abortions of unwanted children in Africa, Asian, South/Central America, India, the Middle East, the Caribbean Islands, the Polynesian Islands, and in the inner cities of all Western nations (U.S., Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, etc). Of course, a “voluntary sterilization” program would be much cleaner. Amongst white women, abortion should be illegal unless the father possesses any non-white ancestry, or in the tremendously-unlikely cases such as rape or incest. We could win the war without firing a shot.

Don’t worry about this “fantasy scenario” coming true, as the direct inverse is now occurring. Children of all races are being aborted, with 100% of the ones that are given up for adoption being taken in by whites around the globe.

I won’t argue that abortion (particularly partial-birth) is a revoltingly-odious practice, but having less of our enemy’s children roaming the earth makes it worthwhile.

We can go round and round with questions for God such as, if omniscient, why does he let bad things happen? If he knows the future why doesn't he stop something bad from happening? However if my God didn't know the future or wasn't omniscient, someone would say, you don't have much of a God.

If you or I had all the answers, we wouldn't have much of a God!

I could ask you a lot of questions as to why you don't believe in God when there's so much evidence of his existence, however, I will never convince you of anything.

There is a good book out called, The Case For Christ." It was written by an atheist who set out to disprove the existence for Jesus, but found out there was more evidence for his existence than not. Written by Lee Strobel, I think. Research for yourself and if you still don't believe so be it. It's your choice, but you should at least investigate.

I'm not sure I understand your question about the point of having free will and judgment, but what kind of God wouldn't give us free will? Your not a powerless ant. You have the choice to accept him or not. You know about Jesus and I'm sure someone other than me has asked you if you were a Christian.

Let me say one thing. We have Judges in our court system who sentence people for committing crimes. What if a Judge let a drunk driver off the hook completely; for killing someone. The drunk driver feels no remorse and just says he was having a bad day, so he got behind the wheel while drunk and killed someone. What kind of justice is that?

The fact that your asking questions tells me you believe there are answers and if there are answers, there has to be truth and if there's truth, there's absolute truth, and either Jesus is the absolute truth or he's the biggest liar of all time.

"Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father, except by me." John: 14:6

I'm curious. Why would allow abortions for all races except the white race?
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No. It's two totally different topics for discussion, but there are some similarities. A viable living child inside the mother's womb has no protection against the a satanic brainwashed doctor pulling the baby out by it's feet, taking scissors and stabbing it in the back of the head and removing it's brains, what's called partial birth abortion!

It's a cruel world. Not much on this planet bears that much close scrutiny as far as niceness goes.
It's kind of ironic. Many people here don't care about preserving their own race, but run to preserve another.

Huh? The whole point is that the Christian zealots work to destroy our race and civilization, here and everywhere. The Christian churches played a very large role in turning over South Africa to the cannibals. Here they import them into hitherto all white regions, like Maine and Idaho. Pope tells Mexicans not to practice birth control, and then Pope tells us we must not resist the invasion. Everywhere!
WW, when you make a statement such as, to demand a woman have the child even though she's been raped is monstrous and then I say less than 1% of all abortions are because of rape

What does the percentage have to do with it? An innocent woman is raped by a beast and you are demanding that she carry the beast's offspring for nine months and then go through child birth and then bring another beast with 50% monster blood into the world!?

And as for regular abortion, it is going to be done no matter what you want, and the rich and powerful will always have nice safe ways of doing it, but if it's made illegal the working class will have to go to back alley butcher shops. Abortion is not the real reason for the precipitous decline in the white population.

, you divert to another topic. What about that? You never responded. Should we murder 1.5 million babies a year for the convenience of a woman's education or employment, because she didn't think before she had sex? Not to mention you and me have to pay for her inconvenience! It's senseless!

If the U.S. and Christians had acted responsibly over 50 years ago; not started wars, participated in wars, welfare, be in such a deficit, put a border between us and Mexico, etc., etc.. we would have the resources to deal with what's happening with these children or quite possibly we wouldn't have this problem at all if we would have not forgotten our Christian values.

Here's a thought: If we had the resources, which I don't think we do. Why not send help to Mexico and show them how to live, how to be responsible for themselves? Help them help themselves? Not just let them be dumped here. However, if they wouldn't want our help, seal our borders, which should have been done a long time ago!

Might not be the answer, just a thought.

We agree on a lot of things, CS, and we disagree on a lot of others. As for Mexico, its population has more than doubled since 1975. At the time of WW2 there were 20 million Mexicans. Now there are over 121 million. So it's no wonder that it is overflowing its borders and sending, like everyone else, its lowest dregs here...but that's what the sign on the statue of liberty advertises for - "send us the wretched refuse from your teeming shores".
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No unfortunately it's not that simple. Yes in an all white society abortion should be outlawed in all cases except in the extremely rare scenario where the life of the mother is at stake. In that case the family should be able to decide.

But in a multicultural society such as the present day USA abortion is not only necessary but it's welcome. Would you really be ok with blacks making up 50% of the US population ? How do you think this country would look if that were the case. You think if an honorable white woman got a raped by a savage negro that she should be forced to keep her mulatto abomination ? That same mulatto would probably grow up hating Whites too.
When I was a little kid I was in tiger cubs with this boy, who was in foster care because his mom died, and his father was disabled from a car accident. I went to his house one day, and it was overrun by angry black kids. The house was run by a white husband and wife who were in their fifties, and had no control over these kids. My friend was a very nice and was bullied and had things stolen by the other kids. My estimations there must have been ten or twelve black kids in that house and two white kids. Some of the older girls were pregnant and like 14. My point is that if not for abortions more of these kids would be societies problem.
We can go round and round with questions for God such as, if omniscient, why does he let bad things happen? If he knows the future why doesn't he stop something bad from happening? However if my God didn't know the future or wasn't omniscient, someone would say, you don't have much of a God.

If you or I had all the answers, we wouldn't have much of a God!

I could ask you a lot of questions as to why you don't believe in God when there's so much evidence of his existence, however, I will never convince you of anything.

There is a good book out called, The Case For Christ." It was written by an atheist who set out to disprove the existence for Jesus, but found out there was more evidence for his existence than not. Written by Lee Strobel, I think. Research for yourself and if you still don't believe so be it. It's your choice, but you should at least investigate.

I'm not sure I understand your question about the point of having free will and judgment, but what kind of God wouldn't give us free will? Your not a powerless ant. You have the choice to accept him or not. You know about Jesus and I'm sure someone other than me has asked you if you were a Christian.

Let me say one thing. We have Judges in our court system who sentence people for committing crimes. What if a Judge let a drunk driver off the hook completely; for killing someone. The drunk driver feels no remorse and just says he was having a bad day, so he got behind the wheel while drunk and killed someone. What kind of justice is that?

The fact that your asking questions tells me you believe there are answers and if there are answers, there has to be truth and if there's truth, there's absolute truth, and either Jesus is the absolute truth or he's the biggest liar of all time.

"Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father, except by me." John: 14:6

I'm curious. Why would allow abortions for all races except the white race?
Time is fluid. He can see our possible future. He sees all possibilities based on what decisions we make. God will give you what you need in his time, it may not see like it though.
... Here they import them into hitherto all white regions, like Maine and Idaho.


Importing black Africans

Christian churches and a Jewish synagogue, and of course the Jewish media and the bolshevik schools and the whore politicians handle the propaganda front, softening up the stupid goyim and making them ripe for invasion and destruction.



Picture is from the Idaho web page.

Nietzsche: "Christianity is the revenge of the Jews against the Goyim."
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It's a cruel world. Not much on this planet bears that much close scrutiny as far as niceness goes.

Huh? The whole point is that the Christian zealots work to destroy our race and civilization, here and everywhere. The Christian churches played a very large role in turning over South Africa to the cannibals. Here they import them into hitherto all white regions, like Maine and Idaho. Pope tells Mexicans not to practice birth control, and then Pope tells us we must not resist the invasion. Everywhere!

What does the percentage have to do with it? An innocent woman is raped by a beast and you are demanding that she carry the beast's offspring for nine months and then go through child birth and then bring another beast with 50% monster blood into the world!?

And as for regular abortion, it is going to be done no matter what you want, and the rich and powerful will always have nice safe ways of doing it, but if it's made illegal the working class will have to go to back alley butcher shops. Abortion is not the real reason for the precipitous decline in the white population.
but what if she decides to keep it thinking its nurture over nature and the kid turns out to be scum and turns a family into race realists? I've seen it happen once. The reason why it's rare us because so many women are on birth control and now they believe birth control meds are causing trouble for women getting pregnant after they stop taking it or get it removed ( those things that are put up there that last so many years). All of these things just show how are morals are declining. I guess religious ppl are saying its not our right to decide who lives and who dies. If it wasn't meant to be then they have a miscarriage or something.

btw not all Christians have to follow the pope. There are catholics that don't. He is after all a human like us. They got soft after the change to Vatican II. Which brings up the point that you can be for abortion and Christian I'm pretty sure the bible says nothing about it.

Eastern Orthodox
"In case of a direct threat to the life of a mother if her pregnancy continues, especially if she has other children, it is recommended to be lenient in the pastoral practice. The woman who interrupted pregnancy in this situation shall not be excluded from the Eucharistic communion with the Church provided that she has fulfilled the canon of Penance assigned by the priest who takes her confession.[32]"

i don't have strong feelings either way. Between our two boys my wife had two miscarriages but i didn't get that upset because never felt like they had souls ( not much longer than 10 to 12 weeks). However I was very nervous when she was pregnant w our last son because I felt like it did have a soul. Also was nervous about losing the first one because in her previous marriage her son died at a year.
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but what if she decides to keep it...

Yeah, brain washed and dumbed down and fattened up - mentally and physically - as they are now, that's a distinct possibility.

"Oh, aren't I so lucky - an african american man chose ME to have sex with - God must have willed it - now I can have a beautiful black baby of my very own, just like Barak Hussein Obama!
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Yeah, brain washed an dumbed down and fattened up - mentally and physically - as they are now, that's a distinct possibility.

"Oh, aren't I so lucky - an african american man chose ME to have sex with - God must have willed it - now I can have a beautiful black baby of my very own, just like Barak Hussein Obama!
It has happened, at least once that I've seen. I work with a man dating a woman in this situation. If they aren't on birth control then a good chance they are open to all life. That was the initial reason for her keeping it that she didn't believe in abortions. I personally wouldn't want her to keep it and probably wouldn't stay with just a GF if that happened, but that's me although it seems to be his lifetime Gf (maybe that's the reason he won't officially tie the knot)

the thinking is more along the lines "things happen for a reason, lets provide this child with a great environment so he can do something great ( he's now a drug dealer though)"

Different denominations on the issue:

"Some exceptional circumstances may justify an abortion, such as when pregnancy is the result of incest or rape, when the life or health of the mother is judged by competent medical authority to be in serious jeopardy, or when the fetus is known by competent medical authority to have severe defects that will not allow the baby to survive beyond birth." The statement goes on to say, "Those who face such circumstances should consider abortion only after consulting with their local Church leaders and receiving a confirmation through earnest prayer."

"..abortion on demand for reasons of personal convenience, social adjustment or economic advantage is morally wrong, and [the NEA] expresses its firm opposition to any legislation designed to make abortion possible for these reasons."

opposes abortion "as a means of avoiding responsibility for conception, as a primary means of birth control, and without regard for the far-reaching consequences of the act."

"Christians in the American society today are faced with difficult decisions about abortion", stating that laws should recognize the "sanctity of human life, including fetal life", and calling upon Southern Baptists to work for laws allowing abortion in extreme cases such as rape, severe fetal deformity, and the health of the mother.

So most believe that it should only be in extreme scenarios like rape, danger to the mother etc
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Yeah, brain washed and dumbed down and fattened up - mentally and physically - as they are now, that's a distinct possibility.

"Oh, aren't I so lucky - an african american man chose ME to have sex with - God must have willed it - now I can have a beautiful black baby of my very own, just like Barak Hussein Obama!

WW, you keep getting of topic. We can take care of white couples adopting black children, to which I disagree, and black men raping white women later. I think most here agree with your post!

The subject is abortion at will and out of someone's convenience. As I said, the percentage of abortion because of some black idiot rapes or a white idiot rapes a white woman and they get pregnant is less than 1 %. People go immediately to rape. That's their excuse for validating something so barbaric. The % has to do with murdering innocent babies, because a few idiots rape someone. The few justify all abortions at will?

My question is why some here are OK with abortions for all races, except the white race?
WW, you keep getting of topic. We can take care of white couples adopting black children, to which I disagree, and black men raping white women later. I think most here agree with your post!

The subject is abortion at will and out of someone's convenience. As I said, the percentage of abortion because of some black idiot rapes or a white idiot rapes a white woman and they get pregnant is less than 1 %. People go immediately to rape. That's their excuse for validating something so barbaric. The % has to do with murdering innocent babies, because a few idiots rape someone. The few justify all abortions at will?

My question is why some here are OK with abortions for all races, except the white race?
To clarify there are more than a "few that rape." It's a huge problem where I live (Nola is majority black). However the chances of a woman getting pregnant is like a 5 percent chance.
Nietzsche: "Christianity is the revenge of the Jews against the Goyim."
As I become older and wiser, the absurdity of white people clinging to that old Hebrew mythology becomes more evident to me. It's not doing us any good, really.

The Vikings were practically invincible before they became Christianized.

Rome was powerful but it's decline began around the same time as many converted to Christianity.

We did not evolve into passive fools who turn the other cheek, we've been conditioned to become that way.
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To clarify there are more than a "few that rape." It's a huge problem where I live (Nola is majority black). However the chances of a woman getting pregnant is like a 5 percent chance.

I'm not saying a few rape. The numbers and reports say the reason women give for having an abortion because they got pregnant from being raped less than 1%. It's pretty much a fact.
As I get older and wiser, it seems to me to be more and more stupid for white people to cling to that old Hebrew mythology. It's not doing us any good, really.

The Vikings were practically invincible before they became Christianized.

Rome was powerful but it's decline began around the same time as many converted to Christianity.

"The way of the fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice." Proverbs: 12:15

You are really living in a fantasy existence if you believe the Bible is mythology. Even the most ardent secular humanists and agnostics acknowledge the history of events that happened in the Bible!

There's more evidence for the existence and resurrection and teachings of Christ than any of the other *** philosophers, Plato Aristotle, etc. that so many believe in.

Rome just like the U.S. went down because they lost all of their reasoning and morality. We just can't seem to learn our lesson. The apostle Paul warned Rome of this.

Even the Roman satirist Juvenal stated, "everything now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things, Bread and Circuses."

Rome became apathetic and lazy and morally corrupt.

Just like the U.S. of today. All we hope for is free bread/food and entertainment. It will be a big part of our downfall.

Christianity is not the reason for Rome's fall, however, lack of Christian values will be and is the reason for the U.S.'s fall!
You are really living in a fantasy existence if you believe the Bible is mythology. Even the most ardent secular humanists and agnostics acknowledge the history of events that happened in the Bible!
So most people acknowledge Jonah was swallowed by a whale and survived?

That the earth and all life was created in seven days?

That Noah put two of every single species on earth on his ark?

That Samson's strength came from his hair?

That God parted the Red Sea for Moses and the Hebrews?