Merry Christmas!

A belated Merry Christmas and best wishes for the new year to all that read and post on this forum!

My own faith lapsed some years ago: this made church services rather excruciating to attend for awhile after a thorough upbringing of Sunday School, Confirmation, and many such habitual practices of good consciousness.

I am proud and eternally grateful that I never spited my parents with challenges of indignant atheism. I always felt I owed my mother some deference to the tradition she raised me in. It was tough at times, as we here all know the bounds of polite company.

This Christmas Eve service was unique for me. I tuned out the milquetoast pastor's panting sermon of plainclothes complaints and focused on the glorious hymns that My People have been singing in joy for hundreds of years. Contemporary influence has always stained the interpretation of the biblical word, yet that word remains pure and true.

I could not have felt more at home singing the triumphant ballads of Pentecost.
The Christmas season is here again.

I want to wish a Merry Christmas to all Caste Footballers!

Even now people are putting up Christmas decorations. I look forward to driving around looking at all the Christmas lights.
The Christmas season is here again.

I want to wish a Merry Christmas to all Caste Footballers!

Even now people are putting up Christmas decorations. I look forward to driving around looking at all the Christmas lights.

Thanks Extra Point and Merry Christmas to you and all here at CF! Glad to here you say Merry Christmas instead of happy holidays. The ACLU and other atheist organizations are already trying their annual ban of any mention of Merry Christmas, which they have already accomplished somewhat over the last ten years, where most public places say or advertise the saying, happy holidays. What holiday are you celebrating this time of year?

Also, in my local YMCA, they displayed a banner in the gym that read happy holidays, at the YMCA, yes, The Young Men's Christian Association doesn't even acknowledge Christmas!

Anyway, I always make a point, as do most here in my area of the country, to always greet people with a hardy,
Thanks DixieDestroyer. Priceless. Sometimes I feel like Charlie Brown. Wondering does anyone in this insane world, know what Christmas is all about?:biggrin:
Just watch the VeggieTales Christmas, Mr. Nezzar! :tongue:

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all my fellow CF'ers and blessings for the New Year!
I went out looking at Christmas lights over the weekend and they were beautiful!

The displays show the artistic sensibility of white people all over.

One thing I noticed is the significant increase in Nativity scenes this year as compared to last year. I imagine many Christians are sick of being told they can't follow their own religion so they put out the Nativity scenes in defiance of all the anti-Christian bigots.
Good. :clap2:
They Christians used to say "Don't take Christ out of Christmas", but now the Jews have taken Christmas out of Christmas. Happy f'ing Xhanukah. Celebrate that magic long burning money-saving discount store lamp oil!

Nice post, albeit from last year.

In my field of work (engineering/surveying), I receive professional correspondence in the form of emails, memos, and letters many times throughout the day. In the weeks leading up to Christmas, I’ve noticed a vile trend in the manner in which my clients, potential clients, employees from other firms, colleagues, and the public conclude this correspondence. Many will pen inanities such as: “happy holidays,” “have a great holiday,” “enjoy your holiday,” and “best holiday wishes.” Of course, everyone at my place of work is white and is either Christian or Catholic, as are the buffoons who write this Bolshevik-approved drivel. In all of my return correspondence, I’ll immediately write something like: “Many thanks for the nice Christmas wishes. Merry Christmas to you as well!”

I also spend plenty of time on the phone and at the termination of every conversation, the other party invariably utters something like: “Alright, talk to you later, I hope you and your family have a nice holiday season!” To which I’ll instinctively respond: “Thanks, I can’t wait to spend Christmas with my family, I hope you and your family have a nice Christmas, too!”

My company also receives plenty of Christmas cards via email and via standard mail. Many of the cards read: “season’s greetings,” “happily holidays,” or “holiday greetings.” The images on these cards are equally spineless, usually some winter-themed vacuity such as a snowflake, an evergreen tree enveloped in snow, a stack of gifts, a snow man, or golden ornaments. I noticed a particularly disreputable specimen that was received the other day and was placed at the entrance of the building along with the other cards. Intrigued, I looked up the company who makes the card and found an image of it online…

CAPTION: Websters’ Image for the Term: “Meaningless”

God, why not simply send nothing at all in place of these ignoble, hollow, insincere, corporate-sponsored, Cultural Marxism-seasoned, non-denominational “happy” “holiday” “winter” “season” “wishes”? I’d certainly expect this sort of inhuman, unnatural, multicultural sewer-discharge if I were working in some high-rise in Jew York Yiddy or some major metropolitan area…we’re located in perhaps the most rural area of Pennsylvania. The Marxist Universe has is both rootless and borderless.
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Nice post Thrashen. I just wanted to let you know I am a huge fan of your posts on this site.

Also Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Grounds for banning?

Judaism is the reason Whites need to defend their race; christianity is the reason they can't.

So be it..
Merry Christmas, let us all remember what it is really about. I was driving home from work today, and I happen to live past a mall, a big truck swerved into my lane knocking off my right head light and now the bumper is hanging low. Didn't catch his plate, he kept driving. People are driving like maniacs and acting like maniacs trying to buy stuff. Its ridiculous. It wasn't just black friday, or black friday weekend, it is still going on. What possible thing could you still have to buy?

Hopefully I can find something at the junkyard and fix this up myself.

Unfortunately I won't get to spend this Christmas with my blood family, going to Colorado to spend it with my in laws, but at least it snows.
First off, Merry Christmas to all. I was going to wait until closer to the 25th but I received an email today that made me think of Thrashen's astute post.

Merry Christmas.jpg
(click image to view larger)

This made me smile. On the left, is all the generic "holiday warm wishes" type of messages but then on the right it says "but most of all....." Notice too how "Christmas" is separated into "Christ" and "Mas". I think this was all intentional and the stuff on the left was a small jab at the Cultural Marxists/Jews/Leftists. All of this in the heart of "Jew York Sh*tty", none the less....:biggrin1:
I like to drive around looking at Christmas decorations.

Sometimes you see giant trees with lights draped on them from the top down. It's amazing.

I'm trying to figure out how they drape the lights that high. Do they use extension rods? A mechanical lift? Huge ladders?
It is difficult to celebrate Christmas in some parts of the worldSome Christians have to put up with this kind of stuff..."He also defended three ‘fantastic’ men who were jailed last week for attacking drinkers while on a ‘Muslim patrol’.He was referring to an incident in which Jordan Horner and another Islamic extremist told a couple they could not hold hands while walking down the street, because it was in a 'Muslim area'.The radicals also attacked a group of men drinking in the road, and told a woman she would face 'hell fire' because of the way she was dressed."This is not in Egypt or Lebanon by the wayThis is London Christmas to all
Merry Christmas everyone! The Reb family has another reason to celebrate this Christmas, besides the fact that our Saviour was born. That is looking forward to the birth of our first child next year! :)
Merry Christmas everyone! The Reb family has another reason to celebrate this Christmas, besides the fact that our Saviour was born. That is looking forward to the birth of our first child next year! :)

Merry Christmas to you Colonel Reb!

Congratulations on the future birth of your child! God bless you and your family!
Merry Christmas everyone! The Reb family has another reason to celebrate this Christmas, besides the fact that our Saviour was born. That is looking forward to the birth of our first child next year! :)

I also want to wish a very merry christmas to all of my friends here on this board and a special congrats to Col. Reb and the family. I'm glad that you pointed out the main reason for the season which many people forget just like at easter. I hope everyone here has a safe and happy holidays with their families and loved ones.
A very hearty congratulations to my CF & Christian brother Colonel Reb (& his lovely bride) on the forthcoming young'ern. :)
Merry Christmas everyone! The Reb family has another reason to celebrate this Christmas, besides the fact that our Saviour was born. That is looking forward to the birth of our first child next year! :)

Congratulations! Obviously, your life is about to change in so many ways. Unsolicited advice here, so take it for what it's worth: the book On Becoming Babywise. All the right people hate it, and both of my children were sleeping through the night inside of 6 weeks. Everyone to whom I've recommended it has had great success. There is a more Christian-oriented version of the same book out there somewhere, but don't worry about that. Find it, use it, and pass it on to someone you love.
Merry Christmas everyone! The Reb family has another reason to celebrate this Christmas, besides the fact that our Saviour was born. That is looking forward to the birth of our first child next year! :)

Congrats to the Colonel, perhaps his reduced posting of late was caused by dispensing his husbandly duties? :icon_tongue: I'm sure you will be a proud and happy father. But just wait until those teenage years........

Merry Christmas to all, not Happy Holidays because as I read on another web site, it's easy to be "merry", a small amount of adult beverage can help with that, but to be "happy" for the entire period...that's asking a little too much.
Merry Christmas everyone! The Reb family has another reason to celebrate this Christmas, besides the fact that our Saviour was born. That is looking forward to the birth of our first child next year! :)
Best wishes for the health of the Junior Rebel and Mrs. Rebel. Keep us informed about the birth.......:beer:
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