Let the Cam Newton propaganda begin!!

As they say " Perception is Reality" and " History Repeats Itself"
If JaMarcus Russell or Akili Smith is any indication of the above I think the probability is quite high that he will bethe 1st pick taken. As other posters have predicted, I would also imagine that his actual results will be the same.
Here's a link of Newton showing how intelligent he is, he's surely worth a #1 pick and 50 million dollars...

Yeah we were talking about that the other day. I actually did see the full segment. He did not come off as any smarter. For the record he did wind up diagramming two plays (I guess something finally came to that brain of his). Two very SIMPLE plays with one read, the safety on what he was doing, which was usually cheating up because of worrying about Newton running, which isn't going to happen in the NFL that much. Guys like Mallet had more complicated diagrams. In fact, every prospect diagrammed stuff more complicated. He talked about himself in 3rd person for about 5 minutes. He was asked about film study and how much guys like Brady, Brees, Manning etc study in the film room. Cam's response was he was going to study because he didn't want to be THAT GUY. I.e. the guy that everyone thinks is lazy. So lets see, his motivation to study film is not because he wants to win and beat other teams, he just doesn't want to look stupid and unprepared in front of teammates. Okay, got it.


That is funny link. It has some good points. The other guys came in dressed in normal football gear that you wear when going over stuff in the lockerroom, t shirts, shorts, nothing fancy.

This quote had me cracking up, I guess Im not the only one who thought he looked like Carlton from Fresh Prince "Cam Newton is in a tie, sweater vest and a white dress shirt, which is the outfit straight out of Chapter 1 of Dress for Success,
assuming you're trying to land a job as an investment banker or a
patent lawyer. For purposes of getting a job as a quarterback, it's
Exhibit A that perhaps Pro Football Weekly's Nolan Nawrocki was correct in his scouting report where he had the following to say about Newton:

<blockquote>Very disingenuous -- has a fake smile, comes off as very
scripted and has a selfish, me-first makeup. Always knows where the
cameras are and plays to them. Has an enormous ego with a sense of
entitlement that continually invites trouble and makes him believe he is
above the law -- does not command respect from teammates and will
always struggle to win a locker room . . . Lacks accountability, focus
and trustworthiness -- is not punctual, seeks shortcuts and sets a bad
example. Immature and has had issues with authority. Not dependable."

I have heard some dwfs go to the extreme in defending him. As in "he didn't want to give away any of his team's plays so everyone knows what they are running". Yeah, because its not like there is a way to look at the tape and see what kind of play they are running, especially if you have actual game film, which all the college coaches have access to. In fact it is one of the easiest offenses to actually break down compared to something like Boise State, where college coaches like Va Tech were breaking down their film months in advanced to figure out what they were doing. I can't wait for Moore to come out, that dude is good.

Gus Malazhn has a very simple offense, he just goes very fast paced with lots of misdirection and optioning off defenders. He does not have to confuse the defensive coordinators with the pace he runs his offense at, he just has to confuse the 20 year old affletes on the field, which isnt hard to do.
Edited by: snow
Maybe the guys on this site should devote more time to profile white players and less time focusing on Cam Newton, the guys has six pages on this thread already.
hawkeye said:
Maybe the guys on this site should devote more time to profile white players and less time focusing on Cam Newton, the guys has six pages on this thread already.

I don't think any of us think that Cam is a "QB-savant" (something the MSM has implied from early in the CFB season).. but we are documenting the inner-workings of the Caste System.
This thread is showing the double standard that a black QB (Newton) is receiving when compared to a similarly but more talented and much more intelligent White QB (Tebow) last year, yet he's not questioned or critiqued anywhere near the way Tebow was by the caste system.
Deus Vult said:
whiteathlete33 said:
 Moon really needs to grow up with this race card stuff.  

Why even use the phrase "race card?" If Warren Moon or anyone else gets silly in attributing discrimination or unfair judgment to someone's race, so what? Doesn't that undermine his case?

As I understand it, imploring someone to "stop using the 'race card'" is analagous to saying "no, we don't recognize race and we accept liberal/egalitarian dogma."

What if Moon and others stopped using the "race card?" What is the goal here? To vindicate King's dream? (Not Marxist Looter King, RODNEY King, who implored "Can't we all just get along?")

It depends on what you think King's dream was? (MLK or Rodney King? lol) Would MLK have become more like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton if he wasn't shot with the onset of extreme cultural Marxism in post Vince Lombardi MLK America. King had some character flaws, but from what I've read about him he wasn't SCUM...he wasn't radicalized the way Malcolm X was or as biased against whites as his comrades Jesse and Al have become.

As far as race mixing between blacks and whites I'm with you guys, it doesn't usually look good culturally or genetically. I guess in the rare case it's true love it would none of my business to worry about, but it rubs me the wrong way to see white girls dating blacks and their implied race mixing with blacks.

As far as segregation that is over now, I don't get why some on this site think those days can come back. The best we can do is for smart whites to live in mostly white communities, with mostly Asians, Indians etc. as the minority class and ONLY educated middle class blacks mixed in.

Abraham Lincoln had an idea toward the end of the Civil War about 150 years ago to move the emancipated blacks either back to Africa or to a Carribean island. It never materialized and there may not have been the means or funding to do it. The most successful societies/communities/governments are usually pretty homogeneous ethnically. Much of the U.S is a melting pot unfortunately b/c of the slave trade and then bad immigration policy pushed by Ted Kennedy and others, so Americans will have to do their best to make it work and fight for equal opportunity in employment for us and them without the AA.

If Cam Newton is the top pick and completely bombs I take a different perspective. Some DWFs have already been awakened that 2 of the top 3 QB busts of the last 15 years are black, (Smith and Russell along with Caucasian Leaf) and have become aware of all the other black draft busts who were grossly overrated by scouts recently. Any DWF with even half of a brain must have been wondering about the legitimacy of BSPN's list of the top 2010 H.S QBs that ranked 9 of the top 12 black. The evidence is already there.

Cam Newton completely bombing could cause an anger backlash from a higher than current percentage of black NFL players toward white players. The white Rivals media will surely find a way to use propaganda on the issue. I think the best scenario is for Newton to become a solid starting QB like Vince Young was last year before his tantrums, but not a star (and for the black QB numbers in the league to stay at 15-20%). Without comparing the current white RB situation to the former black QB situation it is tough to take this issue "mainstream" (and get more fans and media on our side).
I guess to summarize my main concerns in a nutshell, the most important thing is that Tebow pans out as a better QB than Newton to show the double standard. It will be fine if Newton is a solid starting QB as long as Tebow turns out to be a star! Enough evidence has been shown in the last couple years that the caste system boat has already been rocked!
ToughJ.Riggins said:
King had some character flaws, but from what I've read about him he wasn't SCUM...he wasn't radicalized the way Malcolm X was or as biased against whites as his comrades Jesse and Al have become.

You're right, Michael King wasn't merely "scum,"Â￾ he was exceedingly more loathsome. He was abusive, hateful, violent, a racist, a drug addict, a drunk, an adulterer, a hustler of church donation monies, an embezzler of civil rights donation monies, a legendary plagiarist (PhD thesis, speeches, sermons), a communist, a Zionist, a black supremacist, a narcissist, an employer of prostitutes, a batterer of women, a participant in group sex orgies, etc. No, "scum"Â￾ would be much preferred to this degenerate charlatan.

ToughJ.Riggins said:
It depends on what you think King's dream was?

To tyrannize, rape, torture, enslave, and annihilate white Americas in the same manner (only much more ruthless and absolute) in which he erroneously perceived said acts being committed against African Americans.
Thrashen pulls no punches.
Don't worry guys the silky smooth Theismann thought the interview was off camera.....
Joe will revert to the caste worshiper that will all know and love...
"He (Theismann) did, however, include Newton among the top five quarterbacks available in the draft. His list besides Newton was Blaine Gabbert, Andy Dalton, Ryan Mallett, and Christian Ponder."

Notably absent from Theismann's top 5 list of QB's in this draft is Jake Locker, who, as has been argued in this forum, is more gifted than most on this list. Of course, a white QB who can run and further dispel caste myths is not be be allowed! (see Tim Tebow for additional evidence).
If MLK had any real sense, I doubt whether he would want to see too much damage to white America. After all, who would fund all the programs for black people. Can't be killing the goose that lays the golden egg.
Had he lived, seems to me that his political positions would have evolved similarly to those who were around him at the time, such as Jackson, Julian Bond, John Lewis etc. in other words, typical black liberal democrat and all that that entails.
Yes, King supposedly was a solicitor and philanderer of prostitutes. There has always been a big market for the world's oldest profession lol. I'm not condoning this, particularly since I believe he did this when he was married that makes it more sinful.

As far as his plagiarism his "I have a Dream" speech was heavily borrowed from another author I forget which- maybe someone can refresh my memory.

My point is how does it help to be so outrageously negative by "some" in this thread. I think we should spend more time discussing the credentials of talented white prospects than putting down blacks in this forum. Let's just get a good night sleep and try to enjoy the NFL draft tomorrow. Hopefully things will look up a bit.

We know Newton is going to get drafted higher than he should so this thread has validity, but I'm hoping ya'll can enjoy all the great things that have happened this past year. Hillis might be the NFL's most popular player! Maybe we will see signs that more white RBs and WRs will get a look in 2012 yet again!
Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
Thrashen said:
You're right, Michael King wasn't merely "scum,"Â￾ he was exceedingly more loathsome. He was abusive, hateful, violent, a racist, a drug addict, a drunk, an adulterer, a hustler of church donation monies, an embezzler of civil rights donation monies, a legendary plagiarist (PhD thesis, speeches, sermons), a communist, a Zionist, a black supremacist, a narcissist, an employer of prostitutes, a batterer of women, a participant in group sex orgies, etc. No, "scum"Â￾ would be much preferred to this degenerate charlatan.

Good post!

He also pretended to be a man of the cloth which gave him cover for his vile lifestyle.
Everyone is saying Newton will go number 1 overall to Carolina.....that is upsetting but not surprising. Only an hour away from the draft
well now that i think about it, its not that bad, unless you are a Carolina fan. He will never live up to being the number 1 pick.
Edited by: snow
ToughJ.Riggins said:
My point is how does it help to be so outrageously negative by "some" in this thread

If you supposedly dislike "outrageous negativity,"Â￾ then you must truly detest the cretin that is Michael King. He was, of course, the World Heavyweight Champion of disseminating "negative"Â￾ principles to the masses.

Couple the good doctor's "outrageous"Â￾ earthly behavior (that is, before his face was collapsed by a Remington 30-06 round) with the exasperatingly ludicrous circumstance that he is now utterly deified across the entire planet"¦and, well, whatever.

ToughJ.Riggins said:
Yes, King supposedly was a solicitor and philanderer of prostitutes. There has always been a big market for the world's oldest profession lol.

I'm not condoning this, particularly since I believe he did this when he was married that makes it more sinful.

"World Oldest Profession,"Â￾ huh? Yeah, that's exactly what Lawrence Taylor said when attempting to diminish the fact that his erectile-dysfunction-stricken penis was mysteriously discovered to have accidentally slipped inside of a 14 year old "working girl."Â￾

In stark contrast to "Saint MLK,"Â￾ I've never smoked, drank, or done drugs a day in my life. I've also never solicited a prostitute (or ever seen one in person, for that matter), beat women, engaged in orgies, slept around, cheated on my spouse, stole money from churches, plagiarized, etc.

I've also never been arrested. But King was in 1955"¦

Unfortunately, despite my obvious moral superiority to Mikey Boy, I'll never win a Nobel Peace Prize or have my own special holiday so that everyone man, woman and child can properly kiss my proverbial backside. And, unlike King, I would sooner defecate onto their phony "awards"Â￾ than accept them.

Anyway, back to Cam Newton"¦Edited by: Thrashen
Sorry, I'll have to eat my words. I never thought they would actually do it! I'm starting to pack my bags, any suggestions on where to go?
I'LL predict he will only slightly more successful that Jadufus Russell, which is saying he will be a utter failure with the typical 4 to 5 years to "devolop" into a mediocre QB. The Pathers clearly did not learn from "Purple Drank Russell's" epic failure and financial loss.
"Purple Drank Russell"


My guess is Cam Newton will be like Vince Young in the NFL. He'll be an average to slightly above average starting QB at best. Will he implode like Young if he ever gets booed by fans? Who knows. Newton has been called a Narcissist by some. We'll see how he does or how long he lasts on the Panthers as a starter. Due to his mental issues, Young didn't last too long on the Titans for such a high pick. Maybe some Purple Drank will be a magic pill for VY. AHDIW should hire Russell as his doctor lol.
Thrashen said:
ToughJ.Riggins said:
My point is how does it help to be so outrageously negative by "some" in this thread

If you supposedly dislike "outrageous negativity,"Â￾ then you must truly detest the cretin that is Michael King. He was, of course, the World Heavyweight Champion of disseminating "negative"Â￾ principles to the masses.

Couple the good doctor's "outrageous"Â￾ earthly behavior (that is, before his face was collapsed by a Remington 30-06 round) with the exasperatingly ludicrous circumstance that he is now utterly deified across the entire planet"¦and, well, whatever.

ToughJ.Riggins said:
Yes, King supposedly was a solicitor and philanderer of prostitutes. There has always been a big market for the world's oldest profession lol.

I'm not condoning this, particularly since I believe he did this when he was married that makes it more sinful.

"World Oldest Profession,"Â￾ huh? Yeah, that's exactly what Lawrence Taylor said when attempting to diminish the fact that his erectile-dysfunction-stricken penis was mysteriously discovered to have accidentally slipped inside of a 14 year old "working girl."Â￾

In stark contrast to "Saint MLK,"Â￾ I've never smoked, drank, or done drugs a day in my life. I've also never solicited a prostitute (or ever seen one in person, for that matter), beat women, engaged in orgies, slept around, cheated on my spouse, stole money from churches, plagiarized, etc.

I've also never been arrested. But King was in 1955"¦

Unfortunately, despite my obvious moral superiority to Mikey Boy, I'll never win a Nobel Peace Prize or have my own special holiday so that everyone man, woman and child can properly kiss my proverbial backside. And, unlike King, I would sooner defecate onto their phony "awards"Â￾ than accept them.

Anyway, back to Cam Newton"¦

I had heard about the prostitute sagas with MLK and plagiarism, but I never heard of MLK being involved in orgies, beating women or stealing from churches. I guess I missed something. Yes back to Cam Newton.
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