Let the Cam Newton propaganda begin!!

WHITE ATHLETE: The issue is that blacks always use their race as an advantage.  Moon saying that Newton faces more scrutiny because he's black does a few things.  First it brainwashes the DWF's even more than they already are brainwashed.  Secondly it will give Newton countless years to try and become the next black hope at quarterback.  Do we really need to listen to his nonsense?[/QUOTE]

DEUS VULT: That is a key question. I believe the answer is No. No, white men do not need to take seriously anything these idiots say -- not just us, but all white folks need to ignore foolish black whiners, or at least assign just value to their words: zero.

IF DWF's are persuaded by Warren Moon, let us redouble our efforts to delegitimize the demonization of whites and white race-consciousness. Shutting up black whiners like Moon and Deion is not the key; it is breaking the spell our fellow whites are under. In the light of day, such whining idiocy looks like exactly what it is. Edited by: Deus Vult
whiteathlete33 said:
Moon is probably the most over hyped quarterback of all time. He's the best black quarterback ever but that's not saying much.  I could name twenty white qb's in the league right now who are better than him.  Moon really needs to grow up with this race card stuff.  

WA33, well stated sir. Moon may be the best black QB, but he couldn't come close to the best QBs ever...Montana, Unitas, Marino, Baugh & P.Manning. Moon's jealous because he's NO WHERE close to the elite level of NFL QBs. As Jaxvid alluded to, his race card extraction bit is stale & shows he's sour grapes.
DixieDestroyer said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Moon is probably the most over hyped quarterback of all time. He's the best black quarterback ever but that's not saying much.  I could name twenty white qb's in the league right now who are better than him.  Moon really needs to grow up with this race card stuff.  

WA33, well stated sir. Moon may be the best black QB, but he couldn't come close to the best QBs ever...Montana, Unitas, Marino, Baugh & P.Manning. Moon's jealous because he's NO WHERE close to the elite level of NFL QBs. As Jaxvid alluded to, his race card extraction bit is stale & shows he's sour grapes.
If Moon were White or any other group but maybe Hispanic he wouldn't have been a first ballot hall of fame qb. He also would have had to wait a while. The playoff losses were brutal and his stats were inflated by the offense he his club ran. From what I have read online it looks like he has been testing the wind with trial balloons and has been backtracking from his statement. Now he has been stressing he is an unpaid mentor and has been giving guidance to Jake Locker too. I guess 5 figure rubber chicken appearances still mean something to him.....
white is right said:
DixieDestroyer said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Moon is probably the most over hyped quarterback of all time. He's the best black quarterback ever but that's not saying much. I could name twenty white qb's in the league right now who are better than him. Moon really needs to grow up with this race card stuff.

WA33, well stated sir. Moon may be the best black QB, but he couldn't come close to the best QBs ever...Montana, Unitas, Marino, Baugh & P.Manning. Moon's jealous because he's NO WHERE close to the elite level of NFL QBs. As Jaxvid alluded to, his race card extraction bit is stale & shows he's sour grapes.
If Moon were White or any other group but maybe Hispanic he wouldn't have been a first ballot hall of fame qb. He also would have had to wait a while. The playoff losses were brutal and his stats were inflated by the offense he his club ran. From what I have read online it looks like he has been testing the wind with trial balloons and has been backtracking from his statement. Now he has been stressing he is an unpaid mentor and has been giving guidance to Jake Locker too. I guess 5 figure rubber chicken appearances still mean something to him.....

Whiteisright, take a look at this list. Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Aaron Rodgers, Philip Rivers, Matt Ryan , Ben Roetlisberger, Matt Schaub, Joe Flacco, and Jay Cutler. That's 10 white qb's playing this very day that are better than Warren Moon. Do you think all of these guys will make the HOF? Brees, Brady and Manning are locks but that's about it. You are correct in that he wouldn't be a HOF qb if he were white.
The best scenario is for Newton to be drafted very high, and then become the latest highly touted black QB to flop big time, with White QBs again being taken later than expected and being mostly successful.

This pattern has really taken hold in recent years -- blacks being big-time busts at not just QB but all positions, while White players for the most part "overachieve" when given opportunities. If this keeps up, even a good chunk of DWF Nation -- many of which play fantasy football -- will also begin to recognize the overwhelmingly obvious -- namely that blacks, especially in recent years,are extremely over-rated football players.Edited by: Don Wassall
whiteathlete33 said:
This is good.<div ="re">

Pro Football Weekly's Nolan Nawrocki composed a scathing review of Cam Newton in the publication's annual draft magazine.
&lt;div ="impact"&gt;
Nawrocki accused Newton of a "fake smile" and "selfish,
me-first makeup" in the scouting report, which makes Nawrocki sound like
he has a personal vendetta against Newton, more than anything else.
"Always knows where the cameras are and plays to them," continues the
report. "Has an enormous ego with a sense of entitlement that
continually invites trouble and makes him believe he is above the law --
does not command respect. ... Seeks shortcuts and sets a bad example.
Immature and has had issues with authority. Not dependable."

I don't recall a highly touted prospect ever getting such a negative scouting report. The late Joel Buschbaum was often critical, but not to this extent. In a way, Nawrocki is sticking his neck out and will have it chopped off if Newton plays half-way well.

Nawrocki must be pretty confident Newton will be a Vince Young type at best.
It looks like another idiot has an opinion on the Scam Newton situation. I wonder who this clown could be???

<div class="headline" style="background: url(&quot;/img/nfl/teams/icons/CLG.gif&quot;) no-repeat scroll left top rgb(0, 0, 0);">
<div ="p">Cam Newton
- QB -


<div ="re">

A "high-ranking" NFL executive insists that Cam Newton would be the draft's clear-cut No. 1 overall pick if he was white.
<div ="impact">
"If Newton were white, he'd be the first pick in the
draft," said the exec, who arrived at this conclusion before Newton
adviser Warren Moon accused the 2010 Heisman winner's detractors of
being racially charged. We won't go as far as Moon, but comparisons to
JaMarcus Russell would seem to come dangerously close to blatant racism.
Russell and Newton have few similarities as players and athletes.
They do have the same skin color.
I'll bet that he doesn't exist at all. Quotes from anunnamed"high ranking" this or that,like the ubiquitious quotes by "anonymous government officials" routinely found in "news" articles are a basic staple of U.S. media propaganda: inserting the desired point of view through the vehicle of an unnamed source.

Ask yourself -- why would this alleged"high ranking NFL executive" only be quoted anonymously?Does his view on Cam Newton violate a state secret? Would he be subjected to cries of "racism" or other negative repercussions were his identity revealed? Why the need for anonymity?

Even the small segment of the U.S. population that is aware to varying degrees of just how subverted this country has become tends to still be naive when it comes to understanding basic techniques of manipulation and persuasion used by the corporate media.
Yes Cam Newton would be a better draft pick if he were white because that would mean he would have a higher average IQ, be less prone to bragging and better behaved as a matter of genetic tendency.

But we already know that.
Good point, Don. We often times fail to connect the dots regarding so many areas of modern life. It is just like how the FedGov tells us we're in the middle of an economic recovery when a record number of U.S. homes are empty, inflation is going up, along with food and gas prices and the U.S. debt, and the value of our fiat currency continues to fall. I don't see a recovery in that at all.
whiteathlete33 said:
We won't go as far as Moon, but comparisons to
JaMarcus Russell would seem to come dangerously close to blatant racism.
Russell and Newton have few similarities as players and athletes.
They do have the same skin color.

Black quarterbacks compared to other black quarterbacks? Disgusting. "Blatant racism"Â￾ from analysts, draft experts, NFL scouts, GMs, and coaches continues unabated.

At least white wide receivers are never compared to other white wide receivers"¦because, you know, that would be equally "blatantly racist."Â￾

I once heard 6'-4"Â￾ flanker, Matt Jones, compared to 5'-8"Â￾ slot receiver, Wes Welker"¦which, despite the fact they are indeed both white receivers, is a perfect evaluation.

[End sarcasm]
Don Wassall said:
I'll bet that he doesn't exist at all.  Quotes from an unnamed "high ranking" this or that, like the ubiquitious quotes by "anonymous government officials" routinely found in "news" articles are a basic staple of U.S. media propaganda: inserting the desired point of view through the vehicle of an unnamed source. 
<div> </div>
Sorry, but I win the bet. It was a black executive.

My sources have told me.

Edited by: The Hock
Scott Frost, Eric Crouch, andMatt Jones were all better runners, and passers than Cam. Im sure there were others as well. Those 3 just jump to my mind.
whiteathlete33 said:
It looks like another idiot has an opinion on the Scam Newton situation. I wonder who this clown could be???

<div class="headline" style="background: url(&quot;/img/nfl/teams/icons/CLG.gif&quot;) no-repeat scroll left top rgb(0, 0, 0);">
<div>Cam Newton
- QB -



A "high-ranking" NFL executive insists that Cam Newton would be the draft's clear-cut No. 1 overall pick if he was white.
"If Newton were white, he'd be the first pick in the
draft," said the exec,


If Cam Newton was white he would be considered at about the same level as Jake Locker: a late first or early second round pick.
whiteathlete33 said:
white is right said:
DixieDestroyer said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Moon is probably the most over hyped quarterback of all time. He's the best black quarterback ever but that's not saying much.  I could name twenty white qb's in the league right now who are better than him.  Moon really needs to grow up with this race card stuff.  

WA33, well stated sir. Moon may be the best black QB, but he couldn't come close to the best QBs ever...Montana, Unitas, Marino, Baugh & P.Manning. Moon's jealous because he's NO WHERE close to the elite level of NFL QBs. As Jaxvid alluded to, his race card extraction bit is stale & shows he's sour grapes.
If Moon were White or any other group but maybe Hispanic he wouldn't have been a first ballot hall of fame qb. He also would have had to wait a while. The playoff losses were brutal and his stats were inflated by the offense he his club ran. From what I have read online it looks like he has been testing the wind with trial balloons and has been backtracking from his statement. Now he has been stressing he is an unpaid mentor and has been giving guidance to Jake Locker too. I guess 5 figure rubber chicken appearances still mean something to him.....
Whiteisright, take a look at this list.  Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Aaron Rodgers, Philip Rivers, Matt Ryan , Ben Roetlisberger, Matt Schaub, Joe Flacco, and Jay Cutler. That's 10 white qb's playing this very day that are better than Warren Moon. Do you think all of these guys will make the HOF?  Brees, Brady and Manning are locks but that's about it.  You are correct in that he wouldn't be a HOF qb if he were white.
Let's not go over board Ryan and Flacco haven't played long enough to leave a legacy and Cutler is clearly a level below Moon. Big Ben barring a sudden drop off will have a better legacy, Rodgers will be the same thing. At this point Rivers is probably on par as he hasn't had a playoff legacy. Having Moon not even on the bubble for the top 100 list means a lot for his legacy as if he was on the bubble he would have been mentioned or fit in somewhere as a Black qb would fit in the agenda of the presenters. If Steve Largent couldn't crack that list you know there is an agenda with the presenters.

Jesus.....This should end the Newton hype permanently. He couldn't think of one single play? This was the easiest I have seen Gruden take it on ANY quarterback since the show started. I know that people that were warming up to Newton as an NFL qb have doubts now after this. The only ones left are the diehard dwfs and people with an agenda.

And the gun reference? haha. Gruden asked him to repeat himself because he was like wtf? It doesn't get any worse. Simplistic=Fast, sorrry Cam, thats not how its going to be in the NFL. You can't look to the sideline to a number that means a simple play "if defensive end comes at you, hand it off, if defensive end goes after back, run." I wonder what his notepad looked like after this session. I know he said one of his biggest problems was anticipation of a receiver getting open. This is also another big deal in the NFL, plus, neither in his pro day or the combine was he able to throw an out route.

It seems like they edited the video since i watched this morning, it was much longer. I know it is a 30 minute show. Id like to see the entire 30 minutes.

"whats an Auburn play sound like" ...."uh...man..your putting me on the spot". It doesn't matter he should be able to recite a play call and what he was supposed to do. Every other qb was on the board diagramming stuff.

I mean you compare that interview to Ryan Mallett's interview where he breaks
down a play to every single detail, talking about the option routes and
understanding the defenses.

This guy is a tight end. Tebow understood what it took to be an NFL quarterback and has the intelligence to learn an NFL system as he was able to show the 3 games he played. Cam has stated before that he really doesn't understand the total concept of what being a quarterback is about. This guy is projected to go top 10! most have him going first overall!

Edited by: snow
snow said:

"whats an Auburn play sound like" ...."uh...man..your putting me on the spot". It doesn't matter he should be able to recite a play call and what he was supposed to do. Every other qb was on the board diagramming stuff.

That may have been the worst part of that clip (the edited version). Instead of just explaining how Auburn ran its offense he started acting like Gruden asked him where the laptop from the ESPN computer lab went.

After his fidgeting and whining about the question he tried to make it sound like Auburn's number cards were an advantage instead of a crutch.

Edited by: Paleocon
That video was awful, especially because it was edited to make Newton look as good as possible. Guy can't name a single play call from Auburn? But he can hit some stationary targets with throws. Big deal. I'm sure former college QB Chucky Gruden could be just as accurate on the same throws even at his current age.
Disregarding all his questionable accuracy and technique and his obvious self-adoration and self-promotion, the big question overhanging Newton is the same one that applies to most black QBs -- what is his IQ? My guess is Newton's is belowaverage for a position that generally takes a fairly high IQ to play effectively.
DixieDestroyer sent this to me a little while ago and I figured I'd post it here.

<h2 ="readmsgsubject"="">Pro-Caste/PC Lackeys "Unanimously" Pick "sCam" Newton as # 1"Â￾</h2>
Gimme a break! The j0ck sniffin', pro-caste, DWF hacks are claiming"sCam" will be the #1 pick (as if he deserves it). It would be a collosal mistake to squander a 1st round pick on (grossly overrated)"sCam".
He has limited passing accuracy, can't read (complex) NFL defenses
&amp; won't be able to deal w/ the defensive speed in the NFL. He might
not be a bust on par w/ "Duhmarcus" Russell, but I don't think he'll be as "good" as Vince YOung (who's a 3rd tier NFL QB). These caste lackeys are so predictable!

Edited by: Colonel_Reb
If Aaron Rodgers fell to number 23 in the draft.. Then Scam Newton should fall out of the first round!

In other news. Terrelle Pryor is immature and will not play QB in the NFL.. These guys are nothing but hype.. And both should play wideout or TE in the NFL

<DIV =btv2_phototop_date>April 18, 2011

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Pryor has eight games left to prove himself to NFL scouts. For more college football, go check out FOXSports.com's NCAA page.
Ohio State quarterback Terrelle Pryor has a college season left â€" albeit an abbreviated one â€" but he is already on the clock for the NFL draft.

Even as he sits out Ohio State's spring game Saturday because of January ankle surgery and then starts his senior season with a five-game suspension for violating NCAA rules, NFL talent evaluators are weighing his pro prospects.

So, flashing forward to next year at this time, Pryor is already assured of having two check marks in the negative column when it comes to attracting an NFL suitor.

No matter what he does on the field this fall, Pryor will have the "injury"Â box and the "character issues"Â box red-lined by scouts whose job sometimes appears tilted more toward finding what's wrong with a player than what is right with him.

There are plenty of numbers to make a case for Pryor as an outstanding college quarterback, starting with Ohio State's 30-5 record since he stepped into the lineup the fourth game of his freshman season.

If he gets on the field as anticipated, Pryor will likely wind up the Buckeyes' career leader in total offense, touchdowns (rushing and passing combined) and victories for a starting quarterback.

He might even leave Columbus with a host of passing numbers better than anyone in Ohio State history.

All of that means he will have a statistical argument as the best Ohio State quarterback of all time, which will mean exactly nothing to NFL teams in the market for their quarterback of the future.

The only thing that matters to them is whether Pryor can make the transition from college to the NFL, win a job and then win games.

The clues to that answer are folded into myriad smaller questions about whether Pryor possesses the maturity, leadership, football acumen, dedication, humility, competitiveness, athleticism and talent to become something no Buckeyes player has ever been â€" an elite NFL starting quarterback.

Only two former Buckeye starting QBs have won Super Bowl rings, with both Joe Germaine (Rams) and Mike Tomczak (Bears) doing so as backups.

Tomczak suffices as the best Ohio State quarterback ever in the NFL, playing 15 seasons, primarily as a backup, with several seasons as a starter.

Even Troy Smith, the only Ohio State quarterback to win the Heisman Trophy, has been a third-teamer hanging onto a roster spot by his fingernails since he entered the league in 2007 as a fifth-round pick, No. 174 overall.

At 6-foot-6, 240 pounds, Pryor has the size Smith lacked to impress the NFL. Smith had much better mechanics than Pryor but wasn't exceptionally accurate, by NFL standards.

That's the biggest knock on Pryor right now. His 65 percent completion rate last season looks impressive, but it was noticeably poorer against the five best defenses on the schedule. Iowa, Miami, Wisconsin, Illinois and Penn State held Pryor to a 55 percent completion rate and six TD passes, against five interceptions.

Questions about accuracy and football acumen â€" reading coverages quickly, making proper decisions in the face of pressure â€" are killer negatives for any NFL quarterback prospect.

Ohio State's offense may not do Pryor many favors in preparing him for the pros, since receivers are often stationary targets on mid-level throws and seldom work the middle of the field.

Pryor accumulated big numbers in a Rose Bowl victory over Oregon throwing to the sidelines, and he burned Arkansas in the Sugar Bowl throwing deep.

Those are the best aspects of his throwing skills, but he struggles when defenders flash in front of him on the pass rush or in underneath coverage, and he never has shown much consistency stepping up in the pocket to buy time and find a third or fourth receiving option.

A lot of players figure that out the longer they play in college, so perhaps Pryor will. If that's a skill that forever eludes him, he can still make himself more appealing to the NFL by removing several red flags from his resume when it comes to maturity and leadership.

If his senior season is nothing more than what we've seen so far â€" Pryor piling up big statistics against bad teams and mediocre numbers against the best defenses on the schedule, with a liberal dose of his contributions coming via scrambles he surely won't get in the NFL â€" Pryor can still raise his stock this year by being less petulant and more humble.

His Twitter outbursts last season often painted him as immature and thin-skinned, like in the aftermath of the Buckeyes' win at Iowa:

"None of you haters could fill my shoes with 10 socks on. Bums."

And when Pryor didn't make first or second-team All-Big Ten: "I must be the worst quarterback/player. I might quit football."Â

And even last week, Pryor offered this is the face of mounting speculation about what the NCAA might find as it investigates his associations and various cars he has driven when ticketed by police:

"It's funny if y'all actually knew the story. I didn't receive free tattoos. I took money which I'm dealing w my wrongdoings."Â

Pryor deleted that Tweet quickly, probably when scolded by Ohio State. He, or the school, would be wise to delete his entire Twitter account, because it seldom paints him or the football program in a flattering light.

If Pryor thinks scouts don't pay attention to that stuff, he's wrong, as he surely was last year to complain about what he might do in an offense where he is the focal point.

"You put me in any of their offenses,"Â Pryor said of Michigan's Denard Robinson and Auburn's
Cameron Newton, "where I can run the ball and have a chance to throw, and I would dominate college football."Â

Pryor, of course, is in just such an offense.

It‘s what he wanted when he chose Ohio State over Oregon and Michigan. Pryor said the Buckeyes' scheme would better prepare him to become an NFL quarterback.

The time is growing short for him to be proven right about that.
Here is what they say about Newton going to Carolina.


Asked on Tuesday's SportsCenter to put a
percentage on the chances the Panthers take Cam Newton with the No. 1
overall pick, ESPN's Adam Schefter replied, "80 percent."

Schefter pointed to the amount of time Carolina has
invested in Newton, as well as the need for a difference-making
quarterback in a division of Drew Brees, Matt Ryan, and Josh Freeman.
Schefter also predicted that, if Newton does fall past the No. 1 overall
pick, he won't get by Buffalo at No. 3. So good news, draftniks: Your
mocks won't be ruined if the Panthers pass on Cam.
Here is the best case scenario for the afflete. He plays half decent, with an upgraded receiving corps of course, and is labeled a superstar after one season. I predict he struggles and after 5 years or so they give up on him.

Edited by: whiteathlete33
I truely wonder how much interest teams have in Newton or is the media purely behind this all?
American Freedom News