Everyone knows about the ten year old one referring to the lips of the players union head, but what about all these other ones that were unearthed. Supposedly the New York Times had a story about it today, but I'd like to actually read what Gruden is accused of writing before passing judgment.
A month or so ago, Mike Richards the director of Jeopardy, was going to become the permanent host until he was accused of "misogyny" (one of those ridiculous words used indiscriminately to the point it has no real meaning) and racism dating to some remarks he made a decade ago, but I never did read anywhere what he allegedly said that was so offensive to the snowflake totalitarians.
Well said. They truly are awful people, but they are lucky, they have made up words the "conservatives" take seriously. An old racial joke was if you wanted to stop a group of black men from raping a white woman you threw them a basketball, well if you wanted to turn right wing intellectuals and hard right tough talkers into navel gazing groupies to the establishment you throw them a word with "ism" at the end, if you wanted to turn them into pants wetters you labeled them with a word ending in an "ist" and if you wanted to justify this psychological cruelty you diagnosed them with a "phobia."
Maycock is next is my bet.