I know this thread's been "hijacked," but here's another tidbit about Christian to help people who are just learning about the caste system understand that it's been in place for a long time now in the NFL. In 1995 Christian gained 158 yards rushing while a member of the Carolina Panthers, or roughly 10 percent of what the leaders at running back get in a season. That paltry tally was obtained by getting all of two or three rushing attempts per game.
That was the most yards by any white "running back" in the NFL that year. Alstott was a rookie the next season and he has been the perennial "leader" among white running backs ever since, if it can be called that, though he of course is only a part-time ball carrier at best and is near the end of his career. After Alstott, the next white leader may be. . . Dan Kreider, or maybe an aging Rob Konrad, with say 15 rushing yards for the year. How low will it go? Maybe all the way to zero.