Bruce will play this year and maybe next, anything after that would surprise me. He has gotten worse since Warner left. I wouldn't be surprised if Curtis was starting by week 4.
I thought you guys would be interested in that in my fantasy draft (auction league with a $400 cap) Bennett went for the 18th highest price of the WRs, while Stokley went for the 20th highest price. I got Bennett, but was outbid on Stokley. Kevin Curtis wasn't drafted, but I got Matt Jones for a minimum $1 bid late in the draft. After remembering Curtis on this thread, I might pick him up on a waiver move. Here is the top 20 wideouts in my league by price, I am the ******** (This draft was held in Cleveland, hence the Browns guys going for a lot.)
Moss, Randy:WR:OAK:SmokeyMcPots:160
Owens, Terrell:WR

Harrison, Marvin:WR:IND:Knights:86
Johnson, Chad:WR:CIN:Mullahs:82
Holt, Torry:WR:STL:Germ:80
Burleson, Nate:WR:MIN:KillerWeeds:75
Horn, Joe:WR:NOR:Blasters:69
Walker, Javon:WR:GNB:Mullahs:45
Porter, Jerry:WR:OAK:Bukkake:35
Smith, Steve:WR:CAR:Blasters:33
Bruce, Isaac:WR:STL:Buckeyes:32
Jackson, Darrell:WR:SEA:Mullahs:30
Ward, Hines:WR

Edwards, Braylon:WR:CLE:********:26
Wayne, Reggie:WR:IND:Germ:26
Fitzgerald, Larry:WR:ARI:Bukkake:25
Johnson, Andre:WR:HST:Germ:23
Bennett, Drew:WR:TEN:********:21
Bryant, Antonio:WR:CLE:Mexicans:21
Stokley, Brandon:WR:IND:Mexicans:20
Edited by: JoeV