Kelly Pavlik

TJR are you sure this guy "Joe Strong" is a DWF? Man if he is we got problems. It will take years to destroy the myths propagated by whites to a substantial degree. It is truely unbelievable how whites have almost gladly seceeded their power and esteem to the affelets and crafty jews.
TJR it is dummy/whimps like this DWF that I hope Kelly steam rolls P. Williams. Serve up William head on a silver platter to the DWFs, negros and jews, and say take that!
Kelly Pavlik vs. Paul Williams is a GREAT matchup! It should be an entertaining one because both are aggressive and have high work rates.

This is obviously a very important fight - it's for the linear, Ring, WBC and WBO middleweight titles. I expect Kelly will be back to his best form.

War Pavlik!
This is a huge fight. If Kelly wins he will establish himself again as a top 5 P4P fighter. I just hope he doesnt come out flat like with Hopkins.
The puffed up Williams will not be able to bring enough power to the fight, nor will he be able to handle Kelly's rights. Yes, Williams will hit Pavlik, however, when there is an exchange, it will be a loosing proposition for Williams who will ultimately be knocked out by Pavlik.
I sure hope so WhiteNoise. This is the biggest fight of Kelly's career. It is even bigger than the Hopkins fight. A loss would be devastating.
Williams reminds me of a Hearns type of fighter. Lanky, good body shots (due to long arms) and decent jab. All of which work in his favor as long as the competition is shorter and slower. Pavlik is a superior oponenet due to his stature, skills and POWER!

I suspect that Williams just like Sad Intentions Taylor has not felt punches like Kelly's before and will wilt under the pressure.Do not fear, the Ghost will win.
The good thing is that Kelly is fighting at 160lbs where he looks unstoppable. Williams will be at the disadvantage going up in weight.
They say " You can't take the power with you." I agree that the advantage is with Kelly.
Guys I think your being overly concerned about Williams. Sure he is a world class fighter. He deserves where he is now. He has fought a good level of opposition. But none of the opponents he has beaten bring the power and stamina that Kelly does at 160 lbs does, especially when Kelly is not ill as Dan Raphael(ESPN) has attested to the night before the Hopkins debacle. You think Margarito, Phillips or any other welterweight/junior middleweight hits as hard as Kelly? No way! Once in the ring, Williams will feel the truth and realize he is in for a beating.

I see this fight competive for the 1st 4 rounds then the beat down will commence. It will be over with a TKO in the 7th or 8th round. Remember the Margarito fight, he almost lost that fight to a slow welterweight. This is a important fight. If Kelly wins, he is back on top and in the top five PFP rankings. I am glad the Kelly Management followed my advice and picked Williams. I can't wait for this fight.
I think Kelly can win this fight but I hope we don't see the same thing that happened in the Hopkins fight. Again I think Kelly will be in top form as he is fighting at his weight of 160 where he is unstoppable. Williams is at a disadvantage because he is going up in weight. Williams does have a reach advatage though.
I think the rumors about Kelly having a drinking problem are untrue. I wasn't able to find much except an article or two regarding this issue. I have a feeling someone is just looking for publicity by posting these articles.
I agree and hope that he can continue to dominate the middleweight division against Williams. I am hopeful that Kelly's punching power will carry the fight against a guy moving up in weight.
By listening to him, he doesn't appear to have any drinking problems. I see Kelly stopping Williams in the 7th or 8th round. KO style.
What also is a good sign is that he appears to be in fighting shap now.
This is going to be a huge fight, in regards to hype, caste angles and so forth.
There are a lot myths about drinking and boxing. Really the only problem with it is that it will cause you to gain an unnatural amount of weight in between fights. I can name at least 4 or 5 famous boxers that were basically alcoholics and it probably never affected their careers(performance wise). I can also name a few where they never could maintain a good weight and ballooned crazily because of it.
Ricky Hatton has a major drinking problem and he had a very successful career. His fighting weight is 140 lbs but in between fights he balloons up to 180. That is an absurd amount of weight to gain in between fights.
Ricky short changed his career by excessive drinking when it mattered most and how his legacy will be viewed. . When you abuse it the way he has, it messes up you mind and reflexes. There is no way in hell a guy who stands about 507 or an inch shorter should ballon up to 180 lbs then shed all of that fat and get down to 140 lbs and expect to beat elite fighters at the highest level. I hate Mayflower, but I do suspect he is ultra discipline in maintaining a good walking around weight i.e.; 150 lbs. Ricky ruined himself by his infamous drinking binges. WIS I will have to differ with you on this.
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