Kelly Pavlik

whiteCB said:
whiteathlete33 said:
I fully expect him to be in TOP shape. I'll go with a Pavlik 6th Rd KO.


Haha oh well it was a 9th round TKO. HWe all miss guess here and there lol. Anyways Youngstown was ALIVE! for at least one night and the city got a much needed jolt! On a side note for anyone who has never been through Youngstown the city is a MESS. I mean boarded up buildings on every corner and shut down factories with holes through every window imaginable. It's the anti-christ of a post card city, if you will. So anyways congrats to Kelly and a round of applause to Youngstown for having a great night. One to remember for a long time!
whiteCB said:
whiteCB said:
whiteathlete33 said:
I fully expect him to be in TOP shape. I'll go with a Pavlik 6th Rd KO.


Haha oh well it was a 9th round TKO. HWe all miss guess here and there lol. Anyways Youngstown was ALIVE! for at least one night and the city got a much needed jolt! On a side note for anyone who has never been through Youngstown the city is a MESS. I mean boarded up buildings on every corner and shut down factories with holes through every window imaginable. It's the anti-christ of a post card city, if you will. So anyways congrats to Kelly and a round of applause to Youngstown for having a great night. One to remember for a long time!
Kelly Pavlik gave the city of Youngstown what it didn't have for 25+ years, a world title fight. The fact that Pavlik won in great fashion gave the messed up city a much needed jolt in these very hard times. Kelly gave back what the city has always given him, a show of loyalty and respect. Youngstown will forever be thankful to Pavlik, and vice versa.
I have to admit, I hate to see them fight each other. I always hate when 2 great whites fight. Knowing that after this Kelly might have 2 defeats, or Abraham might have 1 kindda bothers me. Im more of a Pavlik fan, so Ill root for him. Abraham is a beast though, and I cant even pick this bout. This could very well be the fight of the year, or better.
I would hate for either of them to lose, but I will have to root for Kelly. even though I think Abraham will win because of his style. I'm going to say it will go the twelve round with the winner by spilt decision. it's going to be a great fight, but I'd rather see these guys pummel some black fighters instead.
I don't like to see two white warriors killing each other. Either way, both will come out of that fight with a pound of flesh from the other. I will root for Kelly Pavlik, however, due to his destruction of "Sad Intentions" Taylor x2.
I won't be rooting for either.

May the best man win, and then go on to KO more of the sub-Saharan Africans, and put an end to the racist myth about their "superior athleticism".
May the best man win!

I like and respect King Arthur, but I'll go with Pavlik, 'cause he's White American (very rare in boxing).
I would love to see him fight either one. Unification! The winner of either fight would have three belts. Not too shabby.
BD regarding your article, the fight that makes most sense right now as well as noteriety is Kelly vs Felix. If Kelly wins he collects another belt and further estblishes himself as the man in the middleweight division. Comparing the four mentioned it also means a good payday if Kelly travels to Germany which he should do to get world wide exposure. If he beats Felix, which he should then target Pual Williams.

A fight between Kelly and William here would be huge. Especially when the MSM starts in with the black vs white thing, then shortly after the caste ass clowns begin to weigh their misguided two cents in. That is the fight I am waiting for. If I am his manager this would the be the road to travel in 2009 and 2010.
West, while a fight with Sturm does get him world wide exposure, I would rather see him dust Winky Wright. Wright has little punch in his gloves and beating him provides the same stepping board for a scrap with Paul Williams. Williams is big at welterweight and junior middle, but at middle he'd lose the reach advantage against Kelly. Either way though, Kelly beats all of them I think.
Maple Leaf I will have to respectfully disagree with you for the first time. Fighting Winky would be smaller scale debacle such as the Bopkins fight. A no win situation especially if he loses. He should travel to Europe, beat down the pretender Sturm. Come back to America and start the hype for Williams. Winky got slapped around by Williams. He may have one more great fight in him. I don't want Kelly to be the victim of it for such a low payday. I say stay away from Winky, beat Sturm, then kill Williams.
I agree, Westside. Williams and Sturm are his best options. It's too bad they're not considering Williams for now, and Sturm for later, given that Sturm had a fight much more recently. That should be more doable. But those are the best possible fights for him.
New Alert!!! According to ESPN Dan Raphael, Pavlik's management has tendered a contract to Pual Williams. All Paul has to do is sign the contract. I suspect Williams is seriously considering not fighting Kelly now. I also suspect Williams will pull a Haye sign the contract then pull out.

If Williams does have the courage to follow through on fighting Kelly, this is one fight that will make my mouth water. The hype, build up, white vs black, the caste ass clowns. Most will be hoping for Williams to win, then, BAM, Kelly KO's Williams is destructive fashion, ala the first fight with Taylor. I can not wait for this fight. Forget Strum, bring on the next great black affelet.
this would be great, I'll have to keep my fingers crossed!
It could be a fight of the year candidate. Supposedly Williams is balking at the purse offer. So this fight will probably have to stew for a while. I hope it comes off. But business always seems to get in the way of fighting.
I hope he knocks Williams out. That will definitely silence his critics who have came out post Hopkins. If you read a few of the boxing forums that are out there you'll see that Kelly is getting the Gerry Cooney treatment. Where an exciting white American boxer has tons of fans even DWFs but when he suddenly loses everyone turns against him. Now all of a sudden Kelly's a bum and can't fight and so on. It's disgusting how many so called Pavlik fans have turned on him. But that will only make the win over Williams that much sweeter

He's had some bad publicity as of late

Ohio man claims he was assaulted by boxer Pavlik and his trainer

Kelly Pavlik, Jack Loew Involved in Minor Pub Tussle

No evidence Pavlik assaulted man in bar
I sure hope Kelly takes care of business with Williams. Another Hopkins type loss would be devastating for his career. I much prefer him fighting Williams than Abraham or Sturm though.
Parody said:

Would one of you guys who is registered go to the boxingscene forum (just click on the comment section from the link above) to respond to that idiot Joe Strong. He said Vatali has "no legacy" and "beats up fat out of shape nobodies". Joe "Weak" is a pure DWF.

He says that Vatali lost to anybody with talent like Lennox Lewis- which he technically did, but he clearly was kicking Lewis' ass that fight until Lewis kept punching the same spot. The fight was stopped due to the bad cut on Vatali's eye. Lewis took the easy way out of that fight and kept hacking away at Vatali's cut with his glove. Someone should alert this a$$hole Joe Weak to that fact! I'm sick and tired of these losers. The Klitchkos ruling the heavyweight division for years proves nothing to these no brains that they have superior talent.

I guess all the big black supermen are defensive ends in the NFL right? Black Supermen just have no interest in participating in the sport that is their best sport>>"Boxing is my chosen sport "dawg", but my superior black skin will guarantee that I will be a good DE also, so I am completely giving up boxing (despite the money) and spending years trying to make it on the gridiron"

My response: "hahahaha!"
TOUGHJ, there are several hundred professional black heavyweights. Boxrec lists 1000 or so proffesionals and many of those are black. I can tell by the names. It is not that they aren't competing.

Now I will admit Valuev is a boring fighter. Many people can say that and I agree. But the Klitschko's always put up great fights. Many other white fighters like Povetkin, Chagaev, Oleg Platov, and Dennis Boytsov also make great fights. Anyone questioning the heavyweight division at this point needs to get their head examined.Edited by: whiteathlete33
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