Joe Biden's America


Jan 16, 2022
Louis CK a true Wanker.
He certainly is that. He went on an epic anti Trump rant a few years ago. He's also had some quite anti Woke moments.

However, I don't put much weight in what he says as he's simply a comedian/entertainer. Most of them are similar and say and think outlandish, non pragmatic , head in the sky ideas. That's what creatives do. The problem in our current society is we actually pay attention to them. Theatre kids should never be elevated into positions of power..they're court jesters and nothing more.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
He certainly is that. He went on an epic anti Trump rant a few years ago. He's also had some quite anti Woke moments.

However, I don't put much weight in what he says as he's simply a comedian/entertainer. Most of them are similar and say and think outlandish, non pragmatic , head in the sky ideas. That's what creatives do. The problem in our current society is we actually pay attention to them. Theatre kids should never be elevated into positions of power..they're court jesters and nothing more.

Comedians pretty much all have the same schtick and it's so predictable and formulaic. It's all about "shock value" but with the morality of America decayed nothing is really shocking anymore despite these comedians almost always raunchy/perverse and foul. 50+ years of the same nonsense tends to get old. On top of that they are all pretty much communist - anti-White, anti-"establishment" and anti-decency (it seems quite a few comedians are early lifers) and their way of dumbing down and rotting America's soul is though "comedy".

The real joke I find these days is that all of these "artists", musicians, entertainers, actors/actresses, comedians think they are fighting against "the man" when in fact they are just useful idiots for the cultural marxists currently in control. The lack of self-awareness, group think and abandonment of free thinking is where most of my sources of humor come from these days.
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Sep 11, 2021
Louis CK isn’t funny, whether he is a flaming leftist or not.

The guy just is not funny.

Shock value comics like Dice Clay etc were still funnier than he is, but as you say nothing is really shocking anymore.

Society has been sufficiently debased to the point where trying to be outrageously offensive against conventional norms is just boring.

That’s why storytelling comics like Sebastian Maniscalco are more entertaining (though his routine is also a bit long in the tooth now, his early stuff was hilarious).
Sep 11, 2020
With that massive group of robbers, this is late June. Those people are wearing hoodies and nobody takes precautions seeing that many people in the summer outfitted like that? Where are the cops? I've seen people wearing hoodies in the Deep South in the summer, always that one particular race (although these robbers seem to have been Polys), and I am extremely wary when I see that. They are hiding.

Re: Louis CK. That guy sucks. I watched some videos of his, and when he tried to get laughs with pedophile or "ghey" jokes, usually involving himself, I had to immediately shut it down. That sick s#$t doesn't cut it with me.
Sep 11, 2020
Never liked Clay. Always thought he was a one trick pony, with that leather jacket tough guy act. Sort of like Sacha Baron Cohen, the guy who lives off of making whole groups of people (except his own) look stupid.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Our wonderful uniparty. Dan Crenshaw is up there with Kinzinger and Romney when it comes to despicable Republicans:

High-Profile Republicans Set To Appear Alongside Left-Wing Activists At Dark Money-Backed Media Festival



Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY