Joe Biden's America

We don’t need anymore white men dying on foreign soil. Let them have their majority non white tranny infested military. If for some crazy reason the mainland is invaded white men will fight.

Very well said my friend. Yes they have been killing off white christians in all of their wars. That is their number 1 goal. Brother wars. In the
Ukraine they force the men to fight with only 1 week of training as they know they are sending them into the meat grinder. They don't care!

In World War 2 in Germany alone over 20 million men, women and children died and most were not soldiers. :(
We don’t need anymore white men dying on foreign soil. Let them have their majority non white tranny infested military. If for some crazy reason the mainland is invaded white men will fight.

I wasn't recommending White men enlisting. I was stating it is part of the anti-White campaign.
If White recruits stop enlisting, it's just what the Biden regime and the Establishment wants. The idea is to drive White men out of the military. They will exult when they can boast of the U.S. Army being majority nonwhite.
Let them exult. It will be a pathetically bad fighting force Elite troops the world over are historically white guys.

I put forth the history of the Rhodesia SAS as proof. They walloped their enemies everywhere but lost the political fight. But that was in a country that’s in sub Saharan Africa with approximately 5 percent white population.

Given that many Hispanics are majority white Spaniards the real numbers are approximately 70-75 percent white in the US.

It isn’t that our boys wouldn’t be capable of need be, it’s more that they they wouldn’t be wasting their lives fighting against whoever Globohomo decides is our enemy.
The Pentagon is more and more moving away from even needing troops to fight wars. Drones, laser weapons, robot soldiers, and more are being developed. Even using nukes is now an integral part of the military's strategy in situations where it used to be unthinkable. Almost all of the many wars Washington has been waging around the world since 9/11 have been done through air power 20,000 feet up, using only a minimum number of pilots along with drones that are launched many thousands of miles away, often in Nevada and other places in the U.S. that have military installations. Troops are not needed other than the deployment of small numbers of special forces and CIA-run units. Then there's psy-war, which is the way war is mostly being conducted these days, including against the American People.

It's clear the system is determined to truly replace White men in all areas of society where they used to be essential, not just the military but in everything. The Mexicans were imported to replace the White working class and now Indians and East Asians are being imported as an overclass to replace White professionals. Doesn't mean it will necessarily be successful, but they're thinking a number of moves ahead of those who still think of war in terms of enemy armies going at it on fields of battle.
The Pentagon is more and more moving away from even needing troops to fight wars. Drones, laser weapons, robot soldiers, and more are being developed. Even using nukes is now an integral part of the military's strategy in situations where it used to be unthinkable. Almost all of the many wars Washington has been waging around the world since 9/11 have been done through air power 20,000 feet up, using only a minimum number of pilots along with drones that are launched many thousands of miles away, often in Nevada and other places in the U.S. that have military installations. Troops are not needed other than the deployment of small numbers of special forces and CIA-run units. Then there's psy-war, which is the way war is mostly being conducted these days, including against the American People.

It's clear the system is determined to truly replace White men in all areas of society where they used to be essential, not just the military but in everything. The Mexicans were imported to replace the White working class and now Indians and East Asians are being imported as an overclass to replace White professionals. Doesn't mean it will necessarily be successful, but they're thinking a number of moves ahead of those who still think of war in terms of enemy armies going at it on fields of battle.

Why is China and Russia so powerful? Demographics matter. They will be the new super powers that run the world. I don't ever want
communism but I would like to see our countries support our people. Sadly it will never happen with the current leaders. They are
doing everything to destroy the white nations forever. We must separate and create our own communities if it's not too late. When
everyone is against us it's time to be set apart. Just like with the Amish and others it can be done. The only problem is defending the
land as even they are being attacked for just wanting to be left alone.
Trump is some kind of weird entity. He says all the right things, does very few of them, and was on his smart phone when he should've been working. That guy allowed the tyrannical pharma / medical giants to dictate policy, built very little wall at the border, gave the go ahead to assassinate an Iranian general after being pressured by you know who, said hands off Hillary once he got in office, and brought into his cabinet and orbit some of the vilest people ever: Barr, Bolton, Milley, etc, and a bunch of the usual dual citizens, those people who are hired far more than their little population suggests, in just about everything.

Does the man have any friends, or does he just hire generals, admirals, nice looking women, and assorted enemies? Trump is exponentially better than that garbage who is presently in the Oval Office, but the man had his chance and blew it. His lame crap allowed that senile, old vermin to get to DC. Put it this way: I guess Trump is less owned of all the main candidates, and that's about all that can be hoped for. Another 4 years of that dim, manipulated moron and the country is as good as over. I can't see why any Democrat would even want him over RFK, JR. Biden has NO saving graces.

Lastly, Trump allowed BLM and that other bunch of communists to just trash the whole country. He didn't do anything. He could've pardoned the entire Jan 6th bunch who he invited to DC. He didn't. He just wished they were better dressed.
It's the Uniparty guys. There is no voting yourself out of this. The are 2 wings of the same bird. The sooner we wake up to that the better.
Trump is some kind of weird entity. He says all the right things, does very few of them, and was on his smart phone when he should've been working. That guy allowed the tyrannical pharma / medical giants to dictate policy, built very little wall at the border, gave the go ahead to assassinate an Iranian general after being pressured by you know who, said hands off Hillary once he got in office, and brought into his cabinet and orbit some of the vilest people ever: Barr, Bolton, Milley, etc, and a bunch of the usual dual citizens, those people who are hired far more than their little population suggests, in just about everything.

Does the man have any friends, or does he just hire generals, admirals, nice looking women, and assorted enemies? Trump is exponentially better than that garbage who is presently in the Oval Office, but the man had his chance and blew it. His lame crap allowed that senile, old vermin to get to DC. Put it this way: I guess Trump is less owned of all the main candidates, and that's about all that can be hoped for. Another 4 years of that dim, manipulated moron and the country is as good as over. I can't see why any Democrat would even want him over RFK, JR. Biden has NO saving graces.

Lastly, Trump allowed BLM and that other bunch of communists to just trash the whole country. He didn't do anything. He could've pardoned the entire Jan 6th bunch who he invited to DC. He didn't. He just wished they were better dressed.
Good write up. Summed up the paradox of Trump quite well. Sadly, he will likely be the GOP nominee again and nothing will change..
Good write up. Summed up the paradox of Trump quite well. Sadly, he will likely be the GOP nominee again and nothing will change..
For those of us who were around in the 1980s, the same held true with Ronald Reagan. Great speeches, stirring rhetoric, but he was mostly a big spending, big government "conservative" (after being a Hollywood liberal during his acting career) who ran up budget deficits that dwarfed anything previously and otherwise did very little other than talk a good game. Forty years later, after forty more years of Cultural Marxism, the Great Replacement, humongous government and all the rest, Trump was the last President who could have gone on the offensive against the Blob. He didn't, and is now paying a huge price, as is the Historic American Nation.

Looking back, Reagan may have been the last hope to "make America great again," but given how the uniparty has pretty much been in place since the War Between the States, even that was likely asking too much. It will take a genuine opposition to bring about change, not phony politicians and deceptive rhetoric, and now the system is going all out to make sure even a Trump-like politician never emerges again.
^^ Was far too young for Reagan's time but, I had always noted a disconnect between how Conservative INC. revers Reagan and how destructive his policies were. Many have stated that Reagan is single handedly responsible for turning Cali permanently Blue with his pro immigration/amnesty moves.
^^ Was far too young for Reagan's time but, I had always noted a disconnect between how Conservative INC. revers Reagan and how destructive his policies were. Many have stated that Reagan is single handedly responsible for turning Cali permanently Blue with his pro immigration/amnesty moves.
What is most striking to me is that the implementation of The Great Replacement increased exponentially from the time Trump won the 2016 election, only increasing in pace and velocity to this very day. But Trump has never even mentioned The Great Replacement, nor have almost all other "conservative" Republicans at all levels. If they're afraid to even mention it, afraid of the consequences -- and the system will indeed go full throttle after anyone who does -- then they are not genuine opposition.

Tucker Carlson virtually alone among well-known public figures frequently mentions The Great Replacement and it only made him more popular and influential. The genuine opposition in this country among public figures is all but non-existent even after over two and a half years of the "Joe Biden" junta. But a helluva lot of Americans are figuring things out, which gives hope, but not a lot.
What is most striking to me is that the implementation of The Great Replacement increased exponentially from the time Trump won the 2016 election, only increasing in pace and velocity to this very day. But Trump has never even mentioned The Great Replacement, nor have almost all other "conservative" Republicans at all levels. If they're afraid to even mention it, afraid of the consequences -- and the system will indeed go full throttle after anyone who does -- then they are not genuine opposition.

Tucker Carlson virtually alone among well-known public figures frequently mentions The Great Replacement and it only made him more popular and influential. The genuine opposition in this country among public figures is all but non-existent even after over two and a half years of the "Joe Biden" junta. But a helluva lot of Americans are figuring things out, which gives hope, but not a lot.

Yes Tucker Carlson has mentioned in and I salute him for that. Andrew Torba has also talked about it alot. We need more push back
than just these few guys. I could see either of these 2 running for president in 2028. I prefer Torba but would be happy either way. Unless
of course you want to run Don. I will be your campaign manager. :p
Yes Tucker Carlson has mentioned in and I salute him for that. Andrew Torba has also talked about it alot. We need more push back
than just these few guys. I could see either of these 2 running for president in 2028. I prefer Torba but would be happy either way. Unless
of course you want to run Don. I will be your campaign manager. :p
You would be too controversial ;) Flint and others would be working with the Dems and RINOs to defeat me.
You would be too controversial ;) Flint and others would be working with the Dems and RINOs to defeat me.

This is true. The life of being a truther. Conspiracy is a term that was invented by one of our 3 letter agencies to keep
people from getting too close to the truth. REAL EYES realize LIES.
When Barack HUSSEIN Obama won in 2008, I remember thinking that this was a collective act from the boomer moderates. They just wanted to diffuse the whole "racism" thing once and for all, and how better than to vote up this house negro? Our endless war in Afghanistan wasn't covered by our news, and the supreme transferal of power to homosexuals certainly wasn't quite established yet, at that point.

When I talk to someone about my religiosity, I might be inclined to bring up the 'Vatican II' doctrine and explain how I naturally fall more in line with the way the Catholic church. I like the SSPX offshoot and often listen to such sermons - I try to do it weekly!

"Voting" as a whole kit and kaboodle is so "sacred" that it's LUDICROUS to ask about it! It's all so tiresome. Yeah, at 3am, the Biden votes got insta-spikes from the "mail-in" voters that were finally counted at the end of the day. If you believe that, you believe that more blacks voted for Joe Biden than Barack Hussein Obama, the Michael Jordan of the black political community.

I'll repeat it again. If you believe Joe Biden won the election, you believe that more blacks voted for him that Barack HUSSEIN Obama.

I will certainly call you stupid and retarded if you post that on a message board in my proverbial small town! The reality is that almost all of my family got vaxxed and seems to be accepting the Gay Empire. It's a culture war for sure, and we need to find the root.
When Barack HUSSEIN Obama won in 2008, I remember thinking that this was a collective act from the boomer moderates. They just wanted to diffuse the whole "racism" thing once and for all, and how better than to vote up this house negro? Our endless war in Afghanistan wasn't covered by our news, and the supreme transferal of power to homosexuals certainly wasn't quite established yet, at that point.

When I talk to someone about my religiosity, I might be inclined to bring up the 'Vatican II' doctrine and explain how I naturally fall more in line with the way the Catholic church. I like the SSPX offshoot and often listen to such sermons - I try to do it weekly!

"Voting" as a whole kit and kaboodle is so "sacred" that it's LUDICROUS to ask about it! It's all so tiresome. Yeah, at 3am, the Biden votes got insta-spikes from the "mail-in" voters that were finally counted at the end of the day. If you believe that, you believe that more blacks voted for Joe Biden than Barack Hussein Obama, the Michael Jordan of the black political community.

I'll repeat it again. If you believe Joe Biden won the election, you believe that more blacks voted for him that Barack HUSSEIN Obama.

I will certainly call you stupid and retarded if you post that on a message board in my proverbial small town! The reality is that almost all of my family got vaxxed and seems to be accepting the Gay Empire. It's a culture war for sure, and we need to find the root.

When Obama won in 2008, the "anti-war" talk from the Left disappeared overnight. It was like the considerable (during the 80s) agitation concerning the Homeless was never heard again after Clinton won in 1992.
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