Joe Biden's America

Much as I hate old dudes riding bikes on the street, it’s pretty horrible. Things is weren’t these idiots actually white?
the youffs were definitely diversities. only the most vibrant of cultural enrichers could provide that much cultural enrichment to ol’ Whitey.
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The Great Rodham needs to get with Madonna and find out what her anti-aging regimen is, whether she needs more virginal blood infusions, more virginal sacrifices, plastic surgery, coven spells, or even brand new organs and electronic parts like Henry Kissinger.
The Great Rodham needs to get with Madonna and find out what her anti-aging regimen is, whether she needs more virginal blood infusions, more virginal sacrifices, plastic surgery, coven spells, or even brand new organs and electronic parts like Henry Kissinger.
Don't know if your reference to Madonna is tongue in cheek or not, but Madonna is yet another example of a celebrity trying to remain young looking and paying the price. Women who age gracefully are much more attractive than those who are filled with Botox and who undergo endless plastic surgeries. Here's the latest picture of Madonna:


Corporate America’s Economic War on Whites​

-An abysmal 6% of new corporate hires were White in the post-George Floyd era​

More and more Whites are waking up to the rampant anti-Whiteism on a daily basis. The blatant obvious discrimination that is sanctioned and accepted which is part of the Great Replacement. I try to use this as a silver lining and realization that the pendulum (albeit slowly) is going to start swinging the other way. Once the uniparty is firmly entrenched it will start getting very interesting.
We’ve no choice but a parallel economy/society

YES, YES and HELL YEAH! The Parallel Economy is the only alternative You have to build another type system as they will never change theirs.
It needs to be done very quickly as that is the only way humanity will survive without bowing down to the n.w.o. enslavers.

It's been the UNIPARTY for decades. It took me a long time to wake up but I started back around 2000. Voting only really makes
a huge difference locally as they are two wings of the same bird. It's a two headed snake eating itself and everyone around it.
Scott Greer is one of the best cutting edge thinkers/writers out there. Some here will likely disagree with this article but the "Joe Rogan voters" are the ones we should be aiming to educate further, and that can't be done by continuing to try the failed tactic of hoping for a miraculous White racial awakening that isn't going to happen, certainly not along the lines being pushed for the past 60 years.

The times call for much more astute, original and pragmatic strategies, strategies that can make inroads in the public consciousness and be part of the ongoing discussion even if initially only on the margins rather than being confined to tiny internet echo chambers (ghettos) that are inhabited by as many paid and unpaid trolls and idiots as sincere believers.

Scott Greer is one of the best cutting edge thinkers/writers out there. Some here will likely disagree with this article but the "Joe Rogan voters" are the ones we should be aiming to educate further, and that can't be done by continuing to try the failed tactic of hoping for a miraculous White racial awakening that isn't going to happen, certainly not along the lines being pushed for the past 60 years.

The times call for much more astute, original and pragmatic strategies, strategies that can make inroads in the public consciousness and be part of the ongoing discussion even if initially only on the margins rather than being confined to tiny internet echo chambers (ghettos) that are inhabited by as many paid and unpaid trolls and idiots as sincere believers.

Interesting article. I feel like the "Rogan Voter" predates his podcast and online popularity, with Ron Paul's libertarianism, Bernie Sanders "democratic socialism" and Trump's soft-nationalist MAGA movement all taking significant portions of this demographic at various times. In fact, I know several people who have gone through that exact pipeline, and they are absolutely the types who listen to Rogan.

Key takeaway, this group is ideologically flexible and is mostly anchored by anti-establisment sentiment, a somewhat conspiratorial worldview and, quite frankly, charismatic leaders. I don't think this group is as monolithic as the author paints, but in general I know who he's talking about. They can certainly be won over, but it would probably take a popular online figure to start pushing ideas tactfully enough to avoid getting deplatformed immediately.

One area I have to disagree with him on is the idea that "many normiecons" ( which I assume refers young Ben Shapiro types, and to a lesser extent Fox News boomers) are concerned with things like demographic replacement. This group is far more concerned about "wokeness", "socialism", and "the Democrats" than anything else.

The Daily Wire, Steven Crowder, Turning Point, and all the other new right wing media groups are essentially "controlled opposition" in the same way Fox News is. Ben Shapiro, whose company dominates Gen Z rightwing media, said he's "not concerned with the browning of America, ideology is what matters". This is the mindset of most of his listeners.

These "normiecons", many of whom are also Rogan listeners, are the ripest demographic if you ask me. They are already 90% of the way there. The real question is how to go about getting them to take the next step.
Thoughtful post. How to get from here to there is the great question that no one has solved going back generations. Ben Wattenberg, an early neo-con, used to brag about America becoming the first "universal nation." That phrase isn't used anymore but that's where we are now. The architects and pushers of The Great Replacement have carried the day while White America slept and mostly continues to because it lacks leadership and sufficent motivation among those who aren't sleeping.

Those who are racially aware -- of all different races and religions -- who want their group and its traditions and ways of life to survive and eventually thrive need to form alliances and coalitions with "others" in order to preserve themselves because the old White America is gone forever. The tipping point of Whites "rising up" to go back to some idyllic past demographically has passed, barring some cataclysm (that doomsayers have been predicting my entire life).

Some combination of Rogan, Carlson and possibly Alex Jones (I've never been a fan but recognize what he's accomplished) has a ton of followers, who can accomplish a lot -- if organized effectively. And that's the key, organization, which is something I've been pointing out over and over. We have a lot of people who bitch and moan but who are still unwilling to do anything themselves. And until that changes I see very little changing in a positive direction. We need leadership and effective, positive oriented organization that promotes unity against the "elites" at the top rather than discord and hatred amongst different groups. And most of the heavy lifting is going to have to be done the way the left does it -- in "real life," not by typing on keyboards and thinking that will get the job done.
With tomorrow being election day in philly for mayor, city council and judges I am being subjected to constant political commercials. What I see as the mark of a vile society is so many candidates are promoting being “pro-choice” and attacking candidates who are “anti abortion”! So now arguing you will support a woman killing her child is seen as a winning issue! No wonder God has forsaken this evil nation
The Nashville authorities ae more concerned about the release of the three pages than they are about the contents. They don't appear bothered much by the killer's motivation. And they flat out lied by claiming there was "no political content" in the killer's writing.

Tennessee is a Red state but Nashville is not. Some Tennesseans refer to Nashville as "Nashvegas."
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss:

Lol this is the clown that has an adopted black son.. A virtue signaling republicuck. Business as usual .
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