Joe Biden's America

White heterosexual christian males are the enemy of the n.w.o. All they push is filth. Part of their goals is to destroy family, marraige,
religion, nationalism, etc. etc. It was even said by many high up leaders and it's on record that no one will be part of the new world order
without first taking an oath to serve Satan. Yes this is 100 percent true. Love what you said Hock. many women that hate men will cry, bitch
and moan when they need us and when we are not there as we've been caste aside. As the saying goes, be careful what you wish for.

At that point they just do what they always do. Cry to a guy for help. How many modern American women can drive a manual transmission car? Change a flat? Repair a sink? It’s not many.

If they aren’t romantically involved they just call their dad.
Sickening. This happened in Las Vegas. The bicyclist was a 64 year old man who died shortly thereafter:

Sickening. This happened in Las Vegas. The bicyclist was a 64 year old man who died shortly thereafter:

And they captured on video. How idiotic. Can only hope they are caught by their own stupidity, but statistically that seems unlikely
Much as I hate old dudes riding bikes on the street, it’s pretty horrible. Things is weren’t these idiots actually white?
If you want to know why government schools have become little more than communist/globalist/grooming indoctrination centers, the country's largest teachers' union has repeatedly elected this piece of crap as its head since 2008:

The Gateway Pundit has a lot of interesting articles and is unafraid to go after the ultra-corrupt Biden administration, but articles like these show how ignorant and useless "conservatives" are most of the time, part of the problem rather than part of the solution. Deion Sanders is unabashedly praised and Trump's pardon of a rapper is credited for allowing him to sing as the Buffaloes came through the tunnel. Trump didn't pardon people like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, but pardon "Lil Wayne" -- no problem.

The Gateway Pundit has a lot of interesting articles and is unafraid to go after the ultra-corrupt Biden administration, but articles like these show how ignorant and useless "conservatives" are most of the time, part of the problem rather than part of the solution. Deion Sanders is unabashedly praised and Trump's pardon of a rapper is credited for allowing him to sing as the Buffaloes came through the tunnel. Trump didn't pardon people like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, but pardon "Lil Wayne" -- no problem.

Nice illustration of cuckservative Inc on display
Trump also pardoned another black rapper that was headed to prison in Sweden. On top of that he pardoned a Hasidic Jew conman.. Paired that with Operation Warp Speed and letting J6 people rot, not pretty. Why I’m Blackpilled on politics. No one represents working class whites.
Much as I hate old dudes riding bikes on the street, it’s pretty horrible. Things is weren’t these idiots actually white?
Of course they weren't White. Did you listen to the audio, whatever language that was they were speaking?

The victim was a retired police chief. Here's more, including another video of Blacks stomping a helpless White:

The Gateway Pundit has a lot of interesting articles and is unafraid to go after the ultra-corrupt Biden administration, but articles like these show how ignorant and useless "conservatives" are most of the time, part of the problem rather than part of the solution. Deion Sanders is unabashedly praised and Trump's pardon of a rapper is credited for allowing him to sing as the Buffaloes came through the tunnel. Trump didn't pardon people like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, but pardon "Lil Wayne" -- no problem.

I saw that article. It's typical Trump being Trump. I believe his candidacy will lead to defeat, even if by a miracle he wins. He would be a 78-year old lame duck. And he would be doing the same stupid pardons, etc.

Las Vegas teen expected ‘slap on the wrist’ for hitting, killing cyclist: ‘I’ll be out in 30 days, I’ll bet you’​

Anchor baby shows no remorse. Surprise surprise.
The family of the former police chief murdered by the two Vegas "teens" are from the Reginald Denny school of White self-loathing. The daughter released a statement saying: "We as a family in no way feel that Andy’s murder was based on race or profession. It was a random act of violence. We ask you to not politicize or use Andy’s murder to fuel political agendas or to create cultural wars."

Here's a good article about this trend:
The family of the former police chief murdered by the two Vegas "teens" are from the Reginald Denny school of White self-loathing. The daughter released a statement saying: "We as a family in no way feel that Andy’s murder was based on race or profession. It was a random act of violence. We ask you to not politicize or use Andy’s murder to fuel political agendas or to create cultural wars."

Here's a good article about this trend:

I am not sure if you use Facebook or not but some of the white propaganda on there is shocking even for those of us here who are racially aware. Literally thousands of comments calling us white devils, mutants, etc snd the drunk white liberals continue to make excuses for them.
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Good thing Orange Man followed through in his promise to lock her up! Peaceful separation is the only option we have left.
i think peaceful separation is the best option, but it’s certainly not the only one … the others are far uglier, as history has shown.
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