Jewish Harvard Professor Urges White Male Students To Commit Suicide

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
This was last year, but I didn't see it until today.



By Ivan Fernando

“If you are a white male, you don’t deserve to live. You are a cancer, you’re a disease, white males have never contributed anything positive to the world!
They only murder, exploit and oppress non-whites! At least a white woman can have sex with a black man and make a brown baby but what can a white male do? He’s good for nothing. Slavery, genocides against aboriginal peoples and massive land confiscation, the inquisition, the holocaust, white males are all to blame! You maintain your white male privilege only by oppressing, discriminating against and enslaving others!” Professor Noel Ignatiev, a tenured professor at Massachusetts College loudly proclaimed to his class last Monday, his final teaching day before retirement.

The good Professor’s sound and reasonable words resonate with every enlightened and progressive mind. They are indisputable and no one can debate them. They should not be controversial in the slightest, yet remarkably a few far-right extremists object to Prof. Ignatiev’s advice. The Professor however, reported receiving “a standing ovation” from his “largely white and middle class students.” Prof. Ignatiev’s critics say that openly calling for students, even if they are white males, to kill themselves was inappropriate and perhaps excessive. In this article, we will look at the other side of the issue.

Fortunately, I was able to arrange a telephone interview with the professor. I felt he deserved a chance to tell his side of the story. A side that our radical and racist far-right media refuse to report. The transcript of our dialogue follows below:

Ivan Fernando: I want to thank you for agreeing to this interview. It’s a pleasure to be able to talk to an esteemed academic of your calibre and impressive credentials.

Prof. Ignatiev: Thank you. I am happy to talk with you today.

Ivan Fernando: I understand that a few people objected to your advice to your white male students on your last day of teaching. Why do you think that is?

Prof. Ignatiev: I chalk it all up to white supremacist attitudes. The goal of destroying the white race is simply so desirable, it boggles the mind trying to understand how anyone could possibly object to it.

Those who object to my advice, knowingly or perhaps unknowingly, are themselves white supremacists. They wish to go on oppressing and exploiting other races and maintaining their own privileged positions of power. That is the conscious and sometimes subconscious motivation of all of my critics. That is why they object to destroying the cancer of humanity known as the white race. That ugly disease, which dares to call itself a people and a culture.

Ivan Fernando: All whites, or just white males should commit suicide?

Prof. Ignatiev: Obviously, all whites need to be destroyed, but why not start with white males? They are behind most of history’s greatest atrocities. Besides, some of the brothers like to bang white women. Eventually white women can breed out, but my feeling is that if you are a white male, you should kill yourself now. If you are a thoughtful person, with a social consciousness who considers himself white, you will consider suicide. It’s the right thing to do. Let me read you an e-mail that I received today from a xenophobic white-supremacist.

“I’m not a racist, in fact I am an avowed anti-racist, I just think calling for all white males to kill themselves is extreme. When you say that every white person is bad or advocate violence against them, it sounds almost as though you are becoming a kind of racist yourself. You say it is good for everyone to be proud of their culture. Blacks, Mexicans and everyone else. Why should whites be the only exception? For the sake of argument, supposing whites have wronged many other races historically. Should we punish people today for their ancestor’s sins? Today minorities have affirmative action and generous social welfare programs to protect them. Can we really say that most whites are racist now or that the government is? Should Blacks who descend from Blacks who owned or sold slaves feel guilty and be punished for ancestral wrongs?”

Ivan Fernando: Wow. (laughter)

Prof. Ignatiev: I know, mind boggling. What an absurd and irrational line of reasoning. They just throw logic out the window entirely. It’s impossible to dialogue with these people. Notice the blind and irrational hatred behind every word! No one has committed violence, genocide and dispossession on the level of white males. The whole purpose of white male culture is to perpetuate their privileged status and continue their oppression of non-whites. Whites don’t have a culture like other races in which traditions and customs are preserved as an expression of a common identity. White culture is an entirely economic and social culture which is about shutting out other people deemed “non-white” as a means of preventing their social and economic advancement! In other words all of ‘white culture’ so-called, stems from hatred of the other, unlike other ethnicities which do have cultures. White people are a disease, they are parasites! They don’t deserve to live!

Ivan Fernando: Yes, Absolutely, could you give us some examples though for our readers, regarding the racist nature of white culture.

Prof. Ignatiev: Columbus Day, whites literally celebrate the genocide of non-whites, delighting in it. Thanksgiving Day. Whites honour the Pilgrims who gave Native Americans blankets deliberately infected with small pox to kill their babies. Yeah, it is about being thankful, thankful that whites butchered most Native Americans so they could steal their land and establish a racist society based on white male privilege! Christmas is also racist. Should I go on?

Ivan Fernando: Please do.

Prof. Ignatiev: The idea of celebrating the birth of a middle eastern Semite, yet portraying him as a Nordic white person in visual art is not only racist, but obscene and Anti-Semitic! Of course there is Santa Claus as well. Who is he? A bearded old white man! He lives at the North Pole, it doesn’t get whiter than that! Who works for Santa? Of course elves, diminutive, perhaps slightly brown people, with pointed ears who have been enslaved by a privileged white male. Christmas and white culture disgust me. I hate this time of year so much. I hate going outside and seeing Christmas trees or Christmas lights. They should be banned! A Christmas tree is just one notch above a burning cross in my opinion!

Ivan Fernando: What do you suggest that people do for the holidays. Especially, minority families who may feel pressured to celebrate Christmas, or other European racist holidays? Is there an alternative?

Prof Ignatiev: A great Black Professor in the 60’s came up with Kwanza, a way to celebrate African heritage. Hopefully a Mexican-American equivalent will soon be developed as another Christmas alternative.

Ivan Fernando: I am sorry, but we are starting to run low on time. Let me ask you, have you suffered any attacks personally, or received any threats for your advice to your students during your final class?

Prof. Ignatiev: (laughter) No. I haven’t. In fact all the responses I have received, except for a few e-mails have been positive. I feel vindicated. Perhaps we are finally coming to an awareness in this country that the cancer known as the white race must be obliterated. Especially in the form of white males. Obama is president, and I think there is an excellent chance that we will never have a white male president again. I think we are witnessing the breaking of the back of the white male power structure. We will still have residual white males that must be dealt with, but I am confident that we’ve won. Eventually, I would like to put white males in concentration camps and work them to death just like they’ve done to everyone else. When they are all dead we can throw a party and dance around their corpses!

Ivan Fernando: I certainly hope so. I hope you are right. If so it is the dawning of a new era of peace and progress. I apologize Professor, but we are out of time now. Thank you again, and it was a pleasure speaking with you.

Prof Ignatiev. The pleasure was mine. Thank you Ivan. I love Diversity Chronicle by the way, I recommended it to all my students. Keep up the good work!

Ivan Fernando: You are very kind Prof. Ignatiev. Thank you again and Good night.

Prof. Ignatiev: Good Night.

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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
"This was last year"

Not just last year. That zhid has been going on like that for many years now - kill whitey, exterminate the white race, kill all the doity goyim. It's just fine with the university. No problema. Reportedly the white **** in his class give him a standing ovation. I remember when Slick Willy Clinton gave a speech at a college in the Pacific northwest a few years ago and announced that white people will soon be a minority in this country. The all white audience gave him a standing ovation too.

Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
No doubt Prof. Ignatiev is a hateful soul. The disclaimer on the Diversity Chronicle website states the site is largely satirical, however. I was fooled for a time.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Harvard professor argues for 'abolishing' white race

A Harvard professor wants to abolish the white race.

Noel Ignatiev, a founder of a journal called Race Traitor and a fellow at Harvard's W.E.B. DuBois Institute, a leading black-studies department, argues in the current issue of Harvard Magazine that "abolishing the white race" is "so desirable that some may find it hard to believe" that anyone other than "committed white supremacists" would oppose it.

In excerpts appearing this week in newspapers nationwide, Mr. Ignatiev, who is white, writes that "every group within white America," including "labor unionists, ethnic groups, college students, schoolteachers, taxpayers and white women" has at one time or another "advanced its particular and narrowly defined interests at the expense of black people as a race."

Mr. Ignatiev pledges in the essay that his journal, Race Traitor, intends to "keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as 'the white race' is destroyed not 'deconstructed' but destroyed."



Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
"This was last year"

Not just last year. That zhid has been going on like that for many years now - kill whitey, exterminate the white race, kill all the doity goyim. It's just fine with the university. No problema. Reportedly the white **** in his class give him a standing ovation. I remember when Slick Willy Clinton gave a speech at a college in the Pacific northwest a few years ago and announced that white people will soon be a minority in this country. The all white audience gave him a standing ovation too.

As the great poster Werewolf mentioned, I’ve been hearing about the odious Noel Ignatiev for years. He’s cut from the same hardcore, genocide-against-whites cloth as “Anti-Racism Educators” such as Tim Wise, Alan Kors, Harvey Silverglate, and so many thousands of other Jewish college professors and “speakers” who infest positions of educational power (talk about “privilege,” Jews are the lords of nepotism) and operate completely unchallenged for decades on end. They’re all the same…uttering intransigent, deplorable racism and hatred towards all whites with every breath, at all times, whilst claiming to be the purest of “anti-racists” and the least hateful. The truth, of course, is that modern whites are the least racially-conscious race of human who’ve ever walked the earth and it’s still not good enough to satiate these detestable villains and their infinite supply of animosity.

You maintain your white male privilege only by oppressing, discriminating against and enslaving others!”

Those who object to my advice, knowingly or perhaps unknowingly, are themselves white supremacists. They wish to go on oppressing and exploiting other races and maintaining their own privileged positions of power. That is the conscious and sometimes subconscious motivation of all of my critics. That is why they object to destroying the cancer of humanity known as the white race. That ugly disease, which dares to call itself a people and a culture.

The whole purpose of white male culture is to perpetuate their privileged status and continue their oppression of non-whites. Whites don’t have a culture like other races in which traditions and customs are preserved as an expression of a common identity.

Yeah, it is about being thankful, thankful that whites butchered most Native Americans so they could steal their land and establish a racist society based on white male privilege! Christmas is also racist. Should I go on?

Who works for Santa? Of course elves, diminutive, perhaps slightly brown people, with pointed ears who have been enslaved by a privileged white male.

This Hebrew Hemorrhoid really likes the “p-word,” huh? He repeats this Big Lie despite the fact that, statistically, whites are less wealthy per capita in America than are Jews, Asians, and Indians. But that doesn’t matter, because, well, his integral bigotry against whites simply doesn’t permit him to think logically.

I’m a 28 year old German-American who was so “privileged” that I born and lived in a trailer park until my parents utilized their own “privilege” to save money for years and years and purchase a farm in rural PA. For 20+ years, I’ve been “privileged” enough to do hard labor in the field/barn with my dad to build his farm, whilst building my own small farm business over the past 4-5 years. Also, I was “privileged” enough to work other great jobs (black top layer, concrete layer, mechanic, construction worker, McDonalds, grocery store, gym, etc). Oh, and then I was so “privileged” that I received a partial athletic scholarship for football/track and attended a small college for 2 years. Then, my ubiquitous “privilege” permitted me to transfer to a state university to finish my bachelors in engineering and surveying for the paltry sum of around $35,000, which I paid for in cash to avoid debt. Now that I’m an adult with a wife and young kids, my eternal “privilege” continues to pull me through life…why, just this past week I was “privileged” enough to remove several hundred pounds of chicken manure from various pen and runs, forcing me to crawl on my stomach at times. After that, I changed oil and mounted new tires on my beater car that has over 250,000 miles and made a few bucks doing an alternator replacement for a friend. You know, when you have the great “privilege” of being covered head-to-toe in grease, you just feel so “superior.”
I'm not complaining about it, I enjoy it and I would'nt change who I am even if I won the lottery...but the point is that I know that there are millions upon millions of other white men that are every bit as “privileged” as I am.

Years ago, the great former poster, “Bart,” wrote me a PM that I always remembered and frequently utilize in arguments. Since he no longer posts at CF, here is what it said: I did a lot of back breaking manual labor jobs, and funny thing, I never saw a poor persecuted Jew who had to do that to make a living.”

I guarantee that while living in in this white society, Mr. Ignatiev has never worked a day in his life (outside of the faggorty of acadamia, that is) and that the hyprocrite utilizes objects created by whites every moment of his miserable existence. Cars, roads, houses, computers, the internet, TV, running water, electricity, indoor plumbing, medicine, and thousands upon thousands of other inventions that have increased his quality of life…



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Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
This **** pisses me off and its disgusting that whites applauded him after giving that speech. Liberalism truly is a disease of the mind and so many white idiots who cling to it with childlike naiviety aren't helping either. The complete lack of racial reality is beyond astounding. A white reawakening really needs to occur at some point. This prick Jew also needs to be dealt with. There have to be ways we can combat this. Hacking Ivy League colleges would be a good way to start.

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
White people have been cheering their coming extinction for a long time now. I couldt have been in that evil spawn of satans class. I would have gave him a piece of my mind. Everything he said about White males is true about Jewish males. Yeah, I woulda been kicked out of Harvard on that day.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
This guy deserves some lead.
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
This guy is an insecure marxist wacko. Apparently he is such a nutcase that even other Jews refuse to accept him as one of their own. He has campaigned against white privilege even within the context of Jews, Israel, and Zionism (he publicly criticized the state of Israel on a policy of "whiteness"). The guy epitomizes "extreme leftist wacko".
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
Maybe after one of his lectures on white privilege, anti-racism, and anti-sexism he (because afterall, biologically he is white himself) and his liberal white cronies who applaud him can all take his advice and off themselves. It would be like that cult Jonestown mass suicide. Nobody would miss these self-hating white liberals.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
This guy is an insecure marxist wacko. Apparently he is such a nutcase that even other Jews refuse to accept him as one of their own. He has campaigned against white privilege even within the context of Jews, Israel, and Zionism (he publicly criticized the state of Israel on a policy of "whiteness"). The guy epitomizes "extreme leftist wacko".
What's really sad is that a nutcase like Ignatiev was made a professor at one of the most prestigious universities in the world.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
This guy is an insecure marxist wacko. Apparently he is such a nutcase that even other Jews refuse to accept him as one of their own. He has campaigned against white privilege even within the context of Jews, Israel, and Zionism (he publicly criticized the state of Israel on a policy of "whiteness"). The guy epitomizes "extreme leftist wacko".
There is nothing wrong with his views on Israel.....:grin: Seriously I would be willing to bet he was hired as a minority and given tenure because he was a minority. At one time Harvard was WASP male bastion. Now they have this nutcase lecturing in the halls and people actually take him seriously. Just frightening but then again Harvard and other "elite" universities have had dishiki wearing Blacks that have advocated the same crap and they have gotten the same reception....


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
This guy is an insecure marxist wacko. Apparently he is such a nutcase that even other Jews refuse to accept him as one of their own. He has campaigned against white privilege even within the context of Jews, Israel, and Zionism (he publicly criticized the state of Israel on a policy of "whiteness"). The guy epitomizes "extreme leftist wacko".

Many “anti-racistâ€￾ Jews hold similar views of Isra-hell’s xenophobic policies. A good example is Ronnie Kasrils, the Baltic-Jew turned Anti-Apartheid activist and South African domestic terrorist. Kasrils is an anti-Zionist who despises Isra-hell...



Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Many “anti-racistâ€￾ Jews hold similar views of Isra-hell’s xenophobic policies. A good example is Ronnie Kasrils, the Baltic-Jew turned Anti-Apartheid activist and South African domestic terrorist. Kasrils is an anti-Zionist who despises Isra-hell...

Zionist Jews and Bolshevik Jews have always been at each others throat, though some have made peace, as in the Israeli Communist Party.

There is one honest communist Jew that I have the greatest respect for, and that is Israel Shamir. He even wrote the intro to my friend's book! Louis-Ferdinand Celine said that the one thing they really fear is racial communism - but then that's national socialism, isn't it?


Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
Zionist Jews and Bolshevik Jews have always been at each others throat, though some have made peace, as in the Israeli Communist Party.

There is one honest communist Jew that I have the greatest respect for, and that is Israel Shamir. He even wrote the intro to my friend's book! Louis-Ferdinand Celine said that the one thing they really fear is racial communism - but then that's national socialism, isn't it?
So you have "great respect" for communist jews and with great delight tell us your friend's book is forwarded by a communist jew?
The biggest enemy to humanity and Whites throughout history is jewish communism.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
So you have "great respect" for communist jews and with great delight tell us your friend's book is forwarded by a communist jew?

Yes, that is correct, and my friend, and his book, is a good honest intellectual Fascist. And Shamir has also stood up against the persecution of Ernst Zundel and spoken out about the HollowHoax too. He is an honest and honorable man, and I respect honest and honorable men no matter what label they have affixed to them.

Jewish communism didn't even exist until Marx and co. invented it. It's the Jewish Talmudic hate cult that has been the real enemy. I think that it is the greatest tragedy in history that the alliance between Hitler and Stalin, for whatever reason, failed. Germany and Russia were natural allies, and the best blood of both, in the many many millions, wound up being wasted.

The kings of old should have outlawed the Talmud hate cult when they still had it in their power to do so, much as the British outlawed the far less dangerous Thuggee cult in India.



Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
Jewish communism is just an outgrowth of Jewish Talmudism. The Talmud is the worst writing ever spawned by Satan, their lord and master. And any fascist nowadays can repent or die.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Jewish communism is just an outgrowth of Jewish Talmudism. The Talmud is the worst writing ever spawned by Satan, their lord and master. And any fascist nowadays can repent or die.


"Repent" and become what, a good "capitalist" or "democrat" or "republican" or "Christian zionist"?

Anyway, it's just labels, and give me an intelligent and honest and honorable man with whatever label and I'll take him over some dim-witted scoundrel with a fashionable label.

Words and labels, and people like to fight, and I'm not here to fight with you.



Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States

"Repent" and become what, a good "capitalist" or "democrat" or "republican" or "Christian zionist"?

Anyway, it's just labels, and give me an intelligent and honest and honorable man with whatever label and I'll take him over some dim-witted scoundrel with a fashionable label.

Words and labels, and people like to fight, and I'm not here to fight with you.

Repent means a change of mind, a turning that should result in a change of action and attitude, if you want a technical definition and what I mean by that term.

And YES, and all communists, especially a jewish communist should repent, and become a Bible-believing Christian, NOT a Christian-Zionist. As you know, I am staunchly opposed to Christian Zionists/and Zionism period.

Also, no Communist is "an honorable man".

No arguments accepted nor intended.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Repent means a change of mind, a turning that should result in a change of action and attitude, if you want a technical definition and what I mean by that term.

And YES, and all communists, especially a jewish communist should repent, and become a Bible-believing Christian, NOT a Christian-Zionist. As you know, I am staunchly opposed to Christian Zionists/and Zionism period.

Also, no Communist is "an honorable man".

No arguments accepted nor intended.

How do you differentiate between Christianity and communism in economic terms?


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
This guy deserves some lead.

Dang straight! These faux "intellectuals" are such sanctimonious, cowardly blowhards. They run their filthy sewers in the safe confines of some cultmarx institute of higher indoctrination. Well, just let that pantywaist puke come up to me & spew that kinda mess! I'd drop that joker on the stack of dimes he calls a neck! These yellowbelly libtards are total chicken$h1t in the streets. When the proverbial rubber meets the road, we see how gutless these pinkos truly are. >:-(
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Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
How do you differentiate between Christianity and communism in economic terms?
Eph. 4:28 [SUP]"[/SUP]Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth".

The Bible says right there that we should work, and give of our own free will to those in need. If I want to help someone in need, I can if I decide to do so.

Communism on the other hand, takes/steals what is yours and does whatever they want to do with it. The first half of the verse seems to say also that all communists need to repent doesn't it?


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Eph. 4:28 [SUP]"[/SUP]Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth".

The Bible says right there that we should work, and give of our own free will to those in need. If I want to help someone in need, I can if I decide to do so.

Communism on the other hand, takes/steals what is yours and does whatever they want to do with it. The first half of the verse seems to say also that all communists need to repent doesn't it?

"Let him labor, give it him that needeth"

"From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" - Karl Marx