Jewish Harvard Professor Urges White Male Students To Commit Suicide

Christianity and communism are fundamentally incompatible. One is a spiritual creed, and the other is a materialist creed. Christianity lays down that a man's responsibility to his neighbor is personal, a matter for his individual conscience, while communism decrees that all duties are collective, to be enforced by the state.
Christianity and communism are fundamentally incompatible. One is a spiritual creed, and the other is a materialist creed. Christianity lays down that a man's responsibility to his neighbor is personal, a matter for his individual conscience, while communism decrees that all duties are collective, to be enforced by the state.

What I think is REALLY fundamental is just simply that humans like pretty talk and noble sounding phrases, whatever label they have affixed to themselves, and if they're a good guy or a bad guy they're a good guy or a bad guy regardless.

Schleiermacher, the Pantheist: "True religion is not a system of ethical laws and moral limits [and fancy sounding phraseology]; it is a taste for the infinite.

That's why I call myself a Pantheist.

The USSA is still a vast majority Christian country. It also has about the biggest wealth disparity in the world. It is also in a state of perpetual war, bombing the hell out of poor people in the far corners of the planet from 30 thousand feet or remote control, and they've been doing that for a very long time now now. That's how they won their so-called "good war", by bombing the hell out of the cities and towns and villages of Europe and Japan, always concentrating on the working class sections where people were most densely packed (like the Israelis, armed and financed and enabled by the "Christian" Americans just did in Gaza). And now "Christian America" is, one of only two countries in the world, the other being Israel, that use torture - which is the worst thing in the world - as an official policy. Their ostensibly Christian president even brags about it. Like they say, talk is cheap, and so are pretty words you read from a book.
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People like Ignatiev are promoting hatred against white people.

If he attacked any other group in that way, he wouldn't be able to get away with it.
Christianity and communism are fundamentally incompatible. One is a spiritual creed, and the other is a materialist creed. Christianity lays down that a man's responsibility to his neighbor is personal, a matter for his individual conscience, while communism decrees that all duties are collective, to be enforced by the state.

So your point is that a Christian should behave like a communist (with regards to property) but the govt should not try to legislate anyone to act in a similar manner?

I'm not talking about Soviet Russia or Communist China which were just authoritarian states that concentrated power in small ruling groups.
What I think is REALLY fundamental is just simply that humans like pretty talk and noble sounding phrases, whatever label they have affixed to themselves, and if they're a good guy or a bad guy they're a good guy or a bad guy regardless.

Schleiermacher, the Pantheist: "True religion is not a system of ethical laws and moral limits [and fancy sounding phraseology]; it is a taste for the infinite.

That's why I call myself a Pantheist.

The USSA is still a vast majority Christian country. It also has about the biggest wealth disparity in the world. It is also in a state of perpetual war, bombing the hell out of poor people in the far corners of the planet from 30 thousand feet or remote control, and they've been doing that for a very long time now now. That's how they won their so-called "good war", by bombing the hell out of the cities and towns and villages of Europe and Japan, always concentrating on the working class sections where people were most densely packed (like the Israelis, armed and financed and enabled by the "Christian" Americans just did in Gaza). And now "Christian America" is, one of only two countries in the world, the other being Israel, that use torture - which is the worst thing in the world - as an official policy. Their ostensibly Christian president even brags about it. Like they say, talk is cheap, and so are pretty words you read from a book.

The ussa is NOT a vast majority Christian country. It hasn't been for decades. (Probably 10% are actually truly Christians). And just because you think it is and that it was a "Christian country" doing all the heinous acts of war you site is missing the point. Godless, Christ-hating jews run our corrupt gov't and have told the political whore politicians what to do and have for the last century. There will come a Day when everyone will give an account to the God of the Universe. No one is exempt from that.
The ussa is NOT a vast majority Christian country. It hasn't been for decades. (Probably 10% are actually truly Christians). And just because you think it is and that it was a "Christian country" doing all the heinous acts of war you site is missing the point. Godless, Christ-hating jews run our corrupt gov't and have told the political whore politicians what to do and have for the last century. There will come a Day when everyone will give an account to the God of the Universe. No one is exempt from that.

Very true BeyondFedUp. The Bible is clear on this,

.... "Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my father who is in heaven." Matthew, 7:21.

Then I will tell them plainly, "I never knew you. Away from me you evildoers." Matthew, 7:23.

Just because you say your a Christian doesn't make you a Christian.

As for Israel, only a remnant of Jews will be saved. "God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes so that they could not see and ears so they could not hear, to this very day." Romans, 11:7.

"So too, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace." Romans, 11:5.
The ussa is NOT a vast majority Christian country. It hasn't been for decades. (Probably 10% are actually truly Christians). And just because you think it is and that it was a "Christian country" doing all the heinous acts of war you site is missing the point. Godless, Christ-hating jews run our corrupt gov't and have told the political whore politicians what to do and have for the last century. There will come a Day when everyone will give an account to the God of the Universe. No one is exempt from that.

They call themselves Christians. They will say they are Christians if you ask them. They go to giant Christian mega-churches to listen to their Christian mega-preachers preach to them about how they must Celebrate Diversity and support Israhel.

But I agree with your last two sentences.
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The official religion of the USSA (I love that) is political correctness. Any real Christianity gets you thrown into the lions den, or the fires of the furnace. Christianity is mocked, ridiculed, and slandered around EVEY corner of this fallen nation.

The Bible teaches that if you turn your back on God as a nation that "the ALIEN among you will rise above you". Thats exactly whats happening.

If we would stop making fun of Christianity in the western world maybe we could begin to fix this mess were in, but most people would rather mock than learn. That includes the vast majority of so called Christians.

Professing with your mouth is only half of it. You also have to believe in your heart. Most people believe in their heart that no higher power has the right to tell them what they should, and shouldn't do. THATS the REAL motive behind ALL slander of Christianity. Those three little words "thou shall not" rub people the wrong way.
The official religion of the USSA (I love that) is political correctness. Any real Christianity gets you thrown into the lions den, or the fires of the furnace. Christianity is mocked, ridiculed, and slandered around EVEY corner of this fallen nation.

The Bible teaches that if you turn your back on God as a nation that "the ALIEN among you will rise above you". Thats exactly whats happening.

If we would stop making fun of Christianity in the western world maybe we could begin to fix this mess were in, but most people would rather mock than learn. That includes the vast majority of so called Christians.

Professing with your mouth is only half of it. You also have to believe in your heart. Most people believe in their heart that no higher power has the right to tell them what they should, and shouldn't do. THATS the REAL motive behind ALL slander of Christianity. Those three little words "thou shall not" rub people the wrong way.

Pretty well stated WW. We turned our backs on God and Christianity in 1960-63 when the Bible and Prayer were taken out of school. Most here are too young to remember and don't understand, because they've never heard the truth of Christ Jesus.

Taking Bible and prayer out of schools has been very successful for the God hating, non-believing crowd, however, it's only temporary. God will use this as well as other catastrophe's for his glory.

"The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet." Romans, 16:20.

Right WW, most people are too prideful to admit they have a sin problem. They want to believe what's right for them. To each his own, so they say. Well if that's the case, then nothing's off limits! There's no absolutes, anyone can do anything, and if that's the case, then I'm wasting my time here on CF!

However, that's not the case! There is truth, only one truth and it's found in the Lord Christ Jesus.

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father, but by me." John 14:6.

According to that statement made by Jesus, there's only two ways to go. Either you go his way, the RIGHT WAY, or by everyone else's, the WRONG WAY! Because, if he's lying, there is no truth, but if he is the truth, then he's the only way.

It seems so simple, and it is, yet very complex for most, however, the Bible states that most will perish!

"Enter through the NARROW gate. For WIDE is the gate and BROAD is the road that leads to DESTRUCTION, and MANY enter through it.. But SMALL is the gate and NARROW is the road that leads to life, and only a FEW find it." Matthew 7:13-14.
They call themselves Christians. They will say they are Christians if you ask them. They go to giant Christian mega-churches to listen to their Christian mega-preachers preach to them about how they must Celebrate Diversity and support Israhel.

But I agree with your last two sentences.

WW, I am a member of what most would call a large Church, almost 2,000 members, and been there for over 3 years and was a member of a larger church before that and have yet to here about support for Israel and celebration of diversity.

It's easy to sit back and critique what Christians churches do or don't do. Churches are attended and organized by imperfect people. No one person or preacher is ever going to do everything YOU think they should do.

All out support for Israel, if that's indeed what they're doing, is a misunderstanding they have. When you become a Christian, it doesn't all of a sudden make you a mistake free person.

You become a Christian when the Holy Spirit convicts you that you are a sinner and are in need of a Savior, which is found in Jesus. The one who was crucified, died, and resurrected for all of us.

You confess, believe and ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior. Only by the grace of God can you become a saved Christian! "For it is by Grace we have saved through Faith." Ephesians, 2:8.

"If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10: 9.