Jeremy Lin

I hate to agree with that crazy black fighter Mayweather, but Lin is only getting attention because he is asian and lives in NY. Media driven.

Lin is only getting publicity because he is asian and lives in NY with the media. I hate Mayweather, but he is right.
Im not an NBA fan as it is very boring to me but this Chinese guy out of Harvard now playing for the Knicks is taking NYC by storm.
A recent article came out about fat, racist reporter , Jason Whitlock , ( black ) that after Lin dropped 38 on the Lakers last week that some lucky girl was in for " several inches of pain ". Hes getting raked over the coals by everyone. If this guy was white he would have been fired. The double standards continue.:dodgy:
Whitlock is a blob that likes to stoke racial stories for no reason. Keep him away from Popeyes and Kentucky Fried Chicken...:tongue:
Lin is only liked because he is asian. The media needs to lay off of Tebow.
What I find noticeable is that some of them same leftist sports journalists who mocked Tim Tebow for expressing his faith so boldly seem to love equally upfront Christian Jeremy Lin. I can't imagine what the difference might be.:biggrin:
I am glad I found this site buddy! Remember, you can't say anything bad because it is black history!!! What a bunch of crock! Everyone knows that Lin is getting a lovefest from the media because he is asian.
I just got banned from an NFL team website for positing that all these Asian Americans coming out in support of Lin are "racists"......been battling a moderator who constantly referred to me as the "Grand Wizard" because I simply commented favorably on European American players. I called him out to say similar things about these Asian Americans supporting Lin in droves, simply because he is Asian American.....the simple reality of this logic forced him to immediately ban my account.....couldn't face the reality of his own self-loathing racism
All you fellas out there that think Linsantiy is going to help people see the "double standard" or open some eyes about the treatment of White players are smoking crack. It won't change anyones mind and if you think that blacks and their enablers in the media are going to change one whit because of him you are in for a rude awakening. As 'northwinds' points out you are still a KKK member if you support players simply because they are White, a restriction that applies to no other group.
jaxvid, I didn't say the DWFs/sheeple would see the double standard on their own. I doubt they are that smart. I said WE could use it as an example of the double standard (when discussing the issue of anti-white racism). Sure most of them still won't listen, but a few will.
I'll say this much, I'd rather have Lin getting all this attention than one of the many arrogant negro gangbangers in the league. The less I have to hear about "Pig" James, Yobe Bryant, and the rest the better.

I do agreee that the Lin situation certainly won't help any white players. If anything, it will get more Asians into the league and white players will lose those roster spots. No matter what they will maintain the league at 80 % plus black.
jaxvid, I didn't say the DWFs/sheeple would see the double standard on their own. I doubt they are that smart. I said WE could use it as an example of the double standard (when discussing the issue of anti-white racism). Sure most of them still won't listen, but a few will.

Yes, I agree with your point, and I wasn't directing it at your posts on the matter. It IS a valid point and can be used to make our case. However that won't get much traction amongst most sheeple and none at all in the MSM.
they showe him here i europe the guy Lin too.It was said that most basketball players are black and with some euroepans in it who can't play at all.And that is is good to see an asian at the top.

I don't know anything about basketball but he looked good to me becuase he doesn't run to the end where you often get blocked( espacially when you are under like 6.6 or so) and when it isn't blocked it it is only one point, so it is smart from him to not dunk.

But what is the change taking in that 6.5 feet average basketballer height is a very rare but it is the average height in basketball so the selection process could be like 3/4on being black and tall and 1/4 about being athletic with good jump, fast, pheripheral vision etc or even less espcially when you are like 6 feet 8 the change you get in the nba is very big if you look how rare that height is and how many of people of this height or around are in the nba.
If you see height as very athletic then nba is the most athletic sport.
they showe him here i europe the guy Lin too.It was said that most basketball players are black and with some euroepans in it who can't play at all.And that is is good to see an asian at the top.

I don't know anything about basketball but he looked good to me becuase he doesn't run to the end where you often get blocked( espacially when you are under like 6.6 or so) and when it isn't blocked it it is only one point, so it is smart from him to not dunk.

But what is the change taking in that 6.5 feet average basketballer height is a very rare but it is the average height in basketball so the selection process could be like 3/4on being black and tall and 1/4 about being athletic with good jump, fast, pheripheral vision etc or even less espcially when you are like 6 feet 8 the change you get in the nba is very big if you look how rare that height is and how many of people of this height or around are in the nba.
If you see height as very athletic then nba is the most athletic sport.

A good point, and one that I have made many times. The "greatest athletes in the world" are in fact, the "the greatest abnormally tall athletes in the world." Only 15 percent of American men are over 6'3", and the average height in the NBA is 6'8".
Whether Lin helps bust the caste system for whites or Not I am happy for his success. What I dislike about the caste system it is that is grossly unfair not that is grossly unfair to whites specifically. Lin got the caste treatment so seeing him make it good is inspiring simple as that.

That said I do think this helps the caste cause. I think white kids will look at Jeremy and see someone more like them and think hey if a chinese kid can make it in the NBA I can too.

And for those of us trying to enlighten people about the nature of the caste system lin is the perfect way to approach the subject without pushing the white racism button right away.

Is he getting more attention because he is Asian of course and he should, just like Lemaitre should attract extra attention, just like Tiger woods attracted attention.
I wonder if the media would be anywhere near as "linsane" if he was playing for Sacramento or Minnesota or Oklahoma City rather than New York.
A good point, and one that I have made many times. The "greatest athletes in the world" are in fact, the "the greatest abnormally tall athletes in the world." Only 15 percent of American men are over 6'3", and the average height in the NBA is 6'8".
This! NBA players(guards aside) aren't the greatest athletes because of their weird center of gravity and abnormally long limbs. That's what makes the K brothers dominance of boxing statistically improbable. Before they came along the best heavyweights generally fell into the normal tall height range ie about 6'1" to 6'4".
There are some parallels in what Lin has gone through that many many White athletes have had to go through over the past few decades and that's probably why he's considered a "Caste Buster" by some here at CF.

His situation and path to success is relateable...not recruited out of high school, cut twice by two NBA Teams (Wes Welker anyone?), then signs with another team but only due to injuries to those in front of him (Peyton Hillis anyone?) his racial apprenticeship ends and he shows what he can do when actually given an opportunity. He is a devout Christian (Tim Tebow anyone?) who was a Bible Study teacher while at Harvard and only listens to Christian music.

He was also racially disparaged by BSPN (like many quality White athletes have been) yesterday with the headline "Chink in the Armor?" (after having 7 turnovers in last night's game)...they are now scrambling around trying to do damage control. There's a reason we call it "BSPN" here at CF.

While Lin's success may not directly help out White athletes, it has helped expose some of the foundations of the Caste System as the corrupt and overtly biased system that it is.

As far as Whit(less)lock goes, he's more than likely "projecting" when he talks about Lin's "couple" of inches. He probably has to be rolled in flour every morning to find his so he could probably relate to it if it's true. Of course Whit(less)lock is given a free pass to say things like this because he's higher up in the Progressive Stack where free speech is still free.

Mostly, blacks like Jason and Hopkins and many others of their ilk are upset about Lin's success because it doesn't follow the artificially manufactured script of black athletic superiority that is regurgitated ad nauseam by the PTB media in America. They are jealous that some book-smart Asian Christian moral "nerd" that went to Harvard could actually go onto "their" turf and effortlessly do what they live their entire lives doing. It makes a mockery of the Caste System.
Here's a response I got on a Jeremy Lin thread in an FSU forum:

"I definitely agree with you about Hillis and Welker, and I'm glad they both became successful in the NFL. I also remember concerns about the former Stanford RB Toby Gerhart possibly getting overlooked by NFL scouts because he's a white RB, but I'm glad that he's got a lot of playing time last year with the Vikings. And there probably are also some cases of black athletes being unfairly overlooked possibly at the quarterback position. I think prejudice in sports scouting and recruiting has been common knowledge for a while now, so I think the Jeremy Lin story is great for sports because it really has brought all that into attention."

This is why I think the Lin story helps our cause....
there have been some really good posts in this thread. i find myself holding a similar position to that of northwinds and Highlander. Lin is exposing the racial-biases inherent in the Caste System, but his story likely will only have limited (if any) impact in benefiting White athletes. his case can be used to make logical arguments of race-based stereotypes and the exceptions in individual athletes, yet it takes a logical, intelligent audience to be receptive of that type of argument. unfortunately, most DWFs and the minority crowd they love so much are the antithesis of logical and intelligent.

from a basketball standpoint, i can't ever recall a White rookie (much less an unheralded, undrafted White rookie) that was given such a long leash when it comes to making mistakes. Lin has an explosive first step, can score off the dribble or spotting up, and can create for his teammates. undeniably, he is a fine young talent. the one issue i see from his on-court performance, though, is that he is plagued with turnovers. he's a rookie thrown into a situation where he's got the ball in his hands a lot, but he's committing a TON of turnovers (6 or more in 6 of his 8 starts, and 9 in his most recent outing).

his ability to still get lots of minutes while committing that many errors is as much a story in my mind as is his being a good basketball player who is asian. when has a White rookie EVER gotten that much rope?

hell, White hoopsters in the NBA get sent back to the bench for playing well!
The simple fact is this guy he is getting much loved media hype because he is the only Asian to do anything in the NBA. They talk about how he is also born in the USA, and is a Christian. So basically we have the Asian version of Tim tebow. Whites have no balls and of course are already in love with him. Blacks are talking about it, because they don’t want anyone getting recognition in the national black association other than their own kind. Either way he will break down, like all Asians that try to play USA sports do. Yao Ming anyone? It’s a good story because he is not white. Realize that, so long as they are not white, it’s okay. That’s what the young whites are psychologically brainwashed into believing. And thus the balkanization of the USA cannot come fast enough. White segregation is the only thing that can save white people from extinction. Anyone that does not believe in anti-miscegenation laws are no better than calling themself a neo-con. I support Kevin love in the NBA. There are more mixed-raced players than white players in the NBA right now. do yourself and your kid a favor and buy him or her a Kevin love jersey.
Id like to mention a few things Ive noticed about this Jeremy Linsanity. First and most important is that the media loves him. NBA tv, ESPN, Fox Sports, the 6oclock news, Aol, and Yahoo all love him, and are making sure even the most casual observer of anything knows who he is.

Second is that every male person in my life, and some of the females DO in fact know about him, and are openly glad about his little run of success. All age groups from my mom, and dad (late 50s). Down to my 18, 19, and 21 year old cousins. All my co-workers, and all my other male cousins older than me all like Lin, and root for him. None my Kinfolks even follow basketball. Heck my mom and dad only get like 6 channels, and two of them are speaking mexicn. They dont even like TV. Yet they know all about Lin. Everybody in my little circle of life is gladly on the Linsanity train. NONE of them knew who Kevin Love is. Or any other white player not named Dirk, or Nash! One of my cousins said something like "What about that white boy from BYU that was good last year?" Another of my Kin asked me "Is ol Nash still hangin in there?" Yet they are totally aware of Lins litttle spree of success. They know his back story, his whole underdog saga thats been all over TV, radio, Yahoo, and, and everywhere else. As I type this my Dad sends me a text which reads "Mavs vs Knicks Ch 25. Lin gonna tear em up" When I get done typing Ill let him know Ill be rooting for Dirks Mavs over this asian boy he loves so much.

The Third thing Ive noticed is that when Lin makes a mistake the commentators dont mention it. Name a white player that gets that treatment. I should point out that the way I watch Hoops is to type into Google "NBA 2012" then click videos longer than 20 minutes. Thats it. NoTV or live streams. Its all stuuf thats a few days old but hey thats all the NBA I know this year. Its not like Ive seen all the games, but there are alot of them you can watch that way, and I have.

I think in a nutshell its just kind of bugged me that my people didnt even know who Love, and Rubio was, or that the Wolves have 5 white men on the court at times. Yet they are all into the Linsanity!
The media sure can mold even comparatively aware minds. I dont see Lin as a caste buster at all. Just the opposite. Just another non white put before the peoples eyes to distract them. Bahhh Bahhhh...
The New York Knicks already defeated the Mavs today! Lin stepped up again, with 28 points, 14 assists, 5 steals and 7 turnovers. Overall, he played well, and this "W" can't be considered a victory over a cupcake opponent.
Jeremy is definitely the real deal.
He is really on his way to being a true star.

One of the posts above mentioned that he is getting a lot of hype, and the general public seem to know him and not white players.
It's an interesting point. Maybe he won't be a caste buster, even though he's Asian. Instead of being seen as non-black, i.e., caste buster, maybe he will be thought of as non-white, i.e., not a caste buster. It's hard to know just yet.
But I just saw an interview on ESPN, and they asked him about race. He seemed annoyed with the stereotype that he is 'deceptively quick' and 'deceptively athletic'.
"What does that mean? Do I look like I'm not quick?! or do they just mean I'm Asian?!"
Full credit to him, for even bringing this up.
As I've said before, even though he is being hyped because of his incredible underdog story AND being Asian, I am really hoping that the media/coaches/fans/scouts, start to question themselves about how they consciously evaluate players based on race.
In other news, Isiah Thomas is now starting for Sacramento while Jimmer Fredette is down to 4 minutes when he's even active...
Lin's situation is good for exposing the insane jealousy of the afroletes (regarding the success of non-groidian athletes). However, I don't think his situation is to direct benefit of White players.
SNL, who is not normally our friend at all, had a fun take on it:


If you don't feel like watching, it's the usual four-man TV sports discussion team, two blacks and two whites of course. They start off with a ton of racial puns, jokes, and steryotypes about Lin, and then one of the white guys slips in a comment about a black player and fried chicken. The rest of the panel turns on him, wildly offended. This happens a couple more times, each with a relatively mild "black" stereotype, and then he gets fired.

Except for Lin's race, this is pretty much how TV sports discussion goes -- crap on whitey, praise darkie, and God help you if you are a white man who says anything in the slightest bit racial about a black player.
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