Jeremy Lin

As a Christian, I'll say Lin (like Tebow) has a great platform to spread the message of salvation through Christ (only). I'll applaud him for being a good Christian long as he conducts himself accordingly. Unlike the heathen "talking heads" out there, I fully disagree Lin & Tebow need to "tone down" their sharing the Gospel of Jesus.
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SNL, who is not normally our friend at all, had a fun take on it:


If you don't feel like watching, it's the usual four-man TV sports discussion team, two blacks and two whites of course. They start off with a ton of racial puns, jokes, and steryotypes about Lin, and then one of the white guys slips in a comment about a black player and fried chicken. The rest of the panel turns on him, wildly offended. This happens a couple more times, each with a relatively mild "black" stereotype, and then he gets fired.

Except for Lin's race, this is pretty much how TV sports discussion goes -- crap on whitey, praise darkie, and God help you if you are a white man who says anything in the slightest bit racial about a black player.

This was great - because it was so dead-on true!!
To further the point that the Lin situation has no resemblence to the plight of white athletes or the caste system is the announcement of the Asian American Journalists Assoc. and their "guidelines" on media coverage of Lin. So here you have an entrenched interest organization--something not available to white athletes--dictating to others the allowable speech that they can use about one of their own.[h=1]Asian American Journalists Association releases guidelines on Jeremy Lin media coverage[/h]Among the "danger zones" identified by AAJA:
"CHINK": Pejorative; do not use in a context involving an Asian person on someone who is Asian American. Extreme care is needed if using the well-trod phrase "chink in the armor"; be mindful that the context does not involve Asia, Asians or Asian Americans.
"ME LOVE YOU LIN TIME": Avoid. This is a lazy pun on the athlete's name and alludes to the broken English of a Hollywood caricature from the 1980s.
DRIVING: This is part of the sport of basketball, but resist the temptation to refer to an "Asian who knows how to drive."

EYE SHAPE: This is irrelevant. Do not make such references if discussing Lin's vision.

FOOD: Is there a compelling reason to draw a connection between Lin and fortune cookies, takeout boxes or similar imagery? In the majority of news coverage, the answer will be no.

(end article)

In other words no attempts at humor may be attempted. Once again only white people can be subject to these types of taunts because no one speaks for them.

If you can stomach it the article is at:
As a Christian, I'll say Lin (like Tebow) has a great platform to spread the message of salvation through Christ (only). I'll applaud him for being a good Christian long as he conducts himself accordingly. Unlike the heathen "talking heads" out there, I fully disagree Lin & Tebow need to "tone down" their sharing the Gospel of Jesus.

"Come follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." At once they left their nets and followed him.
Matthew 4:19,20

I completely agree Dixie! what people don't understand about Tebow and Lin is they are Christians first. Professional sports is what they do, not who they are! They follow Jesus first and foremost, because they know what Christ did for them. They were put here to reach people for Jesus.

I hope they continue to stay strong and witness for Christ to whomever and wherever and whenever they can!
To further the point that the Lin situation has no resemblence to the plight of white athletes or the caste system is the announcement of the Asian American Journalists Assoc. and their "guidelines" on media coverage of Lin. So here you have an entrenched interest organization--something not available to white athletes--dictating to others the allowable speech that they can use about one of their own

Has anyone even heard of the Asian American Journalists Association before? For all we know it might not have existed a week ago. "Entrenched interest groups" are those that the establishment decides are entrenched interest groups. This group is not "dictating" anything, by granting them national coverage they are being given the appearance of power, the same as other non-White racial interest groups. Or the way MADD is given credit for the national witch-hunt against drinking and driving and the entire neo-puritan move by the Nanny State to ban alcohol. There are plenty of pro-White groups that would do the same as the AAJA, but why bother because they will be completely ignored or ridiculed; there certainly will be no Yahoo articles uncritically listing their "demands."

Asians have been entering the country in large numbers over the past decade as part of the system's policy since the passage of the 1965 Immigration Act of replacing Whites through immigration; "Linsanity" is part of the way the system is integrating them into the mainstream, albeit as another hyper-aware and hyper-sensitive racial minority beyond criticism whether Asians want to be that or not.
The AAJA has been around since 1981, its national office is based in San Francisco. It has 20 chapters in the United States and Asia, with approximately 2,000 members. (according to Wikipedia).

Their website itself is down when I tried it probably from traffic demands. HAHA couldn't they get one of those asian computer geniuses to design their interface??

Unfortunately they may not be dictating things to you and me but you can be damn sure the sports guys that got fired or suspended for saying "chink in the armor" are paying attention to them.

Anyway it's another stark example of how Lin is NOT like Fredette or any other white NBA player. He already has the backing of major organizations sympathetic to his cause. When is the AP going to print articles based on a press release from Caste Football or a similar group?? Is Linsanity leading us in that direction? No.
I watched a bit of the overhyped Heat- Knicks game last night. It was inevitable that the "real" affletes would make Lin pay for all the attention he's been getting. And they did. Nothing inspires a black athlete to give extra effort more than stopping a non-black from getting hype.

I saw Lin's face was marked up, with his eye all red and puffy, like he'd been in a prize fight. It looked like he'd been treated to some of that "aggressive" defense, once a staple of street ball but now featured at all levels of organized play.

The "Linsanity" stuff has been over the top, but last night, I felt sorry for Lin. He played the unenviable role of honorary "white boy."
The AAJA has been around since 1981, its national office is based in San Francisco. It has 20 chapters in the United States and Asia, with approximately 2,000 members. (according to Wikipedia).

Their website itself is down when I tried it probably from traffic demands. HAHA couldn't they get one of those asian computer geniuses to design their interface??

Unfortunately they may not be dictating things to you and me but you can be damn sure the sports guys that got fired or suspended for saying "chink in the armor" are paying attention to them.

I didn't really think they'd been around for a week; the point is, whoever heard of them before this? They didn't have power, much less the power to dictate; they are being used as the pretext, or enabler, for an already existing Cultural Marxist agenda.

Sports writers and announcers aren't paying attention to the AAJA, they're paying attention to the corporate media and the "party line" as to what is and what isn't permissible. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have "power" only because they are useful to the actual power structure in promoting a desired agenda and outcome, just as Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams aren't. The hysteria against drinking and driving would exist even if MADD didn't, just as "Chink in the armor" would have caused a contrived uproar with or without a heretofore unknown group called the AAJA.
I watched a bit of the overhyped Heat- Knicks game last night. It was inevitable that the "real" affletes would make Lin pay for all the attention he's been getting. And they did. Nothing inspires a black athlete to give extra effort more than stopping a non-black from getting hype.

I saw Lin's face was marked up, with his eye all red and puffy, like he'd been in a prize fight. It looked like he'd been treated to some of that "aggressive" defense, once a staple of street ball but now featured at all levels of organized play.

The "Linsanity" stuff has been over the top, but last night, I felt sorry for Lin. He played the unenviable role of honorary "white boy."

No doubt the massive, overinflated egos of the afroletes are threatened by the successs of any/all non-White players. As for honorary "White boy", I actually saw a YouTube clip (recently) of Blake Griffin getting his shot blocked and one of the comments said (basically) he's just a White boy who can jump/dunk (w/ no other real skill). I wonder how many other "fans" think Griffin is White (vs. mulatto).
No doubt the massive, overinflated egos of the afroletes are threatened by the successs of any/all non-White players. As for honorary "White boy", I actually saw a YouTube clip (recently) of Blake Griffin getting his shot blocked and one of the comments said (basically) he's just a White boy who can jump/dunk (w/ no other real skill). I wonder how many other "fans" think Griffin is White (vs. mulatto).

Has anyone noticed that virtually all the "racist" comments against Lin have come exclusively from black people? There was another story about some prized negro college recruit tweeting about Lin with a reference to eggrolls and dumplings.

Blacks are the worst when it comes to racism, but in Obama's America, they can do and say whatever they want. If a White college player had made that tweet, his scholarship would be revoked and he'd be expelled from school. They must absolutely hate that Lin is having success in the NBA.
"Linsanity" is part of the way the system is integrating them into the mainstream, albeit as another hyper-aware and hyper-sensitive racial minority beyond criticism whether Asians want to be that or not.

I was just thinking about this. From what I have observed over the years, it's clear to me that Asians are not part of that victim class of blacks, latinos, homosexuals, etc, who demand special entitlements and priviliges. For whatever reason, it has not happened. Sure, there are probably quite a few radical Berkeley type groups out there to try and get the message out, but the Asians don't seem to bite. I believe part of it is cultural. Generally speaking, Asians put a lot of emphasis on education, hard work, and family values. They tend to earn more college degrees as a percentage of their population than all other groups, including Whites and have good middle class lives. Being a victim who receives hand-offs and favors from the government would probably be considered shameful, so they want no part of it, despite efforts by the PTB to have them join the anti-White crusade. Again, generally speaking, I have not known Asians to be the sort of parasites blacks and most latinos tend to be and I don't expect that to change anytime soon.
No doubt the massive, overinflated egos of the afroletes are threatened by the successs of any/all non-White players. As for honorary "White boy", I actually saw a YouTube clip (recently) of Blake Griffin getting his shot blocked and one of the comments said (basically) he's just a White boy who can jump/dunk (w/ no other real skill). I wonder how many other "fans" think Griffin is White (vs. mulatto).
I remember just prior to the 1992 Olympics. The media was raging about Toni Kokuc being the next big thing if the NBA drafted him. Well, Jordan and his side kick affelet(can't remember his name) and other affelets made it a point to double team and shut down. The same thing happened to Lin then Pig James sneering at him.
There was once a very insightful Asian poster here. I wish he would have stayed. Your foobar75, Asians don't subscribe to the parasite minority groups expanding in population on our dollar.
In general, I’ve found it to be something of a mixed bag as far as media portrayal of Asians. I do see more negative or neutral situations allotted to them, more than you would think considering how other minorities are represented as a whole. On the other hand, Apolo Ohno and Michelle Kwan were a bit overdone.

I wish the AAJA would do something about this commercial. I cringe every time I see it.


Has anyone noticed that virtually all the "racist" comments against Lin have come exclusively from black people? There was another story about some prized negro college recruit tweeting about Lin with a reference to eggrolls and dumplings.

Blacks are the worst when it comes to racism, but in Obama's America, they can do and say whatever they want. If a White college player had made that tweet, his scholarship would be revoked and he'd be expelled from school. They must absolutely hate that Lin is having success in the NBA.

Here is that article. The amount of racism from blacks is absurd. It just goes to show you who the worst racists on the planet are.

[h=1]Stefon Diggs on Jeremy Lin[/h] By Dan Steinberg

Stefon Diggs has already shown a knack for producing catchy quotes during his brief time in the media spotlight.
This, for example, is what the two-time All-Met and defensive player of the year said earlier this month at Looney’s in College Park, when he committed to the Terps.
“I want to win a championship, I want to win bowl games,†Diggs said, via Paul Tenorio. “Where else is a better place to do it than your city?â€
Later, he talked to Josh Barr about the way he had used Twitter to keep fans interested in his choice, even after the decision was made.
“I didn’t want anybody to know until I played my cards,†Diggs said. “It wasn’t really a secret, but I didn’t want anybody else to know. When it’s [time for] business, it’s business. But this is Twitter. It’s just social networking.â€
And speaking of Twitter, above please find Diggs’s catchy thoughts on Jeremy Lin.
This came Thursday night, when Diggs had praised Kobe Bryant on his own Twitter feed. A Lin fan responded with praise for the Knicks guard. At which point Diggs recommended said fan “get off Lin’s egg roll and dumplings,†and then repeated that advice for all of us.
The lesson, as always: I’m glad I didn’t have a Twitter account when I was 18. Now someone go find the pieces of Randy Edsall’s exploded skull.
I was just thinking about this. From what I have observed over the years, it's clear to me that Asians are not part of that victim class of blacks, latinos, homosexuals, etc, who demand special entitlements and priviliges. For whatever reason, it has not happened. Sure, there are probably quite a few radical Berkeley type groups out there to try and get the message out, but the Asians don't seem to bite. I believe part of it is cultural. Generally speaking, Asians put a lot of emphasis on education, hard work, and family values. They tend to earn more college degrees as a percentage of their population than all other groups, including Whites and have good middle class lives. Being a victim who receives hand-offs and favors from the government would probably be considered shameful, so they want no part of it, despite efforts by the PTB to have them join the anti-White crusade. Again, generally speaking, I have not known Asians to be the sort of parasites blacks and most latinos tend to be and I don't expect that to change anytime soon.
In Japan many unemployed people refuse to collect unemployment benefits even though they qualify for them, they also refuse to get welfare benefits. In many cases people that lose their jobs refuse to tell their family and still trot out work.
I was just thinking about this. From what I have observed over the years, it's clear to me that Asians are not part of that victim class of blacks, latinos, homosexuals, etc, who demand special entitlements and priviliges. For whatever reason, it has not happened. Sure, there are probably quite a few radical Berkeley type groups out there to try and get the message out, but the Asians don't seem to bite. I believe part of it is cultural. Generally speaking, Asians put a lot of emphasis on education, hard work, and family values. They tend to earn more college degrees as a percentage of their population than all other groups, including Whites and have good middle class lives. Being a victim who receives hand-offs and favors from the government would probably be considered shameful, so they want no part of it, despite efforts by the PTB to have them join the anti-White crusade. Again, generally speaking, I have not known Asians to be the sort of parasites blacks and most latinos tend to be and I don't expect that to change anytime soon.

In my experience asians are as bad as any other "minority" group when it comes to extracting benefits from the white power structure. Don't be fooled. The only reason that they have not lined up to the gravy train is because they generally don't have to. But given the opportunity, or in those fewer cases of need, they play the race card as brutally as any other minority.

You are talking about a group that votes unfailingly democrap, supports strong government, and is as tribal as any other group. They are flooding into amerika and their plan is not to replace the blacks at the lower end of the labor chain, like hispanics, but to replace whites at the upper end.

They are smart and are more then aware that white people see them in their 1950 charictures and will exploit that advantage at every opportunity.
Jaxvid nails is again. Around here it used to you'd see an Asian now and then. Now you can't swing a dead cat without hitting one.

And the curious thing is, seems most of the ones I see are female. It's like they are the vanguard or something, to condition us to seeing more Asians around. It doesn't hurt (or help, maybe) that most of the women are easy on the eyes.

If this trend continues, this town will eventually be Vancouver South.
In 30 to 50 years the upper class in the U.S. is likely to be a Eurasian mix, which Steve Sailor touched upon recently when looking at intermarriage trends. Whites (women) marrying blacks are generally descending down to the prole class when they aren't there already, while Whites (men) marrying Asians is usually a union of white collar, professional types moving upward in a country where upward mobility is a lot rarer than it used to be. The sheer number of Asians coming into the country will solidify this trend.

I disagree that Asians are as tribal or racial as other non-White groups. "Asian" refers to very disparate groups of people with little in common, racially or otherwise. Indians have little in common with Japanese or Japanese with Filipinos. Most Asian groups dislike other Asian groups, just as many Europeans still cannot put aside their differences even after the two disastrous world wars of the last century. After being here a generation Asians are as deracinated as are second generation Whites. The problem is a numbers game -- there are billions of Asians and a significant chunk of them want to come here. And they're hardworking and a lot more connected to family than Whites are these days. A Eurasian middle to upper class will of course mean that the Euro part of that equation will be utterly deracinated even more than European Americans are now.

I've remarked several times how Asian women have popped up in commercials at an amazing rate in recent years. They're the main tool the system is using to promote and mainstream Asians. Asian men are still ignored or portrayed as weak nerd types. Many Asian men in the U.S. seem to be very unhappy with their status in the pecking order, especially when it comes to dating as most Asian females want to be with White guys.
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I think most blacks see through the transparency of the unwarranted hype and global hero-worship that began only 4 starts into his career, and are basically mimic'ing what Rush Limbaugh said about Donovan McNabb. Rush said the powers-that-be in the media were so desirous of a non-white to succeed in a "white" position, that they chose to elevate him into something he wasn't. I'm sure blacks feel non-blacks are so desirous of having a non-black star in a "black" position to show those "ghetto thugs" and "tattoo'd gangstas" how the game is "supposed to be played", that they've elevated Jeremy Lin into some sort of diety in a week, and are forcefeeding him down our throats 24/7.. ala black quarterbacks. It's unnatural. From everything I've read, they feel he's been artificially fast-tracked to fame after only a few good games against mostly mediocre teams. He's only beaten 3 teams with winning records.. and 2 of those 3 were against 37 and 38 year old point guards.

Athletic stardom on the absolute highest level is such an extraordinary achievement, it's a natural human impulse to want to see guys pay some dues and earn it rather than being granted such obsessive adulation in a week. Lets see him own LeBron, own Dwyane Wade, own Derrick Rose, own Chris Paul, own Russell Westbrook, own Rajon Rondo, own Tony Parker, and the other top point guards in the league before annointing him or acting like he's some sort of basketball God.

Unfortunately for him, I think the blueprint on how to play him is out. He has no left hand. Force him left, double him up and trap him immediately after he crosses the midcourt line. He has 31 turnovers, and is only shooting 42% over his last 5 games, and they've lost 3 of them. He practically admitted his weakness after the Miami game:

â€￾They chased me and picked me up early and made me work for everything,’’ Lin said.

“They pushed me left a lot, I think their pressure and athleticism did the job over the course of the game. All credit to them.â€￾

I hope he signs those millions of dollars worth of endorsements this weekend. Now that the afroletes are gunning for him, without a left hand, he's in for a rude awakening come the second half.
Hes every bit as talented as almost any point in the NBA. He can hang on the pro level, and I think he will get better at his weak spots. The thing that stands out most to me most is the instant worship. Yes hes good, but does anyone really think Jimmer couldnt average 25, and shoot 45%? Sure he could! Maybe even better, but we cant know that because he wont EVER have the freedom from the racists coaches that Lin has. Neither will he ever get the praise from the media Lin got so soon. Jimmer would have to score 30 ten games in a row to earn a tenth of the praise Lin has had. Then he still might go back to the bench when the afolete he was replacing vagina got better.
You got to remember that part of the reason for Linsanity is due to expectations.
This guy came completely out of nowhere. He was unrecruited, undrafted, last guy on the bench, and playing in the D league just weeks before his breakout.
The only reason he got a chance is because of injuries and the ineffectiveness of those in front of him. If Jimmer was on the Knicks, he would have been giving the same chance.
But even if Jimmer did as well as Lin or better, the insanity would have been much less because the expectation for Jimmer - National Player of the Year - is much, much more than for Lin.
And part of that lesser expectation for Lin comes from being a nobody, and another part of it comes from being Asian.
Hes every bit as talented as almost any point in the NBA. He can hang on the pro level, and I think he will get better at his weak spots. The thing that stands out most to me most is the instant worship. Yes hes good, but does anyone really think Jimmer couldnt average 25, and shoot 45%? Sure he could! Maybe even better, but we cant know that because he wont EVER have the freedom from the racists coaches that Lin has. Neither will he ever get the praise from the media Lin got so soon. Jimmer would have to score 30 ten games in a row to earn a tenth of the praise Lin has had. Then he still might go back to the bench when the afolete he was replacing vagina got better.

Jeremy Lin's instant worship is due to the following: 1. Harvard (not a thug) 2. Undrafted 3. Cut by two teams, about to be cut by Knicks 4. Broke a few records in the process - hello! and New York Media 4. Yes, he is Asian, but to think that coaches would scout an Asian guy over a good White guy is ridiculous. This kid won the California state champs and got overlooked by all the big schools because, one ,he is not Black, and two, he is Asian... had he been White, 1-2 major schools would have looked at him; had he been black - 100 schools, jesus worship and all the white women he can get :) ...

Asian and Whites are seen the same in Athletics. We are stereotyped. Lin's succes will open up all sports to non-blacks, especially Whites.
Jeremy Lin's instant worship is due to the following: 1. Harvard (not a thug) 2. Undrafted 3. Cut by two teams, about to be cut by Knicks 4. Broke a few records in the process - hello! and New York Media 4. Yes, he is Asian, but to think that coaches would scout an Asian guy over a good White guy is ridiculous. This kid won the California state champs and got overlooked by all the big schools because, one ,he is not Black, and two, he is Asian... had he been White, 1-2 major schools would have looked at him; had he been black - 100 schools, jesus worship and all the white women he can get :) ...

Asian and Whites are seen the same in Athletics. We are stereotyped. Lin's succes will open up all sports to non-blacks, especially Whites.

I disagree, see my post number 18 on this thread!

Your post sounds contradicting, we are stereotyped, but Lin's success will open up sports to non-blacks, especially whites? Are you saying non-blacks will suddenly not be stereotyped anymore?

.....And what's with the Jesus worship comment?
If Lin was white he wouldnt have got to play at all. The knicks would have found anyone else to fill the spot. Anyone who thinks Asians, or any other race faces more discrimination than white athletes is full of it.
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