Jeremy Lin

All of you guys make great points. The bottom line is that whites need to make the change now while we are still the majority. Becoming more racially aware like every other ethinicty is. Take pride in your culture and tradiions and never let anyone make you feel like you are less than equal. You should try to surround yourself with friends that have similar core values. American whites need to learn to be proud of their european culture and embrace it. Also learn to stick together and protect each other. This is critical as this country is heading for some very hard times. Those who stick together will be ok. Those who go it alone will not.
It only takes an aware and organized small minority of Whites to start making a difference. We actually have the talent right now to forge a White vanguard, but 99% of it's hiding behind their computers, writing passionately and often brilliantly, but adamant about doing nothing more than identifying what's wrong and giving up.

Aware Whites have an organization trying to help them called the American Freedom Party. With the Republicans moving full-bore toward aping the Democrats when it comes to amnesty for illegals and trying to have the same demographic composition of its leadership and rank and file, now is the time for Whites to support a political party that's not embarrassed to welcome them. But it's studiously ignored, including by all the complainers on this site and all the other "pro-White" sites of keyboard philosophers out there. So I come from a different perspective. Quite frankly, aware and very capable Whites who do nothing but throw up their hands disappoint and disgust me a lot more than the DWFs. The DWFs are like the masses have always been when they have no leadership. But the obvious, incipient leadership of White Americans is clearly there and in sufficient numbers, as the internet shows over and over again, yet instead of organizing for the collective good it does nothing but brilliantly posit how bleak the situation is. There are tens of thousands, more likely hundreds of thousands of aware and intelligent White men in this country who are willingly letting their race be destroyed by refusing to even attempt to fight back in a peaceful, legal and above board way, and that's the bottom line.
It only takes an aware and organized small minority of Whites to start making a difference. We actually have the talent right now to forge a White vanguard, but 99% of it's hiding behind their computers, writing passionately and often brilliantly, but adamant about doing nothing more than identifying what's wrong and giving up.

Aware Whites have an organization trying to help them called the American Freedom Party. With the Republicans moving full-bore toward aping the Democrats when it comes to amnesty for illegals and trying to have the same demographic composition of its leadership and rank and file, now is the time for Whites to support a political party that's not embarrassed to welcome them. But it's studiously ignored, including by all the complainers on this site and all the other "pro-White" sites of keyboard philosophers out there. So I come from a different perspective. Quite frankly, aware and very capable Whites who do nothing but throw up their hands disappoint and disgust me a lot more than the DWFs. The DWFs are like the masses have always been when they have no leadership. But the obvious, incipient leadership of White Americans is clearly there and in sufficient numbers, as the internet shows over and over again, yet instead of organizing for the collective good it does nothing but brilliantly posit how bleak the situation is. There are tens of thousands, more likely hundreds of thousands of aware and intelligent White men in this country who are willingly letting their race be destroyed by refusing to even attempt to fight back in a peaceful, legal and above board way, and that's the bottom line.

I still think the best possible solution would be an independent white only nation like in the video that was posted. A new europe but a improved one with the primary purpose of being to protect and preserve the european culture, traditions and way of life. All whites from different countries would be welcomed but it would have to stay a 100% white country. No integrating. If something isn't done in the near future, the white race is headed closer and closer to extinction and that would be a crime to humanity. They protect endangered animals better than they protect the greatest race of people who have invented almost everything to make life easier on earth. To allow this to happen is criminal!
I still think the best possible solution would be an independent white only nation like in the video that was posted. A new europe but a improved one with the primary purpose of being to protect and preserve the european culture, traditions and way of life. All whites from different countries would be welcomed but it would have to stay a 100% white country. No integrating. If something isn't done in the near future, the white race is headed closer and closer to extinction and that would be a crime to humanity. They protect endangered animals better than they protect the greatest race of people who have invented almost everything to make life easier on earth. To allow this to happen is criminal!

If you want to see something like that, it can only happen through a long and painful process. We can't begin to talk about something like that when we are currently at zero organizationally. Step 1 is to join the American Freedom Party, hopefully as an activist but at the least as a paid annual member, and realize that an organization, an idea, a dream, can only be fulfilled if one is willing to stick with something when it is small and weak and do what he can to help it grow. Otherwise we have no future.

I know, the reasons not to support a pro-White political party are endless. Someone was part of a "third" party in the past and it didn't succeed therefore he'll never help another one. The next one won't support a small third party until it succeeds, thereby guaranteeing that it won't. The next one is afraid of having his name and address appear on any mailing lists. The next one was ordered by his wife or girlfriend not to get involved and he meekly obeyed. The next one is just too busy. The next one read the party platform but one issue he disagrees on so he prefers not to join. The next one has lots of great ideas for the few people actually willing to be activists to implement.

And on and on it goes. And when Whites do attempt to organize, they quickly engage in infighting, and everyone wants a title of some kind. Cats should be insulted by the phrase "as hard to herd as cats," because White people are far worse when it comes to coherent, organized action.

The internet has only compounded the situation. The internet is great, but just as it has brought us together as a virtual community, it has made it easier than ever to come up with excuses not to do anything more than post, and as the decline in posting on even an effective and pioneering site like Caste Football illustrates, even that is too much to ask of most aware Whites.

The internet has allowed there to be far more widespread dissemination of information, which is wonderful, but it's just as obvious that after almost 20 years, the internet is not going to save Whites from the present situation.

What is? It may well be too late, but no one knows the future. In the late 1980s, no one believed that in a few years the Berlin Wall would no longer exist, nor the Soviet Union. The power structure in the United States is determined to rule the world, but it has myriad difficulties in all areas domestically and overseas, not to mention it's morally and financially bankrupt. It's far from omnipotent. But it continues to prevail mainly because the one group that should be organized to oppose it -- White Americans, the main victim of deindustrialization and globalization -- is a sadsack collection of apathetic whiners -- and I'm referring to racially aware Whites, not DWFs.

It's going to take hard work, lots of grunt work, to effect positive change. Right now, we're still posting brilliantly but otherwise doing nothing but hoping the system somehow collapses without being pushed, and that in the aftermath a pro-White system miraculously rises from the ashes. To put it in posting jargon, lolol.

Our only hope is to roll up our sleeves, submerge our egos, and begin the long march through the institutions that our enemy did. The system is now so corrupt that it probably doesn't need much of a push to develop some huge cracks, but as long as there's no organized opposition, only hoped-for solutions without working towards them, then we're doomed.

Disclaimer: I'm not addressing anyone in particular, only venting after 30 years of trying to wake up Americans and finding over and over again that the biggest impediment is the vast majority of those who know what's going on, at least in part, but make excuses over and over again for not being willing to leave their comfort zone even a little bit. Right now we're nothing but pathetic dreamers and losers.
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Don, just checked out the American Freedom Party site. I will seriously consider joining. Hitting the rack right now, tmrw I will further look into it.

Your right, its time to put our money/actions where our mouth is. The time of being computer commandos is at an end. At least for me.
Our only hope is to roll up our sleeves, submerge our egos, and begin the long march through the institutions that our enemy did. The system is now so corrupt that it probably doesn't need much of a push to develop some huge cracks, but as long as there's no organized opposition, only hoped-for solutions without working towards them, then we're doomed.

Don, you make a lot of good points, and have obviously done more in this arena than anyone here combined. But I'd like to see myself as a realist, and you can probably agree with me on this one thing. I don't want to come across as a lazy whiner, just the way I see things. And that is, in the current climate, it's pretty much impossible for a third party to become mainstream in the US and have its message heard. This is because the PTB are so powerful and have such complete control of every institution, that no legitimate opposition is permitted. If any such movement seems to have legs (see Tea Party), it will be quickly infiltrated, discredited, and labeled as racist/extremist before it has any chance to succeed. This will be accomplished by the lapdogs in the media, organizations such as the $PLC, and of course the Republicans themselves.

The Republicans are a joke. They basically threw the last 2 elections, and now, their primary focus seems to center around courting the latino voters, and help draft immigration legislation which will legalize 20+ million Mexicans, with millions more on the way, increasing both the number of high and low-skilled visas to completely squeeze and destory the American middle class. The Republicans are just as much the enemy as the Democrats, both two sides of the same coin.

It doesn't help that the great majority of Whites in this country are pretty much braindead and dumb as $hit. I see no reason to try to change or help these people. They are either in denial, completely indoctrinated beyond hope, or just plain ignorant/stupid and don't want to hear what you have to say to them. When I mention the only hope is some sort of a collapse, I truly don't see any other option. And since Whites are the civilization builders, I think there are enough of them out there, that post-collapse, we could re-build come out stronger than before and the let the rest of this multicultural wasteland rot under its own waste.

But I'll listen to you. I will join the American Freedom Party and become a paid member. It's the least I can do, aside from my arm-chair commentary on the internet.
Don, you make a lot of good points, and have obviously done more in this arena than anyone here combined. But I'd like to see myself as a realist, and you can probably agree with me on this one thing. I don't want to come across as a lazy whiner, just the way I see things. And that is, in the current climate, it's pretty much impossible for a third party to become mainstream in the US and have its message heard. This is because the PTB are so powerful and have such complete control of every institution, that no legitimate opposition is permitted. If any such movement seems to have legs (see Tea Party), it will be quickly infiltrated, discredited, and labeled as racist/extremist before it has any chance to succeed. This will be accomplished by the lapdogs in the media, organizations such as the $PLC, and of course the Republicans themselves.

I agree that it is almost impossible for a "politically incorrect" political party to become mainstream. However, as I mentioned before, in 1984 no one foresaw glasnost (the opening up of the previously closed Soviet political system) followed by the fall of the Soviet Union. Huge and monumental changes can occur very quickly, and I would strongly disagree with anyone who thinks the U.S. government is popular and stable, and that it will encounter nothing but smooth sailing in the days ahead. World War III is more likely than that. The federal government, and the closed and tightly regulated U.S. political system, are increasingly viewed as illegitimate by quite a number of people.

"If any such movement seems to have legs (see Tea Party), it will be quickly infiltrated, discredited, and labeled as racist/extremist before it has any chance to succeed." Undoubtedly such attempts will be made, and already are as far as the way the American Freedom Party is labeled. But -- let's get to that point and deal with it then. Just getting to the point where the establishment goes after the AFP would be a great accomplishment, certainly more than the absolute nothing we have going for us right now, because it will mean we will actually have some influence for once, and nobody knows what happens from there.

There are advantages political parties have over other types of organizations, even "third parties" -- for example, balloted candidates have to be sold advertising time; media outlets cannot refuse a third party candidate unless they turn down all candidates. And ad space has to be sold at the lowest rates stations offer.

People can vote for third party candidates; they have no other peaceful way of supporting non-establishment individuals and movements. Third party candidates can create a large amount of publicity in certain races, even if almost all of it is negative. And once a third party has a breakthrough, even at the local level, then it will quickly become nationally known as the media will immediately go into full demonization mode.

The idea is to shake things up, to at least try to organize and attempt to give dispossessed White America a voice and a bit of representation. It may be too late; I'm as aware as anyone of how difficult the political system is to work through and how thoroughly dumbed down and factionalized this country is. But again, unless we surrender and decide to just wait out the inevitable end as keyboard warriors and nothing else, the future is not decided.

And quite frankly, giving up is more and more becoming an option for me personally, after 30 years of smashing my head against a wall. Maybe one of these days I'll decide to take a long "holiday" and join the rest of the racially aware, do absolutely nothing but post and lurk crowd. But in the meantime I know with certainty there's a lot of talent out there, a lot of intelligence, enough to provide a leadership vanguard for our people. But if no effort is made, if instead we continue to act as if our foes are unbeatable and there is no point in even trying, well. . . we lose with one hundred percent certainty.
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I agree that it is almost impossible for a "politically incorrect" political party to become mainstream. However, as I mentioned before, in 1984 no one foresaw glasnost (the opening up of the previously closed Soviet political system) followed by the fall of the Soviet Union. Huge and monumental changes can occur very quickly, and I would strongly disagree with anyone who thinks the U.S. government is popular and stable, and that it will encounter nothing but smooth sailing in the days ahead. World War III is more likely than that. The federal government, and the closed and tightly regulated U.S. political system, are increasingly viewed as illegitimate by quite a number of people.

"If any such movement seems to have legs (see Tea Party), it will be quickly infiltrated, discredited, and labeled as racist/extremist before it has any chance to succeed." Undoubtedly such attempts will be made, and already are as far as the way the American Freedom Party is labeled. But -- let's get to that point and deal with it then. Just getting to the point where the establishment goes after the AFP would be a great accomplishment, certainly more than the absolute nothing we have going for us right now, because it will mean we will actually have some influence for once, and nobody knows what happens from there.

There are advantages political parties have over other types of organizations, even "third parties" -- for example, balloted candidates have to be sold advertising time; media outlets cannot refuse a third party candidate unless they turn down all candidates. And ad space has to be sold at the lowest rates stations offer.

People can vote for third party candidates; they have no other peaceful way of supporting non-establishment individuals and movements. Third party candidates can create a large amount of publicity in certain races, even if almost all of it is negative. And once a third party has a breakthrough, even at the local level, then it will quickly become nationally known as the media will immediately go into full demonization mode.

The idea is to shake things up, to at least try to organize and attempt to give dispossessed White America a voice and a bit of representation. It may be too late; I'm as aware as anyone of how difficult the political system is to work through and how thoroughly dumbed down and factionalized this country is. But again, unless we surrender and decide to just wait out the inevitable end as keyboard warriors and nothing else, the future is not decided.

And quite frankly, giving up is more and more becoming an option for me personally, after 30 years of smashing my head against a wall. Maybe one of these days I'll decide to take a long "holiday" and join the rest of the racially aware, do absolutely nothing but post and lurk crowd. But in the meantime I know with certainty there's a lot of talent out there, a lot of intelligence, enough to provide a leadership vanguard for our people. But if no effort is made, if instead we continue to act as if our foes are unbeatable and there is no point in even trying, well. . . we lose with one hundred percent certainty.

I see the American Freedom party is the new name for the American 3rd Position party. Someone should alter the wikipedia page as the entry for the party is that it believes in White supremacy. Although the gestapo that runs wikipedia may not allow it.
Many thanks for the articulate and thoughtful posts in this thread, guys.

I’m just as guilty as anyone for being a “keyboard activist.” I haven’t attended a pro-white rally or gathering in about 3 years. About 8 years ago, when I first started college, a like-minded friend and I began to distribute a pro-white pamphlet that we created (containing interracial crime statistics, facts about Zionism, anti-white government policies, the ghastly crimes against Boers/Afrikaans in South Africa, etc) and placed them into thousands of mailboxes in our county and neighboring counties. We did this once a week, hitting different locations for about five years (2004-2009?). I’m not sure what good it did, but I felt like it was the least I could do. As an added bonus, we were mostly printing the pamphlets for free at the manically-Marxist Penn State University, or as we called it: “The University of Diversity.” My friend just moved back into the area a few months ago after a stint in New Hampshire…I’ll talk to him about revising the pamphlet and getting back to performing God’s good work.

During my more careless days, I used to wear pro-white clothing (mostly “SS” and “Swastika” stuff -- I was young and German, haha) and the amount of random white people who would see this and instantly become enraged to the point of aggressively “confronting” me truly changed my perspective on “my” tribe. I’m 6’ 4”, around 240 lbs and in very good shape and I’d routinely have 40 year old DWF nerds flashing their middle finger or screaming in my face and threatening me with violence in public places. And these annoying confrontations weren’t occurring in some inner city rat’s nest, but rural and suburban Pennsylvania. How disconcerting is that?

When I was in college, I also had my car (early 90’s Ford Festiva, haha) windows smashed out and my car keyed and vandalized simply for having a “White Power” sticker on my back window. The joke was on them, because I got a big check from my insurance company and installed the “new” (taken from a junkyard) windows myself. It takes a true, full-blooded, All-American Judeo-Marxist Sycophant to do something like that to a complete stranger…but that’s “our” people in a nutshell. These are the racially-comatose Zio-worms who we’re “fighting” to educate and protect.

My pro-white activism is truly in a rut and I need a violent kick in the ass as much as anyone…I think I’ll start revising my “pro-white pamphlet” for mass distribution and also check out the American Freedom Party. I agree with Don that our side has tremendous talent, intelligence, and creativity (much more so than our predictable, complacent enemies) and we haven’t yet lost this war…the most vital conflict in our race’s existence.
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I think I'm seeing a Jeremy Lin Effect in youth basketball. There have always been a handful of Asian kids who come out for basketball around here, mostly because their classmates do. They were always terrible. That doesn't seem to be the case anymore. They seem to be practicing and learning the game. None of them are great players, but they aren't lost out there, either. It's amusing because their parents are utterly lost as to what's going on on the court. Granted, this is a very limited sample in a VERY white community, but I think it shows something admirable in Asians that I hope can be re-awakened in Whites. Pride, for lack of a better word.

If I'm reading this right, these kids are seeing somebody that resembles them (who is not 7 feet tall) doing well in a sport that the system doesn't think they even care about, much less can play. It's motivating them to try, and they are finding that they can compete. My hope is that some white kids will identify with and try to copy Jordy Nelson, Eric Decker, and others in Caste positions/sports.
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