Israel did 9/11, ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD!!

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
guest301 said:
What a jaded worldview you have Darwin. I shouldn't be suprised with your hero being Darwin and his long discredited crackpot theory of evolution which you still apparantly believe in. Your the one poster I can't even take half-seriously. I don't think Israel sees the United States as much of a friend right now except for the support Israel gets from evangelical Christians and some members of Congress.

is jaded the new word for 'right on the money'? if i was actually wrong about israel being a parasite to the usa, you would be able to articulate some sort of benefit the united states citizens get from an israli alliance. but you can't. there is none. you can only insult me. i feel like pure awesomeness right now.

as for darwin, he's only been given credit for defining the mechanism of microevolution, a theory rarely disputed. but don't let truth get in the way of your hate filled tirades against pro-white thought. Edited by: C Darwin

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Mr. Lutefisk said:
BTW Israel is our worst enemy, a hidden enemy is always worse than one that is in your face.

Words of wisdom.

guest301 said:
I don't think Israel sees the United States as much of a friend right now except for the support Israel gets from evangelical Christians and some members of Congress.

You told us before that you're Jewish, guest301. Where is your first loyalty?

1. To the USA
2. To the white race
3. To Israel

I think your first loyalty is to Israel, am I correct?

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
guest301 said:
Did any of you guys notice that Obama has a 4% approval rating in Israel and they certainly don't feel like they are the puppet master in regards to the United States, if anything , they feel abandoned by their longtime friend and will likely take matters into their own hands and take out Iran's nukes by themself.
what kind of person feels 'abandoned' with this much money thrown at them?

those figures are in millions of unites states tax payer dollars.

i'll stop calling israel parasites when someone explains what the unites states gets in return for israli aid.


Mar 23, 2009

How much of this influence contributes to the caste system?

Just wondering what people's thoughts were. And I don't only mean just ESPN or SI (I personally believe tv is a zionist tool), I also mean literally in the ranks of the NFL and NBA?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
About a third of the owners are Zionists. As soon as word got out that Rush Limbaugh was interested in being a part owner of the Rams, Jewish owners led the instant charge against him. And Limbaugh isa neo-con and slavish supporter of Israel; but his remarks about Donovan McNabb and black QBs back in 2003 were enough to disqualify him in perpetuity.
Zionism is entwined with Cultural Marxism, which is all about degrading and marginalizing White men. Sports, actually just a very few select sports, is about the only area where blacks have shown ability roughly equal to whites, and so the Caste System (which is a type of rigid affirmative action which is also promoted by the media)is very important in promoting an inferiority complex in white boys and men when it comes to not just sports but masculinity and anything to do with physicality.


Mar 23, 2009

One of the cool things about the caste system is that it makes extremely clear the group of power that is in control. Liberals alone cannot account for such a far-reaching set of rules for just pro basketball and pro football.

It is difficult that to understand this point of view; you must confront a manufactured fear of paranoia that is instilled in Zionist values.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
guest301 said:
Stupid,crackpot theory from the beginning and it's very nice to see several posters at CF besides me posting against this garbage which will not attract new members to this site as Football Dad posted. Did any of you guys notice that Obama has a 4% approval rating in Israel and they certainly don't feel like they are the puppet master in regards to the United States, if anything , they feel abandoned by their longtime friend and will likely take matters into their own hands and take out Iran's nukes by themself.

After all this time, I'm still not sure what the U.S. has to gain, or has ever gained, in this be-all and end-all alliance with the Israelis. They are the only beneficiaries, and white Americans are the only ones who suffer. You're right though, I've also seen footage and read articles of the overwhelming hatred that ordinary Israeli citizens have for Hussein Obongo. They're probably just anti-black, anti-muslim xenophobes, similar to the white Americans who voted for McCain and Paul. The only people gaining anything, as usual, are those Ivory Tower Zionists perched atop the world.

All I see in Israel's future (not dissimilar to their past) is terrorism, war, and death. Perhaps the high-ranking members of Hebrew-Nation should swallow the same multicultural cyanide capsule which their globalist brethren have so effectively rammed down the collective throats of white men the world over. But no, those amusing little Negrophile regulations are only preordained for the sweetest, most naïve little boys.

I could absolutely care less about the fate of Israel, nor any other non-white nation. And yes, I do realize that not all Yids have black eyes, negro-curly black hair, and toucan noses. Perhaps I'm a tad biased"¦me being a "malevolent,"Â￾ incorruptible Germanic male who values absolutely nothing over Aryan family and Aryan race.

The "Jews Orchestrated 911"Â￾ theory has been around for years"¦and it sounds more convincing than the ever-elaborate (complete with strictly anecdotal evidence) "Muslims Cave Dweller"Â￾ theory. Another popular theory is the "Bush-Cheney Orchestrated 911"Â￾ theory"¦which involves oil profits, etc. No perpetrator would be all that shocking to me.


Dec 11, 2004
Parody said:
jwhite96 said:
Israel was definitely an invention of the British.

But how did the British manage to create the bible which is the most widely read book in the world. Especially since the bible predates Great Britain by 2,000 years.
Your arguments are silly and weak. He didn't even mention the Bible.

And anyone who believes the Old Testament isn't very bright. Do you believe in Norse and Roman mythology too?

Israel never existed before 1948. There was a country called "Judea" 2000 years ago. You need to learn to separate reality from from your delusions.

jwhite96 said:
How did they manage to insert countless references to Jews living in what is now Israel, into the old testament?
There are NO references to "The Jews" in the Old Testament that I'm aware of, unless the word is mentioned in some new translations I haven't seen. There are countless references to the Hebrews.

There are 12 Hebrew tribes mentioned in the Old Testament, one was called Judah.

Jews are metioned in the New Testament, referring to the people who lived in Judea, which was the tiny country around Jerusalem. The Jewish High Priests persuaded the Roman governor to have Jesus Christ crucified.

jwhite96 said:
Since the bible has been available for thousands of yours, did the British use some type of time machine, to go back 2,300 years and insert all of these references to Judea, the Kingdom of Israel and Jews?
You're pretending to be stupid again. You know exactly what he meant.

When someone mentions Israel's motives were for 9/11, Zionists always resort to silly comments like that, intended to distract us away from the truth.

You reveal yourself as a Jewish Supremacist over and over again in this thread. Most of us are not as stupid as you believe.


Not everyone who finds crackpots theories such as you espouse ridiculous is Jewish.

You could call me Jewish I don't care even though you are incorrect.

I am someone who feel ,although, there are Jews such as Jewish democrats who have supported policies which have harmed all whites, I don't see them, as the sole cause of the deterioration of status of the white.

You repeatedly call me stupid. I think of myself as someone who doesn't follow the herd.

I do admire Jews such as the scientists who developed the atom bomb and the many who have discovered or developed cures and treatments for many illnesses.

As Don has said, many Jews have never gotten over what happened in the past in this country, and remain overly suspicious of non Jews.

This is self defeating for them. I also agree with Guest301 and FootballDad, it doesn't help the cause of the white athlete when groups such as Jews are all portrayed as evil. You may not like that but that is American society today.

DWFs who have been brainwashed to hate white athletes, are the group which must be awakened to their false beliefs , if we are ever to eliminate or at least seriously weaken the Caste system.

I believe I probably do more to fight the caste system, than many posters. I daily speak with whites here in Bama trying to make them aware of the blatant discrimination against white athletes. Anyone of these whites could become a rat and I will be fired in 5 minutes. Yet, daily because I feel so angered by anti-white discrimination and resent how almost all big time sports has a few whites, I risk my job which is stupid.

Edited by: jwhite96


May 10, 2008
jwhite, this last post of yours is a good, coherent post. But I have to agree with Parody that your previous posts in this thread have been stupid.


May 10, 2008
StarWars said:

One of the cool things about the caste system is that it makes extremely clear the group of power that is in control. Liberals alone cannot account for such a far-reaching set of rules for just pro basketball and pro football.

It is difficult that to understand this point of view; you must confront a manufactured fear of paranoia that is instilled in Zionist values.
I think you are saying something profound here, but I'm not quite grasping it. Please elaborate a bit, if you have time. Thanks.


Mar 23, 2009
Observer said:
StarWars said:
It is difficult that to understand this point of view; you must confront a manufactured fear of paranoia that is instilled in Zionist values.
I think you are saying something profound here, but I'm not quite grasping it. Please elaborate a bit, if you have time. Thanks.

Sure. I'm guessing you are referring to the last part of my post.

I think that the media (mainly tv, magazines, & movies) has reinforeced Americans into believeing that there are two parties (Republicans and Democrats), and that any real opponent to this system is a racist of some sort (whether just racist or anti-semetic). The mental hurdles one faces when trying to escape the world that has reinforced them and given them everything, from entertainment to a job and social circle, is an almost impossible blockade to transcend when trying to understand the caste system, and its sources such as cultural marxism. It takes an extremely open mind to do this. Most people live mindlessly for the majority of their lives (cannot act without reinforcement), however some humans evolved to think for themselves, and/or thankfully the environment they grew up in allowed them to be racially conscious. It's all about being normal, fitting in, and going on through life while maintaining a sense of self worth in the eyes of others, no matter how shallow and delusionary their self worth truly is.

For the Jews, there is jealousy. For the whites, there is conformity. For blacks, there is stupidity. The current vice of the white man is his loss of creative/ independent thought and it is because he is being constantly reinforced. To deny the current state of things and embrace the truth of the caste system, means going against your best interests.


Dec 11, 2004
Observer said:
jwhite, this last post of yours is a good, coherent post. But I have to agree with Parody that your previous posts in this thread have been stupid.

You may disagree with my views , but who are you or Parody to call anyone "stupid".

If anything is stupid , it is the ridiculous crackpot theories and the follow the herd mentality.


Aug 16, 2006
I'm glad that C Darwin posted those foreign aid figures from the U.S. to Israel because I noticed the same curious thing when I looked it up myself yesterday: that American aid money was at its highest before September 11th. I think the attack on the twin towers did awaken a lot of Americans to the danger of Muslim extremism. Whether this translated into any tangible empathy toward Israel seems pretty debatable.

I think the same groups of people that were cheerleaders for Israel in 2000 (Zionists, Neocons, and Evangelicals) hold largely the same views today. Meanwhile, the same groups of people who were skeptical about Israel's righteousness (let's say paleocons/libertarians, and liberals {including many Jews}) are still skeptical today. Netanyahu's casual remark should not be so central to the "Jews did it!" hypothesis.

Once again, the immediate aftermath of 9/11 was an American invasion of Afghanistan. If someone could explain to me how this outcome was in any way beneficial (or even relevant) to Israel, I'd like to hear it. If Mossad were organizing such an operation, wouldn't they prefer to pin the attack on Hamas or Hezbollah?

FWIW, I am in the camp that believes that America's whole-hearted support of Israel has been detrimental to our well-being. But the theory of Jews masterminding 9/11 is just too far-fetched. There's still nothing resembling a believable motive.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
jared said:
the immediate aftermath of 9/11 was an American invasion of Afghanistan. If someone could explain to me how this outcome was in any way beneficial (or even relevant) to Israel, I'd like to hear it. If Mossad were organizing such an operation, wouldn't they prefer to pin the attack on Hamas or Hezbollah?

Afghanistan was bombed immediately after 9/11 and some U.S. and NATO troops were sent there, but the primary theater of military operations right after 9/11 was Iraq. Saddam Hussein was not involved in 9/11, as even the Bush administration eventually admitted, but he was demonized for so long by both the media and the government that many Americans to this day believe that Saddam and Iraq perpetrated 9/11.

Invading Iraq served the interests of both Israel and the U.S., particularly the oil companies. Iraq and Iran were seen by Israel as its two most dangerous enemies in the region, which is why the drumbeat of Zionist propaganda to take out Iran never diminishes. Afghanistan is all about oil, specifically Washington's goal of controllingthe flow of oil to and from Central Asia --and hence todeny oil to China if need be.

At any rate, let's remember not to engage in personal insults when writing about important subjects that everyone has passionate views about. Calling someone's posts "stupid" is not the most constructive way to engage in rebuttal.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Parody said:
Mr. Lutefisk said:
BTW Israel is our worst enemy, a hidden enemy is always worse than one that is in your face.

Words of wisdom.

guest301 said:
I don't think Israel sees the United States as much of a friend right now except for the support Israel gets from evangelical Christians and some members of Congress.

You told us before that you're Jewish, guest301. Where is your first loyalty?

1. To the USA
2. To the white race
3. To Israel

In answer to your question, Yes I have said that before although you leave out the part about me being part Irish and Greek as well, not to mention the fact despite my Jewish heritage I am 100% Christian. As far as my loyalties go, they are dual loyalties to what you mentioned above, the USA, white race and Israel, but my first loyalty is to none of those, my Christian faith comes first even sometimes at the expense of the other three. I got two more tea parties to go to this week and I am busy making a difference in my community, state and country and my loyalties are not in question to anybody that knows me and spends any amount of time with me, so not really concerned with what some anonymous internet posters who I will likely never meet think of my loyalties.

CDarwin, you made a comment about my hate filled posts. That's a joke since I am one of the more moderate members of CF and you kinda sound like a liberal saying that to me, so am I a "hater" now? How is that crackpot evolution thing working out for you, I guess I am a hater to call you out on believing the biggest lie in all of history, that we all came from apes.
Jwhite96. Outstanding job sir! I have really enjoyed reading your posts. I totally identify with your workplace predicament. I have been wearing my Duke national championship basketball cap everywhere I go and at work and it has sparked many conversations about the plight of the white athlete and in the pc enviroment that I work in with SEIU union members at my workplace, I have risked my job on more than one occasion with some of my pro-white athlete and pro-white race viewpoints. I even got into a argument with one of my dearest white friends from church last week when I questioned why he would root for a mostly black WVU over Duke and he actually said to me that he "couldn't identify" with the Duke basketball players and had more in common with the WVU players. I was just stunned because this is a guy I have been trying to influence on this issue for three years now and at that moment I felt he had not learned a damn thing and I have been ticked off at him for over a week now. It's frustrating sometimes trying to explain to people how you can become more race-aware and racially loyal without being racist and full of hate. However I have got through to some people and it keeps me going and I need to have more patience with friends who will never get it.Edited by: guest301


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
guest301 said:
How is that crackpot evolution thing working out for you, I guess I am a hater to call you out on believing the biggest lie in all of history, that we all came from apes.
This is incorrect, sir. The Drunken Hypothesis of Evolution has been revised to state that we share a common ancestry with primates, we didn't evolve from them. By opening that up a bit, it can be said that all life shares common ancestry since all life, including plants and subterranean goo, all managed to evolve, through never-observed mutations (as in mutant) from a single-celled organism that managed to "come alive" in some unduplicatable event involving primordial "stew". Thus, we are all related, even to JEWS!


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Semantics, Football Dad. Kinda suprised you would go there. You know darn well that the way evolution is taught in our schools is meant to convince children to believe we all came from apes and that there is no creator God or at least no need for a creator God.. You can nuance it any way you want and post about the latest alterations to evolutionary theory but my point remains the same and is still valid.


Nov 6, 2008
jwhite96 said:
Solomon Kane said:
Yes, a role (active or knowingly passive) for Mossad in this is eminently plausible.  Even on Israeli TV--the mossad operatives known as the "dancing israelis", said they were sent to NY to film the day's events.  They knew something was going to happen.

I saw the "dancing Israels" on the TV show "Dancing with the stars".



Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
guest301 said:
Semantics, Football Dad. Kinda suprised you would go there. You know darn well that the way evolution is taught in our schools is meant to convince children to believe we all came from apes and that there is no creator God or at least no need for a creator God.. You can nuance it any way you want and post about the latest alterations to evolutionary theory but my point remains the same and is still valid.
My apologies, guest301. My post was a clumsy attempt to bring this post full-circle so that we can finally realize that since we are all related, WE ALL did 9/11. It's a terrible shame that Parody, C Darwin, Kaptain Poop, et al, have relatives (evolutionarily speaking) that did thisawful crime!


Nov 6, 2008
Parody said:
jwhite96 said:
There is proof the Mossad are responsible for the Loch Ness monster.

And with that comment you gave away the fact that you are a Jewish supremacist trolling this site.


You've posted only similarly silly responses to our other comments. That BS doesn't work here, we're not that naive.

Westside said:
Third on Mossad's hit list circa 2010, like right now, is eradicating Castefootball site, oh the horror. Better tell Don to put up some spyware, virus, spamblockers and such. We have to be proacive and put Mossad at arms length.

So because you are white and happen to be Jewish you are all of sudden jewish supremist? Ridiculous. We root for the White athlete period. We might take extra pride in the white Jewish Athlete as I would imagine a Irishman would take pride in a Irish White Athlete. Would you call that Irish supremist? Insane.

You can buy into any conspiracy theory you want. Jwhite is completely on the money here. Isreal is not perfect, but would side with them anyday than an Arab ally. All hijackers came from Saudi but I don't hear us bashing Saudi?
No. It's simpler for the Jewish Supremacists to just have a troll or two on this website, posting silly responses to any truth we post.


Nov 6, 2008
C Darwin said:
jaxvid said:
I think for castefootball purposes it's just the "eyeball" test. If the DWF's think someone is white it doesn't even matter if they are part asian or jewish or whatever. Athletic success by someone that looks caucasian is enough.

honest question: is it not this kind of superficial tolerance that got whites to the point they're at now?

Disagree. Jews on any questinaire make "white". We are white. We look white. People are surprised when I say I am Jewish. Why would I not be white? Why would I not be proud of being Jewish either. You can have multiple prides. I have seen a lot Jewish athletes praised on this site with lack of knowing they are Jewish. I can draw a list if needed.


Nov 6, 2008
jwhite96 said:

Do have a license to practice psychoanalysis?

You really believe I'm an actor? Maybe I could go to Hollywood and make a career out of acting.

"Of course, everybody with an IQ over 75 is aware the Zionists control the media."

Do you meet that standard?



Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
FootballDad said:
guest301 said:
Semantics, Football Dad. Kinda suprised you would go there. You know darn well that the way evolution is taught in our schools is meant to convince children to believe we all came from apes and that there is no creator God or at least no need for a creator God.. You can nuance it any way you want and post about the latest alterations to evolutionary theory but my point remains the same and is still valid.
<div></div>My apologies, guest301.  My post was a clumsy attempt to bring this post full-circle so that we can finally realize that since we are all related, WE ALL did 9/11.  It's a terrible shame that Parody, C Darwin, Kaptain Poop, et al, have relatives (evolutionarily speaking) that did this awful crime!

I see where you are going now, no problems and no apology is needed.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Don Wassall said:
<div>At any rate, let's remember not to engage in personal insults when writing about important subjects that everyone has passionate views about.  Calling someone's posts "stupid" is not the most constructive way to engage in rebuttal.  </div>

Thought I might bump this recent post of Wassall so that posters on all sides of the issue might take a step back from the insults(including myself) before this thread gets locked.


Feb 5, 2010
FootballDad said:
guest301 said:
 How is that crackpot evolution thing working out for you, I guess I am a hater to call you out on believing the biggest lie in all of history, that we all came from apes.
<div></div>This is incorrect, sir.  The Drunken Hypothesis of Evolution has been revised to state that we share a common ancestry with primates, we didn't evolve from them.  By opening that up a bit, it can be said that all life shares common ancestry since all life, including plants and subterranean goo, all managed to evolve, through never-observed mutations (as in mutant) from a single-celled organism that managed to "come alive" in some unduplicatable event involving primordial "stew".  Thus, we are all related, even to JEWS!

It does not state that we did not evolve from primates. We are primates. We did not evolve from Chimpanzees. We evolved from a more archaic common ancestor that was an ape.

My apologies, guest301. My post was a clumsy attempt to bring this post full-circle so that we can finally realize that since we are all related, WE ALL did 9/11. It's a terrible shame that Parody, C Darwin, Kaptain Poop, et al, have relatives (evolutionarily speaking) that did this awful crime!

But not phylogenetic or cultural relatives.

For your information there are competing theories to the "Out of Africa" one.