Israel did 9/11, ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD!!

Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
Lance Alworth said:
Even though I despise "Christian-Zionism" (an oxymoron if I've ever heard one) I have nothing against posters like guest301, who while a Zionist, doesn't shove his beliefs down our throats. He makes his point and moves on. This fe3or or whatever his name is, is a JTF troll that was probably sent here from their forum onto ours in order to stir the pot. We're here to support white athletes. JTF trolls come to sites like ours and Stormfront in order to push their Zionist agenda. Their little cult of personality, Chaim Ben Pesach is a convicted felon who spent 5 years in prison for bombing Russian diplomatic property.

Anyway, not to bring the thread off topic, but I just thought I would throw that out there just to let people know where these trolls might be coming from
web sites like this will be a magnet for trolls.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Excellent video. Straight and to the point. It's sad that many jews are so anti christian. I still try to treat people with respect until theyscrew me over. So basically I live by the saying "do onto others as they do onto you". Some are good and some are very bad. It's just compounded by the power and control that they have.

To me respect goes both ways. If the Jews want the Christians to respect them more, they need to quit attacking Christianity. I don't see that happening. I hope I'm wrong. This is not an attack on guest301 or any other long time member. It's just to the trolls. REPECT HAS TO BE EARNED!Edited by: white lightning


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
G301's a good fella & contributer here at CF. I too have NO beef with him.

I don't cotton to Zionism personally, but to each their own. The main issue I have is the U.S. government serving Israel (over our own REAL interests) & the DC traitors bowing down to AIPAC. I also believe in Christian Supersessionism (that ONLY Christians will enter Heaven...through accepting Christ as their Savior & repenting of sins). Therefore I reject so-called "Christian" Zionism.