Is there a chance of a USA-Russia war in the near future?

Russia is going to present alleged evidence of US bioweapon activities in Ukraine. This will be interesting to watch. The media, 3 letter agencies and government are all trying to discredit this as "misinformation" already. Fact is the Ukraine is a shady corrupt place where that US intelligence and business has thrive in for the past decade or so. Biden and his son have many (illegal) business connections to the area and I am sure many of those in power in DC are no different.
I don't doubt that.
But I don't feel that any of it warrants the invasion and destruction of Ukraine and its people.
As far as I am concerned Russia and Putin are in the wrong and can't be excused for this war.
I've said before that Putin like all of them is a Free Mason. So they play both sides but I would love to see him really honestly defending the people of the world. No one
knows what to believe anymore with lies from all sides. I will say however that this is a short but great speech. If only we can hope he is telling the truth and not just
lieing like Biden, Trudeau and all the Globalist Puppets around the world moving in lock step towards their New World Order.

Chime in with your thoughts on this speech? Putin has also stated that America is destroying itself by design and blaming them for it. Alot of truth in what he says and
the European Countries are doing the same thing. They want to destroy the whole west. For once let Putin or some of their big leaders be traders to them and their
global genocidal plan of death and totalitarian control. It's understandable why so many americans see more truth in Putin than from our own leaders. I will say though that it's assuming the translation is right. He speaks great english and I would love to hear him say the same things in another speech that the non russian speakers can understand. You can't even trust translations these days. Just look at the so called (Fact Checkers). All lies and propaganda.
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When was this speech? I would like to think the translation is true. I'd like to think he is trustworthy regarding this "calling out" of the world elites destroying us all. Only time will tell. I listen to NOTHING on radio or tv. It's all controlled by the antichrists who hate us and hate God and our Savior. Christ will win but how long will the masses stay ignorant of who the real enemies are?
I don't doubt that.
But I don't feel that any of it warrants the invasion and destruction of Ukraine and its people.
As far as I am concerned Russia and Putin are in the wrong and can't be excused for this war.

Of course you don’t, you’re not the president of a world super power, and there are more than likely forces at work here that you can’t comprehend. Fact is, NATO and as an extension the EU, have pushed Russia too far on this occasion with aggressive territorial expansion. Not to mention the puppet government that is currently installed in Ukraine, doing the bidding of the west at every turn. Did you even watch the videos posted in this thread? The Ukrainian government is a joke, run by incompetents and westerners installed during the 2014 ‘uprising’.

Of course you don’t, you’re not the president of a world super power, and there are more than likely forces at work here that you can’t comprehend. Fact is, NATO and as an extension the EU, have pushed Russia too far on this occasion with aggressive territorial expansion. Not to mention the puppet government that is currently installed in Ukraine, doing the bidding of the west at every turn. Did you even watch the videos posted in this thread? The Ukrainian government is a joke, run by incompetents and westerners installed during the 2014 ‘uprising’.

Can I remind you that Ukraine is not a member of NATO?
Sure, there has been talk of them joining, but that has been going on for 15 years. So what exactly has happened that 'pushed Russia too far on this occasion'?
And even if Ukraine government has a "puppet government", "is a joke", is run by "incompetents and westerners"; does that give Russia a right to destroy Ukraine and kill its people?!
If I don't like the way you are living your life, does that give me the right to beat the **** out of you?! Of course not.

What about Belarus??
They have an oppressive, puppet government answering to Russia.
Does that give NATO the right to send in troops and blow the country to ****???
I say NO.
Besides all the other **** the US/NATO is doing in the Ukraine, it is coming out that they are running bioweapons labs there. Of course they are trying to deny it and call it misinformation, but even though most of the mainstream media here will lie and deflect, the rest of the world is coming to realize how evil the US government really is.

My biggest fear is a huge false flag attack with countless people injured or killed and then the globalists use it to start World War 3.

I'm a christian. I pray for both the Ukraine and Russia. People in general are mostly good but the leaders drag us into these horrible wars
for the bankers and globalists to get richer while we fight and die.
My biggest fear is a huge false flag attack with countless people injured or killed and then the globalists use it to start World War 3.

I'm a christian. I pray for both the Ukraine and Russia. People in general are mostly good but the leaders drag us into these horrible wars
for the bankers and globalists to get richer while we fight and die.

I share your sentiments my brother. I don't want anyone to be fearful but this is a realistic concern.
For those of you who dare. Go buy the book "Covid 19 the Great Reset" by Klause Schwaub. This is from the book.

Schwab is evil. How is he able to wield such power, influence and place leaders he has trained into positions of power in western governments? I also notice K@lergi in the paragraph above the highlighted one. Pure evil and when you put the pieces together as we look around at the world today - open borders, importing non Whites into western countries as part of the great replacement etc.

The fact he is publishing books about it, getting no push back, Trudeau (one of his minions) using violent force to suppress a peaceful majority White protest, the PM in New Zealand locking down and imposing draconian covid policies on citizens - it’s certainly not a conspiracy theory anymore. The fact no one is pushing back on this NGO as it wields influence and destroys national sovereignty just shows how evil and far reaching it is.
I'm really happy to see that people on here are woke to Schwab and projects like the ******* Plan. It can be hard to wrap your mind around it, but they want us dead. Many people on here know who the "they" are, and the "us" is white Europeans. A thriving white middle class is their worst outcome. White people are too independent and desirous of a fair system. They will keep a few white people around as technicians and engineers, but outside of that, we are doomed. World Wars I and II were useless wars who killed off millions of us. World War III is lining up to do the same.
There's a part in the vid I posted where this Jewish pundit is trying to pep talk Germans into going to fight Russians. He says "we will not call you Nazis anymore."
For those of you who don't believe President Zelensky doesn't know about the Nazis he endorses them. This same Nazis were trained by the U.S. and England. They
are ruthless killers and they are terrorizing the Ukraine for years now. This is who Putin is referrring to and trying to get rid of.

Ukraine nationalists used 150 civilians as human shields

Last week, the Russian ministry of defense revealed that Ukrainian neo-Nazis in Mariupol used about 150 civilians as human shields and opened fire on fighters from the Donetsk People's Republic from behind the civilians' backs.

"At around 17.00 Moscow time, on Pobedy Avenue in Mariupol, DPR servicemen collided with a unit of Ukrainian armed nationalists. The militants drove more than 150 civilians ahead of them, hiding behind them as a 'human shield'," Russian Defence Ministry Spokesperson Major General Igor Konashenkov indicated.
Every war is full of fake, slanted, and exaggerated news reports to make their side look good, and make everyone at home feel good about how the war is going.
But that doesn't mean there isn't a 'real war' going on in Ukraine.....unless you live in Russia, where the word 'war' is banned to describe what is happening in Ukraine.
Another war crime was committed today as Brent Renaud was shot to death when his marked vehicle was ambushed after he crossed a Russian controlled check point his camera man survived the shooting. This war has taken on a predictable dirty campaign after Russian forces realized they were in the proverbial soup or meat grinder...

Or maybe nosy non-combatants should stay out of harms way. I’m sorry this fellow was killed but it’s a damn war! As one of our great generals said: war, like the thunderbolt follows its laws, and turns not aside even if the beautiful and charitable stand in its path.
At least a peace has been made here in the good ole US of A. At the gym today I watched with wonder as both CNN and FOX were on the exact same page. No more dueling headlines taking the exact opposite view on issues. Now perfect harmony.

Both networks highlighted the horrors of war and then flashed to cheerleading for more weapons more aid more ways to keep the fighting going. It occurred to no one that the best way to stop the ugliness they were showing was to try to make peace.

I know most people in this country think that maybe if only Russia would fumble or throw an interception the momentum will change and the Ukraine can rally back in the 4th quarter.

The truth is the longer it goes on the uglier it gets for the Ukraine.
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