Is there a chance of a USA-Russia war in the near future?

So Us of Gay should respond by escalating this **** storm into World War 3?! Easy to keep blaming Putin and Russians like we've been conditioned to for last 70years. It's already a brother war, so another brother, America needs to get involved? Yeah explain this Putin bashers? What should be done?

Sane opinions that fall in line with MSM lol. Congrats @sport historian @jacknyc . So edgy. Putin bad from same people that told you Orange Man bad!
For a group such as ourselves that (rightfully) memes on leftists for blindly opposing anything remotely conservative no matter how beneficial it is ("If Trump cured cancer then the left would be pro-cancer!" and all that), we sure seem to be doing a good deal of that in this thread with the MSM. Yes, 99% of the time they should be automatically distrusted, but every now and then, something so obviously horrific happens that they have no choice but to take the right (in this side, pro-Ukrainian) side. It's sort of like - and in this conflict neither the aggressor nor the victim is white and it's not like we're obliged to care about it - China's mistreatment of Uyghur Muslims, where even the left wing which practically sniffs China's jock 24/7 was forced to call them out.

Just by itself, Putin's comment that Russia needs to "de-Nazify" Ukraine (a country that, as has been pointed out several times on this site, has a freaking Jewish president!) proves that he's not acting in good faith. If anything, he's the one trying to engage in the "Nazis bad, therefore I'm good" tactic with the American public, and he's failing spectacularly, at least with leftists and moderates.
For a group such as ourselves that (rightfully) memes on leftists for blindly opposing anything remotely conservative no matter how beneficial it is ("If Trump cured cancer then the left would be pro-cancer!" and all that), we sure seem to be doing a good deal of that in this thread with the MSM. Yes, 99% of the time they should be automatically distrusted, but every now and then, something so obviously horrific happens that they have no choice but to take the right (in this side, pro-Ukrainian) side. It's sort of like - and in this conflict neither the aggressor nor the victim is white and it's not like we're obliged to care about it - China's mistreatment of Uyghur Muslims, where even the left wing which practically sniffs China's jock 24/7 was forced to call them out.

Just by itself, Putin's comment that Russia needs to "de-Nazify" Ukraine (a country that, as has been pointed out several times on this site, has a freaking Jewish president!) proves that he's not acting in good faith. If anything, he's the one trying to engage in the "Nazis bad, therefore I'm good" tactic with the American public, and he's failing spectacularly, at least with leftists and moderates.

LOL, so this is the 1 percent of the time the ((media)) is right. Got it. :rolleyes: Glad they are protecting the honor of White Ukrainian's by egging them on to be massacred by Russian's. Their own selfish interests have anything to do with it. o_O

Putin called someone a Nazi. BFD, that word is thrown around so much now, it literally means Jack ****. Should he have been honest and say we need to take out that dirty J, Zelensky? I mean that would be beyond based, but not likely to happen. I thought it clever to sabotage the commie word play.

The other day I watched Canadian Parliament dissolve into calling each other Nazis and fumbling over themselves trying to prove the other side was more Antisemitic. Pathetic, but shows who wields power.

So for the Pro-Ukraine aka Team Globohomo posters here: Are you ready to enter WW3 to protect Ukraine's honor? Still no response to my previous question. I feel like our own Borders and out of control Black on White Crime is more important than taking out Putin, but that's just me.
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LOL, so this is the 1 percent of the time the ((media)) is right. Got it. :rolleyes: Glad they are protecting the honor of White Ukrainian's by egging them on to be massacred by Russian's. Their own selfish interests have anything to do with it. o_O

Putin called someone a Nazi. BFD, that word is thrown around so much now, it literally means Jack ****. Should he have been honest and say we need to take out that dirty J, Zelensky? I mean that would be beyond based, but not likely to happen. I thought it clever to sabotage the commie word play.

The other day I watched Canadian Parliament dissolve into calling each other Nazis and fumbling over themselves trying to prove the other side was more Antisemitic. Pathetic, but shows who wields power.

So for the Pro-Ukraine aka Team Globohomo posters here: Are you ready to enter WW3 to protect Ukraine's honor? Still no response to my previous question. I feel like our own Borders and out of control Black on White Crime is more important than taking out Putin, but that's just me.

There will be no WWIII. Russia is catching hell conducting a supposedly "special operation." Truth be told there never was a "missile gap" and the "Russian Bear" isn't as tough or competent as some would portray them to be. As a retired veteran of 3 conflicts and student of military history, my hobby, Russia is nothing more than a 3rd world country with nukes.
There will be no WWIII. Russia is catching hell conducting a supposedly "special operation." Truth be told there never was a "missile gap" and the "Russian Bear" isn't as tough or competent as some would portray them to be. As a retired veteran of 3 conflicts and student of military history, my hobby, Russia is nothing more than a 3rd world country with nukes.

Ironic you mention Russian military isn't as tough or competent as some think. I think the same regarding our Globohomo Army. We looked real competent leaving Afghanistan! lol.

Now Russia is a 3rd World Country with nukes! Half the countries with nukes are 3rd world countries. N. Korea, India, Pakistan, etc.

France and UK are on their way there with all that unchecked immigration flowing in..

I sure do hope you're right on no WW3. I'll bow to your expertise on that.
Can we agree that this war is a bad thing and stop with the "muh good war" myth?

Can we agree that there are more than two possible positions on this issue and stop the whole "if you don't blindly agree with Putin 100% of the time you must be a Zionist" crap?

I've defended Putin in the past when I thought he did the right thing (putting the smackdown on Chechen extremists, telling the homosexual propagandists to back off, putting the smackdown on ISIS). Now that I think he's doing the wrong thing, I'm calling him out on it.

Can we agree, even if you sympathize with him, that maybe Putin made a strategic blunder by invading Ukraine, which has turned many of his former allies against him, not to mention exposing weaknesses in the Russian military once it became apparent that the invasion wouldn't be the pushover Putin thought it would be?

P.S. Since the Moscow Mule thing was brought up, I just remembered that I ordered one a couple days ago at the Washington Dulles Airport. No, it wasn't banned (and I agree that banning them is stupid just like renaming French fries "freedom fries.") I wasn't even thinking about politics at all, I just like that drink. I'll order it because I like it, not to "show solidarity with Putin," nor will I boycott it to "show solidarity with NATO." Not every single thing has to be political.

P.P.S. I wouldn't necessarily consider the "females and children" thing a personal argument, since I think we do have a couple of (actual) ladies here.
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Ironic you mention Russian military isn't as tough or competent as some think. I think the same regarding our Globohomo Army. We looked real competent leaving Afghanistan! lol.

Now Russia is a 3rd World Country with nukes! Half the countries with nukes are 3rd world countries. N. Korea, India, Pakistan, etc.

France and UK are on their way there with all that unchecked immigration flowing in..

I sure do hope you're right on no WW3. I'll bow to your expertise on that.
Ironic you mention Russian military isn't as tough or competent as some think. I think the same regarding our Globohomo Army. We looked real competent leaving Afghanistan! lol.

Now Russia is a 3rd World Country with nukes! Half the countries with nukes are 3rd world countries. N. Korea, India, Pakistan, etc.

France and UK are on their way there with all that unchecked immigration flowing in..

I sure do hope you're right on no WW3. I'll bow to your expertise on that.

It's obvious by that slur you have never served at all and if you say that to the wrong person you can get your teeth folded in. We left Afghanistan because our military is under civilian rule not because our military was defeated Having said that once bin laden was killed that should have been the end of that war. Thank you though for reminding me why I hardly post anymore.
Regarding the use of "Nazi" by Putin, it's not some careless insult tossed out by a social justice warrior. He's talking about actual nazi's! There are real nazi's in the Ukraine not the cartoon ones like here in the US. This snip of an article in a MSM publiction:

"But even though Putin is engaging in propaganda, it’s also true that Ukraine has a genuine Nazi problem — both past and present. Putin’s destructive actions — among them the devastation of Jewish communities — make clear that he’s lying when he says his goal is to ensure anyone’s welfare. But important as it is to defend the yellow-and-blue flag against the Kremlin’s brutal aggression, it would be a dangerous oversight to deny Ukraine’s antisemitic history and collaboration with Hitler’s Nazis, as well as the latter-day embrace of neo-Nazi factions in some quarters."

As much as the article tries to portray Putin as the problem, they make clear that yes, there are real nazi's in the Ukraine. And these nazi's have military units. I'm sure CNN/FOX won't talk about it so as to not make people's head explode but don't be as naive. Zelensky being jewish has nothing to do with there being nazi's in Ukraine. There are a lot of dissimilar factions there using each other to further their own goals.
The fact there are nazis in Ukraine, is of no relevance to this conflict, except for the fact that Putin has used that, and other completely lame excuses, as reasons to wage war on Ukraine.
No one knows what Putin will do after the Ukraine. Maybe he takes all of Europe. I just know one thing. We cannot afford to get into a war when we as a nation have never been
weaker. No one on here wants this to be happening but we need to stay out of it or we will face Russia and China attacking the US at some point and we are in no position to take
on two powerful countries with weapons similar to what we have and a far larger army.

Here is a video of Ukraines Leader who has worked hand in hand with Klaus Schwaub. Zelensky is a cancer to their country. They are screwed either way. My heart goes out to
the people of the Ukarine who have suffered all throughout history. People need to know though that Russia isn't doing anything America hasn't also done.

Everyone here please try to respect each other. Opinions are like ******** and everyone has one. Respect one another despite our differences of opinions. Thanks guys.

Zelensky sold out his country two years ago. This video talks about it in his words.
The Left has been using the Russia isn't doing anything America hasn't also done trope since the 60s. This has been a standard anti-American line for almost six decades.

The Biden regime is trying to use Ukraine for their own political advantage. They are blaming the Russians for the gas prices.

Some in the Republican party are trying to go back to the Bush-Cheney, McCain foreign policy that led to the Iraq and Afghanistan disasters. This would help Biden, making him look more responsible.
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Regarding the use of "Nazi" by Putin, it's not some careless insult tossed out by a social justice warrior. He's talking about actual nazi's! There are real nazi's in the Ukraine not the cartoon ones like here in the US. This snip of an article in a MSM publiction:

"But even though Putin is engaging in propaganda, it’s also true that Ukraine has a genuine Nazi problem — both past and present. Putin’s destructive actions — among them the devastation of Jewish communities — make clear that he’s lying when he says his goal is to ensure anyone’s welfare. But important as it is to defend the yellow-and-blue flag against the Kremlin’s brutal aggression, it would be a dangerous oversight to deny Ukraine’s antisemitic history and collaboration with Hitler’s Nazis, as well as the latter-day embrace of neo-Nazi factions in some quarters."

As much as the article tries to portray Putin as the problem, they make clear that yes, there are real nazi's in the Ukraine. And these nazi's have military units. I'm sure CNN/FOX won't talk about it so as to not make people's head explode but don't be as naive. Zelensky being jewish has nothing to do with there being nazi's in Ukraine. There are a lot of dissimilar factions there using each other to further their own goals.

I wouldn't trust or validate the MSM on pretty much anything, especially since they consider anyone who voted for Trump a "literal Nazi." When they say this or that Ukrainian group are "literally Nazis," you can understand why I'd be skeptical. If there are actual Nazis in Ukraine then CNN and their ilk need to be blamed for crying wolf too many times.

Not surprisingly, the MSM snip goes on to use the tired old "Ukraine did a naughty in the 1940s by being mean to the Jews, so Ukrainians today who weren't even born back then should feel guilty" canard. That's a very dangerous argument to use - it could easily be turned on the Russians with the pogroms in the Czarist era, or the Germans, who have that stick beat over their heads more than anyone. Whether it's Ukraine, Russia, or Germany, it's always a White country that gets bashed by the MSM and told that its people need to feel collective guilt over every real or imagined sin their country may or may not have committed in the past.

P.S. I haven't watched one single second of mainstream (fake) news coverage of the war. CNN, MSNBC, Fox News - they're all fake news and untrustworthy. I've only looked at alternative sources.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but nobody on this site has advocated for the U.S. to go to war with Russia. Yes, we need to stay out of it, but that whole argument is preaching to the choir.

The best thing would be for a new Bismarck-type character (now there was an intelligent, pragmatic, and realistic politician) to organize some sort of conference where NATO and Putin could both acknowledge their sins (yes, they've both sinned) and come to some sort of agreement regarding spheres of influence, and pull Russia away from the Chi-coms and closer to Europe. The C's are salivating over this war because they know they'll be the real winners in a NATO vs. Russia conflict. When Group A and Group B get into a war the only winner is Group C, with emphasis on the C.

Once Putin chose to invade Ukraine, many European nationalists who once saw him as an ally against the EU now see him as the greater threat and the EU/NATO as the lesser evil. The invasion was absolutely a strategic blunder and both Russians and Ukrainians are going to come out losers from it. One of the worst tragedies is how the socialist EU and socialist Biden are exploiting this for all it's worth, and gaining credit even though they literally dindu nuffins.

Regarding the "we have been conditioned to hate Russia for the past 70 years" Not even close to 70. I grew up in the 1980s and had to listen to nonstop "the Soviets luv dey chillrun's too" propaganda from the liberal (((media))), along with nonstop bashing of Reagan that was very similar to the "orange man bad" propaganda of today. As long as Russia was controlled by the Jewish Bolsheviks they were absolutely worshipped by the liberal American media. Once the Soviet Union collapsed, only then did American media become anti-Russian.

Fun fact: Putin has said that the collapse of the Soviet Union was a tragedy. His own words, straight from the horse's mouth.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but nobody on this site has advocated for the U.S. to go to war with Russia. Yes, we need to stay out of it, but that whole argument is preaching to the choir.

The best thing would be for a new Bismarck-type character (now there was an intelligent, pragmatic, and realistic politician) to organize some sort of conference where NATO and Putin could both acknowledge their sins (yes, they've both sinned) and come to some sort of agreement regarding spheres of influence, and pull Russia away from the Chi-coms and closer to Europe. The C's are salivating over this war because they know they'll be the real winners in a NATO vs. Russia conflict. When Group A and Group B get into a war the only winner is Group C, with emphasis on the C.

Once Putin chose to invade Ukraine, many European nationalists who once saw him as an ally against the EU now see him as the greater threat and the EU/NATO as the lesser evil. The invasion was absolutely a strategic blunder and both Russians and Ukrainians are going to come out losers from it. One of the worst tragedies is how the socialist EU and socialist Biden are exploiting this for all it's worth, and gaining credit even though they literally dindu nuffins.

Regarding the "we have been conditioned to hate Russia for the past 70 years" Not even close to 70. I grew up in the 1980s and had to listen to nonstop "the Soviets luv dey chillrun's too" propaganda from the liberal (((media))), along with nonstop bashing of Reagan that was very similar to the "orange man bad" propaganda of today. As long as Russia was controlled by the Jewish Bolsheviks they were absolutely worshipped by the liberal American media. Once the Soviet Union collapsed, only then did American media become anti-Russian.

Fun fact: Putin has said that the collapse of the Soviet Union was a tragedy. His own words, straight from the horse's mouth.

Agree totally, though before the 2016 election there was some pro-Russian sentiment from the left, albeit not overall, after they could blame them for Trump (instead of their white-hostile policies) Russia became the big boogeyman. Some right-wingers seem to have misguided sympathies for China, a non-white power, as well.
Given the Biden regime's near-perfect record of destruction and incompetence, I expect the sanctions against Russia to affect Americans more harshly than they do Russia. Russia is more self-sufficient than the U.S. and they certainly "gamed" a variety of U.S./NATO responses before moving into Ukraine. One of the great things Trump did was move the U.S. into energy independence for the first time in a long time, which Biden's handlers promptly reversed and still won't backtrack on even now as they are "Green New Deal" fanatics. It also looks like Washington is willing to blow up the international financial system -- which has tremendously benefited this country as the dollar as the world's reserve currency is what has allowed all the trillions of dollars of debt to be "printed" since WWII -- in their mindless quest to deny Russia a small sphere of influence outside of their own country.

America's natural sphere of influence is the Western Hemisphere, not the entire world. It's amazing to me how much the U.S. has been hollowed out, in large part because of having a worldwide empire that the American People never wanted, yet our "leaders" still insist on dictating to the world. Western banksters and industrialists are responsible for building up the Soviet Union and later China, yet still expect Russia and China to be subservient. It ain't gonna happen, it's a multi-polar world now and unless our hubris-filled elites make some adjustments things are only going to get worse. And maybe that's what the larger agenda is, as those who are following the pronouncements of the World Economic Forum are well aware (e.g. this: Klaus Schwab’s WEF: Humans Are Now ‘Hackable Animals’ And Will Be ‘Re-engineered’ I worry a lot more about psychopathic criminals like these than I do Vladimir Putin.
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Given the Biden regime's near-perfect record of destruction and incompetence, I expect the sanctions against Russia to affect Americans more harshly than they do Russia.
Yes. Considering the results of sanctions, Biden and other Western leaders are punishing their own citizens. People are already suffering the effects on the price of gas.
Yes. Considering the results of sanctions, Biden and other Western leaders are punishing their own citizens. People are already suffering the effects on the price of gas.
Russia is going to be just fine. They are one of the biggest wheat and grain producers in the world. They are also one of the biggest providers of oil and natural gas. In a crisis or war, their people will be feed, their vehicles running and their homes heated. Most of Western Europe cannot make similar claims. The US could be like Russia, but as Don and others have pointed out, Biden has torpedoed that.

Who is really holding the better hand? These sanctions are toothless and stupid.
Given the Biden regime's near-perfect record of destruction and incompetence, I expect the sanctions against Russia to affect Americans more harshly than they do Russia. Russia is more self-sufficient than the U.S. and they certainly "gamed" a variety of U.S./NATO responses before moving into Ukraine. One of the great things Trump did was move the U.S. into energy independence for the first time in a long time, which Biden's handlers promptly reversed and still won't backtrack on even now as they are "Green New Deal" fanatics. It also looks like Washington is willing to blow up the international financial system -- which has tremendously benefited this country as the dollar as the world's reserve currency is what has allowed all the trillions of dollars of debt to be "printed" since WWII -- in their mindless quest to deny Russia a small sphere of influence outside of their own country.

America's natural sphere of influence is the Western Hemisphere, not the entire world. It's amazing to me how much the U.S. has been hollowed out, in large part because of having a worldwide empire that the American People never wanted, yet our "leaders" still insist on dictating to the world. Western banksters and industrialists are responsible for building up the Soviet Union and later China, yet still expect Russia and China to be subservient. It ain't gonna happen, it's a multi-polar world now and unless our hubris-filled elites make some adjustments things are only going to get worse. And maybe that's what the larger agenda is, as those who are following the pronouncements of the World Economic Forum are well aware (e.g. this: Klaus Schwab’s WEF: Humans Are Now ‘Hackable Animals’ And Will Be ‘Re-engineered’ I worry a lot more about psychopathic criminals like these than I do Vladimir Putin.

Don, you are absolutely right! This whole scheme of the idiots that are pushing the anti-Russian program has more of a chance to back fire on us then it does to punish Russia. What could be more stupid then to push countries off of the dollar? The ability to export our absurd amount of debt has been the number one reason our economy has not collapsed. They are in the process of giving all that away. It’s crazy!

Not to mention pushing the world to the brink of Armageddon. Fellas get right with your maker, we got an 80 year old senile ol man who might have the fate of the human race on his arthritic hands.
Many of us here including me liked Trump. He was the first politician in our lifetimes to go against the normal p.c. culture. He said what we wanted to say and
repeated those things. He was pro america and anti global homo. At least so we thought. I've really been sad to see him turn back into more of a rino like so many
of the republicucks have become. Yes I called them cucks.

Just yesterday former President Trump is calling for us to go bomb Russia. First he said he was the father of the vaccines and how proud he was of them. He encouraged
time and time again for people to go get vaxxed! No thanks and now he wants to join the demoncrats and rinos in helping to push for World War III.

Was he robbed in the election? I would say yes without a doubt. So much evidence. Will it ever be overturned? It's possible but doubtful. I still prefer him over Biden any day of
the week but I will not vote for Trump in 2024. Ron Desantis is the way forward. He has done more than anyone in politics since Ron Paul & maybe Rand Paul.

I don't want to get sidetracked but I hope cooler heads prevail. We do not want to get into a World War 3. I'm glad everyone here agrees with that.
It's obvious by that slur you have never served at all and if you say that to the wrong person you can get your teeth folded in. We left Afghanistan because our military is under civilian rule not because our military was defeated Having said that once bin laden was killed that should have been the end of that war. Thank you though for reminding me why I hardly post anymore.

I say this respectfully, as if we are on this website then we have some shared values and thus, need to remember that we have more in common than not. However, if you're offended by the term Globohomo them I may volunteer that you are ignoring that our elites use our military to promote a homo, anti White, anti family agenda and thus, unfortunately the term does have some resonance.
"Globohomo" has two different meanings. The "homo" part is often taken to be a jibe at the Empire's radical-left social ideology, especially it's absurd promotion of LGBTQ++ or however it's spelled, and it's frequently meant that way. But "homo" also refers to homogenized, as in a homogenized globalist order being imposed on all countries and peoples. That's how the term "globohomo" originally came about; the emphasis on all things homosexual and transsexual in recent years gives the term a second meaning that's as appropriate and even more cutting than the original one.
UFC fighter Bryce Mitchell was on Tucker Carlson's show tonight and he was fantastic!! I admire this young man so much. Please invest five minutes and 25 seconds and watch this:

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"Globohomo" has two different meanings. The "homo" part is often taken to be a jibe at the Empire's radical-left social ideology, especially it's absurd promotion of LGBTQ++ or however it's spelled, and it's frequently meant that way. But "homo" also refers to homogenized, as in a homogenized globalist order being imposed on all countries and peoples. That's how the term "globohomo" originally came about; the emphasis on all things homosexual and transsexual in recent years gives the term a second meaning that's as appropriate and even more cutting than the original one.

I've used globohomo on our tapatalk forum before I read it here or anywhere. It is a natural portmonteau word based on rhyme and meaning. I use it to mean global-homosexual-transexual-baphomet-worshiping child rapists that are carrying out the international cultural, financial, and especially spiritual attack on us.
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