Is there a chance of a USA-Russia war in the near future?


I just want to offer the suggestion that you need to seriously look at who the elements are that are totally against Putin and Russia, then understand why.

Look at our mass media and the fact that it is totally controlled top to bottom by evil, Christ-hating, Christian-despising, anti-White, pro-abort, Leftists that hate all that makes a country free and not under their dictates, influences, ideologies, mindsets and not to mention draconian laws and enforcements in a multitude of forms that shape public opinion (often by fear) and have literally ruined the Western world and corrupted it to the core. Do you honestly think they all just got "moral" and want to help those White European Ukrainians all of a sudden? These are the most evil people in the world and now they are fighting and standing against evil? Please. Russia and China are about the only two nations remaining standing in their way for world domination. Think about it.

I understand that the left controls the media here and in a lot of the western world. And I hate that.
But the world isn't divided into just 2 camps. Russia is its own thing. China is its own thing. India too.
They are happy to see us fight internally and become weaker.
Yes, the left is bad, but Russia is bad too. They want to bring down America. China does too.
So there is more than one enemy.
Think about this - Russia helps the left wing media divide America to make it weaker. In that sense, they are on the side of the left. So you would think the mainstream media would be rooting for them, right?
Basically, you are looking at this whole thing from a much too narrow lens.
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Lots of brave people out there. Two fellows at my local pub told me they would “go in a minute” to Ukraine to fight the filthy commie Soviet Union army.

Does anyone remember nuclear bombs? I thought the idea of a nuclear holocaust was scary. What happened? No one’s worried about it anymore. Not congressmen, not reporters, not average Joe’s.

Yeah let’s just fight the ruskies, impose no fly zones, boots on the ground, who cares about those Russian subs with nuke missiles off our coast. Don’t be a pussy.

Honestly so many of my fellow citizens are so retarded maybe a cleansing erase of humanity is a good idea?

Other than the Civil War, the U.S. has never suffered the devastation of a war. We've usually emerged unscathed and triumphant by winning on the lands of other countries. Russia lost 20 million people in WWII and they still have a strong historical memory while that of Americans has been eliminated.

Too many Americans think war is almost akin to a video game. Although no one can predict with precision, all-out nuclear exchanges between Russia and the U.S. would finish the U.S. as a functioning country. The elites would scatter to their underground complexes to live for many years; many if not most non-elite Americans would die while others might survive in specific rural areas that aren't bombarded with radiation. The only certain thing is that life would be a thousand times more difficult than it is now for the vast majority of survivors. . . the casual talk about war between nuclear-armed countries, and the rooting for it by some, is truly sickening but sadly not surprising.
Don't believe the propaganda you see on the (((news from CNN and the other MSM))).

They are not taking Kiev or any of the cities in Central and Western Ukraine. They are not attacking or occupying any residential areas.

Again, that's proven to be false.
Now there are reports from many sources that Zelensky has fled Kiev with the Russians closing in, after handing out 10,000 guns to civilians and telling them to use Molotov cocktails.

Again, false!

Where are you getting your information?!
Switzerland has broken their nearly 200 yrs of neutrality to sanction Russia.
Sweden, another neutral country, hasn't provided arms to another country since 1919. Now they have broken their neutrality to send arms to Ukraine.
Pacifist Germany and Japan are doing the same.
That should tell you something.
“the first casualty of war is truth.” (-Senator Hiram Johnson?)

keep your head cool and your powder dry. too many Americans are becoming emotionally invested in this media-hyped conflict whilst ignoring far more immediately impactful events right here at home (and more lethal conflicts around the globe).
This has been proven to be utterly false.
Not when I wrote it on February 24. The war has intensified since that time, and there are now many casualties, especially from February 28 to the present time.

Again, false!

Where are you getting your information?!
Zelensky fled to Lviv.

Again, that's proven to be false.
They are not attacking residential areas. But with intense warfare, some buildings are bound to be hit. The Americans killed many innocent civilians in Iraq, as Israel has in Gaza and Lebanon.

The war has heated up since I made that post. The Ukrainian military is now using those residential areas as shields.

Although they are getting closer to surrounding Kiev now, with troops coming from both north and east, the Russians have not as yet entered the outskirts of Kiev, although they have hit military targets. The main force is still 30 to 40 miles from Kiev.
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All the Hollywood shitheads are jumping on the war bandwagon. All that is going to happen is Putin will put his Jew in to replace the NATO Jew. No third way, i.e., ethnic nationalism, will be allowed. Russians and Ukrainians are slavic brothers and should not be fighting each other. Both sides are being used as tools. Putin is better on the homo/tranny stuff, but he is just as big as a race mixer as the NATO side.
George Soros supposts Ukraine. So do the Rothchilds and many other of the richest most powerful families. All Hollyweird supports Ukraine and so
do all the left leaning politicians. I'm neutral as I belive Putin is a puppet like they all are but if I had to choose I would choose Russia. They are against
gays, lesbians, bisexual, transexual and overall have a culture that still has morals and values like America used to. Putin is against Globohomo
or at least he pretends to be in all his speech's. Also he has a right to defend himself against NATO as they have lied about their actions from day one.
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How did Ukraine "make it clear'" that they were going to attack Russia?! Come on. That's ludicrous.
And "No house gets burned down". Obviously the exact opposite has happened.

Ukraine recently talked about acquiring nuclear capability, they are eager to get into NATO, this is like an attack, or threat to Russia. Clearly the Russians feel this way.

Russia could have carpet bombed Ukraine back to the dark ages, they have showed remarkable restraint, the country can be easily rebuilt after this war.
Switzerland has broken their nearly 200 yrs of neutrality to sanction Russia.
Sweden, another neutral country, hasn't provided arms to another country since 1919. Now they have broken their neutrality to send arms to Ukraine.
Pacifist Germany and Japan are doing the same.
That should tell you something.

It tells me those countries are spineless weasels completely under control of the US led NWO. There was no reason for any of them to do this, it’s not going to change the results. There’s wars going on all over, why don’t they help the Yemen people, or the Arabs being bombed by israel?

Pacifist Germany? Ha ha that’s funny coming from someone that thinks Russia is still the USSR and Putin is Hitler.
All the Hollywood shitheads are jumping on the war bandwagon. All that is going to happen is Putin will put his Jew in to replace the NATO Jew. No third way, i.e., ethnic nationalism, will be allowed. Russians and Ukrainians are slavic brothers and should not be fighting each other. Both sides are being used as tools. Putin is better on the homo/tranny stuff, but he is just as big as a race mixer as the NATO side.
Really Russia has played multiple dark matches in World Cup qualifiers, Champions League matches because of racist hooliganism to just violent hooliganism. I know Putin doesn't have any truck or trade with homosexual rights to transvestite rights but he has never seriously clamped down on hooliganism.
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I think I’ve finally figured out what all this Russian hate from all sides is about. It hit me when I read that the local bar would no longer serve Moscow Mules and White Russians. White Russians!

White people have been waiting a long time to openly express their hate at somebody. For years they have had to watch BLM burn cities down and call for the death of White people while living in fear that if they uttered a word against them they would be canceled. They have to put up with freaks in dresses ready to get them fired if they use the wrong pronoun.

Now along come the Russians and here is a group that you can express the most outrageous hate against and get cheered on for it. Old people remember the Soviet Union so they channel that old grievance and young people hate Putin because of his anti-gay, pro-religious views. And everyone else can hate them because they will wage real war in an era where micro aggressions send people to the crying room.

The Russians are conveniently filling a void in many White peoples lives. “The Other”.

Unfortunately since this “other” is actually themselves (whites) the only real solution is to get rid of all the“others”. Hence the fervent desire for nuclear war so that all of the evil “other” can be destroyed.
To jacknyc and all of the other Pro Ukrainian Posters here. First off I love all of you guys regardless of your opinions. This video will explain what the
US and Nato have done over the last 20 years leading up to this. Please everyone here watch. All wars need to stop. It's our leaders that are corrupt &
power hungry.
Isn't this a case of letting the fox in the hen house? Also if Israel is a neutral peace loving nation why haven't they solved the Palestinian border dispute...

We also may have the world's tallest and ugliest human shield ever...

I remember when Saddam was patting the 5 year old boy on the head and he was looking like the proverbial fat cat that ate the gold fish. I don't think Putin would have anything to do with Griner...
To jacknyc and all of the other Pro Ukrainian Posters here. First off I love all of you guys regardless of your opinions. This video will explain what the
US and Nato have done over the last 20 years leading up to this. Please everyone here watch. All wars need to stop. It's our leaders that are corrupt &
power hungry.

Speaking of leaders that are corrupt and power hungry it was Putin who started a war between White people on the European continent.
Farage on Russian invasion: ‘The NATO policy of expanding ever eastwards was a huge strategic error’

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