Is there a chance of a USA-Russia war in the near future?

Inside the mind of one of the main (((globalist banker))) families.

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If I could reply to this little piss ant I'd say something like, "Sorry, Davey Boy, but thousands of years from now Christ-rejecting little demonic brats like you will be bowing the knee to the Lord Jesus Christ, confessing Him as Lord to the glory of God the Father. Then they will meet with the second death. And all in accordance with scripture."

Truth is stranger than fiction, Davey Boy...
If I could reply to this little piss ant I'd say something like, "Sorry, Davey Boy, but thousands of years from now Christ-rejecting little demonic brats like you will be bowing the knee to the Lord Jesus Christ, confessing Him as Lord to the glory of God the Father. Then they will meet with the second death. And all in accordance with scripture."

Truth is stranger than fiction, Davey Boy...

Davey Boy is not living in the conscious way you and I and spirited men are; his death is unannounced to him as he's never been alive.
Mate you have no dog in this fight...

These people are completely brainwashed by the MSM to the point they would potentially risk their lives for a cause in which they have no personal knowledge or stake in the outcome. Hopefully they are accepted into the Ukrainian army and put immediately to the front lines.
Sad so many people are easily influenced by the (((media))).

When I was in my early teens, I was just as naïve. But adults should know better.

The dupe in the video is of the bottom tier of intelligence. Even with believing the old media's lie machine, mid-level intelligence should lead him to conclude there is no way into Ukraine but by foot in which case he will only succeed in getting made horizontal.
The dupe in the video is of the bottom tier of intelligence. Even with believing the old media's lie machine, mid-level intelligence should lead him to conclude there is no way into Ukraine but by foot in which case he will only succeed in getting made horizontal.
Partisans/foreign volunteers are historically treated harshly by enemy combatants as they are treated similar to captured terrorists and routinely have their prisoner rights violated. The Mulatto would be an obvious foreigner if captured and could be subjected to this.

If a guy like this goes into battle with his eyes wide open then go ahead but I doubt he does.
I'm on a couple veteran's sites and a lot of them are beating their chests and making noise bout wanting to fight the Russians and get that Putin.

Really dumb stuff.
I'm on a couple veteran's sites and a lot of them are beating their chests and making noise bout wanting to fight the Russians and get that Putin.

Really dumb stuff.

Yeah there are a lot of retards out there. Meanwhile Mexico has been a warzone for what, 30 years? But ya let's go kick Putin's ass, because we're 'Merica. 80 percent of wars since 1945 have been started by US of gay.
Media is whining about the blacks in Ukraine being discriminated against now. Even in Central Europe in the middle of a war that has nothing to do with black people they manage to make it about them.
I'm on a couple veteran's sites and a lot of them are beating their chests and making noise bout wanting to fight the Russians and get that Putin.

Really dumb stuff.

That's the most disturbing thing I've read all day. You'd think by now they'd have woken up. I'd welcome asking these veterans what American values are fighting for? What is the upside of engaging in this conflict?
Faux news had a picture of a stalled Russian convoy and called them "death machines."

I don't recall them calling our convoys of Abrams and Bradleys rolling into Baghdad "death machines."

Again, really dumb stuff.
That's the most disturbing thing I've read all day. You'd think by now they'd have woken up. I'd welcome asking these veterans what American values are fighting for? What is the upside of engaging in this conflict?

Great questions. Amazing that anyone can be of the ‘Merica mindset. I don’t blame Putin for wanting the NATO threat away from his border. There are bigger issues impacting all of us here domestically and the pivot away from covid as the lie unravels and the open border.


Media is whining about the blacks in Ukraine being discriminated against now. Even in Central Europe in the middle of a war that has nothing to do with black people they manage to make it about them.
Think about if you are a border guard and you own people are dying and getting maimed who are you going to help first, it may not be fair but it's perfectly understandable. If the shoe was on the other foot the African border guards would be demanding bribes, robbing refugees, raping and killing refugees. These barbaric crimes are all documented crimes in various civil wars as Whites and Asians fled Uganda, Zimbabwe and other countries going down the toilet.

PS I have seen enough foreign students studying in Ukraine embedded in basements and bomb shelters. If they don't want to fight they should don a Red Cross vest and help the EMS, fire departments and act as stretcher bearers in hospitals. I know I would rather do this than being in a can of sardines 24 hours a day with your life still in peril from a World Trader center type cave in or a bombing by accident or on purpose.

Also war crimes are happening too many civilian targets are being hit for this to be an accident. Nobody but a low hanging fruit will pay for this unless their is a coup in the Kremlin as after this war concludes nobody is going to Moscow to scoop up Putin or another general unless the general is on the outs with Putin or a possible successor.
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Everybody posting on this thread is speculating about what is happening. Unfortunately, your opinion is only as good as the information you are being fed. My point is, none of us should have a strong or emotional opinion on an issue on which we have no personal knowledge. My instinct tells me that Russia is probably the morally superior actor. If the MSM, Zionists, and Biden/Cameltoe/Pelosi are all supporting Ukraine, then I’m leaning toward Russia.
Everybody posting on this thread is speculating about what is happening. Unfortunately, your opinion is only as good as the information you are being fed. My point is, none of us should have a strong or emotional opinion on an issue on which we have no personal knowledge. My instinct tells me that Russia is probably the morally superior actor. If the MSM, Zionists, and Biden/Cameltoe/Pelosi are all supporting Ukraine, then I’m leaning toward Russia.
Great post! You can know what side you are on by who your enemies support. Also I would like to point out that everyone talks about striking back at Globohomo but guess what the Russians are actually waging war against it.
Colonel Douglas MacGregor, one of the only decent appointments Trump ever made albeit far to late in his term, with some refreshing takes on Faux. Gaudy looks visibly uncomfortable.

Great post! You can know what side you are on by who your enemies support. Also I would like to point out that everyone talks about striking back at Globohomo but guess what the Russians are actually waging war against it.

Bingo. A rule of thumb is never side with the media/establishment. Stay neutral if need but, never, ever side with them.

And this conflict is an easy one to figure out. Ukraine isn't a real country with real leaders. It's a UN puppet state with WEF leaders. It represents everything we anti Casters are fighting against.
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