Is a race war coming?

I dont think there will be a race war. If there was a time for race wars to happen, it would have been during the civil rights movement.
lost said:
Do you balieve a "race war/civil war" is in the near future?

A race war? Who would be the participants? Certainly not Whites, at least not in our present condition. A war implies opposing sides fighting each other. Whites have willingly/gleefully handed over the keys to the country. Most will not fight. Some of them would battle --against WN's, but definitely not against Jose and Tyrone. If there is a race war it will be between Mexicans and Blacks who breed at warp speed and will kill for turf.

Unless something happens beyond my comprehension, that's the way I see it.
Taco said:
I dont think there will be a race war. If there was a time for race wars to happen, it would have been during the civil rights movement.

Yes, I've always wondered why the marchers coming off the Pettus Bridge were greeted with teargas instead of bullets (lots of them).

I've also wondered, too, whether supernatural forces controlling the mindset of the white masses aided the CRM.


I'd say yes, there'll be a race war. But I think Whites will definitely be in it. Mainly because being in it or not isn't really their choice. Certainly as has been said, many/most won't want to be and aren't equipped to be, it'll be thrust upon them anyway. In the first onslaught, ther'll be wholesale slaughter of the most docile of the Whites, many of whom will be the most supportive of the minorities, and many more who have rendered themselves expendable (metrosexuals, whatever that is). But when the first shock wears off, the Whites will finally put the uprising down and deal with this problem as it should have been many years ago. Of course, that means the remaining blacks will be repatriated to mother africa, which will be the best thing for them.

That's how I see it playing out.

Tom Iron...
I see it alot like you "Tom"! A few blacks marching for civil right is one thing.. But its not about civil right now! It's about blacks killing whites whoesale! And like you said!. the whites that are the most supportive of minorites will be the first to "GO"!
We are already in a race war. It will end when the blacks,Latinos and the Muslims murder the last white Christian. Whites are too brainwashed as a group to defend themselves.
Tired old White said:
We are already in a race war.

That's something that needed to be said.Edited by: Quiet Speed
I agree with TiredoldWhite. Blacks murder many whites each year, rape our women, dumb down our schools, and spit racism at whites in every way possible while whites just take it.
I think white people are coming around slowly but surely in this country. More and more seem to be fed up with the race card being played, the institutional racism that is affirmative action, the illegal immigration debate, the celebration of multiculturalism at the expense of the European traditions brought over by our ancestors.

The far left has become even more polarizing since Obama was elected. These are just my observations but it seems white people are begining to speak up a little bit.
When you think about the number of violent crimes comminted by blacks against whites, I would say the race war has started. The debate iswhen this race war started and when it will end.
Tom Iron said:

In the first onslaught, ther'll be wholesale slaughter of the most docile of the Whites, many of whom will be the most supportive of the minorities, and many more who have rendered themselves expendable (metrosexuals, whatever that is).
Tom Iron...

You know, I have a theory that the old Indo-European three part caste system of Priest/Warrior/Peasant is still with the white race just under the surface. The peasants/field workers were bred for docility, and there are a lot of those genes still manifesting themselves today.
I see so many willowy or pudgy whites walking around with the multicultural fantasy filtering out reality in their heads who would be the first casualties in any conflict. They absolutley would be incapable of putting up much of a fight.

I can imagine their last words being something along the line of "Ow, you're being mean to me! Please don't hurt me. Ow, that hurts!"

But the Priest/Warrior class (which IMO includes the members of this site) would be a different story. Once we get it cranking (because as Tom Iron says we have no choice) it'll be "Katey bar the door!"

That's if we have no other choice.

Edited by: The Hock
Where I'm from in the Deep South/Gulf on black murder rate is 90%...they are killing each other....however whites tend to have a 50-1 suicidal ratio; tending to kill themselves instead

Hispanics are the X-factor...
I'd add the police and military as another important "X factor," especially veterans going back to Vietnam and even Korea. Many are not happy with the direction the country has been going for so long. The establishment of the Oathkeepers is a healthy sign.
The first step inwhite recovery and fighting back is to form explicitly pro-white socio-political groups in the same matter of fact way blacks form the black caucus, or the united negro college fund,or black community action, or the jews form the Jewish action league, or the american jewish committee. or the ADL, etc. We don't need/want anythingtheatrical--no hoods, no armbands (the laughable "white power" groups are largely infiltrated by agent provocateurs). And don't publicly insult other races. Just say, we "European-Americans" too are "Americans", We are "concerned" about "our interests", "our values"and "our communities", too. We are concerned about the "environment" in which "our children" are raised. Then turn up the rhetoric a notch. We are concerned about "violence", yes violenceemanating from other races, and then cite the array of statistics to back that up. Begin by using the same particularistrights languageour opponentsuse. Turn this against them.

But there can be no war (bloody, or political) until whites actually have a sense of "home team" and "tribe", untilcircles of community,neighborhood, and a common consciousnessare formed. ("This is my neighborhood, my people, I'm sorry but I don't know you...what areyou doing here?")

God has given to the races natural defense mechanisms--instincts of association and disassociation, ....if you combine these with culture and history, you have the basis for a nation-state.

Make it clear that certain pieces of legislation or actions enacted over the past 50 years were explicitly done to diminish whites, to hinder their progress, to exalt non-whites over them, and challenge whites....are you with us or with them? There's no middle ground at this point.
The PTB intentionally tries to divide the White race to ensure we don't unite. The Globalist Elite & their minions constantly bombard us with Hollyweird propaganda, cultural Marxism in government schools & a constant barrage of sheeple-bait & White guilt fodder. Unfortunately, too many White zombified candy@$$es take the bait...hook, line & sinker.
The enemy is premise that whites are responsible for all that is bad in the world. Or to put it more crudely the enemy of white people is the theme of American culture: "whites the cancer of mankind".This is the theme which permeates our culture. I don't agree Jews are the only culprits. Other reasons white are acting in a suicidal manner are 1. white (inappropriate) guilt 2. Competitive Altruism which is part of the white American culture because it was brought over by the Puritans.
I agree with Don; Veterans and those still in the military are the X factor. The US military especially those who have experienced combat are predominantly white. White veterans who suffer from PTSD , if a race war breaks out, are the most terrifying group imaginable. My money would be on them against any combination of non whites.
I do not think there will be a race war. I am black and I can honestly say that that type of thing is honestly not in black people's character. If we see a bunch of dudes coming at us with rifles and stuff we are going to run every which way. LOL. I dont think America will have race war, I think the race's get along fine as it is. Despite occasional racial stuff in the news, our society has come along way. Either we stand togethe as americans or hang seprately. I dont know about you but I think I'll take the first one
I would like to "hang separately" we(White Americans) always have to carry and care for you Negroes types. Too many Whites feel sorry for you and have to give you artificial grades and stuff so as not to have another "Haiti" in our country.

Yeah, I bet you would like to "stand together" so as not to live the Caribbean lifestyle of your French speaking bros in Haiti.
I dont understand where you are coming from my friend because you see,....I am middle class and have never lived on welfare. It is true that there are alot of blacks on welfare I wont deny it. But its a problem that we as blacks are trying to fix and it will take time........
You may be the exception. And WTF do you mean you don't know where I am coming from? I think over a hundred years is long enough time for your peps to unscrew yourselves and become productive and peaceful members of this country. How come immigrants from Asia and Europe never seem to have all the so called baggage that precludes your peps from being a constant pain in the ass on all fronts?

People are long sick of it. You people have enough time to unscrew yourselves. Most smart whites want nothing to do your peps. It just something called White man's burden. Its something we will have to live with for ever. A big pain in the ass. Feeling Me homie?
Mace Windu why must it take sooooooooooooooooo long to fix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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